blob: 5b1555ea2a9ea8e672335d6a2b952635fc326ad5 [file] [log] [blame]
#// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB //
#// //
#// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
#// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
#// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
#// //
# Analizes the callstacks in the given Titan logfiles
# and prints the callstack ordered by how many functions or altstep calls it has
# Logging settings in Titan cfg file for FileMask should include PORTEVENT and TIMEROP
# Also the following should be set also:
# SourceInfoFormat := Stack
# LogEventTypes := Yes
# LogEntityName := Yes
# usage:
#awk -f CallStackAnalizer.awk *.log > stack.txt
if (PROCINFO["version"] < "4.1.0") {
print "gawk version " PROCINFO["version"] " is not supported. Use version 4.1.0 or above."
// {
if (index($4, "ttcn") != 0) {
stackStr = $4
} else if (index($3, "ttcn") != 0) {
stackStr = $3
} else if (index($5, "ttcn") != 0) {
stackStr = $5
target = stackStr;
n = gsub(/->/, "===", target);
target = stackStr;
stack[stackStr]=n #" : " stackStr;
as = gsub(/altstep:/, "as:", target);
altstep[stackStr]=as #" :" stackStr ;
#print n ": " stackStr
#print as ": " stackStr
# n=asort(stack, tmp);
# for(i=1; i<=n; i++) {
# print tmp[i];
# }
# print "---------------"
# n=asort(altstep, tmp);
# for(i=1; i<=n; i++) {
# print tmp[i];
# }
print "---------- LIST BASED ON THE LENGHT OF THE STACK ---------------"
print "StackLenght: (AltstepNum) Call-stack"
for (s in stack) {
print stack[s] ": (" altstep[s] ") " s
print ""
print "---------- LIST BASED ON THE NUMBER OF ALTSTEPS IN THE STACK ---------------"
print "AltstepNum: (StackLenght) Call-stack"
for (a in altstep) {
print altstep[a] ": (" stack[a] ") " a