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Author: János Zoltán Sváner
Version: 30/155 16-CNL 113 512, Rev. A
Date: 2010-09-24
= EPTF CLL Buffer, Function Description
:author: János Zoltán Sváner
:revnumber: 30/155 16-CNL 113 512, Rev. A
:revdate: 2010-09-24
== How to Read This Document
This is the Function Description for the Buffer of the Ericsson Performance Test Framework (TitanSim), Core Load Library (CLL). TitanSim CLL is developed for the TTCN-3 ‎‎<<_1, [1]>> Toolset with TITAN ‎‎<<_2, [2]>>.
== Scope
This document is to specify the content and functionality of the Buffer feature of the TitanSim CLL.
== Recommended Way of Reading
The readers are supposed to get familiar with the concept and functionalities of TitanSim CLL ‎‎<<_3, [3]>>. They should get familiar with the list of acronyms and the glossary.
= General Description
This document specifies the Buffer feature of the TitanSim CLL.
The EPTF Buffer component provides TTCN3 function access to the native buffer of Titan (‎‎<<_5, [5]>>, chapter 3.1.2 TTCN Buffer).
This component
* stores an octetstring and allows of querying, adding to, extending, completing it.
* supports the graceful termination feature of CLL Base in TitanSim ‎<<_6, ‎[6]>> .
To be able to use EPTF Buffer, the user component should extend the `EPTF_Buffer_CT` component.
= Functional Interface
Apart from this description a cross-linked reference guide for the TitanSim CLL Functions can be reached for on-line reading ‎‎<<_4, [4]>>.
== Naming Conventions
All functions have the prefix `f_EPTF_Buffer_`.
== Public Functions
=== Initialization
Before using the EPTF Buffer component the
`f_EPTF_Buffer_init_CT( pl_selfName )`
function should be called. This initializes the EPTF Buffer feature. The EPTF self name of the component shall be passed as parameter (`pl_selfName`).
=== Creating a New Buffer
To create a new buffer the function
`integer f_EPTF_Buffer_new()`
has to be called. It returns an identifier to the buffer that has been created.
=== Clearing the Buffer
If the content of the buffer has to be erased, the function
`f_EPTF_Buffer_clear( pl_bufferId )`
has to be called. It clears the content, all the position pointers of the buffer identified by the `pl_bufferId`.
=== Rewinding the Buffer
The position of the buffer is set to the beginning of the buffer by the function
`f_EPTF_Buffer_rewind( pl_bufferId ).`
=== Get Current Position in the Buffer
The function
`integer f_EPTF_Buffer_get_pos( pl_bufferId )`
gives back the current position of the buffer identified by the `pl_bufferId`.
=== Set Position within Buffer
To set the current position in the buffer, the function
`f_EPTF_Buffer_set_pos( pl_bufferId, pl_pos )`
has to be called.
=== Retrieving Length of the Buffer
The function
`integer f_EPTF_Buffer_get_len( pl_bufferId )`
returns the length of the buffer.
=== Retrieving Data from the Buffer
The data stored in the buffer can be retrieved by the
`f_EPTF_Buffer_get_data( pl_bufferId, out pl_data )`
=== Get Readable Length of the Buffer
To get the max readable length of data in the buffer the function
`integer f_EPTF_Buffer_get_read_len( pl_bufferId )`
has to be called.
=== Get Readable Data Out of Buffer
The function
`f_EPTF_Buffer_get_read_data( pl_bufferId, out pl_data )`
gives back the readable part of data out of the buffer.
=== Put An Octetstring into Buffer
To store an octetstring in the buffer, the function
`f_EPTF_Buffer_put_os( pl_bufferId, pl_data)`
has to be called.
=== Increase Buffer Length
The function
`f_EPTF_Buffer_increase_length( pl_bufferId, pl_count )`
increases the length of the buffer by `pl_count` bytes.
=== Erase the Beginning Part of the Buffer
The function
`f_EPTF_Buffer_cut( pl_bufferId )`
erases the buffer from the beginning to the current position.
=== Erase the End Part of the Buffer
The function
`f_EPTF_Buffer_cut_end( pl_bufferId )`
erases the buffer from the current position to the end of the buffer.
=== Check Whether Buffer Contains a Complete TLV
`boolean f_EPTF_Buffer_contains_complete_TLV( pl_bufferId )`
This function returns true if the buffer contains a complete tag, length, value.
=== Get Readable Data from Buffer from Offset
`f_EPTF_Buffer_getReadDataFromOffset(pl_bufferId, pl_pos, out pl_data)`
This function returns the data from pos to the end of read buffer. The read position is not changed
=== Get Data from Buffer from Offset
`f_EPTF_Buffer_getDataFromOffset(pl_bufferId, pl_pos, pl_count, out pl_data)`
This function returns `pl_count` bytes of data from position `pl_pos` to at most the end of read buffer. The read position is not changed.
== Summary Table of All Public Functions for EPTF Base
See summary of Base functions in the table below:
|Function name |Description
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_init_CT` |Initializes the Buffer Component
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_new` |Creates a new buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_clear` |Clears the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_rewind` |Rewinds the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_get_pos` |Gets the position of the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_set_pos` |Sets the position of the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_get_len` |Gets the length of the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_get_data` |Gets the data of the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_get_read_len` |Gets the length of readable data in the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_get_read_data` |Gets the readable data in the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_put_os` |Puts an octetstring into the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_increase_length` |Increase the length of the buffer
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_cut` |Erases the buffer from the beginning to the current position
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_cut_end` |Erases the buffer from the current position to the end
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_contains_complete_TLV` |Returns whether the buffer contains the complete TLV
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_getReadDataFromOffset` |Returns the data from a given position to the end of the read buffer.
|`f_EPTF_Buffer_getDataFromOffset` |Returns given bytes of data from a given position to at most the end of read buffer.
= Terminology
*TitanSim Core (Load) Library (CLL):* +
It is that part of the TitanSim software that is totally project independent. (I.e., which is not protocol-, or application-dependent). The TitanSim CLL is to be supplied and supported by the TCC organization. Any TitanSim CLL development is to be funded centrally by Ericsson.
= Abbreviations
CLL:: Core Load Library
EPTF:: Ericsson Load Test Framework, formerly TITAN Load Test Framework
TitanSim:: Ericsson Load Test Framework, formerly TITAN Load Test Framework
TTCN-3:: Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 ‎<<_1, [1]>>.
MTC:: Main Test Component
TLV:: Tag, Length, Value
= References
[1] ETSI ES 201 873-1 v3.2.1 (2007-02) +
The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3. Part 1: Core Language
[2] User Guide for the TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor
[3] TitanSim CLL for TTCN-3 toolset with TITAN, Function Specification
[4] TitanSim CLL for TTCN-3 toolset with TITAN Reference Guide
[5] Programmers Guide API Technical Reference for TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor
[6] EPTF CLL Base Function Description