blob: b743a024f9fc51a03c3986f56c779a914c80ab2a [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Module: EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_Functions
// Purpose:
// This module contains the implementation of generic EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI functions.
// Module depends on:
// <EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_HTTPServerFunctions>
// <EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_HTTPServer_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
// <TCCFileIO_Functions>
// <TCCConversion_Functions>
// Current Owner:
// Tamas Kis (ekistam)
// Last Review Date:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// This module contains the interface functions for the EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI.
// Public functions:
// <f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_init_CT>
// <f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_start>
// <f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_stop>
module EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_Functions {
import from EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_HTTPServer_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_Timeline_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions all;
import from TCCFileIO_Functions all;
import from TCCConversion_Functions all;
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_init_CT
// Purpose:
// Initialises the EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT component
// Parameters:
// pl_selfName - *in charstring* - name of the component
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// This function should be called before using the EPTF DsRestAPI
// component.
public function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_init_CT(in charstring pl_selfName) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
if (v_EPTF_DsRestAPI_initialized) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_debug(%definitionId &": already initialized");
v_DsRestAPI_loggingMaskId := f_EPTF_Logging_registerComponentMasks(tsp_EPTF_DsRestAPI_loggingComponentMask, c_EPTF_DsRestAPI_loggingEventClasses, EPTF_Logging_CLL);
v_EPTF_DsRestAPI_started := false;
v_EPTF_DsRestAPI_initialized := true;
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_start
// Purpose:
// Starts DsRestAPI as HTTP server.
// Parameters:
// pl_hostIPAddress - *in charstring* - the IP address of the server
// pl_hostPort - *in integer* - the port number of the server
// pl_HTTPServer_dir - *in charstring* - the path of HTTP server directory
// pl_customizableApp_dir - *in charstring* - the path of customizableApp directory
// pl_API_dir - *in charstring* - the path of DsRestAPI API directory
// Return Value:
// Integer which represents the success of the function.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
public function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_start(
in charstring pl_hostIPAddress,
in integer pl_hostPort,
in charstring pl_HTTPServer_dir := "",
in charstring pl_customizableApp_dir := "",
in charstring pl_API_dir := ""
) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT return integer {
var integer vl_result := -1;
if(v_EPTF_DsRestAPI_initialized) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_createSymlinks(pl_customizableApp_dir, pl_API_dir, pl_HTTPServer_dir);
vl_result := f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_HTTPServer_listen(pl_hostIPAddress, pl_hostPort);
if (vl_result == 0) {
v_EPTF_DsRestAPI_started := true;
} else {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning(%definitionId & ": DsRestAPI cannot listen on port: " & int2str(pl_hostPort));
if (pl_customizableApp_dir != "") {
var charstring vl_customizableApp_dir_abs := "";
if (f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_getAbsPath(pl_customizableApp_dir, vl_customizableApp_dir_abs)) {
var EPTF_Var_DirectContent vl_content;
var charstring vl_fileName := vl_customizableApp_dir_abs & "/TimelineRequest.json";
if (f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(vl_fileName)) {
if (f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_Timeline_AppendFromFile(vl_fileName, vl_content) != 0) {
if (ischosen(vl_content.charstringVal)) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Setting default timelie request failed: " & vl_content.charstringVal);
} else {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Setting default timelie request failed.");
} else {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("CustomizableApp directory does not exist: " & pl_customizableApp_dir);
return vl_result;
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_stop
// Purpose:
// Stops DsRestAPI's HTTP server.
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
public function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_stop() runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
var integer vl_res := f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_HTTPServer_close();
if (vl_res != 0) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning(%definitionId & " unsuccessful!");
v_EPTF_DsRestAPI_started := false;
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_cleanup_CT
// Purpose:
// Cleans up DsRestAPI feature.
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_cleanup_CT() runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
if (v_EPTF_DsRestAPI_initialized) {
v_EPTF_DsRestAPI_initialized := false;
private external function ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_readlink(in charstring pl_relPath, out charstring pl_absPath) return integer;
private external function ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_symlink(in charstring pl_path1, in charstring pl_path2) return integer;
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_debug
// Purpose:
// Function to log a debug message from DsRestAPI feature.
// Parameters:
// pl_message - *in* *charstring* - message to be logged
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_debug(in @lazy charstring pl_msg) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
f_EPTF_Logging_debugV2(pl_msg, v_DsRestAPI_loggingMaskId, {cg_EPTF_DsRestAPI_loggingClassIdx_Debug});
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning
// Purpose:
// Function to log a warning from DsRestAPI feature.
// Parameters:
// pl_msg - *in* *charstring* - message to be logged
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning(in @lazy charstring pl_msg) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
f_EPTF_Logging_warningV2(pl_msg, v_DsRestAPI_loggingMaskId, {cg_EPTF_DsRestAPI_loggingClassIdx_Warning});
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_error
// Purpose:
// Function to log an error from DsRestAPI feature.
// Parameters:
// pl_msg - *in* *charstring* - message to be logged
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_error(in charstring pl_msg) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
f_EPTF_Logging_error(true, pl_msg);
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_createSymlinks
// Purpose:
// creates symlinks for App specific and DsRestAPI API directories
// Parameters:
// pl_customizableApp_dir - *in charstring* - the path of customizableApp directory
// pl_API_dir - *in charstring* - the path of DsRestAPI API directory
// pl_HTTPServer_dir - *in charstring* - the path of HTTP server directory
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_createSymlinks(in charstring pl_customizableApp_dir, in charstring pl_API_dir, in charstring pl_HTTPServer_dir) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
if (pl_HTTPServer_dir == "") {
// this mode corresponds to the RESTAPI
if (pl_HTTPServer_dir[lengthof(pl_HTTPServer_dir) - 1] != "/") {
pl_HTTPServer_dir := pl_HTTPServer_dir & "/";
var charstring vl_customApp_dirSymlinkRel := pl_HTTPServer_dir&"CustomizableContent/";
var charstring vl_customAppSymlinkName := "CustomizableApp";
var charstring vl_API_dirSymlinkRel := pl_HTTPServer_dir&"Utils/";
var charstring vl_API_dirSymlinkName := "DsRestAPI";
// get absolute path of symlinks
if(not f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_getAbsPath(vl_customApp_dirSymlinkRel, v_customApp_dir_symlink) or not f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_getAbsPath(vl_API_dirSymlinkRel, v_API_dir_symlink)){
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("HTTPServer_directory does not exist: " & pl_HTTPServer_dir);
// concat absolute paths with names
v_config_symlink := v_customApp_dir_symlink&"/"&"config.cfg";
v_customApp_dir_symlink := v_customApp_dir_symlink&"/"&vl_customAppSymlinkName;
v_API_dir_symlink := v_API_dir_symlink&"/"&vl_API_dirSymlinkName;
// remove if symlinks already exist
if (pl_customizableApp_dir != "") {
// get absolute path of module parameters
var charstring vl_customizableApp_directory_abs := "";
if (not f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_getAbsPath(pl_customizableApp_dir, vl_customizableApp_directory_abs)) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("CustomizableApp directory does not exist: "&pl_customizableApp_dir);
if (not f_FIO_mkdir(v_customApp_dir_symlink)) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Directory creation was unsuccessful for CustomizableApp directory");
} else {
var charstring vl_customizableApp_directory_rel := f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_relativizePath(vl_customizableApp_directory_abs, v_customApp_dir_symlink);
if (ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_symlink(vl_customizableApp_directory_rel, v_customApp_dir_symlink) != 0 ) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink creation was unsuccessful for CustomizableApp directory");
// if (pl_API_dir != "") {
// var charstring vl_DsRestAPI_API_directory_abs := "";
// if(not f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_getAbsPath(pl_API_dir, vl_DsRestAPI_API_directory_abs)){
// f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("DsRestAPI API directory does not exist: "&pl_API_dir);
// } else {
// var charstring vl_DsRestAPI_API_directory_rel := f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_relativizePath(vl_DsRestAPI_API_directory_abs, v_API_dir_symlink);
// if(ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_symlink(vl_DsRestAPI_API_directory_rel, v_API_dir_symlink) != 0 ){
// f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink creation was unsuccessful for DsRestAPI_API directory");
// }
// }
// }
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_createCustomizableAppDirectories(in charstring pl_customizableApp_dir) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
var charstring vl_setupsDir := pl_customizableApp_dir & "/Setups";
if (not f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(vl_setupsDir) and not f_FIO_mkdir(vl_setupsDir)) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Setup directory does not exist and could not be created it in GUICustomization location");
var charstring vl_viewModelsDir := pl_customizableApp_dir & "/ViewModels";
if (not f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(vl_viewModelsDir) and not f_FIO_mkdir(vl_viewModelsDir)) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("ViewModels directory does not exist and could not be created it in GUICustomization location");
var charstring vl_viewsDir := pl_customizableApp_dir & "/Views";
if (not f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(vl_viewsDir) and not f_FIO_mkdir(vl_viewsDir)) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Views directory does not exist and could not be created it in GUICustomization location");
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_createConfigSymlink(in charstring pl_symlinkLocation) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
var charstring vl_executable;
var EPTF_CharstringList vl_testCases;
var charstring vl_symlinkTarget_relToPwd;
var charstring vl_symlinkTarget_abs;
var charstring vl_symlinkTarget_relToHttpDir;
f_EPTF_Base_getStartCommand(vl_executable, vl_symlinkTarget_relToPwd, vl_testCases);
if (not f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_getAbsPath(vl_symlinkTarget_relToPwd, vl_symlinkTarget_abs)) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink creation to the config file was unsuccessful: file not found: " & vl_symlinkTarget_relToPwd);
vl_symlinkTarget_relToHttpDir := f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_relativizePath(vl_symlinkTarget_abs, pl_symlinkLocation);
if(ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_symlink(vl_symlinkTarget_relToHttpDir, pl_symlinkLocation) != 0 ){
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink creation to the config file was unsuccessful");
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_relativizePath
// Purpose:
// creates a relative path from a given absolute path relative to the second argument.
// Parameters:
// pl_absPath - the absolute path that will become relative
// pl_relativeToAbsPath - the path to which it will be relative
// Return Value:
// *charstring* - the relative path created
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_relativizePath(in charstring pl_absPath, in charstring pl_relativeToAbsPath) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT return charstring {
var integer vl_absPathLength := lengthof(pl_absPath);
var integer vl_absRelativeToLength := lengthof(pl_relativeToAbsPath);
var integer vl_indexOfLastDash := 0;
var integer vl_i := 0;
// check the common part of the paths
while (vl_i < vl_absPathLength and vl_i < vl_absRelativeToLength) {
if (pl_absPath[vl_i] == pl_relativeToAbsPath[vl_i]) {
if (pl_absPath[vl_i] == "/") {
vl_indexOfLastDash := vl_i;
vl_i := vl_i + 1;
} else {
// the number of directories we have to go down the structure
var integer vl_numberOfDirsDown := -1;
vl_i := vl_indexOfLastDash;
while (vl_i < vl_absRelativeToLength) {
if (pl_relativeToAbsPath[vl_i] == "/") {
vl_numberOfDirsDown := vl_numberOfDirsDown + 1;
vl_i := vl_i + 1;
var charstring vl_relPath := "";
for (var integer vl_j := 0; vl_j < vl_numberOfDirsDown; vl_j := vl_j + 1) {
vl_relPath := vl_relPath & "../";
if (lengthof(pl_absPath) > 0) { //DTE prevention
vl_relPath := vl_relPath & substr(pl_absPath, vl_indexOfLastDash + 1, lengthof(pl_absPath) - vl_indexOfLastDash - 1);
return vl_relPath;
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_makeCreatedSymlinksWritableToAll
// Purpose:
// makes the symlinks writable to all users
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_makeCreatedSymlinksWritableToAll() runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
if (v_customApp_dir_symlink != "" and f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(v_customApp_dir_symlink) and f_EPTF_Base_system("chmod 0777 "&v_customApp_dir_symlink) != 0) {
//f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink cannot be made writable: "&v_customApp_dir_symlink);
// if (v_API_dir_symlink != "" and f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(v_API_dir_symlink) and f_EPTF_Base_system("chmod 0777 "&v_API_dir_symlink) != 0) {
// //f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink cannot be made writable: "&v_API_dir_symlink);
// }
if (v_config_symlink != "" and f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(v_config_symlink) and f_EPTF_Base_system("chmod 0777 "&v_config_symlink) != 0) {
//f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink cannot be made writable: "&v_config_symlink);
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_removeSymlinks
// Purpose:
// removes symlinks for App specific and DsRestAPI API directories during the cleanup
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_removeSymlinks() runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT {
if(v_customApp_dir_symlink != "" and f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(v_customApp_dir_symlink)){
if(ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_deleteResource(v_customApp_dir_symlink) != 0){
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink cannot be removed: "&v_customApp_dir_symlink);
// if(v_API_dir_symlink != "" and f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(v_API_dir_symlink)){
// if(ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_deleteResource(v_API_dir_symlink) != 0){
// f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink cannot be removed: "&v_API_dir_symlink);
// }
// }
if(v_config_symlink != "" and f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(v_config_symlink)){
if(ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_deleteResource(v_config_symlink) != 0){
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Symlink cannot be removed: "&v_config_symlink);
// Function: f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_getAbsPath
// Purpose:
// returns with the absolute path of the specified directory
// Parameters:
// pl_relPath - *in* *charstring* - relative path which needs to be resolved
// pl_absPath - *out* *charstring* - resolved absolute path
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true if the directory exists (absoulte path is valid)
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_getAbsPath(
in charstring pl_relPath,
out charstring pl_absPath) runs on EPTF_DsRestAPI_CT return boolean {
var boolean vl_retVal := false;
pl_absPath := "";
if(f_FIO_fileOrDirExists(pl_relPath)) {
if(ef_EPTF_DsRestAPI_FIO_readlink(pl_relPath, pl_absPath) != 0) {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Failed to get absolute path of " & pl_relPath);
} else {
pl_absPath := f_stripWhitespaces(pl_absPath); // remove "\n" from the end of strings
vl_retVal := true;
} else {
f_EPTF_DsRestAPI_warning("Failed to get absolute path of " & pl_relPath & ": resource does not exist");
return vl_retVal;
} // ~ module EPTF_CLL_DsRestAPI_Functions