blob: 7b46dbeac042bc4ea98ed1d2a498343150bda8a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
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// Module: EPTF_CLL_RBtreeFloat_PrivateFunctions
// Purpose:
// This module contains private functions for TTCN-3 float Red-Black tree implementation.
// These functions are not to be used by the user, only by other functions.
// Module depends on:
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_RBtree_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_RBtree_PrivateFunctions>
// Current Owner:
// Rita Kovacs (ERITKOV)
// Last Review Date:
// 2007-12-06
module EPTF_CLL_RBtreeFloat_PrivateFunctions {
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_RBtree_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_RBtree_PrivateFunctions all;
friend module EPTF_CLL_RBtreeFloat_Functions;
friend module EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Functions;
//friend module EPTF_RedBlackTree_demo; // f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getSmallestNodeIndexFromCache, f_EPTF_RBTreeF_destroyInvalidFloatNode
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getFloatNodeIndexByKey
// Purpose:
// Function to get the given float-identified event (node) from the tree.
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree itself
// pl_key - *in* *float* - node to get
// pl_indexFound - *out* *integer* - index of the tree node of the given key
// Return Value:
// boolean - success
// friend for module EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Functions
friend function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getFloatNodeIndexByKey(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree, in float pl_key, out integer pl_indexFound) return boolean {
var integer nil := pl_tree.nil;
var integer vl_x := pl_tree.nodes[pl_tree.root].left; // the real root of the tree
while (vl_x != nil) {
var float vl_tmp := pl_tree.floatKeyData[vl_x].key;
if (vl_tmp == pl_key) {
pl_indexFound := vl_x;
//log("DEBUG: [f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getFloatNodeIndexByKey] pl_indexFound: ",pl_indexFound);
return true;
} else {
if (pl_key < vl_tmp) {
// we go forward to left
vl_x := pl_tree.nodes[vl_x].left;
} else {
// we go forward to right
vl_x := pl_tree.nodes[vl_x].right;
} // else
} // while
//log("DEBUG: [f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getFloatNodeIndexByKey] vl_isFound: ", vl_isFound);
return false;
} // f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getFloatNodeIndexByKey
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_insertFloatNodeWithSameKey
// Purpose:
// Function to insert the given float-identified event (node) to cluster chain.
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree itself
// pl_newNodeIndex - *in* *integer* - index of the float tree node to insert
// Return Value:
// boolean - success
private function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_insertFloatNodeWithSameKey(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree, in integer pl_newNodeIndex) return boolean {
var integer vl_indexFound := -1;
if (f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getFloatNodeIndexByKey(pl_tree, pl_tree.floatKeyData[pl_newNodeIndex].key, vl_indexFound)) {
f_EPTF_RBTree_insertNodeWithSameKey(pl_tree.nodes, pl_newNodeIndex, vl_indexFound);
return true;
return false;
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_insertFloat
// Purpose:
// Function to insert the given float-identified event (node) to the tree.
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree itself
// pl_x - *in* *integer* - index of the float tree node to insert
// Return Value:
// boolean - success
friend function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_insertFloat(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree, in integer pl_x) {
// Storing number of nodes
pl_tree.nOfElements := pl_tree.nOfElements + 1;
// If the same key is exists, we append this node to a cluster
// and not to the tree.
if (f_EPTF_RBTreeF_insertFloatNodeWithSameKey(pl_tree, pl_x)) {
f_EPTF_RBTreeF_helpFloatTreeInsert(pl_tree, pl_x);
f_EPTF_RBTree_RBTreeInsert(pl_tree.nodes, pl_tree.root, pl_tree.nil, pl_x);
f_EPTF_RBTreeF_checkMaxSize(%definitionId, pl_tree);
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_helpFloatTreeInsert
// Purpose:
// Inserts z into the tree as if it were a regular binary tree using the algorithm described
// in _Introduction_To_Algorithms_ by Cormen et al. This function is only intended to be called
// by the <f_EPTF_RBTree_RBTreeInsert> function and not by the user.
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree itself
// pl_z - *in* *integer* - index of the float tree node to insert
// Return Value:
// (none)
private function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_helpFloatTreeInsert(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree, in integer pl_z) {
var integer x := pl_tree.nodes[pl_tree.root].left; // real root node of the tree
var integer y := pl_tree.root; // sentinel
var integer nil := pl_tree.nil;
// !!! ? These are not neccessary, because left and right already set during
// node creation -> CHECK !!!
pl_tree.nodes[pl_z].left := nil;
pl_tree.nodes[pl_z].right := nil;
while (x != nil) {
y := x;
if (pl_tree.floatKeyData[x].key > pl_tree.floatKeyData[pl_z].key) {
x := pl_tree.nodes[x].left;
} else {
x := pl_tree.nodes[x].right;
} // while
pl_tree.nodes[pl_z].parent := y;
if ( (y == pl_tree.root) or
(pl_tree.floatKeyData[y].key > pl_tree.floatKeyData[pl_z].key) ) {
pl_tree.nodes[y].left := pl_z;
} else {
pl_tree.nodes[y].right := pl_z;
} // f_EPTF_RBTreeF_helpFloatTreeInsert
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getFreeSlotFloat
// Purpose:
// search for a free (unused or new) slot in float tree
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree
// Return Value:
// integer - leaf float node index
friend function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getFreeSlotFloat(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree) return integer {
return f_EPTF_RBTree_getFreeSlot(
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_destroyFloatNode
// Purpose:
// deletes node from float tree
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree
// pl_z - *in* *integer* - index of the float tree node to delete
// Return Value:
// (none)
friend function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_destroyFloatNode(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree, in integer pl_z) {
f_EPTF_RBTree_destroyNode(pl_tree.nodes, pl_tree.freeHead, pl_tree.freeTail, pl_z);
// if we are to remove node with smallest key, content of cache shall be invalid from now on
if (pl_tree.smallestKeyIndex == pl_z) {
pl_tree.isSmallestCacheValid := false;
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_invalidateFloatNode
// Purpose:
// sets node of the given index (pl_z) invalid
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree itself
// pl_z - *in* *integer* - index of the float tree node to invalidate
// Return Value:
// (none)
friend function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_invalidateFloatNode(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree, in integer pl_z) {
f_EPTF_RBTree_invalidateNode(pl_tree.nodes, pl_z);
// if we are to remove node with smallest key, content of cache shall be invalid from now on
if (pl_tree.smallestKeyIndex == pl_z) {
pl_tree.isSmallestCacheValid := false;
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getSmallestNodeIndexFromCache
// Purpose:
// Gets smallest keyed float node index from cache.
// Refreshes cache if invalid.
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree itself
// pl_idx - *inout* *integer* - smallest key index
// Return Value:
// boolean - success
// friend for module EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Functions and EPTF_CLL_RBtreeFloat_Functions
friend function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_getSmallestNodeIndexFromCache(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree, inout integer pl_idx) return boolean {
if (pl_tree.isSmallestCacheValid) {
pl_idx := pl_tree.smallestKeyIndex;
return true;
} else {
pl_idx := f_EPTF_RBTreeF_searchSmallestNodeIndex(pl_tree);
return pl_idx >= 0;
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_searchSmallestNodeIndex
// Purpose:
// Searches for smallest key node in float tree.
// Also refreshes smallest key cache if found.
// Parameters:
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the up-to-date float red-black-tree
// Return Value:
// integer - smallest key index.
// Returns -1 if the tree is empty.
friend function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_searchSmallestNodeIndex(inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree) return integer {
if(pl_tree.isSmallestCacheValid) { return pl_tree.smallestKeyIndex; }
var integer nil := pl_tree.nil;
var integer x := pl_tree.nodes[pl_tree.root].left; // root
if (x == nil) {
// Tree is empty... EXIT
return -1;
while (pl_tree.nodes[x].left != nil) {
x := pl_tree.nodes[x].left;
} // while
pl_tree.smallestKeyIndex := x;
pl_tree.isSmallestCacheValid := true;
return x;
/* Previous solution. The new (above) might be faster: has less if operation.
var integer vl_x := pl_tree.root.left;
while (vl_x != nil and not vl_isFound) {
if (pl_tree.nodes[vl_x].left == nil) {
// no more left child -> end of the tree
// refreshing cache
pl_tree.smallestKeyIndex := vl_x;
pl_tree.isSmallestCacheValid := true;
vl_isFound := true;
} else {
// go forward to left
vl_x := pl_tree.nodes[vl_x].left;
} // while
return vl_x;
// Function: f_EPTF_RBTreeF_checkMaxSize
// Purpose:
// Function to check if the size of the tree exceeds a certain limit.
// Parameters:
// pl_caller - *in* *charstring* - caller function, use %definitionId when calling
// pl_tree - *inout* <EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree> - the tree in question
// Return Value:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// The tree MUST be initialized by calling f_EPTF_RBTreeF_initFloatTree.
private function f_EPTF_RBTreeF_checkMaxSize(in charstring pl_caller, inout EPTF_Float_RedBlackTree pl_tree)
if(c_EPTF_Common_debugSwitch and pl_tree.acceptableMaxSize >= 0) {
if(pl_tree.nOfElements > pl_tree.acceptableMaxSize) {
f_EPTF_Common_warning(log2str(pl_caller, ": tree exceeds acceptable max size of ", pl_tree.acceptableMaxSize, " elements."));
f_EPTF_Common_warning(log2str(pl_caller, ": increasing acceptable max size by a factor of ", tsp_CLL_debug_increasePercentage4AcceptableMaxSize));
pl_tree.acceptableMaxSize := float2int(int2float(pl_tree.acceptableMaxSize)
* (1.0+tsp_CLL_debug_increasePercentage4AcceptableMaxSize));
f_EPTF_Common_warning(log2str(pl_caller, ": new acceptable max size: ", pl_tree.acceptableMaxSize));
} //module