blob: 3b55619700d22dc4fe31c50dd4d0f505f717caf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Module: EPTF_CLL_SMacro_Definitions
// Purpose:
// This module contains type definitions of the SMacro feature.
// The SMacro feature provides functions to:
// - (un)define a string-macro
// - (de)register string-macro calculator function
// - resolve a string that contains string-macros
// - provide built-in string-macros, e.g. to evaluate mathematical expressions like 1*1
// Module Parameters:
// -
// Module depends on:
// <EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_HashMap_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
// Current Owner:
// Jozsef Gyurusi (ETHJGI)
// Last Review Date:
// 2007-12-06
// Detailed Comments:
// -
module EPTF_CLL_SMacro_Definitions {
import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_HashMap_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
modulepar boolean tsp_debug_EPTF_SMacro_Functions := false;
// Type: f_EPTF_CLL_SMacro_calc_FT
// Purpose:
// The type of the string-macro calculator function
// Elements:
// pl_macroArgs - *in* <EPTF_CharstringList> - will contain the parameters of the macro
// pl_userArgs - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - will contain the parameters specified by the user
// Detailed Comments:
// This type of function can be used as a string-macro calculator function
// and can be registered by <f_EPTF_SMacro_registerCalcFn>.
// This function is called when the value of the string-macro assigned
// this function should be calculated.
// For example:
// The value of $(SMACRO,"a","b") will be calculated by as the return value of
// the function call f_EPTF_CLL_SMacro_calc_FT({"a","b"}).
type function f_EPTF_CLL_SMacro_calc_FT(in EPTF_CharstringList pl_macroArgs, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_userArgs := {}) runs on self return charstring;
// Type: EPTF_SMacro_Definition
// Purpose:
// Record for storing SMacro.
// Elements:
// macro_name - *charstring* - name of the SMacro
// macro_value - *charstring* - value of the SMacro
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_SMacro_Definition {
charstring macro_name,
charstring macro_value
// Constant: c_EPTF_SMacro_Definition_init
// Purpose:
// default value for SMacro definition
// Detailed Comments:
// it is used to initialize
const EPTF_SMacro_Definition c_EPTF_SMacro_Definition_init := {
macro_name := "",
macro_value := ""
// Type: EPTF_SMacro_Definitions
// Purpose:
// List of <EPTF_SMacro_Definition> record
type record of EPTF_SMacro_Definition EPTF_SMacro_Definitions;
// Type: EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunction
// Purpose:
// Record for storing SMacro calculator functions.
// Elements:
// functionName - *charstring* - name of the SMacro calculator function
// funcRef - <f_EPTF_CLL_SMacro_calc_FT> - reference of SMacro calculator function
// userArgs - <EPTF_IntegerList> - user given parameters
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunction {
charstring functionName,
f_EPTF_CLL_SMacro_calc_FT funcRef,
EPTF_IntegerList userArgs
// Constant: c_EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunction_init
// Purpose:
// default value for SMacro calculator function
// Detailed Comments:
// it is used to initialize
const EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunction c_EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunction_init := {
functionName := "",
funcRef := null,
userArgs := {}
// Type: EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunctions
// Purpose:
// List of <EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunction> record
type record of EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunction EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunctions;
// Constant: c_EPTF_SMacro_macroNameRegexp
// Purpose:
// Regular expression to check if the name of the macro is valid
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_macroNameRegexp := "([a-zA-Z0-9_]#(1,))" // allowed macro name: abcdABCD_0123
// Constant: c_EPTF_SMacro_macroParameterRegexp
// Purpose:
// Regular expression to check if the value of a macro parameter is valid
// Detailed Comments:
// Regexp: matches a string which is enclosed in " signs. The string should match the pattern:
// ([^\"\\]#(0,)((\\(\\\\)#(0,)\")|((\\)#(0,)[^\"]))#(0,))#(0,)(\\\\)#(0,)
// This is the actual value of the regexp before converted to TTCN3 charstring
// (string contains this value, it means that special chars are not escaped).
// The value of c_EPTF_SMacro_macroParameterRegexp is the escaped version between the " signs.
// This regexp does the following:
// The string that matches the regexp should contain any number of 'Pattern A' followed by
// even number of \ chars and a " sign: "(Pattern A)#(0,)(\\\\)#(0,)"
// Example:
// "'Pattern A''PatternA'\\\\"
// "assaasas\\\"sfaafffd\\\\\\a\\\\"
// Pattern A:
// Starts with ([^\"\\]#(0,) which eats all chars that are not " sign or \ char.
// Then it should be followed by any number of these patterns:
// 1) (\\(\\\\)#(0,)\")
// odd number of \ chars followed by " sign
// example: assaasas\\\"
// OR
// 2) (\\)#(0,)[^\"])
// any number of \ chars followed by a char which is not \ char or " sign.
// Example: sfaafffd\\\\\\a
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_macroParameterRegexp := "\"([^\\\"\\\\]#(0,)((\\\\(\\\\\\\\)#(0,)\\\")|((\\\\)#(0,)[^\\\"]))#(0,))#(0,)(\\\\\\\\)#(0,)\""; // allowed macro parameter : "paramValue"
//const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_macroParameterRegexp := "\"([^\\\"]#(0, ))\""; // allowed macro parameter : "paramValue"
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_everything := "(*)" // everything
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_whitespace := "[ \t]#(,)" // whitespace
//--------------- MACROS -----------------------------------------------
// Built-in Macros
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_macroName_EVAL := "EVAL";
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_integerNumber := "([+-]#(0,1)[0-9]#(1,))"; // integer number: "01230102", "+1122", "-0121"
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_floatNumber := "([+-]#(0,1)[0-9]#(1,)[.]#(0,1)[0-9]#(0,)([eE][-+]#(0,1)[0-9]#(1,))#(0,1))"; // float number: "12.354", "-1.23", "+1.254", "-1e-2", 2.32e+4 Contains 2 groups!!! The first is the float number itself, the second is the exponent
// supported operators ordered by precedence
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_paranthesesOp := "(";
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_multiplicationOp := "*";
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_divisionOp := "/";
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_remainderOp := "%";
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_additionOp := "+";
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_subtractionOp := "-";
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_multiplicationOps := c_EPTF_SMacro_multiplicationOp&c_EPTF_SMacro_divisionOp&c_EPTF_SMacro_remainderOp;
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_additionOps := c_EPTF_SMacro_additionOp&c_EPTF_SMacro_subtractionOp;
// regexp-s for single expression
// multiplication: 'floatNumber'[*/%]'floatNumber'
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_multiplicationExpr := c_EPTF_SMacro_floatNumber&"([*/%])"&c_EPTF_SMacro_floatNumber;
// addition: 'floatNumber'[+-]'floatNumber'
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_additionExpr := c_EPTF_SMacro_floatNumber&"([+-])"&c_EPTF_SMacro_floatNumber;
//--------------- LOGGING --------------------------------------------
// Constant: c_EPTF_SMacro_loggingComponentMask
// Purpose:
// logging component name for SMacro
// Detailed Comments:
// *0*
const charstring c_EPTF_SMacro_loggingComponentMask := "EPTF_SMacro";
// Constant: c_EPTF_SMacro_loggingEventClasses
// Purpose:
// list of logging event class names used in SMacro
// Detailed Comments:
// <EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList> { "Warning", "Debug" }
const EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList c_EPTF_SMacro_loggingEventClasses := { "Warning", "Debug" };
// Constant: c_EPTF_SMacro_loggingClassIdx_Warning
// Purpose:
// logging class index for Warning
// Detailed Comments:
// Its value is *0*
const integer c_EPTF_SMacro_loggingClassIdx_Warning := 0;
// Constant: c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_loggingClassIdx_Debug
// Purpose:
// logging class index for Debug
// Detailed Comments:
// Its value is *1*
const integer c_EPTF_SMacro_loggingClassIdx_Debug := 1;
// Component: EPTF_SMacro_CT
// Purpose:
// The component that implements the EPTF SMacro feature
// Elements:
// v_EPTF_SMacro_initialized - *boolean* - prevents multiple init by calling <f_EPTF_SMacro_init_CT> several times
// v_EPTF_SMacro_definitions - <EPTF_SMacro_Definitions> - stores the defined SMacros
// v_SMacro_definitionStr2IntHashMapId - *integer* - hashmap to store SMacro indexes
// v_SMacro_definitionFBQId - *integer* - free busy queue to maintain the macro definition DB efficiently
// v_EPTF_SMacro_calcFunctions - <EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunctions> - stores the registered SMacro calculator functions
// v_SMacro_calcFuntionStr2IntHashMapId - *integer* - hashmap to store SMacro calculator function indexes
// v_SMacro_calcFuntionFBQId - *integer* - free busy queue to maintain the calculator function DB efficiently
// v_SMacro_loggingMaskId - *integer* - logging component mask ID
// Detailed Comments:
// To use the any EPTF SMacro Feature, extend your component with <EPTF_SMacro_CT>
public type component EPTF_SMacro_CT extends EPTF_Base_CT, EPTF_HashMap_CT, EPTF_FBQ_CT, EPTF_Logging_CT {
private var boolean v_EPTF_SMacro_initialized := false;
private var EPTF_SMacro_Definitions v_EPTF_SMacro_definitions := {};
private var integer v_SMacro_definitionStr2IntHashMapId := -1;
private var integer v_SMacro_definitionFBQId := -1;
private var EPTF_SMacro_CalcFunctions v_EPTF_SMacro_calcFunctions := {};
private var integer v_SMacro_calcFuntionStr2IntHashMapId := -1;
private var integer v_SMacro_calcFuntionFBQId := -1;
private var integer v_SMacro_loggingMaskId := c_EPTF_Logging_invalidMaskId;
} // end of module