blob: 34e08bb53a4ecb5a6f9da612055c33f9e99ec32c [file] [log] [blame]
#// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB //
#// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms //
#// of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
#// //
import unittest, threading, time, urllib2, cookielib, os
from AppAgent import *
from test.utils.Utils import *
"apiUrl": "http://localhost:8000/api.appagent",
"playlist": [
"requests": [
"getData": {
"source": "DataSource",
"element": "Sources"
"condition": {
"evaluatingPeriod": 0.1,
"numberOfExecutions": 200,
"expression": {
"dataValue": "false"
class IntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
def runServer(self):
# start AppAgent
def setUp(self):
# url opener that acts like a browser
self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler(), urllib2.HTTPSHandler(), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookielib.CookieJar()), urllib2.ProxyHandler({}))
# create a server on a free port
directory = os.path.abspath('src')
self.port = 8000
while True:
self.server = ThreadedHTTPServer(('localhost', self.port), MainHandler)
self.port += 1
# start the server on a separate thread
self.serverThread = threading.Thread(target = runAppAgent, args = (self.server, directory, 'WebGUI/htdocs', False))
self.serverThread.daemon = True
# check if the server is running after 0.5 seconds
self.assertTrue(self.serverThread.isAlive(), 'Server failed to start')
def tearDown(self):
# stop the server
# check if the server stopped after 0.5 seconds
self.assertFalse(self.serverThread.isAlive(), 'Server thread is still alive after shutdown')
def test_microservicesIntegration(self):
Author: EDNIGBO Daniel Gobor
Testcase: test_microservicesIntegration
Tested component: ServiceFramework
Feature: ServiceFramework
Requirement: microservices' integration into ServiceFramework
check DataSource sources
check playlist microservice
check whether 'admin' user is in the 'admin' group
try and fail to use proxy without being logged in
Expected_Result: pass
# login
self.sendRequest('/login/api.authenticate', 'POST', '{"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}')
# check DataSource sources
sources = [element['node']['val'] for element in json.loads(self.sendRequest('/api.appagent', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "DataSource", "element": "Sources"}}]}'))['contentList'][0]['list']]
self.assertEqual(3, len(sources), 'List lenght should be 3, got: ' + str(sources))
self.assertIn('DataSource', sources)
self.assertIn('Playlist', sources)
self.assertIn('Authentication', sources)
# check playlist microservice
response = json.loads(self.sendRequest('/api.playlist', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Playlist", "element": "Playlists"}}]}'))['contentList'][0]
self.assertIn('list', response)
# check whether 'admin' user is in the 'admin' group
groups = [element['node']['val'] for element in json.loads(self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/api.authenticate'), 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Authentication", "element": "ListGroups"}}]}'))['contentList'][0]['list']]
self.assertIn('admin', groups)
# logout
self.sendRequest('/logout/api.authenticate', 'POST', '')
# try and fail to use proxy without being logged in
with self.assertRaises(urllib2.HTTPError) as context:
self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/api.authenticate'), 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Authentication", "element": "ListGroups"}}]}')
self.assertIn('401', str(context.exception))
def test_playlistIntegration(self):
Author: EDNIGBO Daniel Gobor
Testcase: test_playlistIntegration
Tested component: ServiceFramework
Feature: ServiceFramework
Requirement: playlist integration into ServiceFramework
create a new playlist
start the playlist
check if playlist status led is green
stop the playlist
check if playlist status led is black
delete playlist
check if the playlist no longer exists
Expected_Result: pass
# login
self.sendRequest('/login/api.authenticate', 'POST', '{"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}')
# create a new playlist
self.sendRequest('/api.playlist', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"setData": {"source": "Playlist", "element": "Descriptor", "tp": 4, "content": "' + TEST_PLAYLIST.replace('8000', str(self.port)).replace('\n', '').replace('"', r'\"') + '", "params": [{"paramName": "Playlist", "paramValue": "admin/test"}]}}]}')
# start the playlist
self.sendRequest('/api.playlist', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"setData": {"source": "Playlist", "element": "Start", "params": [{"paramName": "Playlist", "paramValue": "admin/test"}]}}]}')
# check if playlist status led is green
self.assertIn('green', json.loads(self.sendRequest('/api.playlist', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Playlist", "element": "Status", "params": [{"paramName": "Playlist", "paramValue": "admin/test"}]}}]}'))['contentList'][0]['node']['val'])
# stop the playlist
self.sendRequest('/api.playlist', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"setData": {"source": "Playlist", "element": "Stop", "tp": 1, "content": "1", "params": [{"paramName": "Playlist", "paramValue": "admin/test"}]}}]}')
# check if playlist status led is black
self.assertIn('black', json.loads(self.sendRequest('/api.playlist', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Playlist", "element": "Status", "params": [{"paramName": "Playlist", "paramValue": "admin/test"}]}}]}'))['contentList'][0]['node']['val'])
# delete playlist
self.sendRequest('/api.playlist', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"setData": {"source": "Playlist", "element": "Delete", "tp": 1, "content": "1", "params": [{"paramName": "Playlist", "paramValue": "admin/test"}]}}]}')
# check if the playlist no longer exists
playlists = [element['node']['val'] for element in json.loads(self.sendRequest('/api.playlist', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Playlist", "element": "Playlists"}}]}'))['contentList'][0]['list']]
self.assertNotIn('admin/test', playlists)
def test_fileHandling(self):
Author: EDNIGBO Daniel Gobor
Testcase: test_fileHandling
Tested component: ServiceFramework
Feature: ServiceFramework
Requirement: serving files for browsers
get index.html
check contents
Expected_Result: pass
# get index.html
response = self.sendRequest('')
# check contents
self.assertIn('TSGuiFrameworkMain', response)
def proxyEncode(self, path):
return '/proxy/' + ('http://localhost:' + str(self.port)).encode('hex') + path
def sendRequest(self, path, method = 'GET', body = None):
request = urllib2.Request('http://localhost:' + str(self.port) + path, body)
request.get_method = lambda: method