OpenApi converter script added

Signed-off-by: Gabor Szalai <>
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10583a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+import yaml
+import sys
+import os
+import pprint
+import re
+def numToWords(num):
+    '''words = {} convert an integer number into words'''
+    units = ['','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine']
+    teens = ['','eleven','twelve','thirteen','fourteen','fifteen','sixteen', \
+             'seventeen','eighteen','nineteen']
+    tens = ['','ten','twenty','thirty','forty','fifty','sixty','seventy', \
+            'eighty','ninety']
+    thousands = ['','thousand','million','billion','trillion','quadrillion', \
+                 'quintillion','sextillion','septillion','octillion', \
+                 'nonillion','decillion','undecillion','duodecillion', \
+                 'tredecillion','quattuordecillion','sexdecillion', \
+                 'septendecillion','octodecillion','novemdecillion', \
+                 'vigintillion']
+    words = []
+    if num==0: words.append('zero')
+    else:
+        numStr = '%d'%num
+        numStrLen = len(numStr)
+        groups = (numStrLen+2)//3
+        numStr = numStr.zfill(groups*3)
+        for i in range(0,groups*3,3):
+            h,t,u = int(numStr[i]),int(numStr[i+1]),int(numStr[i+2])
+            g = groups-(i//3+1)
+            if h>=1:
+                words.append(units[h])
+                words.append('hundred')
+            if t>1:
+                words.append(tens[t])
+                if u>=1: words.append(units[u])
+            elif t==1:
+                if u>=1: words.append(teens[u])
+                else: words.append(tens[t])
+            else:
+                if u>=1: words.append(units[u])
+            if (g>=1) and ((h+t+u)>0): words.append(thousands[g]+',')
+    return ''.join(words)
+def clean_name(instr, typename=False):
+  #print(instr)
+  if instr in ttcn_keywords:
+    return instr + "_"
+  m ='(^\d+)(.*)',instr)
+  if m:
+    instr = numToWords(int( +
+    # if
+      # a = instr.upper()
+      # instr = a
+    if typename:
+      a = instr[:1].upper()+instr[1:]
+      instr = a
+  elif instr[:1] =="_":
+    a=instr[1:]
+    instr =a
+  return instr.replace("-","_")
+def get_module(ref):
+  if ref[0]=='#':
+    return '', ref.split('/')[-1]
+  else:
+    return ref.split("#")[0].replace(".yaml",""),ref.split('/')[-1]
+def process_path(data,module_data):
+  for m in data:
+    #print("process_path ", m, " " , data[m])
+    if m == "parameters":
+      for p in data[m]:
+        process_used_schem_name(p,module_data)
+    else:
+      if "parameters"  in data[m]:
+        for p in data[m]["parameters"]:
+          process_used_schem_name(p,module_data)
+      if "requestBody" in data[m]:
+        process_used_schem_name(data[m]["requestBody"],module_data)
+      if "responses" in data[m]:
+        for r in data[m]["responses"]:
+          process_used_schem_name(data[m]["responses"][r],module_data)
+      if "callbacks" in data[m]:
+        for c in data[m]["callbacks"]:
+          for p in data[m]["callbacks"][c]:
+            process_path(data[m]["callbacks"][c][p],module_data)
+def process_schema(schema,module_data):
+  if "$ref" in schema:
+    refmodule,refstr=get_module(schema["$ref"])
+    if refmodule!= '':
+      if not refmodule in module_data['import']:
+        module_data['import'].append(refmodule)
+      refstr=refmodule+"."+refstr
+    if not refstr in module_data['functions']:
+      module_data['functions'].append(refstr)
+  elif "type" in schema:
+    if schema["type"] == "array" :
+      if "$ref" in schema["items"] :
+        refmodule,refstr=get_module(schema["items"]["$ref"])
+        print("// " + refmodule + " type record of " + refstr + " " +refstr + "_list")
+        print(f'// external function f_enc_{refstr}_list(in {refstr}_list pdu) return octetstring ')
+        print('// with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(JSON)" }')
+        print("")
+        print(f'// external function f_dec_{refstr}_list(in octetstring stream, out {refstr}_list pdu) return integer ')
+        print('// with { extension "prototype(backtrack) decode(JSON)" }')
+        print("")
+    if schema["type"] == "object" :
+      if "properties" in schema:
+        if "jsonData" in schema["properties"]:
+          process_schema(schema["properties"]["jsonData"],module_data)
+def process_used_schem_name(data,module_data):
+  #print("process_used_schem_name", data)
+  if "content" in data:
+    for ct in data["content"]:
+      #print("ct ", ct)
+      if "schema" in data["content"][ct]:
+        #print("schema ", data["content"][ct]["schema"])
+        process_schema(data["content"][ct]["schema"],module_data)
+  if "schema" in data:
+    process_schema(data["schema"],module_data)   
+def add_buff(buff, txt, end='\n'):
+  return buff+txt+end
+def typewriter(buff, indent, pr_type ,name, data ,module_data):
+  #print("typewriter ", indent, pr_type ,name, data)
+  if "type" in data:
+    if data["type"] == "string":
+      if "enum" in data:
+        enum_data=data["enum"]
+        outstr=f'{indent}{pr_type}enumerated {name} {{'
+        sep=" "
+        for i in enum_data:
+          outstr+=sep+i
+          sep=", "
+        outstr+='}'
+        buff=add_buff(buff,outstr)
+      else:
+        buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}charstring {name}',end='')
+        if "pattern" in data:
+          buff=add_buff(buff,f' // (pattern \"{data["pattern"]}\")',end='')
+    elif data["type"] == "integer":
+      restrition=False
+      restritionstr=""
+      minstr=" (-infinity.."
+      maxstr="infinity)"
+      if "minimum" in data:
+        restrition=True
+        minstr=f' ({data["minimum"]}..'
+      if "maximum" in data:
+        restrition=True
+        maxstr=f'{data["maximum"]})'
+      if restrition:
+        restritionstr=minstr+maxstr
+      buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}integer {name}{restritionstr}',end='')
+    elif data["type"] == "number":
+      buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}float {name}',end='')
+    elif data["type"] == "boolean":
+      buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}boolean {name}',end='')
+    elif data["type"] == "array":
+      buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}set of ',end='')
+      buff=typewriter(buff,indent+"  ","","",data["items"],module_data)
+      buff=add_buff(buff,name,end='')
+    elif data["type"] == "object":
+      if "required" in data:
+        required_data=data["required"]
+      else:
+        required_data=[]
+      if "properties" in data:
+        if pr_type == "":
+          buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}set {{',end='')
+        else:
+          buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}set {name} {{',end='')
+        prop_data=data["properties"]
+        sep=""
+        for prop in prop_data:
+          buff=add_buff(buff,sep)
+          sep=","
+          opt_str=""
+          if not prop in required_data:
+            opt_str=" optional"
+          buff=typewriter(buff,indent+"  ","",prop,prop_data[prop],module_data)
+          buff=add_buff(buff,opt_str,end='')
+        buff=add_buff(buff,"")
+        buff=add_buff(buff,"  }",end='')
+        if pr_type == "":
+          buff=add_buff(buff,name,end='')
+      elif "additionalProperties" in data:
+        buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}set of record {{')
+        buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}  universal charstring key,')
+        buff=typewriter(buff,indent+"  ","","additionalProperties",data["additionalProperties"],module_data)
+        buff=add_buff(buff,"")
+        buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}}} {name}',end='')
+      else:
+        buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}object2 {name}',end='')
+    else:
+      print (f' // skiped {name}',end='')
+  elif "$ref" in data:
+    refmodule,refstr=get_module(data["$ref"])
+    if refmodule!= '':
+      if not refmodule in module_data['import']:
+        module_data['import'].append(refmodule)
+      refstr=refmodule+"."+refstr
+    buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}{refstr}    {name}',end='')
+  elif "allOf" in data:
+    #print(name,data["allOf"])
+    buff=typewriter(buff,indent+"  ","type /* allOf */",name,data["allOf"][1],module_data)     
+  elif "anyOf" in data:
+    enum_found=False
+    enum_data=''
+    for e in data["anyOf"]:
+      if "enum" in e:
+        enum_data=e["enum"]
+        enum_found=True
+        break
+    if enum_found:
+      outstr=f'  type enumerated {name}_enum {{'
+      sep=" "
+      for i in enum_data:
+        outstr+=sep+i
+        sep=", "
+      outstr+='}'
+      buff=add_buff(buff,outstr)
+      buff=add_buff(buff,'')
+      buff=add_buff(buff,f'  type union {name} {{')
+      buff=add_buff(buff,f'    {name}_enum  enum_val,')
+      buff=add_buff(buff,'    charstring           other_val') 
+      buff=add_buff(buff,'  } with {')
+      buff=add_buff(buff,'    variant "JSON: as value"')
+      buff=add_buff(buff,'  }')
+  elif "oneOf" in data:
+    if pr_type == "":
+      buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}union {{',end='')
+    else:
+      buff=add_buff(buff,f'{indent}{pr_type}union {name} {{',end='')
+    prop_data=data["oneOf"]
+    sep=""
+    i=1
+    for prop in prop_data:
+      buff=add_buff(buff,sep)
+      sep=","
+      opt_str=""
+      buff=typewriter(buff,indent+"  ","",f'field{i}',prop,module_data)
+      i+=1
+    buff=add_buff(buff,"")
+    buff=add_buff(buff,'  } with {')
+    buff=add_buff(buff,'    variant "JSON: as value"')
+    buff=add_buff(buff,'  }')
+    if pr_type == "":
+      buff=add_buff(buff,name,end='')
+  else:
+      print (f' // skiped {name}')
+  return buff
+def type_builder(name,data,tree):
+  global type_tree
+  #print("type:", name)
+  element_data={}
+  cname=clean_name(name)
+  element_data["name"]=cname
+  element_data["variant"]=[]
+  if name != cname:
+    element_data["variant"].append("name as '"+name+"'")
+  element_data["nullable"]= "nullable" in data
+  if "type" in data:
+    if data["type"] == "string":
+      if "enum" in data:
+        element_data["type"]="enumerated"
+        element_data["values"]=[]
+        for ev in data["enum"]:
+          #print(ev)
+          cename=clean_name(ev,True)
+          element_data["values"].append(cename)
+          if cename != ev:
+            element_data["variant"].append("text '"+ cename +"' as '"+ev+"'")
+      else:
+        element_data["type"]="charstring"
+        if "pattern" in data:
+          element_data["pattern"]=data["pattern"]
+    elif data["type"] == "integer":
+      restrition=False
+      minstr=" (-infinity.."
+      maxstr="infinity)"
+      if "minimum" in data:
+        restrition=True
+        minstr=f' ({data["minimum"]}..'
+      if "maximum" in data:
+        restrition=True
+        maxstr=f'{data["maximum"]})'
+      if restrition:
+        element_data["restriction"]=minstr+maxstr
+      element_data["type"]="integer"
+    elif data["type"] == "number":
+      element_data["type"]="float"
+    elif data["type"] == "boolean":
+      element_data["type"]="boolean"
+    elif data["type"] == "array":
+      element_data["type"]="record of"
+      element_data["inner_type"]={}
+      field=[]
+      type_builder("",data["items"],field)
+      element_data["inner_type"]=field[0]
+    elif data["type"] == "object":
+      if "properties" in data:
+        element_data["type"]="set"
+        if "required" in data:
+          element_data["mandatory"]=[]
+          for r in data["required"]:
+            element_data["mandatory"].append(clean_name(r))
+        else:
+          element_data["mandatory"]=[]
+        element_data["fields"]=[]
+        prop_data=data["properties"]
+        for prop in prop_data:
+          field=[]
+          type_builder(prop,prop_data[prop],field)
+          element_data["fields"].append(field[0])
+      elif "additionalProperties" in data:
+        element_data["type"]="set of"
+        element_data["inner_type"]={}
+        element_data["inner_type"]["type"]="record"
+        element_data["inner_type"]["name"]=""
+        element_data["inner_type"]["nullable"]=False
+        element_data["inner_type"]["mandatory"]=["key"]
+        element_data["inner_type"]["fields"]=[]
+        element_data["inner_type"]["fields"].append({'name':'key', 'type':'universal charstring','nullable':False})
+        field=[]
+        type_builder("additionalProperties",data["additionalProperties"],field)
+        element_data["inner_type"]["fields"].append(field[0])
+        element_data["variant"].append("as map")
+      else:
+        element_data["type"]="JSON_Generic.JSON_generic_val"
+        if not "JSON_Generic" in module_data['import']:
+          module_data['import'].append("JSON_Generic")
+    else:
+      element_data["type"]=data["type"]
+      print('!!!!!!unsupported' + data["type"])
+  elif "$ref" in data:
+    refmodule,refstr=get_module(data["$ref"])
+    if refmodule!= '':
+      if not refmodule in module_data['import']:
+        module_data['import'].append(refmodule)
+      element_data["type"]=refmodule+"."+clean_name(refstr,True)
+    else:
+      element_data["type"]=clean_name(refstr,True)
+  elif "anyOf" in data:
+    element_data["type"]="union"
+    element_data["fields"]=[]
+    num_str=0
+    num_enum=0
+    for e in data["anyOf"]:
+      if ("type" in e ) and (e["type"] == "string"):
+        num_str+=1
+      if "enum" in e:
+        num_enum+=1
+    if (num_str==2) and (num_enum==1):
+      for e in data["anyOf"]:
+        if "enum" in e:
+          type_builder(name + "_enum",e,type_tree)
+      element_data["fields"].append({'name':'enum_val', 'type':name + "_enum", 'nullable':False})
+      element_data["fields"].append({'name':'other_val', 'type':'charstring', 'nullable':False})
+      element_data["variant"].append("JSON: as value")
+    else:
+      element_data["type"]="union"
+      element_data["variant"].append("JSON: as value")
+      element_data["fields"]=[]
+      i=1
+      for e in data["anyOf"]:
+        field=[]
+        type_builder(f'field{i}',e,field)
+        i+=1
+        element_data["fields"].append(field[0])
+  elif "oneOf" in data:
+    element_data["type"]="union"
+    element_data["variant"].append("JSON: as value")
+    element_data["fields"]=[]
+    i=1
+    for e in data["oneOf"]:
+      field=[]
+      type_builder(f'field{i}',e,field)
+      i+=1
+      element_data["fields"].append(field[0])
+  elif "allOf" in data:
+    element_data["type"]="JSON_Generic.JSON_generic_val"
+    if not "JSON_Generic" in module_data['import']:
+      module_data['import'].append("JSON_Generic")
+  else:
+    element_data["type"]="JSON_Generic.JSON_generic_val"
+    if not "JSON_Generic" in module_data['import']:
+      module_data['import'].append("JSON_Generic")
+    print('!!!!!!unsupported ',name)  
+    pprint.pprint(data)
+  if "nullable" in data:
+    if not "JSON_Generic" in module_data['import']:
+      module_data['import'].append("JSON_Generic")
+    element_data2={}
+    element_data2["type"]="union"
+    element_data2["name"]=element_data["name"]
+    element_data["name"]="val"
+    element_data["nullable"]=False
+    element_data2["nullable"]=True
+    element_data2["variant"]=[]
+    element_data2["variant"].append("JSON: as value")
+    element_data2["fields"]=[]
+    element_data2["fields"].append({'name':'null_val', 'type':"JSON_generic_val.JSON_null_val", 'nullable':False})
+    element_data2["fields"].append(element_data)
+    tree.append(element_data2)
+  else:
+    tree.append(element_data)
+def print_type(t, lend="\n", top=False):
+  global ident_level
+  global ident_c
+  print(t["type"], " ",end="",sep="")
+  if top and (t["type"] !="record of"):
+    print(t["name"]," ", end="",sep="")
+  if "fields" in t:
+    print(" {",sep="")
+    ident_level+=1
+    separatot=ident_c*ident_level
+    for f in t["fields"]:
+      print(separatot, end="",sep="")
+      separatot=",\n" + ident_c*ident_level
+      print_type(f,"")
+      if "mandatory" in t:
+        if f["name"] not in t["mandatory"]:
+          print(" optional", end="")
+      if f["nullable"]:
+        print("/* nullable */", end="",sep="")
+    ident_level-=1
+    print("",sep="")
+    print(ident_c*ident_level,"}",sep="",end=lend)
+  elif "inner_type" in t:
+    print_type(t["inner_type"],"")
+  elif "values" in t:
+    print("{ ",sep="",end="")
+    separatot=""
+    for e in t["values"]:
+      print(separatot, end="",sep="")
+      separatot=", "
+      print(e, end="",sep="")
+    print("}",sep="",end="")
+  if (not top) or (t["type"] =="record of"):
+    print(" ", t["name"],end="",sep="")
+  if "restriction" in t:
+    print(" ",t["restriction"],end="",sep="")
+  print(lend,end="")
+def gather_variants(t,spec,variants):
+  if "variant" in t:
+    for v in t["variant"]:
+      variants.append({"spec":spec, "var":v})
+  if "fields" in t:
+     for f in t["fields"]:
+       spec2=spec
+       if spec!="":
+         spec2+="."
+       gather_variants(f,spec2+f["name"],variants)
+from yaml.constructor import Constructor
+def add_bool(self, node):
+    return self.construct_scalar(node)
+Constructor.add_constructor(u',2002:bool', add_bool)
+module_name =  os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[1]))[0]
+sys.stdout = open(module_name + ".ttcn",'wt')
+print("module " + module_name + " {")
+module_data={'import' : [], "functions" : []}
+ident_c="  "
+if "components" in doc:
+  if "schemas" in doc["components"]:
+    schemas=doc["components"]["schemas"]
+    for name in schemas:
+      if (name[-2:] == "Rm" ) and (name[:-2] in schemas ):
+        type_tree.append({'name':clean_name(name,True),'type':clean_name(name[:-2],True)})
+      else:
+        data=schemas[name]
+        type_builder(clean_name(name,True),data,type_tree)
+      #buff=typewriter(buff,"  ", "type ",name,data,module_data)
+      #buff=add_buff(buff,'')
+      #buff=add_buff(buff,'')
+  if "responses" in doc["components"]:
+    #print(doc["components"]["responses"])
+    for r in doc["components"]["responses"]:
+      #print(r)
+      process_used_schem_name(doc["components"]["responses"][r],module_data)
+if 'paths' in doc:
+  for p in doc["paths"]:
+    #print(p)
+    process_path(doc["paths"][p],module_data)
+for i in module_data['import']:
+  print(f'  import from {i} all')
+for fs in module_data['functions']:
+  f=clean_name(fs,True)
+  print(f'external function f_enc_{f}(in {f} pdu) return octetstring ')
+  print('with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(JSON)" }')
+  print("")
+  print(f'external function f_dec_{f}(in octetstring stream, out {f} pdu) return integer ')
+  print('with { extension "prototype(backtrack) decode(JSON)" }')
+  print("")
+for t in type_tree:
+  print(ident_c*ident_level, "type ",end="",sep="")
+#  ident_level+=1
+  print_type(t,"", top=True)
+  variants=[]
+  gather_variants(t,"",variants)
+  if variants != []:
+    print(" with {")
+    ident_level+=1
+    for v in variants:
+      print(ident_c*ident_level, "variant ",end="",sep="")
+      if v["spec"] != "":
+        print("(",v["spec"],") ",end="",sep="")
+      print('"',v["var"],'"',sep="")
+    ident_level-=1
+    print(ident_c*ident_level, "}",sep="")
+  else:
+    print("")
+# ident_level-=1
+  print("")
+print('} with {')
+print('  encode "JSON"')