blob: 9507dc811021b11f52b039a9336c18221fd53954 [file] [log] [blame]
Author: János Kövesdi
Version: 1551-CNL 113 789, Rev. A
Date: 2016-11-17
= The Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Protocol Module for TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN, Description
:author: János Kövesdi
:revnumber: 1551-CNL 113 789, Rev. A
:revdate: 2016-11-17
Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Ericsson Telecom AB. +
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 that accompanies this distribution, and is available at +
== How to Read This Document
This is the Description for the The Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) protocol module. The GRE protocol module is developed for the TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN.
== Presumed Knowledge
To use this protocol module the knowledge of the TTCN-3 language <<_3, [3]>> is essential.
= Functionality
The protocol module implements the message structure of the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) using the standard specification language TTCNv3. This allows defining of test data in the TTCNv3 language <<_3, [3]>> and correctly encoding/decoding these messages when executing test suites using the TITAN TTCNv3 test environment.
== Protocol Version Implemented
This set of protocol modules implements protocol messages and constants of[RFC 1701].
For example of GRE used over IPv4 networks, please read[RFC 1702].
== Routing Functionality
The payload (a packet that needs to be encapsulated and routed) is first encapsulated in a GRE packet and the GRE packet can be encapsulated in some other protocol and then forwarded.
== Modified and Non-Implemented Protocol Elements
=== Relaxed conditions
There is no constraint between received and sent messages.
== Ericsson-Specific Changes
There is no Ericsson specific change in this product.
== Backward Incompatibilities
== System Requirements
Protocol modules are a set of TTCN-3 source code files that can be used as part of TTCN-3 test suites only. Hence, protocol modules alone do not put specific requirements on the system used. However in order to compile and execute a TTCN-3 test suite using the set of protocol modules the following system requirements must be satisfied:
* TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor version R7A (1.7.pl0) or higher installed. For installation guide see <<_4, [4]>>.
NOTE: This version of the protocol module is not compatible with TITAN releases earlier than R7A.
= Feature List
== Encoding/Decoding and Other Related Functions
This product also contains encoding/decoding functions that assure correct encoding of messages when sent from TITAN and correct decoding of messages when received by TITAN. Implemented encoding/decoding functions:
|Name |Type of formal parameters |Type of return value
|`enc_GRE_PDU` |(in PDU_GRE pdu) |octetstring
|`dec_GRE_PDU` |(in octetstring stream) |PDU_GRE
= Protocol Modules
== Overview
Protocol modules implement the message structure of the related protocol in a formalized way, using the standard specification language TTCN-3. This allows defining of test data (templates) in the TTCN-3 language <<_3, [3]>> and correctly encoding/decoding messages when executing test suites using the Titan TTCN-3 test environment.
== Installation
The set of protocol modules can be used for developing TTCN-3 test suites using any text editor. However to make the work more efficient a TTCN-3- enabled text editor is recommended (e.g`nedit`, `xemacs`). Since the GRE protocol is used as a part of a TTCN-3 test suite, this requires Titan TTCN-3 Test Executor be installed before the module can be compiled and executed together with other parts of the test suite. For more details on the installation of TTCN-3 Test Executor see the relevant section of <<_4, [4]>>.
== Configuration
== Module parameters
No module parameters are used in the ICAP protocol module.
= Terminology
No specific terminology used.
= Abbreviations
ETSI:: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
IETF:: Internet Engineering Task Force
GRE:: Generic Routing Encapsulation
TTCNv3:: Testing and Test Control Notation version 3
= References
[1][RFC 1701] +
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
[2][RFC 1702] +
Generic Routing Encapsulation over IPv4 networks
[3] ETSI ES 201 873-1 v.3.2.1 (02/2007) +
The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3. Part 1: Core Language
[4] User Guide for the TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor