blob: ebd9f76892a8b01c96762f6f230decb31ed93e0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Mate Kovacs - initial implementation and initial documentation
// File: Mqtt_v3.1.1_Types.ttcn
// Rev: R1A
// Prodnr: CNL 113 831
module MQTT_v3_1_1_Types
external function f_MQTT_v3_1_1_enc(in MQTT_v3_1_1_Message msg, out octetstring str) return integer;
external function f_MQTT_v3_1_1_dec(in octetstring str, out MQTT_v3_1_1_Message msg) return integer;
type octetstring OCT0_65535 length(0..65535);
type universal charstring UCHAR0_65535 length(0..65535);
type bitstring BIT1n length(1);
type bitstring BIT4n length(4);
type integer INT0_255 (0..255);
type enumerated QoS
type record Header
BIT4n flags
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_PublishHeader
BIT1n dup_flag,
QoS qos_level,
BIT1n retain_flag
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_ConnectFlags
BIT1n user_name_flag,
BIT1n password_flag,
BIT1n will_retain,
QoS will_qos,
BIT1n will_flag,
BIT1n clean_session
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_ConnectPayload
UCHAR0_65535 client_identifier,
UCHAR0_65535 will_topic optional,
OCT0_65535 will_message optional,
UCHAR0_65535 user_name optional,
OCT0_65535 password optional
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Connect
Header header,
UCHAR0_65535 name,
integer protocol_level (0..255),
MQTT_v3_1_1_ConnectFlags flags,
integer keep_alive (0..65535),
MQTT_v3_1_1_ConnectPayload payload
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Connack
Header header,
BIT1n session_present_flag,
integer connect_return_code (0..255)
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Publish
MQTT_v3_1_1_PublishHeader header,
UCHAR0_65535 topic_name,
integer packet_identifier (0..65535) optional,
octetstring payload
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier
Header header,
integer packet_identifier (0..65535)
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_SubscribePayload
UCHAR0_65535 topic_filter,
QoS requested_qos
type record of MQTT_v3_1_1_SubscribePayload MQTT_v3_1_1_SubscribePayloadList;
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Subscribe
Header header,
integer packet_identifier (0..65535),
MQTT_v3_1_1_SubscribePayloadList payload
type record of INT0_255 IntegerList;
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_SubackPayload
IntegerList return_code
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Suback
Header header,
integer packet_identifier (0..65535),
MQTT_v3_1_1_SubackPayload payload
type record of UCHAR0_65535 UCHAR0_65535List;
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_UnsubscribePayload
UCHAR0_65535List topic_filter
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Unsubscribe
Header header,
integer packet_identifier (0..65535),
MQTT_v3_1_1_UnsubscribePayload payload
type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Empty
Header header
type union MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp
MQTT_v3_1_1_Connect connect_msg,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Connack connack,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Publish publish,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier puback,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier pubrec,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier pubrel,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier pubcomp,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Subscribe subscribe,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Suback suback,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Unsubscribe unsubscribe,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier unsuback,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Empty pingreq,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Empty pingresp,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Empty disconnect_msg
type union MQTT_v3_1_1_Message
MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp msg,
octetstring raw_message