negative testing added
diff --git a/src/negative_testing/ b/src/negative_testing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d32d997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/negative_testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2016  Ericsson AB
+* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+* Contributors:
+*  Mate Kovacs - initial implementation and initial documentation
+*  Bence Janos Szabo - negative testing branch 
+//  File:     
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 831
+#include "MQTT_v3_1_1_Types.hh"
+namespace MQTT__v3__1__1__Types {
+unsigned int encodeFlags(BIT4n bits);
+int encodePacketIdentifier(TTCN_Buffer &buffer, int identifier);
+int encodeUtf8(TTCN_Buffer &stream, const UNIVERSAL_CHARSTRING& str, const INTEGER& length);
+int encodeOctetstring(TTCN_Buffer &stream, const OCTETSTRING& str, const INTEGER& length);
+int decodeInteger(const unsigned char* &str, const int position, const int length);
+f__MQTT__v3__1__1__dec(OCTETSTRING const &str, MQTT__v3__1__1__Message &msg)
+  if(TTCN_Logger::log_this_event(TTCN_DEBUG)){
+    TTCN_Logger::begin_event(TTCN_DEBUG);
+    TTCN_Logger::log_event("Decoding MQTT 3.1.1 message: ");
+    str.log();
+    TTCN_Logger::end_event();
+  }
+  if(str.lengthof() >= 2){
+    const unsigned char lookup[16] = {
+    0x0, 0x8, 0x4, 0xc, 0x2, 0xa, 0x6, 0xe,
+    0x1, 0x9, 0x5, 0xd, 0x3, 0xb, 0x7, 0xf};
+    const unsigned char* str_ptr = (const unsigned char*) str;
+    int packetType = str_ptr[0] >> 4;
+    unsigned char bitstr = lookup[str_ptr[0] & 15];
+    int position = 1;
+    int prePosition = 1;
+    int count = 0;
+    int multiplier = 1;
+    int length = 0;
+    unsigned char encodedByte;
+    int tmpLength;
+    unsigned char flag;
+    //get packet length
+    do{
+      if(str.lengthof() < position){
+        msg.raw__message() = str;
+        return 1;
+      }
+      encodedByte = str_ptr[position];
+      length += (encodedByte & 127) * multiplier;
+      multiplier *= 128;
+      if(multiplier > 128*128*128){
+        msg.raw__message() = str;
+        return 1;
+      }
+      position++;
+      prePosition++;
+    }while((encodedByte & 128) != 0);
+    switch(packetType){
+      case 1:
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        if(str.lengthof() < position+1){
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+        if(str.lengthof() < position+8+tmpLength){
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().nameLength() = tmpLength;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().name().decode_utf8(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+        position += 2+tmpLength;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().protocol__level() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 1);
+        position++;
+        //flags
+        flag = (str_ptr[position] & 128) >> 7;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().user__name__flag() = BITSTRING(1, &flag);
+        flag = (str_ptr[position] & 64) >> 6;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().password__flag() = BITSTRING(1, &flag);
+        flag = (str_ptr[position] & 32) >> 5;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__retain() = BITSTRING(1, &flag);
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__qos() = (str_ptr[position] >> 3) & 3;
+        flag = (str_ptr[position] & 4) >> 2;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__flag() = BITSTRING(1, &flag);
+        flag = (str_ptr[position] & 2) >> 1;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().clean__session() = BITSTRING(1, &flag);
+        flag = str_ptr[position];
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().reserved() = BITSTRING(1, &flag);
+        position++;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().keep__alive() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+        position += 2;
+        //payload
+        tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+        if(str.lengthof() < position+2+tmpLength){
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().client__identifier().stringLength() = tmpLength;
+        msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().client__identifier().stringItem().decode_utf8(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+        position += 2+tmpLength;
+        if(msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__flag()[0].get_bit() == 1){
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+4+tmpLength){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__topic()().stringLength() = tmpLength;
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__topic()().stringItem().decode_utf8(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+          position += 2+tmpLength;
+          tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2+tmpLength){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__message()().stringLength() = tmpLength;
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__message()().stringItem() = OCTETSTRING(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+          position += 2+tmpLength;
+        }else{
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__topic() = OMIT_VALUE;
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__message() = OMIT_VALUE;
+        }
+        if(msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().user__name__flag()[0].get_bit() == 1){
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2+tmpLength){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().user__name()().stringLength() = tmpLength;
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().user__name()().stringItem().decode_utf8(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+          position += 2+tmpLength;
+        }else{
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().user__name() = OMIT_VALUE;
+        }
+        if(msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().password__flag()[0].get_bit() == 1){
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2+tmpLength){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().password()().stringLength() = tmpLength;
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().password()().stringItem() = OCTETSTRING(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+          position += 2+tmpLength;
+        }else{
+          msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().password() = OMIT_VALUE;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        msg.msg().connack().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().connack().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().connack().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          bitstr = str_ptr[position] & 1;
+          msg.msg().connack().session__present__flag() = BITSTRING(1, &bitstr);
+          msg.msg().connack().connect__return__code() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position+1, 1);
+          position += 2;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 3:
+        msg.msg().publish().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().publish().header().dup__flag() = BITSTRING(1, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().publish().header().qos__level() = lookup[bitstr & 6] >> 1;
+        flag = (bitstr >> 3) & 1;
+        msg.msg().publish().header().retain__flag() = BITSTRING(1, &flag);
+        if(str.lengthof() < position+2){
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        msg.msg().publish().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+        if(str.lengthof() < position+2+tmpLength){
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        msg.msg().publish().nameLength() = tmpLength;
+        msg.msg().publish().topic__name().decode_utf8(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+        position += 2+tmpLength;
+        if((msg.msg().publish().header().qos__level() == MQTT__v3__1__1__Types::QoS::AT__LEAST__ONCE__DELIVERY || msg.msg().publish().header().qos__level() == MQTT__v3__1__1__Types::QoS::EXACTLY__ONE__DELIVERY) && str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          msg.msg().publish().packet__identifier()() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.msg().publish().packet__identifier() = OMIT_VALUE;
+        }
+        msg.msg().publish().payload() = OCTETSTRING(length - position + prePosition, &str_ptr[position]);
+        position += (length - position + prePosition);
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        msg.msg().puback().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().puback().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().puback().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          msg.msg().puback().packet__identifier() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 5:
+        msg.msg().pubrec().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().pubrec().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().pubrec().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          msg.msg().pubrec().packet__identifier() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 6:
+        msg.msg().pubrel().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().pubrel().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().pubrel().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          msg.msg().pubrel().packet__identifier() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 7:
+        msg.msg().pubcomp().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().pubcomp().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().pubcomp().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          msg.msg().pubcomp().packet__identifier() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 8:
+        msg.msg().subscribe().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().subscribe().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().subscribe().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          msg.msg().subscribe().packet__identifier() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        while(str.lengthof() > position){
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+3+tmpLength){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          msg.msg().subscribe().payload()[count].filterLength() = tmpLength;
+          msg.msg().subscribe().payload()[count].topic__filter().decode_utf8(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+          msg.msg().subscribe().payload()[count].requested__qos() = str_ptr[position+tmpLength+2];
+          count++;
+          position += 3+tmpLength;
+        }
+        if(count == 0){
+          msg.msg().subscribe().payload() = MQTT__v3__1__1__Types::MQTT__v3__1__1__SubscribePayloadList(NULL_VALUE);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 9:
+        msg.msg().suback().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().suback().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().suback().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          msg.msg().suback().packet__identifier() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        while(str.lengthof() > position){
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+1){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          msg.msg().suback().payload().return__code()[count] = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 1);
+          count++;
+          position++;
+        }
+        if(count == 0){
+          msg.msg().suback().payload().return__code() = MQTT__v3__1__1__Types::IntegerList(NULL_VALUE);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 10:
+        msg.msg().unsubscribe().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().unsubscribe().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().unsubscribe().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          msg.msg().unsubscribe().packet__identifier() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        while(str.lengthof() > position){
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          tmpLength = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          if(str.lengthof() < position+2+tmpLength){
+            msg.raw__message() = str;
+            return 1;
+          }
+          msg.msg().unsubscribe().payload()[count].filterLength() = tmpLength;
+          msg.msg().unsubscribe().payload()[count].topic__filter().decode_utf8(tmpLength, &str_ptr[position+2]);
+          position += 2+tmpLength;
+          count++;
+        }
+        if(count == 0){
+          msg.msg().unsubscribe().payload() = MQTT__v3__1__1__Types::MQTT__v3__1__1__UnsubscribePayloadList(NULL_VALUE);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 11:
+        msg.msg().unsuback().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().unsuback().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().unsuback().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        if(str.lengthof() >= position+2){
+          msg.msg().unsuback().packet__identifier() = decodeInteger(str_ptr, position, 2);
+          position += 2;
+        }else{
+          msg.raw__message() = str;
+          return 1;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 12:
+        msg.msg().pingreq().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().pingreq().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().pingreq().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        break;
+      case 13:
+        msg.msg().pingresp().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().pingresp().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().pingresp().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        break;
+      case 14:
+        msg.msg().disconnect__msg().header().packetType() = int2bit(packetType, 4);
+        msg.msg().disconnect__msg().header().flags() = BITSTRING(4, &bitstr);
+        msg.msg().disconnect__msg().header().remLength() = int2oct(length, 4);
+        break;
+      case 0:
+      case 15:
+      default:
+        msg.raw__message() = str;
+        return 0;
+        break;
+    }
+    if(str.lengthof() > position or length != (position-prePosition)){
+      msg.raw__message() = str;
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }else{
+    msg.raw__message() = str;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if(TTCN_Logger::log_this_event(TTCN_DEBUG)){
+    TTCN_Logger::begin_event(TTCN_DEBUG);
+    TTCN_Logger::log_event("Decoded MQTT 3.1.1 message: ");
+    msg.log();
+    TTCN_Logger::end_event();
+  }
+  return 0;
+f__MQTT__v3__1__1__enc(MQTT__v3__1__1__Message const &msg, OCTETSTRING &str)
+  TTCN_Buffer stream_beginning;
+  TTCN_Buffer stream;
+  unsigned char chr = 0;
+  long long int length = 0;
+  if(TTCN_Logger::log_this_event(TTCN_DEBUG)){
+    TTCN_Logger::begin_event(TTCN_DEBUG);
+    TTCN_Logger::log_event("Encoding MQTT 3.1.1 message: ");
+    msg.log();
+    TTCN_Logger::end_event();
+  }
+  switch(msg.get_selection()){
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__Message::ALT_raw__message:
+  	  stream.put_os(msg.raw__message());
+  	  stream.get_string(str);
+  	  return 0;
+  	  break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__Message::ALT_msg:
+    default:
+  	  break;
+  }
+  switch(msg.msg().get_selection()){
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_connect__msg:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().connect__msg().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().connect__msg().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().connect__msg().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().connect__msg().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodeUtf8(stream, msg.msg().connect__msg().name(), msg.msg().connect__msg().nameLength()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      if(0 <= msg.msg().connect__msg().protocol__level() && msg.msg().connect__msg().protocol__level() <= 255){
+        chr = (int) msg.msg().connect__msg().protocol__level();
+        stream.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+        //flags
+      if(msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().user__name__flag().lengthof() == 1 && msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().password__flag().lengthof() == 1 &&
+       msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__retain().lengthof() == 1 && msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__flag().lengthof() == 1 &&
+       msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().clean__session().lengthof() == 1){
+        chr = msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().user__name__flag()[0].get_bit() << 7;
+        chr += msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().password__flag()[0].get_bit() << 6;
+        chr += msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__retain()[0].get_bit() << 5;
+        chr += ((int) msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__qos()) << 3;
+        chr += msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().will__flag()[0].get_bit() << 2;
+        chr += msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().clean__session()[0].get_bit() << 1;
+        chr += msg.msg().connect__msg().flags().reserved()[0].get_bit();
+        stream.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      if(0 <= msg.msg().connect__msg().keep__alive() && msg.msg().connect__msg().keep__alive() <= 65535){
+        chr = (int) msg.msg().connect__msg().keep__alive() >> 8;
+        stream.put_c(chr);
+        chr = (int) msg.msg().connect__msg().keep__alive();
+        stream.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      //payload
+      if(encodeUtf8(stream, msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().client__identifier().stringItem(), msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().client__identifier().stringLength()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      if(msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__topic().ispresent()){
+        if(encodeUtf8(stream, msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__topic()().stringItem(), msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__topic()().stringLength()) != 0){
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      if(msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__message().ispresent()){
+        if(encodeOctetstring(stream, msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__message()().stringItem(), msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().will__message()().stringLength()) != 0){
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      if(msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().user__name().ispresent()){
+        if(encodeUtf8(stream, msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().user__name()().stringItem(), msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().user__name()().stringLength()) != 0){
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      if(msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().password().ispresent()){
+        if(encodeOctetstring(stream, msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().password()().stringItem(), msg.msg().connect__msg().payload().password()().stringLength()) != 0){
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_connack:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().connack().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().connack().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().connack().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().connack().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(msg.msg().connack().session__present__flag().lengthof() == 1){
+        chr = msg.msg().connack().session__present__flag()[0].get_bit();
+        stream.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      if((int) msg.msg().connack().connect__return__code() < 0 || 255 < (int) msg.msg().connack().connect__return__code()){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      chr = (int) msg.msg().connack().connect__return__code();
+      stream.put_c(chr);
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_publish:
+      const unsigned char* tmp;
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().publish().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().publish().header().dup__flag().lengthof() == 1 && msg.msg().publish().header().retain__flag().lengthof() == 1){
+        tmp = (const unsigned char*) msg.msg().publish().header().dup__flag();
+        chr += tmp[0] << 3;
+        chr += msg.msg().publish().header().qos__level() << 1;
+        tmp = (const unsigned char*) msg.msg().publish().header().retain__flag();
+        chr += tmp[0];
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().publish().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodeUtf8(stream, msg.msg().publish().topic__name(), msg.msg().publish().nameLength()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      if(msg.msg().publish().packet__identifier().is_present()){
+        if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().publish().packet__identifier()()) != 0){
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      //payload
+      stream.put_os(msg.msg().publish().payload());
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_puback:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().puback().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().puback().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().puback().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().puback().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().puback().packet__identifier()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_pubrec:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().pubrec().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().pubrec().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().pubrec().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().pubrec().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().pubrec().packet__identifier()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_pubrel:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().pubrel().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().pubrel().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().pubrel().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().pubrel().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().pubrel().packet__identifier()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_pubcomp:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().pubcomp().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().pubcomp().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().pubcomp().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().pubcomp().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().pubcomp().packet__identifier()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_subscribe:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().subscribe().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().subscribe().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().subscribe().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().subscribe().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().subscribe().packet__identifier()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      //payload
+      for(int i = 0; i < msg.msg().subscribe().payload().size_of(); i++){
+        if(encodeUtf8(stream, msg.msg().subscribe().payload()[i].topic__filter(), msg.msg().subscribe().payload()[i].filterLength()) != 0){
+          return 1;
+        }
+        chr = msg.msg().subscribe().payload()[i].requested__qos();
+        stream.put_c(chr);
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_suback:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().suback().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().suback().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().suback().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().suback().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().suback().packet__identifier()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      //payload
+      for(int i = 0; i < msg.msg().suback().payload().return__code().size_of(); i++){
+        if(msg.msg().suback().payload().return__code()[i] < 0 || 255 < msg.msg().suback().payload().return__code()[i]){
+          return 1;
+        }
+        chr = msg.msg().suback().payload().return__code()[i];
+        stream.put_c(chr);
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_unsubscribe:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().unsubscribe().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().unsubscribe().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().unsubscribe().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().unsubscribe().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().unsubscribe().packet__identifier()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      //payload
+      for(int i = 0; i < msg.msg().unsubscribe().payload().size_of(); i++){
+        if(encodeUtf8(stream, msg.msg().unsubscribe().payload()[i].topic__filter(), msg.msg().unsubscribe().payload()[i].filterLength()) != 0){
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_unsuback:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().unsuback().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().unsuback().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().unsuback().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().unsuback().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      //variable header
+      if(encodePacketIdentifier(stream, (int) msg.msg().unsuback().packet__identifier()) != 0){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_pingreq:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().pingreq().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().pingreq().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().pingreq().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().pingreq().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_pingresp:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().pingresp().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().pingresp().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().pingresp().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().pingresp().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      break;
+    case MQTT__v3__1__1__ReqResp::ALT_disconnect__msg:
+      chr = (int)(bit2int(msg.msg().disconnect__msg().header().packetType()) << 4);
+      if(msg.msg().disconnect__msg().header().flags().lengthof() == 4){
+        chr += encodeFlags(msg.msg().disconnect__msg().header().flags());
+        stream_beginning.put_c(chr);
+      }else{
+        return 1;
+      }
+      length = oct2int(msg.msg().disconnect__msg().header().remLength()).get_long_long_val();
+      break;
+    default:
+      return 1;
+      break;
+  }
+  TTCN_Logger::begin_event(TTCN_DEBUG);
+  TTCN_Logger::log_event("Encoded MQTT 3.1.1 message: ");
+  stream_beginning.log();
+  TTCN_Logger::end_event();
+  do{
+    unsigned char encodedByte = length % 128;
+    length /= 128;
+    if(length > 0){
+      encodedByte = encodedByte | 128;
+    }
+    stream_beginning.put_c(encodedByte);
+  }while(length > 0);
+  stream_beginning.put_buf(stream);
+  stream_beginning.get_string(str);
+  return 0;
+unsigned int encodeFlags(BIT4n bits){
+  const unsigned char* chr;
+  const unsigned char lookup[16] = {
+    0x0, 0x8, 0x4, 0xc, 0x2, 0xa, 0x6, 0xe,
+    0x1, 0x9, 0x5, 0xd, 0x3, 0xb, 0x7, 0xf};
+  chr = (const unsigned char*) bits;
+  return lookup[chr[0]];
+int encodePacketIdentifier(TTCN_Buffer &buffer, int identifier){
+  if(0 <= identifier && identifier <= 65535){
+    unsigned char chr;
+    chr = (identifier >> 8) & 255;
+    buffer.put_c(chr);
+    chr = identifier & 255;
+    buffer.put_c(chr);
+    return 0;
+  }else{
+    return 1;
+  }
+int encodeUtf8(TTCN_Buffer &stream, const UNIVERSAL_CHARSTRING& str, const INTEGER& length){
+  if(0 <= length && length <= 65535){
+    unsigned char chr = (int)(length) >> 8;
+    stream.put_c(chr);
+    chr = (int)length;
+    stream.put_c(chr);
+    str.encode_utf8(stream, false);
+    return 0;
+  }else{
+    return 1;
+  }
+int encodeOctetstring(TTCN_Buffer &stream, const OCTETSTRING& str, const INTEGER& length){
+  if(0 <= length && length <= 65535){
+    unsigned char chr = (int)(length) >> 8;
+    stream.put_c(chr);
+    chr = (int)length;
+    stream.put_c(chr);
+    stream.put_os(str);
+    return 0;
+  }else{
+    return 1;
+  }
+int decodeInteger(const unsigned char* &str, const int position, const int length){
+  int value = 0;
+  for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
+	  value += (str[position+i] << (8 * (length-i-1)));
+  }
+  return value;
diff --git a/src/negative_testing/ b/src/negative_testing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c53de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/negative_testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2017 Easy Global Market
+* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+* Contributors:
+*  Spaseski Naum - initial implementation
+*  Bence Janos Szabo - negative testing branch 
+#include "Mqtt_v3_1_1_IPL4SizeFunction.hh"
+namespace Mqtt__v3__1__1__IPL4SizeFunction {
+INTEGER f__calc__MQTT__length(const OCTETSTRING& data){
+    int multiplier, value, i, j;
+    i = 0; // encoded byte
+    j = 2; // additional real size
+    multiplier = 1;
+    value = 0;
+    do {
+        i++;
+        value += (oct2int(data[i]) & 127) * multiplier + j;
+        multiplier *= 128;
+        if (multiplier > 128*128*128){
+            if(TTCN_Logger::log_this_event(LOG_ALL)){
+                TTCN_Logger::begin_event(LOG_ALL);
+                TTCN_Logger::log_event("Error: Wrong size of the message!");
+                TTCN_Logger::end_event();
+            }
+            return -1; //error case, bigger than the MQTT limit
+        }
+	j = 1;
+    }while((oct2int(data[i]) & 128) != 0);
+  return value;
diff --git a/src/negative_testing/Mqtt_v3.1.1_Types.ttcn b/src/negative_testing/Mqtt_v3.1.1_Types.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28cdcea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/negative_testing/Mqtt_v3.1.1_Types.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2016  Ericsson AB
+* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+* Contributors:
+*  Mate Kovacs - initial implementation and initial documentation
+*  Bence Janos Szabo - negative testing branch 
+//  File:               Mqtt_v3.1.1_Types.ttcn
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 831 
+module MQTT_v3_1_1_Types
+  // RAW encoding will produce a remLength of 4 bytes;
+  // this function reads this 4 bytes and encodes as
+  // it is written in the MQTT standard
+  function f_adjustLength(in octetstring p_os) return octetstring
+  {
+    // get the remLength from thr RAW encoded octetstring
+    var integer remLength := oct2int(substr(p_os, 1, 4));
+    var octetstring encodedRemLenght := ''O;
+    var integer encodedByte;
+    do {
+      encodedByte := remLength mod 128;
+      remLength := remLength / 128;
+      if (remLength > 0) {
+        encodedByte := bit2int(int2bit(encodedByte, 8) or4b '10000000'B);
+      }
+      encodedRemLenght := encodedRemLenght & int2oct(encodedByte, 1);
+    } while (remLength > 0 );
+    p_os := replace(p_os, 1, 4, encodedRemLenght);
+    return p_os
+  }
+function f_trimLength(in octetstring p_os) return octetstring
+//decoding expects remLength of 4 bytes ; anything shorter will b4 completed to 4 bytes 
+  var octetstring v_os:=''O;
+  var integer v_l:= lengthof(p_os) //unadjusted length 
+  //X Y 0N--127N
+  if((v_l >=0+2) and (v_l<=127+2))//1 octet for length
+  {
+    v_os:= substr(p_os,0,1)&'000000'O&substr(p_os,1,v_l-1 )
+  }
+  else if ((v_l >= 128+2) and (v_l <=16383+2 )) //2 octets for length
+  {
+    v_os:= substr(p_os,0,1)&'0000'O&substr(p_os,1,v_l-1 )
+  }
+  else if ((v_l >= 16384+2) and (v_l <=2097151+2 ))//3 octets for length
+  {
+    v_os:= substr(p_os,0,1)&'00'O&substr(p_os,1,v_l-1 )
+  }
+  else if ((v_l >= 2097152+2) and (v_l <=268435455+2 ))//4 octets for length
+  {
+    v_os:=p_os
+  }
+  else {}
+  return v_os
+  external function f_MQTT_v3_1_1_enc(in MQTT_v3_1_1_Message msg, out octetstring str) return integer;
+  external function f_MQTT_v3_1_1_dec(in octetstring str, out MQTT_v3_1_1_Message msg) return integer;
+  external function f_MQTT_enc(in MQTT_v3_1_1_Message msg) return octetstring
+  with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(RAW)" };
+  // RAW decoding does not work correctly.
+  external function f_MQTT_dec(in octetstring  stream) return MQTT_v3_1_1_Message
+  with { extension "prototype(convert) decode(RAW)" };
+  function f_MQTT_decode(in octetstring  msg) return MQTT_v3_1_1_Message
+  {
+    return f_MQTT_dec(f_trimLength(msg))
+  }
+  function f_MQTT_encode(in MQTT_v3_1_1_Message msg) return octetstring
+  {
+    return f_adjustLength(f_MQTT_enc(msg))
+  }
+  type octetstring OCT0_65535               length(0..65535);
+  type universal charstring UCHAR0_65535    length(0..65535) with { variant ""; };
+  type bitstring BIT1n        length(1)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(1),BITORDER(msb)"; };
+  type bitstring BIT4n        length(4)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(4)"; };
+  type octetstring OCT4       length(4)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(4)"; };
+  type integer INT0_255       (0..255)      with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"; };
+  type integer INT_BIT16_MSB  (0..65335)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(16), BITORDER(msb)"; };
+  type record UTF8EncodedString
+  {
+    INT_BIT16_MSB     stringLength,
+    UCHAR0_65535      stringItem
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)" 
+    variant (stringLength) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" ;
+    variant (stringLength) "LENGTHTO(stringItem)" ;
+  }
+  type record OctStringWithLength
+  {
+    INT_BIT16_MSB     stringLength,
+    OCT0_65535        stringItem
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)" 
+    variant (stringLength) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" ;
+    variant (stringLength) "LENGTHTO(stringItem)" ;
+  }
+  type enumerated QoS
+  {
+    RESERVED(3)
+  } with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(2)"; }
+  type record Header
+  {
+    BIT4n                         packetType,
+    BIT4n                         flags,
+    OCT4                          remLength
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+  }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_PublishHeader
+  {
+    BIT4n                         packetType, 
+    BIT1n                         dup_flag,
+    QoS                           qos_level,
+    BIT1n                         retain_flag,
+    OCT4                         remLength 
+  } with { variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"; }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_ConnectFlags
+  {
+    BIT1n                         user_name_flag,
+    BIT1n                         password_flag,
+    BIT1n                         will_retain,
+    QoS                           will_qos,
+    BIT1n                         will_flag,
+    BIT1n                         clean_session,
+    BIT1n                         reserved
+  } with { variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"; }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_ConnectPayload
+  {
+    UTF8EncodedString                  client_identifier,
+    UTF8EncodedString                  will_topic optional,
+    OctStringWithLength                will_message optional,
+    UTF8EncodedString                  user_name optional,
+    OctStringWithLength                password optional
+  } with { variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"; }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Connect
+  {
+    Header                        header,
+    INT_BIT16_MSB                 nameLength,
+    UCHAR0_65535                  name,
+    integer                       protocol_level (0..255),
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_ConnectFlags      flags,
+    integer                       keep_alive (0..65535),
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_ConnectPayload    payload
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (nameLength) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)";
+    variant (nameLength) "LENGTHTO(name)";
+    variant (protocol_level) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+    variant (keep_alive) "FIELDLENGTH(16)";
+  }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Connack
+  {
+    Header                        header,
+    BIT1n                         session_present_flag,
+    integer                       connect_return_code (0..255)
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (session_present_flag) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" ;
+    variant (session_present_flag) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+    variant (connect_return_code) "BITORDERINFIELD(lsb)";
+    variant (connect_return_code) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Publish
+  {
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_PublishHeader     header,
+    INT_BIT16_MSB                 nameLength,
+    UCHAR0_65535                  topic_name,
+    integer                       packet_identifier (0..65535) optional,
+    octetstring                   payload
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (packet_identifier) "BYTEORDER(last)" ;
+    variant (packet_identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(16)";
+    variant (nameLength) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" ;
+    variant (nameLength) "LENGTHTO(topic_name)";
+  }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier
+  {
+    Header                        header,
+    integer                       packet_identifier (0..65535)
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (header.remLength) "LENGTHTO(packet_identifier)" ;
+    variant (packet_identifier) "BYTEORDER(last)";
+    variant (packet_identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(16)";
+  }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_SubscribePayload
+  {
+    INT_BIT16_MSB                 filterLength,
+    UCHAR0_65535                  topic_filter,
+    QoS                           requested_qos
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (filterLength) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" ;
+    variant (filterLength) "LENGTHTO(topic_filter)";
+    variant (requested_qos) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" ; 
+    variant (requested_qos) "FIELDLENGTH(8)" ; 
+    variant (requested_qos) "BITORDER(msb)" ;
+  }
+  type record of MQTT_v3_1_1_SubscribePayload MQTT_v3_1_1_SubscribePayloadList;
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Subscribe
+  {
+    Header                              header,
+    integer                             packet_identifier (0..65535),
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_SubscribePayloadList    payload
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (packet_identifier) "BYTEORDER(last)";
+    variant (packet_identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(16)";
+  }
+  type record of INT0_255 IntegerList;
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_SubackPayload
+  {
+    IntegerList                   return_code
+  }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Suback
+  {
+    Header                        header,
+    integer                       packet_identifier (0..65535),
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_SubackPayload     payload
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (packet_identifier) "BYTEORDER(last)";
+    variant (packet_identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(16)";
+  }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_UnsubscribePayload
+  {
+    INT_BIT16_MSB                 filterLength,
+    UCHAR0_65535                  topic_filter
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (filterLength) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" ;
+    variant (filterLength) "LENGTHTO(topic_filter)";
+  }
+  type record of MQTT_v3_1_1_UnsubscribePayload MQTT_v3_1_1_UnsubscribePayloadList
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Unsubscribe
+  {
+    Header                              header,
+    integer                             packet_identifier (0..65535),
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_UnsubscribePayloadList  payload
+  } with {
+    variant "FIELDORDER(msb)";
+    variant (packet_identifier) "BYTEORDER(last)";
+    variant (packet_identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(16)";
+  }
+  type record MQTT_v3_1_1_Empty
+  {
+    Header                              header
+  }
+  type union MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp
+  {
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Connect           connect_msg,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Connack           connack,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Publish           publish,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier        puback,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier        pubrec,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier        pubrel,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier        pubcomp,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Subscribe         subscribe,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Suback            suback,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Unsubscribe       unsubscribe,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Identifier        unsuback,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Empty             pingreq,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Empty             pingresp,
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_Empty             disconnect_msg
+  } with { variant "TAG(
+  connect_msg,        header.packetType = '0001'B;   
+  connack,           header.packetType = '0010'B;   
+  publish,   header.packetType = '0011'B;   
+  puback,   header.packetType = '0100'B;   
+  pubrec,  header.packetType = '0101'B;   
+  pubrel,   header.packetType = '0110'B;   
+  pubcomp,      header.packetType = '0111'B;   
+  subscribe,     header.packetType = '1000'B;   
+  suback,      header.packetType = '1001'B;   
+  unsubscribe,  header.packetType = '1010'B;   
+  unsuback,  header.packetType = '1011'B;   
+  pingreq,   header.packetType = '1100'B;   
+  pingresp,      header.packetType = '1101'B;   
+  disconnect_msg,    header.packetType = '1110'B; )"
+  type union MQTT_v3_1_1_Message
+  {
+    MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp           msg,
+    octetstring                   raw_message
+  } with { variant "" }
+} with { encode "RAW" }
diff --git a/src/negative_testing/Mqtt_v3_1_1_IPL4SizeFunction.ttcn b/src/negative_testing/Mqtt_v3_1_1_IPL4SizeFunction.ttcn
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/negative_testing/Mqtt_v3_1_1_IPL4SizeFunction.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2017 Easy Global Market
+* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+* Contributors:
+*  Spaseski Naum - initial implementation
+*  Bence Janos Szabo - negative testing branch 
+// To use this function with the IPL4 port,                           *
+// you should add these lines to your TTCN-3 code:		              *
+//                                                                    *  
+// var f_IPL4_getMsgLen getMsg_Func := refers(f_GetMsgLengthMQTT);    *
+// f_IPL4_setGetMsgLen(IPL4_port,connectionId, getMsg_Func, {});      *
+module Mqtt_v3_1_1_IPL4SizeFunction{
+import from Socket_API_Definitions all;
+//External functions
+external function f_calc_MQTT_length(in octetstring data) return integer;
+function f_GetMsgLengthMQTT(  in octetstring stream,   inout ro_integer args) return integer
+  return f_calc_MQTT_length(stream) ;
diff --git a/src/negative_testing/README b/src/negative_testing/README
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+++ b/src/negative_testing/README
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+The MQTT protocol module was written initially with an external codec (see
+The reason for this was that the variable length encoding of remLength cannot be directly handled by RAW alone; some external assistance is needed;
+A new protocol module has been written (based on the RAW codec), which can handle encoding directions. But for the decoding the external codec should be used.
+To enable more throughout fuzzing (negative testing) the TTCN-3 types were extended with fields that stores the length of fields of the length of payload, based on the MQTT standard. 
+The RAW encoder cannot compute correctly the remLength field, but calling the f_adjustLength function on the result of the RAW encoding will produce the correct remLength and the correct message to be sent.
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