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Author: Gábor Szalai
Version: 1551-CNL 113 806, Rev. B
Date: 2017-02-27
= TLS Protocol Modules for TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN, Function Description
:author: Gábor Szalai
:revnumber: 1551-CNL 113 806, Rev. B
:revdate: 2017-02-27
= Functionality
Protocol modules implement the message structures of the related protocol in a formalized way, using the TTCN-3 language <<_1, [1]>>. This allows defining of test data (templates) in the TTCN-3 language and correctly encoding/decoding messages when executing test suites using the Titan TTCN-3 test environment
== Protocol Version Implemented
This set of protocol modules implements protocol messages and constants of the TLS protocol, v1.1 (see <<_3, [3]>>) with the modifications specified in <<modifications-deviations-related-to-the-protocol-specification, Modifications/Deviations Related to the Protocol Specification>>.)
Implemented extensions:
* Server Name Indication (SNI) in the Client Hello (RFC 6066)
* Application Layer Protocol (RFC 7301)
== Modifications/Deviations Related to the Protocol Specification
The standard TLS protocol modules had to be changed in order to compile and become usable. These changes are detailed below.
=== Unimplemented Messages, Information Elements and Constants
=== Protocol Modifications/Deviations
Protocol modules contain the following modifications/deviations from <<_3, [3]>> changing the protocol message structure/behavior.
==== If a Handshake message decoding fails it will be an octetstring with _TLSText.length_ bytes and decoded as Encrypted Handshake.
==== For the opportunity to extend the `ClientHello` message, new field named `extension` added.
==== `KeyExchangeAlgorithm` named `null` added, to use as default value in some decoding function.
==== This protocol module implementation does not support to send encrypted messages, only support handshakes, alerts and cipher spec changes.
== System Requirements
Hence, protocol modules alone do not put specific requirements on the system used. However, in order to compile and execute a TTCN-3 test suite using the set of protocol modules the following system requirements must be satisfied:
* TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor version R7A or higher installed. For installation guide see <<_2, [2]>>.
NOTE: This version of the protocol module is not compatible with TITAN releases earlier than R7A.
== Installation
The set of protocol modules can be used in developing TTCN-3 test suites using any text editor. However to make the work more efficient a TTCN-3-enabled text editor is recommended (e.g`nedit`, `xemacs`). Since the TLS protocol is used as a part of a TTCN-3 test suite, this requires TTCN-3 Test Executor be installed before the module can be compiled and executed together with other parts of the test suite. For more details on the installation of TTCN-3 Test Executor see the relevant section of <<_2, [2]>>.
== Examples
=== Example for Message Length Calculation and Message Splitting
To access this functionality, you have to use the IPL4 Testports <<_4, [4]>> function called `f_IPL4_fixedMsgLen`. It has two parameters. The first is the message in octetstring (stream), the second is a record of integers which has to be the following:
var ro_integer args := { 3, 2, 0, 1, 0 }
Now your function call should looks like this:
var integer vl_len := f_IPL4_fixedMsgLen(stream, args)
And now you can easily get one TLS message from the stream with the built-in substr function.
var octetstring vl_message := substr(stream, 0, len)
== Encoder/Decoder Functions
=== Implemented Encoding/Decoding Functions:
|*Name* |*Type of formal parameters* |*Type of return value*
|`enc_TLS_TLSPlaintexts` |TLSPlaintext |octetstring
|`dec_TLS_TLSPlaintexts` |octetstring, TLSPlaintexts, KeyExchangeAlgorithm (optional) |integer
|`enc_TLS_TLSCompressed` |TLSCompressed |octetstring
|`dec_TLS_TLSCompressed` |octetstring, TLSCompressed, KeyExchangeAlgorithm (optional) |integer
|`enc_TLS_SecurityParameters` |SecurityParameters |octetstring
|`dec_TLS_SecurityParameters` |Octetstring, SecurityParameters |integer
|`enc_TLS_TLSCiphertext` |TLSCiphertext, TLSCompressed, SecurityParameters |octetstring
|`dec_TLS_TLSCiphertext` |octetstring, TLSCiphertext, TLSCompressed, SecurityParameters, KeyExchangeAlgorithm |integer
|`enc_TLS_Extensions` |TLS_Extensions |octetstring
|`dec_TLS_Extensions` |octetstring |TLS_Extensions
= Abbreviations
ES:: ETSI Standard
ETSI:: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
IETF:: Internet Engineering Task Force
RFC:: Request for Comments
TLS:: Transport Layer Security
TTCN-3:: Testing and Test Control Notation version 3
= References
[1] ETSI ES 201 873-1 v4.5.1 +
The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 1: Core Language
[2] TITAN User Guide
[3] IETF[RFC 4346] +
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1
[4] IPL4asp Test Port for TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN, Description