First code commit
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3534f2f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+Eclipse Public License - v 2.0








+"Contribution" means:


+  a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial content

+     Distributed under this Agreement, and


+  b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor:

+     i) changes to the Program, and

+     ii) additions to the Program;

+  where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from

+  and are Distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution

+  "originates" from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by

+  such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf.

+  Contributions do not include changes or additions to the Program that

+  are not Modified Works.


+"Contributor" means any person or entity that Distributes the Program.


+"Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which

+are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone

+or when combined with the Program.


+"Program" means the Contributions Distributed in accordance with this



+"Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this Agreement

+or any Secondary License (as applicable), including Contributors.


+"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source Code or other

+form, that is based on (or derived from) the Program and for which the

+editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications

+represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship.


+"Modified Works" shall mean any work in Source Code or other form that

+results from an addition to, deletion from, or modification of the

+contents of the Program, including, for purposes of clarity any new file

+in Source Code form that contains any contents of the Program. Modified

+Works shall not include works that contain only declarations,

+interfaces, types, classes, structures, or files of the Program solely

+in each case in order to link to, bind by name, or subclass the Program

+or Modified Works thereof.


+"Distribute" means the acts of a) distributing or b) making available

+in any manner that enables the transfer of a copy.


+"Source Code" means the form of a Program preferred for making

+modifications, including but not limited to software source code,

+documentation source, and configuration files.


+"Secondary License" means either the GNU General Public License,

+Version 2.0, or any later versions of that license, including any

+exceptions or additional permissions as identified by the initial





+  a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby

+  grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright

+  license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display,

+  publicly perform, Distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such

+  Contributor, if any, and such Derivative Works.


+  b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby

+  grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent

+  license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell,

+  import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such Contributor,

+  if any, in Source Code or other form. This patent license shall

+  apply to the combination of the Contribution and the Program if, at

+  the time the Contribution is added by the Contributor, such addition

+  of the Contribution causes such combination to be covered by the

+  Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other

+  combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is

+  licensed hereunder.


+  c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the

+  licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are

+  provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the

+  patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity.

+  Each Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims

+  brought by any other entity based on infringement of intellectual

+  property rights or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the

+  rights and licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby

+  assumes sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual

+  property rights needed, if any. For example, if a third party

+  patent license is required to allow Recipient to Distribute the

+  Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that license

+  before distributing the Program.


+  d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has

+  sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant

+  the copyright license set forth in this Agreement.


+  e) Notwithstanding the terms of any Secondary License, no

+  Contributor makes additional grants to any Recipient (other than

+  those set forth in this Agreement) as a result of such Recipient's

+  receipt of the Program under the terms of a Secondary License

+  (if permitted under the terms of Section 3).




+3.1 If a Contributor Distributes the Program in any form, then:


+  a) the Program must also be made available as Source Code, in

+  accordance with section 3.2, and the Contributor must accompany

+  the Program with a statement that the Source Code for the Program

+  is available under this Agreement, and informs Recipients how to

+  obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily

+  used for software exchange; and


+  b) the Contributor may Distribute the Program under a license

+  different than this Agreement, provided that such license:

+     i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all other Contributors all

+     warranties and conditions, express and implied, including

+     warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and

+     implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness

+     for a particular purpose;


+     ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all other Contributors all

+     liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special,

+     incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits;


+     iii) does not attempt to limit or alter the recipients' rights

+     in the Source Code under section 3.2; and


+     iv) requires any subsequent distribution of the Program by any

+     party to be under a license that satisfies the requirements

+     of this section 3.


+3.2 When the Program is Distributed as Source Code:


+  a) it must be made available under this Agreement, or if the

+  Program (i) is combined with other material in a separate file or

+  files made available under a Secondary License, and (ii) the initial

+  Contributor attached to the Source Code the notice described in

+  Exhibit A of this Agreement, then the Program may be made available

+  under the terms of such Secondary Licenses, and


+  b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of

+  the Program.


+3.3 Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright, patent,

+trademark, attribution notices, disclaimers of warranty, or limitations

+of liability ("notices") contained within the Program from any copy of

+the Program which they Distribute, provided that Contributors may add

+their own appropriate notices.




+Commercial distributors of software may accept certain responsibilities

+with respect to end users, business partners and the like. While this

+license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the Program,

+the Contributor who includes the Program in a commercial product

+offering should do so in a manner which does not create potential

+liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a Contributor includes

+the Program in a commercial product offering, such Contributor

+("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend and indemnify every

+other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") against any losses,

+damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising from claims, lawsuits

+and other legal actions brought by a third party against the Indemnified

+Contributor to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of such

+Commercial Contributor in connection with its distribution of the Program

+in a commercial product offering. The obligations in this section do not

+apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged

+intellectual property infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified

+Contributor must: a) promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in

+writing of such claim, and b) allow the Commercial Contributor to control,

+and cooperate with the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any

+related settlement negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may

+participate in any such claim at its own expense.


+For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial

+product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial

+Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance

+claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance

+claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility

+alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to

+defend claims against the other Contributors related to those performance

+claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other Contributor to

+pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor must pay

+those damages.









+PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely responsible for determining the

+appropriateness of using and distributing the Program and assumes all

+risks associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement,

+including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors,

+compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs

+or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.
















+If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under

+applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of

+the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further

+action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the

+minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.


+If Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity

+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the

+Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software

+or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's

+rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such

+litigation is filed.


+All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it

+fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this

+Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of

+time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's

+rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use

+and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable.

+However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses

+granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive.


+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this Agreement,

+but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is copyrighted and

+may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward

+reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of

+this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the Agreement

+Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. The Eclipse Foundation

+is the initial Agreement Steward. The Eclipse Foundation may assign the

+responsibility to serve as the Agreement Steward to a suitable separate

+entity. Each new version of the Agreement will be given a distinguishing

+version number. The Program (including Contributions) may always be

+Distributed subject to the version of the Agreement under which it was

+received. In addition, after a new version of the Agreement is published,

+Contributor may elect to Distribute the Program (including its

+Contributions) under the new version.


+Except as expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient

+receives no rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any

+Contributor under this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication,

+estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted

+under this Agreement are reserved. Nothing in this Agreement is intended

+to be enforceable by any entity that is not a Contributor or Recipient.

+No third-party beneficiary rights are created under this Agreement.


+Exhibit A - Form of Secondary Licenses Notice


+"This Source Code may also be made available under the following 

+Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth 

+in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: {name license(s),

+version(s), and exceptions or additional permissions here}."


+  Simply including a copy of this Agreement, including this Exhibit A

+  is not sufficient to license the Source Code under Secondary Licenses.


+  If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular

+  file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE

+  file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to

+  look for such a notice.


+  You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
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index 0000000..f2f445a
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+++ b/V5_CNL113813.tpd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<TITAN_Project_File_Information version="1.0">
+  <ProjectName>V5_CNL113813</ProjectName>
+  <ReferencedProjects>
+    <ReferencedProject name="ProtocolModules_Common" projectLocationURI="../COMMON/ProtocolModules_Common.tpd"/>
+  </ReferencedProjects>
+  <Folders>
+    <FolderResource projectRelativePath="src" relativeURI="src"/>
+  </Folders>
+  <Files>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="src/V5_Types.ttcn" relativeURI="src/V5_Types.ttcn"/>
+  </Files>
+  <ActiveConfiguration>Default</ActiveConfiguration>
+  <Configurations>
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+      <ProjectProperties>
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+          <generateInternalMakefile>true</generateInternalMakefile>
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+          <buildLevel>Level3-Creatingobjectfileswithdependencyupdate</buildLevel>
+        </MakefileSettings>
+        <LocalBuildSettings>
+          <workingDirectory>bin</workingDirectory>
+        </LocalBuildSettings>
+      </ProjectProperties>
+    </Configuration>
+  </Configurations>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/V5_CNL113813_1551.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/V5_CNL113813_PRI.doc b/doc/V5_CNL113813_PRI.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea5172b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/V5_CNL113813_PRI.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/V5_Types.ttcn b/src/V5_Types.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4913458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/V5_Types.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               V5_Types.ttcn
+//  Description:        
+//  Rev:                <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 813
+//  Updated:            2015-01-28
+//  Contact:  
+module V5_Types {
+import from General_Types all;
+external function ef_PSTN_enc(in PSTN_Message pl_pdu, out octetstring pl_stream)
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "encode(RAW)"; 
+external function ef_PSTN_dec(in octetstring pl_stream, out PSTN_Message pl_pdu)
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "decode(RAW)";
+external function ef_CNTRL_enc(in CNTRL_Message pl_pdu, out octetstring pl_stream) 
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "encode(RAW)"; 
+external function ef_CNTRL_dec(in octetstring pl_stream, out CNTRL_Message pl_pdu) 
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "decode(RAW)";
+external function ef_PROT_enc(in PROT_Message pl_pdu, out octetstring pl_stream) 
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "encode(RAW)"; 
+external function ef_PROT_dec(in octetstring pl_stream, out PROT_Message pl_pdu) 
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "decode(RAW)";
+external function ef_BCC_enc(in BCC_Message pl_pdu, out octetstring pl_stream) 
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "encode(RAW)"; 
+external function ef_BCC_dec(in octetstring pl_stream, out BCC_Message pl_pdu) 
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "decode(RAW)";
+external function ef_LINKCNTRL_enc(in LINKCNTRL_Message pl_pdu, out octetstring pl_stream) 
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "encode(RAW)"; 
+external function ef_LINKCNTRL_dec(in octetstring pl_stream, out LINKCNTRL_Message pl_pdu) 
+with {
+  extension "prototype(fast)";
+  extension "decode(RAW)";
+type record PSTN_Message {
+  BIT8                              protDiscr,
+  PSTNL3Address                     pstnL3Addr,
+  MessageTypeIdentifier             msgTypeId,
+  PSTNMessageBodies                 msgBody
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (protDiscr = '01001000'B)";
+  variant (msgTypeId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (msgBody) "CROSSTAG (   
+  pstnEstablish,              {msgTypeId = PSTN_ESTABLISH};
+  pstnEstablishAck,           {msgTypeId = PSTN_ESTABLISH_ACK};
+  pstnSignal,                 {msgTypeId = PSTN_SIGNAL};
+  pstnSignalAck,              {msgTypeId = PSTN_SIGNAL_ACK};
+  pstnDisconnect,             {msgTypeId = PSTN_DISCONNECT};
+  pstnDisconnectComplete,     {msgTypeId = PSTN_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE};
+  pstnStatusEnquiry,          {msgTypeId = PSTN_STATUS_ENQUIRY};
+  pstnStatus,                 {msgTypeId = PSTN_STATUS};
+  pstnProtocolParameter,      {msgTypeId = PSTN_PROTOCOL_PARAMETER};
+  )";
+type union PSTNMessageBodies {
+  PSTN_ESTABLISH                pstnEstablish,
+  PSTN_ESTABLISH_ACK            pstnEstablishAck,
+  PSTN_SIGNAL                   pstnSignal,
+  PSTN_SIGNAL_ACK               pstnSignalAck,
+  PSTN_DISCONNECT               pstnDisconnect,
+  PSTN_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE      pstnDisconnectComplete,
+  PSTN_STATUS_ENQUIRY           pstnStatusEnquiry,
+  PSTN_STATUS                   pstnStatus,
+  PSTN_PROTOCOL_PARAMETER       pstnProtocolParameter
+} with {
+  variant ""
+type record CNTRL_Message {
+  BIT8                              protDiscr,
+  CNTRLL3Address                    cntrlL3Addr,
+  MessageTypeIdentifier             msgTypeId,
+  CNTRLMessageBodies                msgBody
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (protDiscr = '01001000'B)";
+  variant (msgTypeId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (msgBody)     
+  "CROSSTAG (   
+  cntrlPortControl,              {msgTypeId = CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL};
+  cntrlPortControlAck,           {msgTypeId = CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL_ACK};
+  cntrlCommonControl,            {msgTypeId = CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL};
+  cntrlCommonControlAck,         {msgTypeId = CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL_ACK};
+  )";
+type union CNTRLMessageBodies {
+  CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL            cntrlPortControl,
+  CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL_ACK        cntrlPortControlAck,
+  CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL          cntrlCommonControl,
+  CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL_ACK      cntrlCommonControlAck
+} with {
+  variant ""
+type record PROT_Message {
+  BIT8                              protDiscr,
+  LogicalC_ChannelId                logc_channelId,
+  MessageTypeIdentifier             msgTypeId,
+  PROTMessageBodies                 msgBody
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (protDiscr = '01001000'B)";
+  variant (msgTypeId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (msgBody)     
+  "CROSSTAG (   
+  protSwitchOverReq,              {msgTypeId = PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REQ};
+  protSwitchOverCom,              {msgTypeId = PROT_SWITCH_OVER_COM};
+  protOsSwitchOverCom,            {msgTypeId = PROT_OS_SWITCH_OVER_COM};
+  protSwitchOverAck,              {msgTypeId = PROT_SWITCH_OVER_ACK};
+  protSwitchOverRej,              {msgTypeId = PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REJECT};
+  protProtErr,                    {msgTypeId = PROT_PROTOCOL_ERROR};
+  protResetSnCom,                 {msgTypeId = PROT_RESET_SN_COM};
+  protResetSnAck,                 {msgTypeId = PROT_RESET_SN_ACK};
+  )";
+type union PROTMessageBodies {
+  PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REQ          protSwitchOverReq,
+  PROT_SWITCH_OVER_COM          protSwitchOverCom,
+  PROT_OS_SWITCH_OVER_COM       protOsSwitchOverCom,
+  PROT_SWITCH_OVER_ACK          protSwitchOverAck,
+  PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REJECT       protSwitchOverRej,
+  PROT_PROTOCOL_ERROR           protProtErr,
+  PROT_RESET_SN_COM             protResetSnCom,
+  PROT_RESET_SN_ACK             protResetSnAck
+} with {
+  variant ""
+type record BCC_Message {
+  BIT8                              protDiscr,
+  BCCReferenceNumber                bccRefNum,
+  MessageTypeIdentifier             msgTypeId,
+  BCCMessageBodies                  msgBody
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (protDiscr = '01001000'B)";
+  variant (msgTypeId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (msgBody)     
+  "CROSSTAG (   
+  bccAlloc,               {msgTypeId = BCC_ALLOCATION};
+  bccAllocCompl,          {msgTypeId = BCC_ALLOCATION_COMPLETE};
+  bccAllocRej,            {msgTypeId = BCC_ALLOCATION_REJECT};
+  bccDealloc,             {msgTypeId = BCC_DEALLOCATION};
+  bccDeallocCompl,        {msgTypeId = BCC_DEALLOCATION_COMPLETE};
+  bccDeallocRej,          {msgTypeId = BCC_DEALLOCATION_REJECT};
+  bccAudit,               {msgTypeId = BCC_AUDIT};
+  bccAuditCompl,          {msgTypeId = BCC_AUDIT_COMPLETE};
+  bccAnFault,             {msgTypeId = BCC_AN_FAULT};
+  bccAnFaultAck,          {msgTypeId = BCC_AN_FAULT_ACK};
+  bccProtErr,             {msgTypeId = BCC_PROTOCOL_ERROR}
+  )";
+type union BCCMessageBodies {
+  BCC_ALLOCATION                bccAlloc,
+  BCC_ALLOCATION_COMPLETE       bccAllocCompl,
+  BCC_ALLOCATION_REJECT         bccAllocRej,
+  BCC_DEALLOCATION              bccDealloc,
+  BCC_DEALLOCATION_REJECT       bccDeallocRej,
+  BCC_AUDIT                     bccAudit,
+  BCC_AUDIT_COMPLETE            bccAuditCompl,
+  BCC_AN_FAULT                  bccAnFault,
+  BCC_AN_FAULT_ACK              bccAnFaultAck,
+  BCC_PROTOCOL_ERROR            bccProtErr
+} with {
+  variant ""
+type record LINKCNTRL_Message {
+  BIT8                              protDiscr,
+  LinkCntrlL3Address                linkCntrlL3Addr,
+  MessageTypeIdentifier             msgTypeId,
+  LINKCNTLRMessageBodies            msgBody
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (protDiscr = '01001000'B)";
+  variant (msgTypeId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (msgBody)     
+  "CROSSTAG (   
+  linkControl,              {msgTypeId = LINK_CONTROL};
+  linkControlAck,           {msgTypeId = LINK_CONTROL_ACK};
+  )";
+type union LINKCNTLRMessageBodies {
+  LINK_CONTROL                  linkControl,
+  LINK_CONTROL_ACK              linkControlAck
+} with {
+  variant ""
+type record EnvelopeFunctionAddress {
+  BIT6 EfAddr_0,
+  BIT1 zero,
+  BIT1 EA_0,      
+  BIT7 EFAddr_1,
+  BIT1 EA_1      
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (zero = '0'B)"
+  variant "PRESENCE (EA_0 = '0'B)"
+  variant "PRESENCE (EA_1 = '1'B)"
+type record EnvelopeFunction {
+  BIT8                      FLAG_0,
+  EnvelopeFunctionAddress   EFAddr,
+  octetstring               information length(3..531),
+  BIT16                     FCS,
+  BIT8                      FLAG_1
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (FLAG_0 = '01111110'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (FLAG_1 = '01111110'B)";
+type record LinkAddress {
+  BIT6  V5DLaddr_0,
+  BIT1  CR,
+  BIT1  EA_0,
+  BIT7  V5DLaddr_1,      
+  BIT1  EA_1      
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE(EA_0 = '0'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE(EA_1 = '1'B)";
+type record Data_LinkSublayerFrame {
+  LinkAddress   linkAddr,
+  BIT16         cntrl,
+  octetstring   information length(0..260) optional
+// PSTN Protocol Messages 
+type record PSTNL3Address {
+  BIT7   address_0,
+  BIT1   padding,
+  BIT8   address_1
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (padding = '1'B)";
+type enumerated MessageTypeIdentifier {
+  //0 0 0 - - - - PSTN protocol message types
+  //0 0 0 0 - - - Path establishment messages
+  PSTN_ESTABLISH                (0),
+  PSTN_ESTABLISH_ACK            (1),
+  PSTN_SIGNAL                   (2),
+  PSTN_SIGNAL_ACK               (3),
+  //0 0 0 1 0 - - Path clearing messages
+  PSTN_DISCONNECT               (8),
+  //0 0 0 1 1 - - Other messages
+  PSTN_STATUS_ENQUIRY           (12),
+  PSTN_STATUS                   (13),
+  //0 0 1 0 - - - Control protocol message types
+  CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL            (16),
+  CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL_ACK        (17),
+  CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL          (18),
+  //0 0 1 1 - - -  Protection protocol message types
+  PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REQ          (24),
+  PROT_SWITCH_OVER_COM          (25),
+  PROT_OS_SWITCH_OVER_COM       (26),
+  PROT_SWITCH_OVER_ACK          (27),
+  PROT_PROTOCOL_ERROR           (29),
+  PROT_RESET_SN_COM             (30),
+  PROT_RESET_SN_ACK             (31),
+  //0 1 0 - - - - BCC protocol message types
+  BCC_ALLOCATION                (32),
+  BCC_ALLOCATION_REJECT         (34),
+  BCC_DEALLOCATION              (35),
+  BCC_AUDIT                     (38),
+  BCC_AUDIT_COMPLETE            (39),
+  BCC_AN_FAULT                  (40),
+  BCC_AN_FAULT_ACK              (41),
+  BCC_PROTOCOL_ERROR            (42),
+  //0 1 1 - - - - Link control message types
+  LINK_CONTROL                  (48),
+  LINK_CONTROL_ACK              (49)
+type enumerated PSTNInformationElementIdentifier {
+  pulseNotif (192),
+  lineInfo (8),
+  state (9),
+  autoSignSeq (10),
+  seqResp (11),
+  seqNum (0),
+  cadencedRinging (1),
+  pulsedSignal (2),
+  steadySignal (3),
+  digitSignal (4),
+  recognTime (16),
+  enableAutoAck (17),
+  disableAutoAck (18),
+  cause (19),
+  resourceUnavail (20),
+  enableMetering (34),
+  meteringReport (35),
+  attenuation (36)
+type union PSTNInformationElement {
+  PulseNotification                 pulseNotif,
+  LineInformation                   lineInfo,
+  State                             state,
+  AutonomousSignallingSequence      autoSignSeq,
+  SequenceResponse                  seqResp,
+  PSTNSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  CadencedRinging                   cadencedRinging,
+  PulsedSignal                      pulsedSignal,
+  SteadySignal                      steadySignal,
+  DigitSignal                       digitSignal,
+  RecognitionTime                   recognTime,
+  EnableAutonomousAcknowledge       enableAutoAck,
+  DisableAutonomousAcknowledge      disableAutoAck,
+  Cause                             cause,
+  ResourceUnavailable               resourceUnavail,
+  EnableMetering                    enableMetering,
+  MeteringReport                    meteringReport,
+  Attenuation                       attenuation
+} with {
+  variant "TAG( pulseNotif,         identifier = pulseNotif;
+                lineInfo,           identifier = lineInfo;
+                state,              identifier = state;
+                autoSignSeq,        identifier = autoSignSeq;
+                seqResp,            identifier = seqResp;
+                seqNum,             identifier = seqNum;
+                cadencedRinging,    identifier = cadencedRinging;
+                pulsedSignal,       identifier = pulsedSignal;
+                steadySignal,       identifier = steadySignal;
+                digitSignal,        identifier = digitSignal;
+                recognTime,         identifier = recognTime;
+                enableAutoAck,      identifier = enableAutoAck;
+                disableAutoAck,     identifier = disableAutoAck;
+                cause,              identifier = cause;
+                resourceUnavail,    identifier = resourceUnavail;
+                enableMetering,     identifier = enableMetering;
+                meteringReport,     identifier = meteringReport;
+                attenuation,        identifier = attenuation;
+  )";
+type record PulseNotification {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier     identifier
+}with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = pulseNotif)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
+type record LineInformation {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  BIT4                              lineInfoParam ('0000'B, '0001'B, '0010'B, '0011'B, '0100'B)
+}with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = lineInfo)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(4)"
+type record State {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  BIT4                              pstnFsmState            
+}with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = state)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(4)";
+type enumerated PstnFsmState {
+  AN0 (0),
+  AN1 (1),
+  AN2 (2),
+  AN3 (3),
+  AN4 (4),
+  AN5 (5),
+  AN6 (6),
+  AN7 (7)
+type record AutonomousSignallingSequence {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  BIT4                              seqType            
+}with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = autoSignSeq)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(4)";
+type record SequenceResponse {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  BIT4                              seqRespType            
+}with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = seqResp)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(4)";
+type record PSTNSequenceNumber {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  LIN1                              length_,
+  BIT1                              ext_0,
+  INT7b                             seqNum      
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = seqNum)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, seqNum)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record CadencedRinging {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  LIN1                              length_,
+  BIT1                              ext_0,
+  BIT7                              cadencedRingingType      
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = cadencedRinging)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, cadencedRingingType)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record PulsedSignal {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  LIN1                              length_,
+  BIT1                              ext_0,
+  INT7b                             pulseType (107..127),
+  BIT1                              ext_1                   optional,
+  BIT2                              supprIndicator          optional,
+  INT5b                             pulseDurationType       optional,
+  BIT1                              ext_2                   optional,
+  BIT2                              ackReqIndicator         optional,
+  INT5b                             nofPulses (1..31)       optional
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = pulsedSignal)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_2 = '1'B)";
+  variant (ackReqIndicator, nofPulses) "PRESENCE (ext_1 = '0'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, pulseType, ext_1, supprIndicator, pulseDurationType, ext_2, ackReqIndicator, nofPulses)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record SteadySignal {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  LIN1                              length_,
+  BIT1                              ext_0,
+  INT7b                             steadySignType (0..26, 29..30)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = steadySignal)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, steadySignType)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record DigitSignal {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier (digitSignal),
+  LIN1                              length_,
+  BIT1                              ext_0,
+  BIT1                              digitAckReqInd,
+  BIT2                              spare,
+  INT4b                             digitInformation
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = digitSignal)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (spare = '00'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, digitAckReqInd, spare, digitInformation)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record RecognitionTime {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier  identifier,
+  LIN1                              length_,
+  BIT1                              ext_0,
+  INT7b                             signal (0..26, 29..30, 107..127),
+  BIT1                              ext_1,
+  BIT1                              spare,
+  INT6b                             durationType
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = recognTime)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_1 = '1'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (spare = '0'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, signal, ext_1, spare, durationType)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record EnableAutonomousAcknowledgePulsedExt {
+  BIT1                          ext_0,
+  BIT2                          supprIndicator,
+  BIT5                          pulseDurationType,
+  BIT1                          ext_1               optional,
+  BIT2                          ackReqIndicator     optional,
+  INT5b                         nofPulses (1..31)   optional
+} with {
+  variant (ackReqIndicator, nofPulses) "PRESENCE(ext_0 = '0'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE(ext_1 = '1'B)";
+type record EnableAutonomousAcknowledge {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier          identifier,
+  LIN1                                      length_,
+  BIT1                                      ext_0,
+  INT7b                                     signal (0..26, 29..30, 107..127),
+  BIT1                                      ext_1,
+  INT7b                                     response (0..26, 29..30, 107..127),
+  EnableAutonomousAcknowledgePulsedExt      pulsedExt optional
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = enableAutoAck)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_1 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, signal, ext_1, response, pulsedExt)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record DisableAutonomousAcknowledge {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier          identifier,
+  LIN1                                      length_,
+  BIT1                                      ext_0,
+  INT7b                                     signal (0..26, 29..30, 107..127)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = disableAutoAck)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, signal)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record Diagnostic {
+  BIT1                                      zero            optional,
+  MessageTypeIdentifier                     msgTypeId       optional,
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier          infoElementId   optional
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (zero = '0'B)";
+  variant (msgTypeId) "FIELDLENGTH(7)";
+  variant (infoElementId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+type record Cause {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier          identifier,
+  LIN1                                      length_,
+  BIT1                                      ext_0,
+  INT7b                                     causeType (0..1, 3..13),
+  Diagnostic                                diagnostic      optional
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = cause)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, causeType, diagnostic)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record ResourceUnavailable {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier          identifier (resourceUnavail),
+  LIN1                                      length_,
+  PSTNInformationElement                    infoElement     optional
+} with {
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(infoElement)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record EnableMetering {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier          identifier,
+  LIN1                                      length_,
+  BIT1                                      ext_0,
+  INT7b                                     pulseType (107..127),
+  BIT1                                      ext_1,
+  INT7b                                     rateType,
+  BIT1                                      ext_2                           optional,
+  INT7b                                     reportPulseCount                optional,
+  BIT1                                      ext_3                           optional,
+  BIT2                                      repIndicator                    optional,
+  INT5b                                     reportPulseCount_low (1..31)    optional,
+  BIT1                                      ext_4                           optional,
+  BIT2                                      supprIndicator                  optional,
+  INT7b                                     pulseDurationType               optional
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = enableMetering)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '0'B)";
+  variant (reportPulseCount, repIndicator, reportPulseCount_low)"PRESENCE (ext_1 = '0'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_2 = '0'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_3 = '1'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_4 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, pulseType, ext_1, rateType, ext_2, reportPulseCount, ext_3, repIndicator, reportPulseCount_low, ext_4, supprIndicator, supprIndicator)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record MeteringReport {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier          identifier,
+  LIN1                                      length_,
+  BIT1                                      ext_0,
+  INT7b                                     pulseCount_0,
+  BIT1                                      ext_1,
+  BIT1                                      reportType,
+  INT6b                                     pulseCount_1,
+  BIT1                                      ext_2                   optional,
+  INT7b                                     failureReason (0..1)    optional
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = meteringReport)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '0'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_1 = '0'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_2 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, pulseCount_0, ext_1, reportType, pulseCount_1, ext_2, failureReason)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record Attenuation {
+  PSTNInformationElementIdentifier          identifier,
+  LIN1                                      length_,
+  BIT1                                      ext_0,
+  INT7b                                     attenValue
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = attenuation)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, attenValue)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+//NOTE: Based on the standard only one field can be used from the optional fields in the PSTN messages
+type record PSTN_ESTABLISH {
+  LineInformation                   lineInfo            optional,
+  AutonomousSignallingSequence      autoSignSeq         optional,
+  CadencedRinging                   cadencedRinging     optional,
+  PulsedSignal                      pulsedSign          optional,
+  SteadySignal                      steadySign          optional
+type record PSTN_ESTABLISH_ACK {
+  AutonomousSignallingSequence      autoSignSeq        optional,
+  PulsedSignal                      pulsedSign         optional,
+  SteadySignal                      steadySign         optional
+type record PSTN_SIGNAL {
+  PSTNSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  PulseNotification                 pulseNotif         optional,
+  AutonomousSignallingSequence      autoSignSeq        optional,
+  SequenceResponse                  seqResp            optional,
+  CadencedRinging                   cadancedRinging    optional,
+  PulsedSignal                      pulsedSign         optional,
+  SteadySignal                      steadySign         optional,
+  DigitSignal                       digitSign          optional,
+  ResourceUnavailable               resourceUnavail    optional,
+  EnableMetering                    enableMetering     optional,
+  MeteringReport                    meteringReport     optional,
+  Attenuation                       attenuation        optional
+type record PSTN_SIGNAL_ACK {
+  PSTNSequenceNumber                seqNum
+type record PSTN_STATUS {
+  State                             state,
+  Cause                             cause
+type record PSTN_STATUS_ENQUIRY {
+type record PSTN_DISCONNECT {
+  SteadySignal                      steadySign         optional
+  SteadySignal                      steadySign         optional
+  PSTNSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  RecognitionTime                   recognTime        optional,
+  EnableAutonomousAcknowledge       enableAutoAck     optional,
+  DisableAutonomousAcknowledge      disableAutoAck    optional
+//Control Protocol Messages
+type integer ZeroValueInt (0);
+type union SecondBitOf1stOctet {            // this needed for the workaround which provides that 
+  integer               anyvalue,           // the 2nd bit in the 1st octet must be zero if the 1st octet is 1
+  ZeroValueInt          zerovalue
+type record CNTRLL3Address {
+  BIT6                  l3Addr_0,
+  SecondBitOf1stOctet   secondBitOf1stOctet,
+  BIT1                  pstnOrIsdn, //if 0 ISDN if 1 PSTN
+  BIT8                  l3Addr_1
+} with {
+  variant (secondBitOf1stOctet) "CROSSTAG ( zerovalue, {pstnOrIsdn = '0'B};
+                                          anyvalue, {pstnOrIsdn = '1'B})";  
+type enumerated CNTRLInformationElementIdentifier {
+  //1 - - - x x x x SINGLE OCTET
+  perfGrad (14),
+  rejCause (15),
+  //0 - - - - - - - VARIABLE LENGTH
+  cntrlFncElement (32),
+  cntrlFncId (33),
+  variant_ (34),
+  interfaceId (35)
+type union CNTRLInformationElement {
+  PerformanceGrading                perfGrad,
+  CntrlRejectionCause               rejCause,
+  ControlFunctionElement            cntrlFncElement,
+  ControlFunctionId                 cntrlFncId,
+  Variant                           variant_,
+  InterfaceId                       interfaceId
+} with {
+    variant "TAG( perfGrad,         identifier = perfGrad;
+                rejCause,           identifier = rejCause;
+                cntrlFncElement,    identifier = cntrlFncElement;
+                cntrlFncId,         identifier = cntrlFncId;
+                variant_,           identifier = variant_;
+                interfaceId,        identifier = interfaceId;
+  )";
+type record PerformanceGrading {
+  CNTRLInformationElementIdentifier     identifier,
+  INT4b                                 perfGrad (0..1)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = perfGrad)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(4)";
+type record CntrlRejectionCause {
+  CNTRLInformationElementIdentifier     identifier,
+  INT4b                                 rejCause (0..2)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = rejCause)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(4)";
+type record ControlFunctionElement {
+  CNTRLInformationElementIdentifier     identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 cntrlFncElement (1..6, 17, 19, 21..24)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = cntrlFncElement)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, cntrlFncElement)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record ControlFunctionId {
+  CNTRLInformationElementIdentifier     identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 cntrlFncId (0..8, 16..17)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = cntrlFncId)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, cntrlFncId)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record InterfaceId {
+  CNTRLInformationElementIdentifier     identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  integer                               interfaceId (0..16777215)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = interfaceId)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (interfaceId) "FIELDLENGTH(24)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(interfaceId)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record Variant {
+  CNTRLInformationElementIdentifier     identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 variant_ (0..127)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = variant_)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, variant_)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+//NOTE: Based on the standard only one field can be used from the optional fields in the Control messages  
+type record CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL {
+  ControlFunctionElement            cntrlFncElement,
+  PerformanceGrading                perfGrad            optional
+  ControlFunctionElement            cntrlFncElement
+  ControlFunctionId                 cntrlFncId,
+  Variant                           variant_,
+  CntrlRejectionCause               rejCause,
+  InterfaceId                       interfaceId
+  ControlFunctionId                 cntrlFncId
+//Link Control Protocol Messages
+type record LinkCntrlL3Address {
+  BIT8                  zero,
+  BIT8                  l3AddrField
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE(zero = '00000000'B)";
+type enumerated LinkCntrlInformationElementIdentifier {      
+  //0 - - - - - - - VARIABLE LENGTH
+  linkCntrlFnc (48)
+type union LinkCntrlInformationElement {
+  LinkControlFunction          linkCntrlFnc
+} with {
+  variant "TAG( linkCntrlFnc,         identifier = linkCntrlFnc)";
+type record LinkControlFunction {
+  LinkCntrlInformationElementIdentifier identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 linkCntrlFnc (0..7)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = linkCntrlFnc)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, linkCntrlFnc)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record LINK_CONTROL {
+  LinkControlFunction               cntrlFncId
+type record LINK_CONTROL_ACK {
+  LinkControlFunction               cntrlFncId
+//BCC Protocol Messages
+type enumerated BCCInformationElementIdentifier {      
+  usrPortId                 (64),
+  isdnPortChannelId         (65),
+  v5TimeSlotId              (66),
+  multiSlotMap              (67),
+  rejCause                  (68),
+  protErrCause              (69),
+  connIncompl               (70)
+type union BCCInformationElement {
+  UserPortId                usrPortId,
+  ISDNPortChannelId         isdnPortChannelId,
+  V5TimeSlotId              v5TimeSlotId,
+  MultiSlotMap              multiSlotMap,
+  BccRejectionCause         rejCause,
+  ProtocolErrorCause        protErrCause,
+  ConnectionIncomplete      connIncompl 
+} with {
+  variant "TAG( usrPortId,              identifier = usrPortId;
+                isdnPortChannelId,      identifier = isdnPortChannelId;
+                v5TimeSlotId,           identifier = v5TimeSlotId;
+                multiSlotMap,           identifier = multiSlotMap;
+                rejCause,               identifier = rejCause;
+                protErrCause,           identifier = protErrCause;
+                connIncompl,            identifier = connIncompl;
+  )";
+type record BCCReferenceNumber {
+  BIT1                      srcId,
+  BIT7                      bccRefNumval_0,
+  BIT2                      zero,
+  BIT6                      bccRefNumval_1
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE(zero = '00'B)";
+type record PSTNUserPortIdValue {
+  BIT8                     usrPortIdVal_0,
+  BIT1                      ext_0,
+  BIT8                   usrPortIdVal_1
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE(ext_0 = '1'B)";
+type record ISDNUserPortIdValue {
+  BIT6                      usrPortIdVal_0,
+  BIT2                      ext_0,
+  BIT7                      usrPortIdVal_1,
+  BIT1                      ext_1
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE(ext_0 = '0'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE(ext_1 = '1'B)";
+type union UserPortIdValue {
+  PSTNUserPortIdValue       pstnUsrPortIdVal,
+  ISDNUserPortIdValue       isdnUsrPortIdVal
+} with {
+  variant "TAG (pstnUsrPortIdVal,   ext_0 = '1'B;
+                isdnUsrPortIdVal,   OTHERWISE)";
+type record UserPortId {
+  BCCInformationElementIdentifier       identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  UserPortIdValue                       usrPortIdVal
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = usrPortId)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (usrPortIdVal) "FIELDLENGTH(16)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(usrPortIdVal)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record ISDNPortChannelId {
+  BCCInformationElementIdentifier       identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT3                                  ext_0,
+  INT5b                                 isdnPortChannelId (1..31)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = isdnPortChannelId)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '100'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, isdnPortChannelId)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record V5TimeSlotId {
+  BCCInformationElementIdentifier       identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT8                                  linkId,
+  BIT3                                  override_,
+  BIT5                                  v5TimeSlotNumber
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = v5TimeSlotId)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(linkId, override_, v5TimeSlotNumber)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record MultiSlotMap {
+  BCCInformationElementIdentifier       identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT8                                  linkId,
+  integer                               v5ts1_31 (0..2147483647),
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  integer                               upts1_31 (0..2147483647),
+  BIT1                                  ext_1
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = multiSlotMap)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '0'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_1 = '0'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (v5ts1_31) "FIELDLENGTH(31)";
+  variant (upts1_31) "FIELDLENGTH(31)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(linkId, v5ts1_31, ext_0, upts1_31, ext_1)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record BccRejectionCause {
+  BCCInformationElementIdentifier       identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 rejCauseType (0..16),
+  BCCInformationElement                 diagnostic      optional
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = rejCause)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, rejCauseType, diagnostic)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record ProtocolErrorCause {
+  BCCInformationElementIdentifier       identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 protErrCauseType (1, 4..14),
+  BIT1                                  ext_1,
+  MessageTypeIdentifier                 diagnMsgTypeId,
+  BCCInformationElementIdentifier       diagnInfoElemenetId
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = protErrCause)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_1 = '0'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (diagnMsgTypeId) "FIELDLENGTH(7)";
+  variant (diagnInfoElemenetId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, protErrCauseType, ext_1, diagnMsgTypeId, diagnInfoElemenetId)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record ConnectionIncomplete {
+  BCCInformationElementIdentifier       identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 reason (0..5)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = connIncompl)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, reason)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record BCC_ALLOCATION {
+  UserPortId                        usrPortId,
+  ISDNPortChannelId                 isdnPortChannelId   optional,
+  V5TimeSlotId                      v5TimeSlotId        optional,
+  MultiSlotMap                      multiSlotMap        optional
+  BccRejectionCause                 rejCause
+type record BCC_DEALLOCATION {
+  UserPortId                        usrPortId,
+  ISDNPortChannelId                 isdnPortChannelId   optional,
+  V5TimeSlotId                      v5TimeSlotId        optional,
+  MultiSlotMap                      multiSlotMap        optional
+  BccRejectionCause                 rejCause
+type record BCC_AUDIT {
+  UserPortId                        usrPortId           optional,
+  ISDNPortChannelId                 isdnPortChannelId   optional,
+  V5TimeSlotId                      v5TimeSlotId        optional
+type record BCC_AUDIT_COMPLETE {
+  UserPortId                        usrPortId           optional,
+  ISDNPortChannelId                 isdnPortChannelId   optional,
+  V5TimeSlotId                      v5TimeSlotId        optional,
+  ConnectionIncomplete              connIncompl         optional
+type record BCC_AN_FAULT {
+  UserPortId                        usrPortId           optional,
+  ISDNPortChannelId                 isdnPortChannelId   optional,
+  V5TimeSlotId                      v5TimeSlotId        optional
+type record BCC_AN_FAULT_ACK {
+type record BCC_PROTOCOL_ERROR {
+  ProtocolErrorCause                protErrCause
+//Protection Protocol Messages
+type enumerated ProtInformationElementIdentifier {      
+  seqNum                      (80),
+  phyc_channelId              (81),
+  rejCause                    (82),
+  protErrCause                (83)
+type union ProtInformationElement {
+  ProtSequenceNumber            seqNum,
+  LogicalC_ChannelId            logc_channelId,
+  PhysicalC_ChannelId           phyc_channelId,
+  ProtRejectionCause            rejCause,
+  ProtErrorCause                protErrCause
+} with {
+  variant "TAG( seqNum,                 identifier = seqNum;
+                phyc_channelId,         identifier = phyc_channelId;
+                rejCause,               identifier = rejCause;
+                protErrCause,           identifier = protErrCause;
+                logc_channelId,         OTHERWISE
+  )";
+type record LogicalC_ChannelId {
+  BIT8                          logc_channelId_0,
+  BIT8                          logc_channelId_1
+} with {
+  variant (logc_channelId_0) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (logc_channelId_1) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+type record ProtSequenceNumber {
+  ProtInformationElementIdentifier      identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 seqNum (0..127)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = seqNum)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, seqNum)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record PhysicalC_ChannelId {
+  ProtInformationElementIdentifier      identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT8                                  v5LinkId,
+  integer                               v5TimeSlot (0..31)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = phyc_channelId)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (v5LinkId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (v5TimeSlot) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(v5LinkId, v5TimeSlot)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record ProtRejectionCause {
+  ProtInformationElementIdentifier      identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 rejCauseType (0..6)
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = rejCause)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, rejCauseType)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record ProtErrorCause {
+  ProtInformationElementIdentifier      identifier,
+  LIN1                                  length_,
+  BIT1                                  ext_0,
+  INT7b                                 protErrCauseType (1, 4, 7..9, 11..13, 15),
+  BIT1                                  ext_1,
+  MessageTypeIdentifier                 diagnMsgTypeId,
+  ProtInformationElementIdentifier      diagnInfoElementId
+} with {
+  variant "PRESENCE (identifier = protErrCause)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_0 = '1'B)";
+  variant "PRESENCE (ext_1 = '0'B)";
+  variant (identifier) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (diagnMsgTypeId) "FIELDLENGTH(7)";
+  variant (diagnInfoElementId) "FIELDLENGTH(8)";
+  variant (length_) "LENGTHTO(ext_0, protErrCauseType, ext_1, diagnMsgTypeId, diagnInfoElementId)";
+  variant (length_) "UNIT(octets)"
+type record PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REQ {
+  ProtSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  PhysicalC_ChannelId               phyc_channelId
+type record PROT_SWITCH_OVER_COM {
+  ProtSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  PhysicalC_ChannelId               phyc_channelId
+type record PROT_OS_SWITCH_OVER_COM {
+  ProtSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  PhysicalC_ChannelId               phyc_channelId
+type record PROT_SWITCH_OVER_ACK {
+  ProtSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  PhysicalC_ChannelId               phyc_channelId
+  ProtSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  PhysicalC_ChannelId               phyc_channelId,
+  ProtRejectionCause                rejCause
+type record PROT_PROTOCOL_ERROR {
+  ProtSequenceNumber                seqNum,
+  PhysicalC_ChannelId               phyc_channelId,
+  ProtErrorCause                    protErrCause
+type record PROT_RESET_SN_COM {
+type record PROT_RESET_SN_ACK {
+} with { 
+encode "RAW"
+extension "version <RnXnn>"
+variant "BITORDER(msb)"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/test/V5_CNL113813_test.tpd
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+  </ReferencedProjects>
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31fc141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/V5_Test.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,1589 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               V5_Test.ttcn
+//  Description:        
+//  Rev:                <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 813
+//  Updated:            2015-01-28
+//  Contact:  
+module V5_Test {
+import from V5_Types all;
+type component MAIN_CT {}
+testcase tc_PSTN_ESTABLISH() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstn_establish := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PSTN_ESTABLISH,
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnEstablish := {
+        lineInfo := {
+          identifier := lineInfo,
+          lineInfoParam := '0000'B
+        },
+        autoSignSeq := {
+          identifier := autoSignSeq,
+          seqType := '0001'B
+        },
+        cadencedRinging := {
+          identifier := cadencedRinging,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          cadencedRingingType := '0111000'B
+        },
+        pulsedSign := {
+          identifier := pulsedSignal,
+          length_ := 3,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          pulseType := 107,
+          ext_1 := '0'B,
+          supprIndicator := '11'B,
+          pulseDurationType := 16,
+          ext_2 := '1'B,
+          ackReqIndicator := '10'B,
+          nofPulses := 31
+        },
+        steadySign := {
+          identifier := steadySignal,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          steadySignType := 29
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstn_establish, vl_stream);
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstn_establish, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstn_establish, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PSTN_ESTABLISH_ACK() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstn_establish_ack := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PSTN_ESTABLISH_ACK,
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnEstablishAck := {
+        autoSignSeq := {
+          identifier := autoSignSeq,
+          seqType := '0011'B
+        },
+        pulsedSign := {
+          identifier := pulsedSignal,
+          length_ := 3,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          pulseType := 107,
+          ext_1 := '0'B,
+          supprIndicator := '11'B,
+          pulseDurationType := 16,
+          ext_2 := '1'B,
+          ackReqIndicator := '10'B,
+          nofPulses := 31
+        },
+        steadySign := {
+          identifier := steadySignal,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          steadySignType := 29
+        }          
+      }          
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstn_establish_ack, vl_stream);
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstn_establish_ack, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstn_establish_ack, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PSTN_SIGNAL() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstnSignal := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PSTN_SIGNAL,
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnSignal := {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 12
+        },
+        pulseNotif := {
+          identifier := pulseNotif
+        },
+        autoSignSeq := {
+          identifier := autoSignSeq,
+          seqType := '0011'B
+        },
+        seqResp := {
+          identifier := seqResp,
+          seqRespType := '0100'B
+        },
+        cadancedRinging := {
+          identifier := cadencedRinging,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          cadencedRingingType := '0000111'B
+        },
+        pulsedSign := {
+          identifier := pulsedSignal,
+          length_ := 3,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          pulseType := 107,
+          ext_1 := '0'B,
+          supprIndicator := '11'B,
+          pulseDurationType := 12,
+          ext_2 := '1'B,
+          ackReqIndicator := '01'B,
+          nofPulses := 1
+        },
+        steadySign := {
+          identifier := steadySignal,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          steadySignType := 23
+        },
+        digitSign := {
+          identifier := digitSignal,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          digitAckReqInd := '1'B,
+          spare := '00'B,
+          digitInformation := 15
+        },
+        resourceUnavail := {
+          identifier := resourceUnavail,
+          length_ := 3,
+          infoElement := {
+            digitSignal := {
+              identifier := digitSignal,
+              length_ := 1,
+              ext_0 := '1'B,
+              digitAckReqInd := '1'B,
+              spare := '00'B,
+              digitInformation := 15
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        enableMetering := {
+          identifier := enableMetering,
+          length_ := 5,
+          ext_0 := '0'B,
+          pulseType := 127,
+          ext_1 := '0'B,
+          rateType := 44,
+          ext_2 := '0'B,
+          reportPulseCount := 33,
+          ext_3 := '1'B,
+          repIndicator := '01'B,
+          reportPulseCount_low := 3,
+          ext_4 := '1'B,
+          supprIndicator := '00'B,
+          pulseDurationType := 9
+        },
+        meteringReport := {
+          identifier := meteringReport,
+          length_ := 3,
+          ext_0 := '0'B,
+          pulseCount_0 := 3,
+          ext_1 := '0'B,
+          reportType := '1'B,
+          pulseCount_1 := 5,
+          ext_2 := '1'B,
+          failureReason := 0
+        },
+        attenuation := {
+          identifier := attenuation,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          attenValue := 33
+        }
+      }                
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstnSignal, vl_stream);
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstnSignal, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstnSignal, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PSTN_SIGNAL_ACK() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstnSignalAck := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PSTN_SIGNAL_ACK,
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnSignalAck := {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 12
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstnSignalAck, vl_stream);
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstnSignalAck, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstnSignalAck, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PSTN_STATUS() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstnStatus := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PSTN_STATUS,
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnStatus := {
+        state := {
+          identifier := state,
+          pstnFsmState := '0011'B
+        },
+        cause := {
+          identifier := cause,
+          length_ := 3,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          causeType := 13,
+          diagnostic := {
+            zero := '0'B,
+            msgTypeId := PSTN_SIGNAL_ACK,
+            infoElementId := state
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstnStatus, vl_stream);
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstnStatus, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstnStatus, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PSTN_STATUS_ENQUIRY() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstnStatusEnquiry := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PSTN_STATUS_ENQUIRY,
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnStatusEnquiry := {}
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstnStatusEnquiry, vl_stream);
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstnStatusEnquiry, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstnStatusEnquiry, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PSTN_DISCONNECT() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstnDisconnect := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PSTN_DISCONNECT,
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnDisconnect := {
+        steadySign := {
+          identifier := steadySignal,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          steadySignType := 30
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstnDisconnect, vl_stream);
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstnDisconnect, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstnDisconnect, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PSTN_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstnDisconnectComplete := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnDisconnectComplete := {
+        steadySign := {
+          identifier := steadySignal,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          steadySignType := 30
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstnDisconnectComplete, vl_stream);
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstnDisconnectComplete, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstnDisconnectComplete, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PSTN_PROTOCOL_PARAMETER() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PSTN_Message vl_pstnProtocolParameter := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    pstnL3Addr := {
+      '0001111'B,
+      '1'B,
+      '00001111'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      pstnProtocolParameter := {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 12
+        },
+        recognTime := {
+          identifier := recognTime,
+          length_ := 2,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          signal := 127,
+          ext_1 := '1'B,
+          spare := '0'B,
+          durationType := 3          
+        },
+        enableAutoAck := {
+          identifier := enableAutoAck,
+          length_ := 4,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          signal := 127,
+          ext_1 := '1'B,
+          response := 17,
+          pulsedExt := {
+            ext_0 := '0'B,
+            supprIndicator := '11'B,
+            pulseDurationType := '01101'B,
+            ext_1 := '1'B,
+            ackReqIndicator := '11'B,
+            nofPulses := 31
+          }
+        },
+        disableAutoAck := {
+          identifier := disableAutoAck,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          signal := 29
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PSTN_enc(vl_pstnProtocolParameter, vl_stream);
+  log(oct2bit(vl_stream));
+  var PSTN_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PSTN_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_pstnProtocolParameter, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_pstnProtocolParameter, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var CNTRL_Message vl_cntrlPortControl := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    cntrlL3Addr := {
+      l3Addr_0 := '001110'B,
+      secondBitOf1stOctet := {
+        zerovalue := 0
+      },
+      pstnOrIsdn := '0'B,
+      l3Addr_1 := '00001110'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL,
+    msgBody := {
+      cntrlPortControl := {
+        cntrlFncElement := {
+          identifier := cntrlFncElement,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          cntrlFncElement := 19
+        },
+        perfGrad := {
+          identifier := perfGrad,
+          perfGrad := 1
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_CNTRL_enc(vl_cntrlPortControl, vl_stream);
+  var CNTRL_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_CNTRL_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_cntrlPortControl, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_cntrlPortControl, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL_ACK() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var CNTRL_Message vl_cntrlPortControlAck := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    cntrlL3Addr := {
+      l3Addr_0 := '001110'B,
+      secondBitOf1stOctet := {
+        zerovalue := 0
+      },
+      pstnOrIsdn := '0'B,
+      l3Addr_1 := '00001110'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      cntrlPortControlAck := {
+        cntrlFncElement := {
+          identifier := cntrlFncElement,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          cntrlFncElement := 19
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_CNTRL_enc(vl_cntrlPortControlAck, vl_stream);
+  var CNTRL_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_CNTRL_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_cntrlPortControlAck, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_cntrlPortControlAck, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var CNTRL_Message vl_cntrlCommonControl := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    cntrlL3Addr := {
+      l3Addr_0 := '001110'B,
+      secondBitOf1stOctet := {
+        zerovalue := 0
+      },
+      pstnOrIsdn := '0'B,
+      l3Addr_1 := '00001110'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      cntrlCommonControl := {
+        cntrlFncId := {
+          identifier := cntrlFncId,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          cntrlFncId := 17
+        },
+        variant_ := {
+          identifier := variant_,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          variant_ := 120
+        },
+        rejCause := {
+          identifier := rejCause,
+          rejCause := 2
+        },
+        interfaceId := {
+          identifier := interfaceId,
+          length_ := 3,
+          interfaceId := 16777215
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_CNTRL_enc(vl_cntrlCommonControl, vl_stream);
+  var CNTRL_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_CNTRL_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_cntrlCommonControl, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_cntrlCommonControl, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL_ACK() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var CNTRL_Message vl_cntrlCommonControlAck := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    cntrlL3Addr := {
+      l3Addr_0 := '001110'B,
+      secondBitOf1stOctet := {
+        zerovalue := 0
+      },
+      pstnOrIsdn := '0'B,
+      l3Addr_1 := '00001110'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      cntrlCommonControlAck := {
+        cntrlFncId := {
+          identifier := cntrlFncId,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          cntrlFncId := 17
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_CNTRL_enc(vl_cntrlCommonControlAck, vl_stream);
+  var CNTRL_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_CNTRL_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_cntrlCommonControlAck, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_cntrlCommonControlAck, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_LINK_CONTROL() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var LINKCNTRL_Message vl_linkControl := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    linkCntrlL3Addr := {
+      zero := '00000000'B,
+      l3AddrField := '00101011'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := LINK_CONTROL,
+    msgBody := {
+      linkControl := {
+        cntrlFncId := {
+          identifier := linkCntrlFnc,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          linkCntrlFnc := 5
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_LINKCNTRL_enc(vl_linkControl, vl_stream);
+  var LINKCNTRL_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_LINKCNTRL_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_linkControl, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_linkControl, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_LINK_CONTROL_ACK() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var LINKCNTRL_Message vl_linkControlAck := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    linkCntrlL3Addr := {
+      zero := '00000000'B,
+      l3AddrField := '00101011'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := LINK_CONTROL_ACK,
+    msgBody := {
+      linkControlAck := {
+        cntrlFncId := {
+          identifier := linkCntrlFnc,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          linkCntrlFnc := 5
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_LINKCNTRL_enc(vl_linkControlAck, vl_stream);
+  var LINKCNTRL_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_LINKCNTRL_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_linkControlAck, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_linkControlAck, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_ALLOCATION() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccAlloc := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := BCC_ALLOCATION,
+    msgBody := {
+      bccAlloc:= {
+        usrPortId := {
+          identifier := usrPortId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          usrPortIdVal := {
+            isdnUsrPortIdVal := {
+              usrPortIdVal_0 := '000011'B,
+              ext_0 := '00'B,
+              usrPortIdVal_1 := '0000101'B,
+              ext_1 := '1'B
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        isdnPortChannelId := {
+          identifier := isdnPortChannelId,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '100'B,
+          isdnPortChannelId := 31
+        },
+        v5TimeSlotId := {
+          identifier := v5TimeSlotId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          linkId := '01100110'B,
+          override_ := '111'B,
+          v5TimeSlotNumber := '01001'B
+        },
+        multiSlotMap := {
+          identifier := multiSlotMap,
+          length_ := 9,
+          linkId := '00110101'B,
+          v5ts1_31 := 2147483647,
+          ext_0 := '0'B,
+          upts1_31 := 2147483647,
+          ext_1 := '0'B
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccAlloc, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccAlloc, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccAlloc, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_ALLOCATION_COMPLETE() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccAllocCompl := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      bccAllocCompl:= {
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccAllocCompl, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccAllocCompl, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccAllocCompl, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_ALLOCATION_REJECT() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccAllocRej := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      bccAllocRej:= {
+        rejCause := {
+          identifier := rejCause,
+          length_ := 5,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          rejCauseType := 16,
+          diagnostic := {
+            usrPortId := {
+              identifier := usrPortId,
+              length_ := 2,
+              usrPortIdVal := {
+                isdnUsrPortIdVal := {
+                  usrPortIdVal_0 := '000011'B,
+                  ext_0 := '00'B,
+                  usrPortIdVal_1 := '0000111'B,
+                  ext_1 := '1'B
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccAllocRej, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccAllocRej, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccAllocRej, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_DEALLOCATION() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccDealloc := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := BCC_DEALLOCATION,
+    msgBody := {
+      bccDealloc:= {
+        usrPortId := {
+          identifier := usrPortId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          usrPortIdVal := {
+            isdnUsrPortIdVal := {
+              usrPortIdVal_0 := '000011'B,
+              ext_0 := '00'B,
+              usrPortIdVal_1 := '0000111'B,
+              ext_1 := '1'B
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        isdnPortChannelId := {
+          identifier := isdnPortChannelId,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '100'B,
+          isdnPortChannelId := 31
+        },
+        v5TimeSlotId := {
+          identifier := v5TimeSlotId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          linkId := '01100110'B,
+          override_ := '111'B,
+          v5TimeSlotNumber := '01001'B
+        },
+        multiSlotMap := {
+          identifier := multiSlotMap,
+          length_ := 9,
+          linkId := '00110101'B,
+          v5ts1_31 := 2147483647,
+          ext_0 := '0'B,
+          upts1_31 := 2147483647,
+          ext_1 := '0'B
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccDealloc, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccDealloc, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccDealloc, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_DEALLOCATION_COMPLETE() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccDeallocCompl := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      bccDeallocCompl:= {
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccDeallocCompl, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccDeallocCompl, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccDeallocCompl, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_DEALLOCATION_REJECT() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccDeallocRej := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      bccDeallocRej:= {
+        rejCause := {
+          identifier := rejCause,
+          length_ := 5,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          rejCauseType := 16,
+          diagnostic := {
+            usrPortId := {
+              identifier := usrPortId,
+              length_ := 2,
+              usrPortIdVal := {
+                isdnUsrPortIdVal := {
+                  usrPortIdVal_0 := '000011'B,
+                  ext_0 := '00'B,
+                  usrPortIdVal_1 := '0000111'B,
+                  ext_1 := '1'B
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccDeallocRej, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccDeallocRej, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccDeallocRej, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_AUDIT() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccAudit := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := BCC_AUDIT,
+    msgBody := {
+      bccAudit:= {
+        usrPortId := {
+          identifier := usrPortId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          usrPortIdVal := {
+            isdnUsrPortIdVal := {
+              usrPortIdVal_0 := '000011'B,
+              ext_0 := '00'B,
+              usrPortIdVal_1 := '0000111'B,
+              ext_1 := '1'B
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        isdnPortChannelId := {
+          identifier := isdnPortChannelId,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '100'B,
+          isdnPortChannelId := 31
+        },
+        v5TimeSlotId := {
+          identifier := v5TimeSlotId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          linkId := '01100110'B,
+          override_ := '111'B,
+          v5TimeSlotNumber := '01001'B
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccAudit, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccAudit, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccAudit, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_AUDIT_COMPLETE() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccAuditCompl := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := BCC_AUDIT_COMPLETE,
+    msgBody := {
+      bccAuditCompl:= {
+        usrPortId := {
+          identifier := usrPortId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          usrPortIdVal := {
+            isdnUsrPortIdVal := {
+              usrPortIdVal_0 := '000011'B,
+              ext_0 := '00'B,
+              usrPortIdVal_1 := '0000111'B,
+              ext_1 := '1'B
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        isdnPortChannelId := {
+          identifier := isdnPortChannelId,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '100'B,
+          isdnPortChannelId := 31
+        },
+        v5TimeSlotId := {
+          identifier := v5TimeSlotId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          linkId := '01100110'B,
+          override_ := '111'B,
+          v5TimeSlotNumber := '01001'B
+        },
+        connIncompl := {
+          identifier := connIncompl,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          reason := 5
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccAuditCompl, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccAuditCompl, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccAuditCompl, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_AN_FAULT() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccAnFault := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := BCC_AN_FAULT,
+    msgBody := {
+      bccAnFault:= {
+        usrPortId := {
+          identifier := usrPortId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          usrPortIdVal := {
+            isdnUsrPortIdVal := {
+              usrPortIdVal_0 := '000011'B,
+              ext_0 := '00'B,
+              usrPortIdVal_1 := '0000111'B,
+              ext_1 := '1'B
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        isdnPortChannelId := {
+          identifier := isdnPortChannelId,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '100'B,
+          isdnPortChannelId := 31
+        },
+        v5TimeSlotId := {
+          identifier := v5TimeSlotId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          linkId := '01100110'B,
+          override_ := '111'B,
+          v5TimeSlotNumber := '01001'B
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccAnFault, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccAnFault, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccAnFault, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_AN_FAULT_ACK() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccAnFaultAck := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := BCC_AN_FAULT_ACK,
+    msgBody := {
+      bccAnFaultAck:= {
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccAnFaultAck, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccAnFaultAck, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccAnFaultAck, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_BCC_PROTOCOL_ERROR() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var BCC_Message vl_bccProtErr := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    bccRefNum := {
+      srcId := '0'B,
+      bccRefNumval_0 := '1001011'B,
+      zero := '00'B,
+      bccRefNumval_1 := '101010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := BCC_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+    msgBody := {
+      bccProtErr:= {
+        protErrCause := {
+          identifier := protErrCause,
+          length_ := 3,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          protErrCauseType := 14,
+          ext_1 := '0'B,
+          diagnMsgTypeId := BCC_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+          diagnInfoElemenetId := protErrCause
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_BCC_enc(vl_bccProtErr, vl_stream);
+  var BCC_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_BCC_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_bccProtErr, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_bccProtErr, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REQ() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PROT_Message vl_protSwitchOverReq := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    logc_channelId := {
+      logc_channelId_0 := '00000001'B,
+      logc_channelId_1 := '00000010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REQ,
+    msgBody := {
+      protSwitchOverReq:= {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 127
+        },
+        phyc_channelId := {
+          identifier := phyc_channelId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          v5LinkId := '00010100'B,
+          v5TimeSlot := 31
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PROT_enc(vl_protSwitchOverReq, vl_stream);
+  var PROT_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PROT_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_protSwitchOverReq, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_protSwitchOverReq, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PROT_SWITCH_OVER_COM() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PROT_Message vl_protSwitchOverCom := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    logc_channelId := {
+      logc_channelId_0 := '00000001'B,
+      logc_channelId_1 := '00000010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PROT_SWITCH_OVER_COM,
+    msgBody := {
+      protSwitchOverCom := {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 127
+        },
+        phyc_channelId := {
+          identifier := phyc_channelId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          v5LinkId := '00010100'B,
+          v5TimeSlot := 31
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PROT_enc(vl_protSwitchOverCom, vl_stream);
+  var PROT_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PROT_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_protSwitchOverCom, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_protSwitchOverCom, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PROT_OS_SWITCH_OVER_COM() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PROT_Message vl_protOsSwitchOverCom := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    logc_channelId := {
+      logc_channelId_0 := '00000001'B,
+      logc_channelId_1 := '00000010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PROT_OS_SWITCH_OVER_COM,
+    msgBody := {
+      protOsSwitchOverCom := {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 127
+        },
+        phyc_channelId := {
+          identifier := phyc_channelId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          v5LinkId := '00010100'B,
+          v5TimeSlot := 31
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PROT_enc(vl_protOsSwitchOverCom, vl_stream);
+  var PROT_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PROT_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_protOsSwitchOverCom, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_protOsSwitchOverCom, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PROT_SWITCH_OVER_ACK() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PROT_Message vl_protSwitchOverAck := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    logc_channelId := {
+      logc_channelId_0 := '00000001'B,
+      logc_channelId_1 := '00000010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PROT_SWITCH_OVER_ACK,
+    msgBody := {
+      protSwitchOverAck := {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 127
+        },
+        phyc_channelId := {
+          identifier := phyc_channelId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          v5LinkId := '00010100'B,
+          v5TimeSlot := 31
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PROT_enc(vl_protSwitchOverAck, vl_stream);
+  var PROT_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PROT_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_protSwitchOverAck, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_protSwitchOverAck, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REJECT() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PROT_Message vl_protSwitchOverRej := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    logc_channelId := {
+      logc_channelId_0 := '00000001'B,
+      logc_channelId_1 := '00000010'B
+    },
+    msgBody := {
+      protSwitchOverRej := {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 127
+        },
+        phyc_channelId := {
+          identifier := phyc_channelId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          v5LinkId := '00010100'B,
+          v5TimeSlot := 31
+        },
+        rejCause := {
+          identifier := rejCause,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          rejCauseType := 6
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PROT_enc(vl_protSwitchOverRej, vl_stream);
+  var PROT_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PROT_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_protSwitchOverRej, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_protSwitchOverRej, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PROT_PROTOCOL_ERROR() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PROT_Message vl_protProtErr := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    logc_channelId := {
+      logc_channelId_0 := '00000001'B,
+      logc_channelId_1 := '00000010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PROT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+    msgBody := {
+      protProtErr := {
+        seqNum := {
+          identifier := seqNum,
+          length_ := 1,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          seqNum := 127
+        },
+        phyc_channelId := {
+          identifier := phyc_channelId,
+          length_ := 2,
+          v5LinkId := '00010100'B,
+          v5TimeSlot := 31
+        },
+        protErrCause := {
+          identifier := protErrCause,
+          length_ := 3,
+          ext_0 := '1'B,
+          protErrCauseType := 13,
+          ext_1 := '0'B,
+          diagnMsgTypeId := PROT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
+          diagnInfoElementId := phyc_channelId
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PROT_enc(vl_protProtErr, vl_stream);
+  var PROT_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PROT_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_protProtErr, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_protProtErr, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PROT_RESET_SN_COM() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PROT_Message vl_protResetSnCom := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    logc_channelId := {
+      logc_channelId_0 := '00000001'B,
+      logc_channelId_1 := '00000010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PROT_RESET_SN_COM,
+    msgBody := {
+      protResetSnCom := {
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PROT_enc(vl_protResetSnCom, vl_stream);
+  var PROT_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PROT_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_protResetSnCom, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_protResetSnCom, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+testcase tc_PROT_RESET_SN_ACK() runs on MAIN_CT {
+  var PROT_Message vl_protResetSnAck := {
+    protDiscr := '01001000'B,
+    logc_channelId := {
+      logc_channelId_0 := '00000001'B,
+      logc_channelId_1 := '00000010'B
+    },
+    msgTypeId := PROT_RESET_SN_ACK,
+    msgBody := {
+      protResetSnAck := {
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var octetstring vl_stream;
+  ef_PROT_enc(vl_protResetSnAck, vl_stream);
+  var PROT_Message vl_decoded;
+  ef_PROT_dec(vl_stream, vl_decoded);
+  if(match(vl_protResetSnAck, vl_decoded)) {
+    log("Encoded in oct: ", vl_stream);
+    log("Encoded in bit: ", oct2bit(vl_stream));
+    setverdict(pass);
+  } else {
+    log("pdu: ", match(vl_protResetSnAck, vl_decoded));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+control {
+  execute(tc_PSTN_ESTABLISH());
+  execute(tc_PSTN_ESTABLISH_ACK());
+  execute(tc_PSTN_SIGNAL());
+  execute(tc_PSTN_SIGNAL_ACK());
+  execute(tc_PSTN_STATUS());
+  execute(tc_PSTN_STATUS_ENQUIRY());
+  execute(tc_PSTN_DISCONNECT());
+  execute(tc_CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL());
+  execute(tc_CNTRL_PORT_CONTROL_ACK());
+  execute(tc_CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL());
+  execute(tc_CNTRL_COMMON_CONTROL_ACK());
+  execute(tc_LINK_CONTROL());
+  execute(tc_LINK_CONTROL_ACK());
+  execute(tc_BCC_ALLOCATION());
+  execute(tc_BCC_ALLOCATION_REJECT());
+  execute(tc_BCC_DEALLOCATION());
+  execute(tc_BCC_AUDIT());
+  execute(tc_BCC_AUDIT_COMPLETE());
+  execute(tc_BCC_AN_FAULT());
+  execute(tc_BCC_AN_FAULT_ACK());
+  execute(tc_BCC_PROTOCOL_ERROR());
+  execute(tc_PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REQ());
+  execute(tc_PROT_SWITCH_OVER_COM());
+  execute(tc_PROT_OS_SWITCH_OVER_COM());
+  execute(tc_PROT_SWITCH_OVER_ACK());
+  execute(tc_PROT_SWITCH_OVER_REJECT());
+  execute(tc_PROT_PROTOCOL_ERROR());
+  execute(tc_PROT_RESET_SN_COM());
+  execute(tc_PROT_RESET_SN_ACK());
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/cfg.cfg b/test/cfg.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fac334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cfg.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+LogFile := "logs/%e.%h-%r.%s"
+LogSourceInfo := Yes
+AppendFile := No
+TimeStampFormat := DateTime
+LogEventTypes := Yes
+SourceInfoFormat := Single
+LogEntityName := Yes