diff --git a/demo/CAN_matrix.ttcn b/demo/CAN_matrix.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61db435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/CAN_matrix.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+module CAN_matrix {
+import from General_Types all // for OCT1, OCT2, ..., INT1, ..
+import from Can all // for CAN_id
+import from SocketCAN_Types all  // for SocketCAN_CAN_or_CAN_FD_frame
+import from CAN_matrix_general_types all
+import from My_can_matrix all
+import from My_canfd_matrix all
+external function f_encode_can_matrix(in CAN_MatrixUnion pdu) return octetstring 
+with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(RAW)" }
+external function f_decode_can_matrix(in octetstring data) return CAN_MatrixUnion
+with { extension "prototype(convert) decode(RAW)" }
+external function f_encode_canfd_matrix(in CANFD_MatrixUnion pdu) return octetstring 
+with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(RAW)" }
+external function f_decode_canfd_matrix(in octetstring data) return CANFD_MatrixUnion
+with { extension "prototype(convert) decode(RAW)" }
+function canframe2canmatrixframe(CAN_frame p_can_frame) return CAN_MatrixUnion {
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+  var CAN_MatrixUnion v_can_frame_can_matrix
+  //log("can_id", p_can_frame.can_id)  
+  //log("can_pdu", p_can_frame.can_pdu)
+  v_can_frame_can_matrix:=f_decode_can_matrix(p_can_frame.can_id& p_can_frame.can_pdu)
+  //log("Higher layer octet pdustring: ", v_can_frame_can_matrix)
+  return v_can_frame_can_matrix
+function canmatrixframe2can(in CAN_MatrixUnion p_can_matrix_frame) return CAN_frame {
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  var CAN_frame v_can_frame
+  v_can_frame.can_id := p_can_matrix_frame.can_id
+  var octetstring v_encoded
+  v_encoded := f_encode_can_matrix(p_can_matrix_frame)
+  v_can_frame.can_pdu := substr(v_encoded,4,lengthof(v_encoded)-4)//strip 4 byte can id
+  return v_can_frame
+function canfdframe2canfdmatrixframe(CANFD_frame p_canfd_frame) return CANFD_MatrixUnion {
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+  var CANFD_MatrixUnion v_canfd_frame_canfd_matrix
+  //log("can_id", p_can_frame.can_id)  
+  //log("can_pdu", p_can_frame.can_pdu)
+  v_canfd_frame_canfd_matrix:=f_decode_canfd_matrix(p_canfd_frame.can_id& bit2oct(p_canfd_frame.can_flags)& p_canfd_frame.can_pdu)
+  //log("Higher layer octet pdustring: ", v_canfd_frame_can_matrix)
+  return v_canfd_frame_canfd_matrix
+function canfdmatrixframe2canfd(in CANFD_MatrixUnion p_canfd_matrix_frame) return CANFD_frame {
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  var CANFD_frame v_canfd_frame
+  v_canfd_frame.can_id := p_canfd_matrix_frame.can_id
+  var octetstring v_encoded
+  v_encoded := f_encode_canfd_matrix(p_canfd_matrix_frame)
+  v_canfd_frame.can_pdu := substr(v_encoded,4, 1)//strip 4 byte can id
+  v_canfd_frame.can_pdu := substr(v_encoded,5, lengthof(v_encoded)-5)//strip 4 byte can id, 1 byte  
+  return v_canfd_frame
+}with { encode "RAW" }
diff --git a/demo/CAN_matrix_general_types.ttcn b/demo/CAN_matrix_general_types.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83e551c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/CAN_matrix_general_types.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+module CAN_matrix_general_types {
+type integer INT1 (0..255) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)" };
+type integer INT2 (0..65335) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(16)" };
+type integer INT3 (0..16777215) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(24)" };
+type integer INT4 (0..4294967295) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(32)" };
+type integer INT_BIT1_MSB   (0..1)          with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(1), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT2_MSB   (0..3)          with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(2), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT3_MSB   (0..7)          with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(3), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT4_MSB   (0..15)         with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(4), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT5_MSB   (0..31)         with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(5), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT6_MSB   (0..63)         with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(6), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT7_MSB   (0..127)        with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(7), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT8_MSB   (0..255)        with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(8), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT9_MSB   (0..511)        with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(9), BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT10_MSB  (0..1023)       with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(10),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT11_MSB  (0..2047)       with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(11),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT12_MSB  (0..4095)       with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(12),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT13_MSB  (0..8191)       with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(13),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT14_MSB  (0..16383)      with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(14),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT15_MSB  (0..32767)      with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(15),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT16_MSB  (0..65335)      with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(16),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT17_MSB  (0..131071)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(17),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT18_MSB  (0..262143)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(18),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT19_MSB  (0..524287)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(19),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT20_MSB  (0..1048575)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(20),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT21_MSB  (0..2097151)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(21),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT22_MSB  (0..4194303)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(22),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT23_MSB  (0..8388607)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(23),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT24_MSB  (0..16777215)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(24),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT25_MSB  (0..33554431)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(25),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT26_MSB  (0..67108863)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(26),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT27_MSB  (0..134217727)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(27),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT28_MSB  (0..268435455)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(28),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT39_MSB  (0..536870911)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(29),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT30_MSB  (0..1073741823) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(30),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT31_MSB  (0..2147483647) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(31),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT32_MSB  (0..4294967295) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(32),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT1_LSB   (0..1)          with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(1), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT2_LSB   (0..3)          with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(2), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT3_LSB   (0..7)          with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(3), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT4_LSB   (0..15)         with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(4), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT5_LSB   (0..31)         with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(5), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT6_LSB   (0..63)         with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(6), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT7_LSB   (0..127)        with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(7), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT8_LSB   (0..255)        with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(8), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT9_LSB   (0..511)        with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(9), BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT10_LSB  (0..1023)       with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(10),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT11_LSB  (0..2047)       with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(11),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT12_LSB  (0..4095)       with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(12),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT13_LSB  (0..8191)       with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(13),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT14_LSB  (0..16383)      with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(14),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT15_LSB  (0..32767)      with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(15),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT16_LSB  (0..65335)      with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(16),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT17_LSB  (0..131071)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(17),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT18_LSB  (0..262143)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(18),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT19_LSB  (0..524287)     with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(19),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT20_LSB  (0..1048575)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(20),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT21_LSB  (0..2097151)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(21),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT22_LSB  (0..4194303)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(22),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT23_LSB  (0..8388607)    with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(23),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT24_LSB  (0..16777215)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(24),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT25_LSB  (0..33554431)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(25),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT26_LSB  (0..67108863)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(26),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT27_LSB  (0..134217727)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(27),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT28_LSB  (0..268435455)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(28),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT39_LSB  (0..536870911)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(29),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT30_LSB  (0..1073741823) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(30),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT31_LSB  (0..2147483647) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(31),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type integer INT_BIT32_LSB  (0..4294967295) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(32),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT1_MSB   length(1)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(1),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT2_MSB   length(2)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(2),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT3_MSB   length(3)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(3),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT4_MSB   length(4)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(4),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT5_MSB   length(5)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(5),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT6_MSB   length(6)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(6),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT7_MSB   length(7)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(7),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT8_MSB   length(8)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(8),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT9_MSB   length(9)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(9),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT10_MSB  length(10)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(10),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT11_MSB  length(11)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(11),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT12_MSB  length(12)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(12),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT13_MSB  length(13)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(13),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT14_MSB  length(14)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(14),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT15_MSB  length(15)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(15),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT16_MSB  length(16)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(16),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT17_MSB  length(17)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(17),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT18_MSB  length(18)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(18),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT19_MSB  length(19)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(19),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT20_MSB  length(20)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(20),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT21_MSB  length(21)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(21),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT22_MSB  length(22)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(22),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT24_MSB  length(24)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(24),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT25_MSB  length(25)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(25),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT26_MSB  length(26)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(26),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT27_MSB  length(27)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(27),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT28_MSB  length(28)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(28),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT29_MSB  length(29)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(29),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT30_MSB  length(30)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(30),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT31_MSB  length(31)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(31),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT32_MSB  length(32)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(32),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type bitstring BIT1_LSB   length(1)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(1),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT2_LSB   length(2)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(2),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT3_LSB   length(3)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(3),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT4_LSB   length(4)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(4),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT5_LSB   length(5)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(5),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT6_LSB   length(6)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(6),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT7_LSB   length(7)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(7),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT8_LSB   length(8)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(8),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT9_LSB   length(9)   with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(9),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT10_LSB  length(10)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(10),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT11_LSB  length(11)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(11),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT12_LSB  length(12)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(12),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT13_LSB  length(13)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(13),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT14_LSB  length(14)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(14),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT15_LSB  length(15)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(15),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT16_LSB  length(16)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(16),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT17_LSB  length(17)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(17),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT18_LSB  length(18)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(18),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT19_LSB  length(19)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(19),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT20_LSB  length(20)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(20),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT21_LSB  length(21)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(21),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT22_LSB  length(22)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(22),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT24_LSB  length(24)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(24),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT25_LSB  length(25)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(25),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT26_LSB  length(26)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(26),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT27_LSB  length(27)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(27),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT28_LSB  length(28)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(28),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT29_LSB  length(29)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(29),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT30_LSB  length(30)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(30),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT31_LSB  length(31)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(31),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type bitstring BIT32_LSB  length(32)  with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(32),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type octetstring OCT1_MSB length(1) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(1),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type octetstring OCT2_MSB length(2) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(2),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type octetstring OCT3_MSB length(3) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(3),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type octetstring OCT4_MSB length(4) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(4),BITORDER(msb)" };
+type octetstring OCT1_LSB length(1) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(1),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type octetstring OCT2_LSB length(2) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(2),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type octetstring OCT3_LSB length(3) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(3),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+type octetstring OCT4_LSB length(4) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(4),BITORDER(lsb)" };
+} with { encode "RAW" }
diff --git a/demo/CAN_matrix_test.cfg b/demo/CAN_matrix_test.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a6b308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/CAN_matrix_test.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ ##############################################################################
+ # Copyright (c) 2010, 2016  Ericsson AB
+ # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ #
+ # Contributors:
+ # Michael Josenhans
+ ##############################################################################
+ConsoleMask := LOG_ALL | DEBUG | MATCHING
+LogSourceInfo := Yes
+SourceInfoFormat:= Single // Single or Stack
+LogEntityName:= Yes
+LogEventTypes:= Yes
+// Syntax:
+// <component_name>.<port_name>.<parameter_name> := <parameter_value>
+*.pt_socketCAN.SocketCAN_can_interface_name := "vcan0"
+*.pt_socketCAN.SocketCAN_debugging := "YES"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/CAN_matrix_test.ttcn b/demo/CAN_matrix_test.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..472cd74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/CAN_matrix_test.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+module CAN_matrix_test {
+import from SocketCAN_Types all;
+import from Can all
+import from Raw all
+import from CanError all
+import from Can all // for CAN_id
+import from SocketCAN_Types all  // for SocketCAN_CAN_or_CAN_FD_frame
+import from CAN_matrix all
+import from My_can_matrix all
+import from My_canfd_matrix all
+import from SocketCANtest all
+//component declarations
+type component MTC_CT
+testcase tc_encdec() runs on MTC_CT
+  var CAN_frame my_can_id 
+  my_can_id:= {can_id := '00000122'O, can_pdu := '1234'O}
+  log(my_can_id)
+  log(canframe2canmatrixframe({can_id := '00000122'O, can_pdu := '1234'O}))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  var CAN_MatrixUnion my_can_message
+  my_can_message := {can_id := '00000124'O, can_pdu := { message_MyTestframe2 := {
+        test_sig_11_bit_integer_msb_coded := 2047, // as this is a integer
+        test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded  := 2    // as this is a integer
+      }}}
+  log(my_can_message)
+  log(canmatrixframe2can(my_can_message))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_testFrame0_1 := {
+    // please note that if it is an extended can address, it would be '0x80000122' as usual in socketCAN
+    can_id     := '00000122'O, // '...'O as this is anm octetstring
+    can_pdu    := { message_MyTestframe0 := {
+        test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded := '01010101011'B, // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+        test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded  := '11111'B         // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+      }
+    }
+  }  
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_testFrame0_1)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_testFrame0_1))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_testFrame1_1 := {
+    // please note that if it is an extended can address, it would be '0x80000123' as usual in socketCAN
+    can_id     := '00000123'O, // '...'O as this is anm octetstring
+    can_pdu    := { message_MyTestframe1 := {
+        test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_msb_coded := '01010101011'B, // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+        test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_msb_coded  := '11111'B         // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+      }
+    }
+  }  
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_testFrame1_1)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_testFrame1_1))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_testFrame2_1 := {
+    can_id     := '00000124'O, // '...'O as this is anm octetstring
+    can_pdu    := { message_MyTestframe2 := {
+        test_sig_11_bit_integer_msb_coded := 2047, // as this is a integer
+        test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded  := 2    // as this is a integer
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_testFrame2_1)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_testFrame2_1))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_testFrame3_1 := {
+    can_id     := '00000125'O, // '...'O as this is anm octetstring
+    can_pdu    := { message_MyTestframe3 := {
+        test_sig_1_byte_octetstring_msb_coded := 'FF'O,  // as this is a 1 Byte octetstring
+        test_sig_2_byte_octetstring_msb_coded := '123F'O // as this is a 2 Byte octetstring
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_testFrame3_1)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_testFrame3_1))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_extendedFrame1_1 := {
+    can_id     := '80000001'O, // '...'O as this is anm octetstring
+    can_pdu    := { message_extendedFrame1 := {
+        test_sig_2_byte_octetstring_msb_coded := 'FFFF'O  // as this is a 2 Byte octetstring
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_extendedFrame1_1)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_extendedFrame1_1))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  var CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME1      v_message_Frame1_2
+  var CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME2      v_message_Frame2_2
+  var CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME3      v_message_Frame3_2
+  var CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME4      v_message_Frame4_2
+  var CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME5      v_message_Frame5_2
+  var CAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDEDFRAME1  v_message_extendedFrame1_2
+  v_message_Frame1_2 := 
+  {
+    // please note that if it is an extended can address, it would be '0x80000123' as usual in socketCAN
+    test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_msb_coded := '01010101011'B, // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+    test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_msb_coded  := '11111'B         // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+  }
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_Frame1_2 := {
+    can_id     := '00000123'O, // '...'O as this is an octetstring
+    can_pdu    :=  { message_MyTestframe1 := v_message_Frame1_2 }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame1_2)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame1_2))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  v_message_Frame2_2 := 
+  {
+    // please note that if it is an extended can address, it would be '0x80000124' as usual in socketCAN
+    test_sig_11_bit_integer_msb_coded := 2047, // as this is a integer
+    test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded  := 2    // as this is a integer
+  }
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_Frame2_2 := {
+    can_id     := '00000124'O, // '...'O as this is an octetstring
+    can_pdu    :=  { message_MyTestframe2 := v_message_Frame2_2 }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame2_2)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame2_2))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  v_message_Frame3_2 := 
+  {
+    // please note that if it is an extended can address, it would be '0x80000125' as usual in socketCAN
+    test_sig_1_byte_octetstring_msb_coded := 'FF'O,  // as this is a 1 Byte octetstring
+    test_sig_2_byte_octetstring_msb_coded := '123F'O // as this is a 2 Byte octetstring
+  }
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_Frame3_2 := {
+    can_id     := '00000125'O, // '...'O as this is an octetstring
+    can_pdu    :=  { message_MyTestframe3 := v_message_Frame3_2 }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame3_2)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame3_2))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  v_message_Frame4_2 := 
+  {
+    test_unsig_9_bit_2_padded_integer_msb_coded := 511,  // as this is a 9 Bit bitstring
+    test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded := 8 // as this is a 5 bit integer
+  }
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_Frame4_2 := {
+    can_id     := '00000126'O, // '...'O as this is an octetstring
+    can_pdu    :=  { message_MyTestframe4 := v_message_Frame4_2 }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame4_2)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame4_2))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  v_message_Frame5_2 := 
+  {
+    test_unsig_9_bit_2_padded_integer_msb_coded := 127,  // as this is a 9 Bit bitstring
+    test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded := 16 // as this is a 5 bit integer
+  }
+    template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_Frame5_2 := {
+    can_id     := '00000127'O, // '...'O as this is an octetstring
+    can_pdu    :=  { message_MyTestframe5 := v_message_Frame5_2 }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame5_2)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_Frame5_2))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  v_message_extendedFrame1_2 := 
+  {
+    // please note that if it is an extended can address, it would be '0x80000125' as usual in socketCAN
+    test_sig_2_byte_octetstring_msb_coded := 'FFFF'O  // as this is a 2 Byte octetstring
+  }
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_extendedFrame1_2 := {
+    can_id     := '80000001'O, // '...'O as this is an octetstring
+    can_pdu    :=  { message_extendedFrame1 := v_message_extendedFrame1_2 }
+  }
+  log(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_extendedFrame1_2)))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  log(f_decode_can_matrix(f_encode_can_matrix(valueof(t_message_extendedFrame1_2))))
+  log("--------------------------------------------")
+  var SocketCAN_CAN_or_CAN_FD_frame v_frame_to_send1, v_frame_to_send2
+  // This is the way a can frame is prepared for sending and at frame reception
+  v_frame_to_send1 := {can_frame := 
+    {can_id := '00000122'O, 
+      can_pdu := '0123456789ABCDEF'O}
+  }
+ // the received canframe (precondition it is a CAN-frame and not an CANFD-frame):
+  var CAN_frame can_frame
+  can_frame := v_frame_to_send1.can_frame
+  // For information only:
+  // This is the way a canfd frame would be prepared for sending and at frame reception
+  v_frame_to_send2 := {canfd_frame := 
+    {can_id := '00000015'O, 
+      can_flags := '01010101'B,
+      can_pdu := '0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'O}
+  }
+  setverdict(pass)
+testcase tc_can_raw_send_and_receive_can_frame() runs on MTC {
+  var PTC v_ptc_rawSendInitiator := PTC.create("PTC1_ptc_rawSendInitiator") alive
+  var PTC v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver := PTC.create("PTC2_ptc_rawFrameReceiver") alive
+  f_addSyncSlaveSet(v_ptc_rawSendInitiator, v_PTCSet)
+  f_addSyncSlaveSet(v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver, v_PTCSet)
+  connect(mtc:pt_sync, v_ptc_rawSendInitiator:pt_sync)
+  connect(mtc:pt_sync, v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver:pt_sync)
+  var CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME1      v_message_Frame1_3
+  v_message_Frame1_3 := 
+  {
+    // please note that if it is an extended can address, it would be '0x80000123' as usual in socketCAN
+    test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_msb_coded := '01010101011'B, // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+    test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_msb_coded  := '11111'B         // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+  }
+  template CAN_MatrixUnion t_message_Frame1_3 := {
+    can_id     := '00000123'O, // '...'O as this is an octetstring
+    can_pdu    :=  { message_MyTestframe1 := v_message_Frame1_3 }
+  }
+  var SocketCAN_CAN_or_CAN_FD_frame v_frame_to_send
+  v_frame_to_send := {can_frame := canmatrixframe2can(valueof(t_message_Frame1_3))}
+  v_ptc_rawSendInitiator.start(f_ptc_RawSendInitiator(e_testbody1, v_frame_to_send))
+  v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver.start(f_ptc_RawFrameReceiver(e_testbody3, v_frame_to_send))
+  var e_Phase v_phase
+  for(v_phase := c_firstPhase; v_phase < e_testcase_complete;v_phase := f_incMTCPhase(v_phase)) {
+    f_startPhase(v_phase)
+    log("MTC: ", v_phase)
+    f_awaitEndPhase(v_phase)
+  }
+  all component.done;
+  log("MTC done")
+  disconnect(mtc:pt_sync, v_ptc_rawSendInitiator:pt_sync)
+  disconnect(mtc:pt_sync, v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver:pt_sync)
+  all component.kill;      
+testcase tc_can_raw_send_and_receive_canfd_frame() runs on MTC {
+  var PTC v_ptc_rawSendInitiator := PTC.create("PTC1_ptc_rawSendInitiator") alive
+  var PTC v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver := PTC.create("PTC2_ptc_rawFrameReceiver") alive
+  f_addSyncSlaveSet(v_ptc_rawSendInitiator, v_PTCSet)
+  f_addSyncSlaveSet(v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver, v_PTCSet)
+  connect(mtc:pt_sync, v_ptc_rawSendInitiator:pt_sync)
+  connect(mtc:pt_sync, v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver:pt_sync)
+  var SocketCAN_CAN_or_CAN_FD_frame v_canfd_frame_to_send
+  v_canfd_frame_to_send := {canfd_frame := 
+    {can_id := '00000015'O, 
+      can_flags := '10101010'B,
+      can_pdu := '0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF'O}
+  }
+  var CANFD_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME1      v_message_Frame1_4
+  v_message_Frame1_4 := 
+  {
+    // please note that if it is an extended can address, it would be '0x80000123' as usual in socketCAN
+    test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_msb_coded := '01010101011'B, // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+    test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_msb_coded  := '11111'B         // '...'B as this is a bitstring
+  }
+  template CANFD_MatrixUnion t_message_Frame1_4 := {
+    can_id     := '00000123'O, // '...'O as this is an octetstring
+    can_flags  := '10101010'B,
+    can_pdu    :=  { message_MyTestframe1 := v_message_Frame1_4 }
+  }
+  var SocketCAN_CAN_or_CAN_FD_frame v_frame_to_send
+  v_frame_to_send := {canfd_frame := canfdmatrixframe2canfd(valueof(t_message_Frame1_4))}
+  v_ptc_rawSendInitiator.start(f_ptc_RawSendInitiator(e_testbody2, v_canfd_frame_to_send))
+  v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver.start(f_ptc_RawFrameReceiver(e_testbody3, v_canfd_frame_to_send))
+  var e_Phase v_phase
+  for(v_phase := c_firstPhase; v_phase < e_testcase_complete;v_phase := f_incMTCPhase(v_phase)) {
+    f_startPhase(v_phase)
+    log("MTC: ", v_phase)
+    f_awaitEndPhase(v_phase)
+  }
+  all component.done;
+  log("MTC done")
+  disconnect(mtc:pt_sync, v_ptc_rawSendInitiator:pt_sync)
+  disconnect(mtc:pt_sync, v_ptc_rawFrameReceiver:pt_sync)
+  all component.kill;      
+} with { encode "RAW" }
diff --git a/demo/IsobusNMMessageTypes.ttcn b/demo/IsobusNMMessageTypes.ttcn
index 7b2171c..7c061db 100644
--- a/demo/IsobusNMMessageTypes.ttcn
+++ b/demo/IsobusNMMessageTypes.ttcn
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 type record N_MFDB_Request 
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (0),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (0),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   OCT1                                      reserved3  ('FF'O),
   OCT1                                      reserved4  ('FF'O),
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 type record N_MFDB_Response
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (1),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (1),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   e_FilterMode                              filterMode,
   record length (1..infinity) of PGN        pgnEntries
@@ -93,21 +93,21 @@
 type record N_MFDB_Add
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (2),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (2),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   record length (1..infinity) of PGN        pgnEntries
 } with {variant "" };
 type record N_MFDB_Delete
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (3),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (3),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   record length (1..infinity) of PGN        pgnEntries
 } with {variant "" };
 type record N_MFDB_Clear 
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (4),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (4),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   OCT1                                      reserved3  ('FF'O),
   OCT1                                      reserved4  ('FF'O),
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 type record N_MFDB_Create_Entry
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (6),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (6),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   e_FilterMode                              filterMode,
   record length (1..infinity) of PGN        pgnEntries
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 type record N_MFDBNQ_Add
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (7),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (7),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   e_FilterMode                              filterMode,
   OCT1                                      reserved4  ('FF'O),  
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 type record N_NT_Request 
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (64),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (64),
   PortNibble                                portPair,  
   OCT1                                      reserved3  ('FF'O),
   OCT1                                      reserved4  ('FF'O),
@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@
 type record N_NT_Response 
-  Function                                      MsgFunction (65),
+  Function                                      msgFunction (65),
   PortNibble                                    portPair,  
   record length (1..infinity) of SourceAddress  SourceAddressEntries
 } with {variant "" };
 type record N_NTX_Request 
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (66),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (66),
   PortNibble                                portPair,  
   OCT1                                      reserved3  ('FF'O),
   OCT1                                      reserved4  ('FF'O),
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 type record N_NTX_Response 
-  Function                                    MsgFunction (67),
+  Function                                    msgFunction (67),
   PortNibble                                  portPair,  
   INT1                                        numberOfReportedPorts,
   record length (1..infinity) of SA_NAME_pair sourceaddress_NAME_pairs
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
 type record N_GP_Request 
-  Function                                    MsgFunction (128),
+  Function                                    msgFunction (128),
   record length (6..255) of e_ParametricIdentifier parametricIdentifiers
   // Note: If total length below 8 bytes shall be padded to 8 bytes with reserved within ParametricIdentifiers
   // this is the easiest way to handle it
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@
 type record N_GP_Response
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (129),
-  OCT1                                      requestedParametrics [6 .. 255]
+  Function                                  msgFunction (129),
+  octetstring                               requestedParametrics [6 .. 255]
   // Note: If total length below 8 bytes shall be padded to 8 bytes with reserved ('FF'O) within RequestedParametrics
   // this is the easiest way to handle it
 } with {
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
 type record N_GP_Reset_Statistics 
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (130),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (130),
   PortNibble                                portPair,  
   OCT1                                      reserved3  ('FF'O),
   OCT1                                      reserved4  ('FF'O),
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
 type record N_SP_Request 
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (131),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (131),
   PortPair                                  portPair, 
   record length (5..255) of e_ParametricIdentifier parametricIdentifiers
   // Note: If total length below 8 bytes shall be padded to 8 bytes with reserved within ParametricIdentifiers
@@ -299,9 +299,9 @@
 type record N_SP_Response
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (132),
-  PortPair                                  portPair,  
-  OCT1                                      requestedParametrics [5 .. 255]
+  Function                                  msgFunction (132),
+  PortPair                                  portPair, 
+  octetstring                               requestedParametrics [5 .. 255]
   // Note: If total length below 8 bytes shall be padded to 8 bytes with reserved ('FF'O) within RequestedParametrics
   // this is the easiest way to handle it
 } with {
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
 type record N_SP_Reset_Statistics 
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (133),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (133),
   PortPair                                  portPair, 
   OCT1                                      reserved3  ('FF'O),
   OCT1                                      reserved4  ('FF'O),
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
 type record N_OC_Request
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (192),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (192),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   NAME                                      nameOfCF
 } with {
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
 type record N_CC_Request
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (193),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (193),
   PortPair                                  portPair,  
   NAME                                      nameOfCF
 } with {
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
 type record N_OC_Response
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (194),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (194),
   PortPair                                  portPair, 
   e_Status                                  status,
   e_FailureReasonCode                       failureReasonCode 
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
 type record N_CC_Response
-  Function                                  MsgFunction (195),
+  Function                                  msgFunction (195),
   PortPair                                  portPair, 
   e_Status                                  status,
   e_FailureReasonCode                       failureReasonCode 
@@ -399,27 +399,27 @@
   N_CC_Response                               n_CC_Response          // NIU to CF    
 with {variant "TAG	(
-  n_MFDB_Request,                        MsgFunction =   0;
-  n_MFDB_Response,                       MsgFunction =   1;
-  n_MFDB_Add,                            MsgFunction =   2;
-  n_MFDB_Delete,                         MsgFunction =   3;
-  n_MFDB_Clear,                          MsgFunction =   4;
-  n_MFDB_Create_Entry,                   MsgFunction =   6;
-  n_MFDBNQ_Add,                          MsgFunction =   7;
-  n_NT_Request,                          MsgFunction =  64;
-  n_NT_Response,                         MsgFunction =  65;
-  n_NTX_Request,                         MsgFunction =  66;
-  n_NTX_Response,                        MsgFunction =  67;
-  n_GP_Request,                          MsgFunction = 128;
-  n_GP_Response,                         MsgFunction = 129;
-  n_GP_Reset_Statistics,                 MsgFunction = 130;
-  n_SP_Request,                          MsgFunction = 131;
-  n_SP_Response,                         MsgFunction = 132;
-  n_SP_Reset_Statistics,                 MsgFunction = 133;
-  n_OC_Request,                          MsgFunction = 192;
-  n_OC_Response,                         MsgFunction = 193; // there is a specification inconsistency concerning this value 193 vs. 194
-  n_CC_Request,                          MsgFunction = 194; // there is a specification inconsistency concerning this value 194 vs. 193
-  n_CC_Response,                         MsgFunction = 195;  ) " 
+  n_MFDB_Request,                        msgFunction =   0;
+  n_MFDB_Response,                       msgFunction =   1;
+  n_MFDB_Add,                            msgFunction =   2;
+  n_MFDB_Delete,                         msgFunction =   3;
+  n_MFDB_Clear,                          msgFunction =   4;
+  n_MFDB_Create_Entry,                   msgFunction =   6;
+  n_MFDBNQ_Add,                          msgFunction =   7;
+  n_NT_Request,                          msgFunction =  64;
+  n_NT_Response,                         msgFunction =  65;
+  n_NTX_Request,                         msgFunction =  66;
+  n_NTX_Response,                        msgFunction =  67;
+  n_GP_Request,                          msgFunction = 128;
+  n_GP_Response,                         msgFunction = 129;
+  n_GP_Reset_Statistics,                 msgFunction = 130;
+  n_SP_Request,                          msgFunction = 131;
+  n_SP_Response,                         msgFunction = 132;
+  n_SP_Reset_Statistics,                 msgFunction = 133;
+  n_OC_Request,                          msgFunction = 192;
+  n_OC_Response,                         msgFunction = 193; // there is a specification inconsistency concerning this value 193 vs. 194
+  n_CC_Request,                          msgFunction = 194; // there is a specification inconsistency concerning this value 194 vs. 193
+  n_CC_Response,                         msgFunction = 195;  ) " 
 type enumerated e_PortNumber { 
diff --git a/demo/Isobus_Templates.ttcn b/demo/Isobus_Templates.ttcn
index 13fdd15..8b926ca 100644
--- a/demo/Isobus_Templates.ttcn
+++ b/demo/Isobus_Templates.ttcn
@@ -38,8 +38,14 @@
 template GetMemoryRes t_GetMemoryRes(e_GetMemoryResVersionNumber p_versionNumber, e_GetMemoryResStatus p_status) := {
+  vtfunction                      := 194,
   versionNumber                   := p_versionNumber,
-  status                          := p_status
+  status                          := p_status,
+  reserved4                       := 'FF'O,
+  reserved5                       := 'FF'O,
+  reserved6                       := 'FF'O,
+  reserved7                       := 'FF'O,
+  reserved8                       := 'FF'O
 template GetSupportedWidecharsReq t_GetSupportedWidecharsReq(e_Codeplane p_codeplane, OCT2 p_firstWideCharInInquiryRange, OCT2 p_lastWideCharInInquiryRange) := {
@@ -51,18 +57,19 @@
   reserved8                   := 'FF'O
-template GetSupportedWidecharsRes t_GetSupportedWidecharsRes(OCT2 p_firstWideCharInInquiryRange, 
+template GetSupportedWidecharsRes t_GetSupportedWidecharsRes(e_Codeplane p_codeplane, OCT2 p_firstWideCharInInquiryRange, 
   OCT2 p_lastWideCharInInquiryRange,
   INT1 p_numberOfRanges, 
   WideCharRangeArray p_wideCharRangeArray) := 
+  vtfunction                  := 193,
+  codeplane                   := p_codeplane,
   firstWideCharInInquiryRange := p_firstWideCharInInquiryRange,
   lastWideCharInInquiryRange  := p_lastWideCharInInquiryRange,
   numberOfRanges              := p_numberOfRanges, 
   wideCharRangeArray          := p_wideCharRangeArray
 template AnyIsoBusPdu t_WorkingSetMaintenanceReq_pdu(
   WorkingSetMaintenanceBitMask p_bitMask, 
   e_WorkingSetMaintenanceVersionNumber p_versionNumber) := {
diff --git a/demo/Makefile b/demo/Makefile
index 45b168c..8474742 100644
--- a/demo/Makefile
+++ b/demo/Makefile
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 # Flags for the TTCN-3 and ASN.1 compiler:
+COMPILER_FLAGS = -lL -e # added -e for codec compatiblity
 # Execution mode: (either ttcn3 or ttcn3-parallel)
 TTCN3_LIB = ttcn3-parallel
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@
 SocketCAN_BCM_test.ttcn ../src/SocketCAN_PortType.ttcn SocketCAN_RAW_test.ttcn ../src/SocketCAN_Templates.ttcn \
 ../src/SocketCAN_Types.ttcn SocketCANtest.ttcn Isobus.ttcn Isobustest.ttcn IsobusMessageTypes.ttcn \
 Isobus_Templates.ttcn IsobusNMMessageTypes.ttcn IsobusCMMessageTypes.ttcn IsobusVTMessageTypes.ttcn \
-Isotp.ttcn Isotptest.ttcn
+Isotp.ttcn Isotptest.ttcn \
+CAN_matrix_general_types.ttcn  CAN_matrix_test.ttcn  CAN_matrix.ttcn My_can_matrix.ttcn My_canfd_matrix.ttcn
 # ASN.1 modules of this project:
@@ -98,7 +99,8 @@
 SocketCAN_BCM_test.cc SocketCAN_PortType.cc SocketCAN_RAW_test.cc SocketCAN_Templates.cc \
 SocketCAN_Types.cc SocketCANtest.cc Isobus.cc Isobustest.cc IsobusMessageTypes.cc \
 Isobus_Templates.cc IsobusNMMessageTypes.cc IsobusCMMessageTypes.cc IsobusVTMessageTypes.cc \
-Isotp.cc Isotptest.cc
+Isotp.cc Isotptest.cc \
+CAN_matrix_general_types.cc  CAN_matrix_test.cc  CAN_matrix.cc My_can_matrix.cc My_canfd_matrix.cc
diff --git a/demo/My_can_matrix.ttcn b/demo/My_can_matrix.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f961d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/My_can_matrix.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+module My_can_matrix {
+import from General_Types all // for OCT1, OCT2, ..., INT1, ..
+import from Can all // for CAN_id
+import from CAN_matrix_general_types all
+//The following section is used for the automatic message encding / decoding
+        BIT11_MSB     test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded,
+        BIT5_MSB      test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded
+} with {variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
+         variant (test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded) "BITORDERINFIELD(lsb)" 
+         variant (test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded)  "BITORDERINFIELD(lsb)"
+        BIT11_MSB     test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_msb_coded,
+        BIT5_MSB      test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_msb_coded
+} with {variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
+         variant (test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_msb_coded) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" 
+         variant (test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_msb_coded)  "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)"
+        INT_BIT11_MSB  test_sig_11_bit_integer_msb_coded,
+        INT_BIT5_MSB   test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded
+} with {variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
+         variant (test_sig_11_bit_integer_msb_coded) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" 
+         variant (test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded)  "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)"
+        OCT1 test_sig_1_byte_octetstring_msb_coded,
+        OCT2 test_sig_2_byte_octetstring_msb_coded
+} with {variant "" }
+type integer INT_BIT9_PADDED_2_MSB  (0..511)      with 
+{ variant "ALIGN(right)";
+  variant "FIELDLENGTH(11)"
+  variant "BITORDER(msb)"
+        INT_BIT9_PADDED_2_MSB  test_unsig_9_bit_2_padded_integer_msb_coded,
+        INT_BIT5_MSB           test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded
+} with {variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
+         variant (test_unsig_9_bit_2_padded_integer_msb_coded) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" 
+         variant (test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded)  "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)"
+        INT_BIT9_PADDED_2_MSB  test_unsig_9_bit_2_padded_integer_msb_coded,
+        INT_BIT5_MSB           test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded
+} with {variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
+         variant (test_unsig_9_bit_2_padded_integer_msb_coded) "BITORDERINFIELD(lsb)" 
+         variant (test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded)  "BITORDERINFIELD(lsb)"
+      //  CAN_id                                     can_id ('80000001'O), 
+        // according to SocketCAN Extended frames have the bit 31 set,
+        OCT2 test_sig_2_byte_octetstring_msb_coded
+} with {variant ""}
+ type union CAN_MatrixPayloadUnion
+ {
+   CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME0        message_MyTestframe0,
+   CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME1        message_MyTestframe1,
+   CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME2        message_MyTestframe2,
+   CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME3        message_MyTestframe3,
+   CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME4        message_MyTestframe4,
+   CAN_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME5        message_MyTestframe5,
+   CAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDEDFRAME1    message_extendedFrame1
+ }
+  with {variant "" }
+ type record CAN_MatrixUnion {
+   CAN_id					can_id,
+   CAN_MatrixPayloadUnion	can_pdu
+} with {variant (can_pdu) "CROSSTAG(
+   message_MyTestframe0,          can_id =  '00000122'O;
+   message_MyTestframe1,          can_id =  '00000123'O;
+   message_MyTestframe2,          can_id =  '00000124'O;
+   message_MyTestframe3,          can_id =  '00000125'O;
+   message_MyTestframe4,          can_id =  '00000126'O;
+   message_MyTestframe5,          can_id =  '00000127'O;
+   message_extendedFrame1,        can_id =  '80000001'O;
+ )"
+ } 
+//The above section is used for the automatic message encding / decoding
+} with { encode "RAW" }
diff --git a/demo/My_canfd_matrix.ttcn b/demo/My_canfd_matrix.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d55aab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/My_canfd_matrix.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+module My_canfd_matrix {
+import from General_Types all // for OCT1, OCT2, ..., INT1, ..
+import from Can all // for CAN_id
+import from CAN_matrix_general_types all
+//The following section is used for the automatic message encding / decoding
+        BIT11_MSB     test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded,
+        BIT5_MSB      test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded
+} with {variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
+         variant (test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded) "BITORDERINFIELD(lsb)" 
+         variant (test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_lsb_coded)  "BITORDERINFIELD(lsb)"
+        BIT11_MSB     test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_msb_coded,
+        BIT5_MSB      test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_msb_coded
+} with {variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
+         variant (test_sig_11_bit_bitstring_msb_coded) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" 
+         variant (test_sig_5_bit_bitstring_msb_coded)  "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)"
+        INT_BIT11_MSB  test_sig_11_bit_integer_msb_coded,
+        INT_BIT5_MSB   test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded
+} with {variant "FIELDORDER(msb)"
+         variant (test_sig_11_bit_integer_msb_coded) "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)" 
+         variant (test_sig_5_bit_integer_msb_coded)  "BITORDERINFIELD(msb)"
+        OCT1 test_sig_1_byte_octetstring_msb_coded,
+        OCT2 test_sig_2_byte_octetstring_msb_coded
+} with {variant "" }
+      //  CAN_id                                     can_id ('80000001'O), 
+        // according to SocketCAN Extended frames have the bit 31 set,
+        OCT2 test_sig_2_byte_octetstring_msb_coded
+} with {variant ""}
+ type union CANFD_MatrixPayloadUnion
+ {
+   CANFD_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME0        message_MyTestframe0,
+   CANFD_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME1        message_MyTestframe1,
+   CANFD_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME2        message_MyTestframe2,
+   CANFD_MESSAGE_TESTFRAME3        message_MyTestframe3,
+   CANFD_MESSAGE_EXTENDEDFRAME1    message_extendedFrame1
+ }
+  with {variant "" }
+ type record CANFD_MatrixUnion {
+   CAN_id					can_id,
+   CAN_flags                can_flags,                             // only used with CAN FD  
+   CANFD_MatrixPayloadUnion	can_pdu
+} with {variant (can_pdu) "CROSSTAG(
+   message_MyTestframe0,          can_id =  '00000122'O;
+   message_MyTestframe1,          can_id =  '00000123'O;
+   message_MyTestframe2,          can_id =  '00000124'O;
+   message_MyTestframe3,          can_id =  '00000125'O;
+   message_extendedFrame1,        can_id =  '80000001'O;
+ )"
+ } 
+//The above section is used for the automatic message encding / decoding
+} with { encode "RAW" }
diff --git a/demo/SocketCAN.cfg b/demo/SocketCAN.cfg
index eabc996..21e91d8 100644
--- a/demo/SocketCAN.cfg
+++ b/demo/SocketCAN.cfg
@@ -39,5 +39,5 @@
 //CAN BCM tests
 // broken CAN BCM tests: 
+//SocketCAN_BCM_test.tc_can_bcm_TX_SETUP_TX_DELETE_canfd_frame  //seems to work on some newer kernels
diff --git a/demo/initscript.sh b/demo/initscript.sh
index dcdd192..3091fa8 100755
--- a/demo/initscript.sh
+++ b/demo/initscript.sh
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 # Setup of virtual can vcan0
 sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
+# set it up at as a canfd can interface
+sudo ip link set vcan0 mtu 72
 sudo ip link set vcan0 up
 # Setup of virtual can vcan1
diff --git a/doc/README.md b/doc/README.md
index 3ad912b..083183d 100644
--- a/doc/README.md
+++ b/doc/README.md
@@ -19,12 +19,11 @@



-# See file: src/initscript.sh:

+# See file: demo/initscript.sh:




-# based on ideas from: 




 # create a virtual can interface:


@@ -32,9 +31,19 @@
 sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan

 sudo ip link set vcan0 up


-# or create a physical can interface



-#sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000

+# Add vcan module to kernel

+sudo modprobe vcan


+# Setup of virtual can vcan0

+sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan

+# set it up at as a canfd capable can interface

+sudo ip link set vcan0 mtu 72

+sudo ip link set vcan0 up


+# or create a physical can interface

+# sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000




@@ -48,11 +57,13 @@

 make clean; make


-ttcn3_start SocketCAN client.cfg

+ttcn3_start SocketCAN SocketCAN.cfg


+ttcn3_start SocketCAN CAN_matrix_test.cfg


 or to run a certain testcase:


-ttcn3_start SocketCAN client.cfg  SocketCANtest.tc_can_raw1 SocketCANtest.tc_can_bcm1

+ttcn3_start SocketCAN SocketCAN.cfg  SocketCAN_RAW_test.tc_can_raw_send_and_receive_can_frame SocketCAN_RAW_test.tc_can_raw_setsockopt_CAN_RAW_FILTER


 Review the newly created log files in the src directory

 and use e.g. Wireshark to trace the CAN interfacce.

diff --git a/src/SocketCAN_PT.cc b/src/SocketCAN_PT.cc
index 40cfaf8..51721f5 100644
--- a/src/SocketCAN_PT.cc
+++ b/src/SocketCAN_PT.cc
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 //  File:               SocketCAN_PT.cc

 //  Description:        SocketCAN_PT test port source


-// Revision R1A

+// Revision R2D

 #include "SocketCAN_PT.hh"

 #include "SocketCAN_PortType.hh"


diff --git a/src/SocketCAN_PT.hh b/src/SocketCAN_PT.hh
index 383ffef..7e3be07 100644
--- a/src/SocketCAN_PT.hh
+++ b/src/SocketCAN_PT.hh
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010, 2016  Ericsson AB
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Michel Josenhans
- ******************************************************************************/
-//  File:               SocketCAN_PT.hh
-//  Description:        SocketCAN test port header
-// Revision R1A
-#ifndef SocketCAN__PT_HH
-#define SocketCAN__PT_HH
-#include <TTCN3.hh>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "linux/can.h"
-#include "SocketCAN_Types.hh"
-// Note: Header file SocketCAN_PortType.hh must not be included into this file!
-// (because it includes this file)
-// Please add the declarations of message types manually.
-namespace SocketCAN__Types {
-class SocketCAN;
-namespace SocketCAN__PortType {
-class SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER: public PORT {
-	SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER(const char *par_port_name = NULL);
-	~SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER();
-	void set_parameter(const char *parameter_name, const char *parameter_value);
-	/* void Handle_Fd_Event(int fd, boolean is_readable,
-	 boolean is_writable, boolean is_error); */
-	void Handle_Fd_Event_Error(int fd);
-	void Handle_Fd_Event_Writable(int fd);
-	void Handle_Fd_Event_Readable(int fd);
-	/* void Handle_Timeout(double time_since_last_call); */
-	void user_map(const char *system_port);
-	void user_unmap(const char *system_port);
-	void user_start();
-	void user_stop();
-	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__socket& send_par);
-	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__ioctl& send_par);
-	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__connect& send_par);
-	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__bind& send_par);
-	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__send__data& send_par);
-	void outgoing_send(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__write__data& send_par);
-      	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__write__isotp& send_par);
-	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__setsockopt& send_par);
-	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__close& send_par);
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__socket__result& incoming_par) = 0;
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__ioctl__result& incoming_par) = 0;
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__connect__result& incoming_par) = 0;
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__bind__result& incoming_par) = 0;
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__send__data__result& incoming_par) = 0;
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__write__data__result& incoming_par) = 0;
-        virtual void incoming_message(
-                        const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__write__isotp__result& incoming_par) = 0;
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__receive__CAN__or__CAN__FD__frame& incoming_par) = 0;
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__receive__BCM__message& incoming_par) = 0;
-        virtual void incoming_message(
-                        const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__receive__isotp__pdu& incoming_par) = 0;
-	virtual void incoming_message(
-			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__setsockopt__result& incoming_par) = 0;
-        void set_asp_params();
-        void reset_configuration();
-	void InitStrPar(char *&par, const char *name, const char *val);
-	void log(const char *fmt, ...);
-	void logOctet(const char *prompt, const OCTETSTRING& msg);
-	void logHex(const char *prompt, const HEXSTRING& msg);
-	void logInteger(const char *prompt, const int number);
-	void logBitstring(const char *prompt, const BITSTRING& msg);
-	void setUpSocket();
-	void closeDownSocket();
-	enum socket_allocation_enum {
-	};
-	enum socket_protocol_family_enum {
-	};
-	struct sock_data {
-		int fd;
-		SocketCAN__PortType::SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER::socket_allocation_enum status;
-		SocketCAN__PortType::SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER::socket_protocol_family_enum protocol_family;
-		struct sockaddr_can remote_Addr;
-	};
-	sock_data *sock_list;
-	int num_of_sock;
-	int sock_list_length;
-	int target_fd;
-	// test port parameters
-	char* can_interface_name;
-	bool debugging;
-	bool debugging_configured;
-	bool config_finished;
-} /* end of namespace */

+ * Copyright (c) 2010, 2016  Ericsson AB

+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials

+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0

+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

+ *

+ * Contributors:

+ * Michel Josenhans

+ ******************************************************************************/


+//  File:               SocketCAN_PT.hh

+//  Description:        SocketCAN test port header


+// Revision R2D


+#ifndef SocketCAN__PT_HH

+#define SocketCAN__PT_HH


+#include <TTCN3.hh>

+#include <sys/types.h>

+#include <sys/socket.h>

+#include <sys/un.h>

+#include <netinet/in.h>

+#include <arpa/inet.h>

+#include "linux/can.h"

+#include "SocketCAN_Types.hh"


+// Note: Header file SocketCAN_PortType.hh must not be included into this file!

+// (because it includes this file)

+// Please add the declarations of message types manually.

+namespace SocketCAN__Types {

+class SocketCAN;



+namespace SocketCAN__PortType {


+class SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER: public PORT {


+	SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER(const char *par_port_name = NULL);

+	~SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER();


+	void set_parameter(const char *parameter_name, const char *parameter_value);



+	/* void Handle_Fd_Event(int fd, boolean is_readable,

+	 boolean is_writable, boolean is_error); */

+	void Handle_Fd_Event_Error(int fd);

+	void Handle_Fd_Event_Writable(int fd);

+	void Handle_Fd_Event_Readable(int fd);

+	/* void Handle_Timeout(double time_since_last_call); */


+	void user_map(const char *system_port);

+	void user_unmap(const char *system_port);


+	void user_start();

+	void user_stop();


+	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__socket& send_par);

+	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__ioctl& send_par);

+	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__connect& send_par);

+	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__bind& send_par);

+	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__send__data& send_par);

+	void outgoing_send(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__write__data& send_par);

+      	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__write__isotp& send_par);

+	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__setsockopt& send_par);

+	void outgoing_send(const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__close& send_par);

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__socket__result& incoming_par) = 0;

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__ioctl__result& incoming_par) = 0;

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__connect__result& incoming_par) = 0;

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__bind__result& incoming_par) = 0;

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__send__data__result& incoming_par) = 0;

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__write__data__result& incoming_par) = 0;

+        virtual void incoming_message(

+                        const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__write__isotp__result& incoming_par) = 0;

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__receive__CAN__or__CAN__FD__frame& incoming_par) = 0;

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__receive__BCM__message& incoming_par) = 0;

+        virtual void incoming_message(

+                        const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__receive__isotp__pdu& incoming_par) = 0;

+	virtual void incoming_message(

+			const SocketCAN__Types::SocketCAN__setsockopt__result& incoming_par) = 0;

+        void set_asp_params();

+        void reset_configuration();

+	void InitStrPar(char *&par, const char *name, const char *val);

+	void log(const char *fmt, ...);

+	void logOctet(const char *prompt, const OCTETSTRING& msg);

+	void logHex(const char *prompt, const HEXSTRING& msg);

+	void logInteger(const char *prompt, const int number);

+	void logBitstring(const char *prompt, const BITSTRING& msg);

+	void setUpSocket();

+	void closeDownSocket();



+	enum socket_allocation_enum {


+	};

+	enum socket_protocol_family_enum {





+	};


+	struct sock_data {

+		int fd;

+		SocketCAN__PortType::SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER::socket_allocation_enum status;

+		SocketCAN__PortType::SocketCAN__PT_PROVIDER::socket_protocol_family_enum protocol_family;

+		struct sockaddr_can remote_Addr;

+	};


+	sock_data *sock_list;

+	int num_of_sock;

+	int sock_list_length;


+	int target_fd;

+	// test port parameters

+	char* can_interface_name;

+	bool debugging;

+	bool debugging_configured;

+	bool config_finished;



+} /* end of namespace */



diff --git a/src/SocketCAN_Templates.ttcn b/src/SocketCAN_Templates.ttcn
index e9e1678..953c5e9 100644
--- a/src/SocketCAN_Templates.ttcn
+++ b/src/SocketCAN_Templates.ttcn
@@ -72,11 +72,16 @@
 template SocketCAN_receive_CAN_or_CAN_FD_frame a_SocketCAN_receive_CAN_FD_frame(
   template SocketCAN_socketid p_id, 
   template CAN_id p_can_id,
+  template CAN_flags p_can_flags,
   template CAN_PDU p_can_pdu) := { 
   // recieved CAN or CAN FD frame
   id        := p_id,
   ifr       := ?,
-  frame     := {canfd_frame := {can_id := p_can_id, can_pdu := p_can_pdu}}, 
+  frame     := {canfd_frame := 
+        {
+        can_id := p_can_id, 
+        can_flags := p_can_flags, 
+        can_pdu := p_can_pdu}}, 
   timestamp := ?
@@ -105,4 +110,3 @@