blob: c55996df947a32b4fde7322f1af0ef3dcdab5197 [file] [log] [blame]
module IsobusVTMessageTypes {
import from General_Types all
import from IsobusMessageTypes all
type INT1 VTfunction
type integer AnyObjectID (0..65535) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(16)" }; // includes also 65535 as no object
type integer ValidObjectID (0..65534) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(16)" };
type integer AttributeID (0..255) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)" };
type INT2 PositionType
type INT1 KeyNumberType
type INT2 FrequencyType
type enumerated e_SoftKeyActivationReq_KeyAactivationCode {
keyHasBeenReleased (0),
keyHasBeenPressed (1),
keyIsStillPressed (2),
keyPressAborted (3)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record SoftKeyActivationReq
VTfunction vtfunction (0),
e_SoftKeyActivationReq_KeyAactivationCode keyActivationCode,
ValidObjectID objectID,
ValidObjectID parentObjectID,
KeyNumberType keyNumber,
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record SoftKeyActivationRes
VTfunction vtfunction (0),
e_SoftKeyActivationReq_KeyAactivationCode keyActivationCode,
ValidObjectID objectID,
ValidObjectID parentObjectID,
KeyNumberType keyNumber,
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type enumerated e_ButtonActivationReq_KeyAactivationCode {
buttonHasBeenUnlatchedorReleased (0),
buttonHasBeenPressedOrLatched (1),
buttonIsStillHeld (2),
buttonPressAborted (3)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record ButtonActivationReq
VTfunction vtfunction (1),
e_ButtonActivationReq_KeyAactivationCode keyAactivationCode,
ValidObjectID objectID,
ValidObjectID parentObjectID,
KeyNumberType buttonKeyCode,
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type enumerated e_ButtonActivationRes_KeyAactivationCode {
buttonHasBeenUnlatchedorReleased (0),
buttonHasBeenPressedOrLatched (1),
buttonIsStillHeld (2),
buttonPressAborted (3)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record ButtonActivationRes
VTfunction vtfunction (1),
e_ButtonActivationRes_KeyAactivationCode keyAactivationCode,
ValidObjectID objectID,
ValidObjectID parentObjectID,
KeyNumberType buttonKeyCode,
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type enumerated e_PointingEvent_touchState {
released (0), // version 4 and later
pressed (1), // version 4 and later
held (2), // version 4 and later
reserved (255)} // version 3 and prior
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record PointingEventReq {
VTfunction vtfunction (2),
PositionType x_position,
PositionType y_position,
e_PointingEvent_touchState touchState,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record PointingEventRes {
VTfunction vtfunction (2),
PositionType x_position,
PositionType y_position,
e_PointingEvent_touchState touchState,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type enumerated e_VTOnUserLayoutHideShow_state {
hidden (0),
shown (1)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type enumerated e_VTSelectInputObject_selection {
objectIsDeselected (0),
objectIsSelected (1)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record VTSelectInputObject_v4AndLater_Bitmask{
boolean objectIsOpenForDataInput,
boolean reserved1 (false),
boolean reserved2 (false),
boolean reserved3 (false),
boolean reserved4 (false),
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record VTSelectInputObjectReq_v3AndPrior {
VTfunction vtfunction (3),
ValidObjectID objectID,
e_VTSelectInputObject_selection selection,
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record VTSelectInputObjectReq_v4AndLater {
VTfunction vtfunction (3),
ValidObjectID objectID,
e_VTSelectInputObject_selection selection,
VTSelectInputObject_v4AndLater_Bitmask bitmask,
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record VTSelectInputObjectRes_v4AndPrior {
VTfunction vtfunction (3),
ValidObjectID objectID,
e_VTSelectInputObject_selection selection,
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record VTSelectInputObjectRes_v5AndLater {
VTfunction vtfunction (3),
ValidObjectID objectID,
e_VTSelectInputObject_selection selection,
VTSelectInputObject_v4AndLater_Bitmask bitmask,
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record VTChangeNumericValueReq
VTfunction vtfunction (5),
ValidObjectID objectID,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT4 value_
} with { variant "" };
type record VTChangeNumericValueRes
VTfunction vtfunction (5),
ValidObjectID objectID,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT4 value_
} with { variant "" };
type record VTOnUserLayoutHideShowReq
VTfunction vtfunction (9),
ValidObjectID objectID1,
e_VTOnUserLayoutHideShow_state state1,
AnyObjectID objectID2,
e_VTOnUserLayoutHideShow_state state2, // If the previous attribute is the NULL Object ID, this bit shall be set to false.
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record VTOnUserLayoutHideShowRes
VTfunction vtfunction (9),
ValidObjectID objectID1,
e_VTOnUserLayoutHideShow_state state1,
AnyObjectID objectID2,
e_VTOnUserLayoutHideShow_state state2, // If the previous attribute is the NULL Object ID, this bit shall be set to false.
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_HideShowObject_state {
hide (0),
show (1)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record HideShowObjectReq
VTfunction vtfunction (160),
ValidObjectID objectID,
e_HideShowObject_state hideShow,
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record HideShowObjectRes_errorCodes{
boolean referencesToMissingObjects,
boolean invalidObjectID,
boolean undefined (false),
boolean AnyOtherError,
boolean reserved4 (false),
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record HideShowObjectRes
VTfunction vtfunction (160),
ValidObjectID objectID,
e_HideShowObject_state hideShow,
HideShowObjectRes_errorCodes errorCodes,
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type enumerated e_SelectInputObjectReq_Option {
activateForDataInputTheObjectReferencedByObjectID (0),
activateForDataInputTheObjectReferencedByObjectID1 (1),
setFocusToObjectReferencedByObjectID (255)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record SelectInputObjectReq{
VTfunction vtfunction (162),
AnyObjectID objectID,
e_SelectInputObjectReq_Option option,
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type enumerated e_SelectInputObjectRes_Response {
objectReferencedByObjectIDisNotSelectedOrObjectIDisTheNULLobject (0),
objectReferencedByObjectIDisSelected (1),
objectReferencedByObjectIDisOpenedForEdit (2)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record SelectInputObjectRes_errorCodes {
boolean objectIsDisabled,
boolean invalidObjectID,
boolean objectIsNotOnTheActiveMaskOrObjectIsInAHiddenContainer,
boolean couldNotCompleteAnotherInputFieldIsCurrentlyBeingModifiedOrAButtonOrSoftKeyisCurrentlyBeingHeld,
boolean AnyOtherError,
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record SelectInputObjectRes{
VTfunction vtfunction (162),
AnyObjectID objectID,
e_SelectInputObjectRes_Response response,
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record ControlAudioSignalReq{
VTfunction vtfunction (163),
INT1 activations,
FrequencyType frequencyInHz,
INT2 onTimeDuration_ms,
INT2 offTimeDuration_ms
} with {variant "" };
type enumerated e_ControlAudioSignalRes_ErrorCodes {
audioDeviceIsBusy (0),
undefined (1),
objectReferencedByObjectIDisOpenedForEdit (2)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record ControlAudioSignalRes_ErrorCodes {
boolean audioDeviceIsBusy,
boolean undefined1 (false),
boolean undefined2 (false),
boolean undefined3 (false),
boolean AnyOtherError,
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record ControlAudioSignalRes{
VTfunction vtfunction (163),
ControlAudioSignalRes_ErrorCodes errorCodes,
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record ChangeNumericValueReq{
VTfunction vtfunction (168),
ValidObjectID objectID,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT4 newValueForValueAttribute
} with {variant "" };
type record ChangeNumericValueRes_errorCodes {
boolean invalidObjectID,
boolean invalidValue,
boolean valueInUse,
boolean undefined (false),
boolean AnyOtherError,
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeNumericValueRes{
VTfunction vtfunction (168),
ValidObjectID objectID,
ChangeNumericValueRes_errorCodes errorCodes,
OCT4 valueForValueAttribute
} with {variant "" };
type record ChangeActiveMaskReq
VTfunction vtfunction (173),
ValidObjectID workingSetObjectID,
ValidObjectID newActiveMaskObjectID,
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record ChangeActiveMaskRes_errorCodes {
boolean invalidWorkingSetObjectID,
boolean invalidMaskObjectID,
boolean undefined1 (false),
boolean undefined2 (false),
boolean AnyOtherError,
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeActiveMaskRes
VTfunction vtfunction (173),
ValidObjectID newActiveMaskObjectID,
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
with {variant "" };
type enumerated e_ChangeSoftKeyMaskReq_MaskType {
Data (1),
Alarm (2)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type record ChangeSoftKeyMaskReq
VTfunction vtfunction (174),
e_ChangeSoftKeyMaskReq_MaskType maskType,
ValidObjectID DataOrAlarmMaskObjectID,
ValidObjectID NewSoftKeyMaskObjectID,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)}
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeSoftKeyMaskRes_errorCodes {
boolean invalidDataOrAlarmMaskObjectID,
boolean invalidSoftKeyMaskObjectID,
boolean missingObjects,
boolean MaskOrChildObjectHasErrors,
boolean AnyOtherError,
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeSoftKeyMaskRes
VTfunction vtfunction (174),
ValidObjectID DataOrAlarmMaskObjectID,
ValidObjectID NewSoftKeyMaskObjectID,
ChangeSoftKeyMaskRes_errorCodes errorCodes,
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)}
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeAttributeReq
VTfunction vtfunction (175),
ValidObjectID objectID,
AttributeID attributeID,
OCT4 newValueOfAttribute
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeAttributeRes_errorCodes {
boolean invalidWorkingSetObjectID,
boolean invalidAttributeID,
boolean invalidValue,
boolean valueInUse,
boolean AnyOtherError,
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeAttributeRes
VTfunction vtfunction (175),
ValidObjectID objectID,
AttributeID attributeID,
ChangeAttributeRes_errorCodes errorCodes,
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
with {variant "" };
type record DeleteObjectPoolReq
VTfunction vtfunction (178),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record DeleteObjectPoolRes_ErrorCodes {
boolean deletionError,
boolean undefined1 (false),
boolean undefined2 (false),
boolean undefined3 (false),
boolean anyOtherError,
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
type record DeleteObjectPoolRes
VTfunction vtfunction (178),
DeleteObjectPoolRes_ErrorCodes errorCodes,
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type record ChangeStringValueReq
VTfunction vtfunction (179),
ValidObjectID objectID,
INT2 numberOfBytes ,
octetstring newStringValue
with {
variant (numberOfBytes) "LENGTHTO(newStringValue)";
variant (numberOfBytes) "UNIT(octets)"
type record ChangeStringValueRes_ErrorCodes {
boolean undefined (false),
boolean invalidObjectID,
boolean stringTooLong,
boolean anyOtherError,
boolean reserved4 (false),
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeStringValueRes
VTfunction vtfunction (179),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
ValidObjectID objectID,
ChangeStringValueRes_ErrorCodes errorCodes,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with {variant "" };
type ValidObjectID AuxiliaryInputType2StatusInd_AuxiliaryInputObjectID
type BIT2np AuxiliaryInputType2StatusInd_OperatingStateType
type record AuxiliaryInputType2StatusInd
VTfunction vtfunction (38),
AuxiliaryInputType2StatusInd_AuxiliaryInputObjectID auxiliaryInputObjectID,
OCT2 value1,
OCT2 value2,
AuxiliaryInputType2StatusInd_OperatingStateType operationState
} with { variant "" };
type record ChangeChildPositionReq
VTfunction vtfunction (180),
ValidObjectID parentObjectID,
ValidObjectID objectID,
PositionType pos_x_relative,
PositionType pos_y_relative
} with { variant "" };
type record ChangeChildPositionRes_ErrorCodes {
boolean invalidParentObjectID,
boolean invalidObjectID,
boolean undefined (false),
boolean anyOtherError,
boolean reserved4 (false),
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
with {variant "" };
type record ChangeChildPositionRes
VTfunction vtfunction (180),
ValidObjectID parentObjectID,
ValidObjectID objectID,
ChangeChildPositionRes_ErrorCodes errorCodes,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetMemoryReq
VTfunction vtfunction (194),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
INT3 memoryRequired,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_GetMemoryResVersionNumber {
compliantWithHannoverAgritechnica_2001_limitedfeatureSet (0),
compliantWithFDISVersionISO11783_6_2002_E_Final_Draft (1),
compliantWithISVersionISO11783_6_2004_E_First_Edition (2),
compliantWithISVersionISO11783_6_2010_E_Second_Edition_version_3 (3),
compliantWithISVersionISO11783_6_2010_E_Second_Edition_version_4 (4),
compliantWithISVersionISO11783_6_2014_E_Third_Edition (5)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type enumerated e_GetMemoryResStatus {
thereCanBeEnoughMemory (0),
thereIsNotEnoughMemoryAvailable (1)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" }
type record GetMemoryRes
VTfunction vtfunction (194),
e_GetMemoryResVersionNumber versionNumber,
e_GetMemoryResStatus status,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetNumberOfSoftKeysReq
VTfunction vtfunction (192),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetNumberOfSoftKeysRes
VTfunction vtfunction (192),
OCT1 navigationSoftKeys_,
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 x_dots,
OCT1 y_dots,
OCT1 numberOfVirtualSoftKeys_,
OCT1 numberOfPhysicalSoftKeys_
} with { variant "" };
type record GetTextFontDataReq
VTfunction vtfunction (195),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record TextFontDataRes_small_font_sizes {
boolean font_8x8,
boolean font_8x12,
boolean font_12x16,
boolean font_16x16,
boolean font_16x24,
boolean font_24x32,
boolean font_32x32,
boolean reserved
with {variant "" };
type record TextFontDataRes_large_font_sizes {
boolean font_32x48,
boolean font_48x64,
boolean font_64x64,
boolean font_64x96,
boolean font_96x128,
boolean font_128x128,
boolean font_128x192,
boolean reserved (false)
with {variant "" }
type record TextFontDataRes_type_attribute {
boolean bold_text,
boolean crossed_out_text,
boolean underlined_text,
boolean italics_text,
boolean inverted_text,
boolean flash_inverted,
boolean flash_background_and_foreground,
boolean proportional_font_rendering
with {variant ""}
type record GetTextFontDataRes
VTfunction vtfunction (195),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
TextFontDataRes_small_font_sizes small_font_sizes,
TextFontDataRes_large_font_sizes large_font_sizes,
TextFontDataRes_type_attribute type_attribute
} with { variant "" };
type record GetHardwareReq
VTfunction vtfunction (199),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_GetHardwareResGraphicType {
monochrome (0),
colors16 (1),
colors256 (2)
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type record GetHardwareResHardwareType {
boolean touchScreenandPointingEvent,
boolean pointingDeviceAndPointingEvent,
boolean multipleFrequencyAudioOutput,
boolean adjustableVolumeAudioOutput,
boolean simultaneousActivationsOfPhysicalSoftKeys,
boolean simultaneousActivationsOfButtons,
boolean dragOperationViaPointingEvent,
boolean intermediateCoordinatesDuringDragOperation
} with { variant "" };
type INT1 BootTimeType
type record GetHardwareRes
VTfunction vtfunction (199),
BootTimeType bootTimeInSeconds, // 255 for information not available
e_GetHardwareResGraphicType graphicType,
GetHardwareResHardwareType hardware,
INT2 xPixels,
INT2 yPixels
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_Codeplane {
codeplane0 (0),
codeplane1 (1),
codeplane2 (2),
codeplane3 (3),
codeplane4 (4),
codeplane5 (5),
codeplane6 (6),
codeplane7 (7),
codeplane8 (8),
codeplane9 (9),
codeplane10 (10),
codeplane11 (11),
codeplane12 (12),
codeplane13 (13),
codeplane14 (14),
codeplane15 (15),
codeplane16 (16)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type record GetSupportedWidecharsReq
VTfunction vtfunction (193),
e_Codeplane codeplane,
OCT2 firstWideCharInInquiryRange,
OCT2 lastWideCharInInquiryRange,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record WideCharRange
OCT2 firstWideChar,
OCT2 lastWideChar
} with { variant "" };
type record of WideCharRange WideCharRangeArray
type record GetSupportedWidecharsRes
VTfunction vtfunction (193),
e_Codeplane codeplane,
OCT2 firstWideCharInInquiryRange,
OCT2 lastWideCharInInquiryRange,
INT1 numberOfRanges,
WideCharRangeArray wideCharRangeArray
} with {
variant (numberOfRanges) "LENGTHTO(wideCharRangeArray)";
variant (numberOfRanges) "UNIT(elements)"}
type record GetWindowMaskDataReq
VTfunction vtfunction (196),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetWindowMaskDataRes
VTfunction vtfunction (196),
OCT1 BackgroundColourVTUserLayoutDataMasks,
OCT1 BackgroundColourVTKeyCells,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetSupportedObjectsReq
VTfunction vtfunction (197),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetSupportedObjectsRes
VTfunction vtfunction (197),
INT2 numberOfBytesToFollow,
OCT1 supportedObjectTypes
} with {
variant (numberOfBytesToFollow) "LENGTHTO(supportedObjectTypes)";
variant (numberOfBytesToFollow) "UNIT(elements)"}
type enumerated e_BusyCodes {
vtIsBusyUpdatingVisibleMask (0),
vtIsBusySavingDataToNonVolatileMemory (1),
vtIsBusyExecutingACommand (2),
vtIsBusyExecutingAMacro (3),
vtIsBusyParsingAnObjectPool (4),
reserved (5),
auxiliaryControlsLearnModeActive (6),
vtIsOutOfMemory (7)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type record VTStatusReq
VTfunction vtfunction (254),
OCT1 sourceAddressOfActiveWorkingSetMaster,
OCT2 objectIDOfTheVisibleDataAlarmMaskOfTheActiveWorkingSet,
OCT2 objectIDOfTheVisibleSoftKeyMaskOfTheActiveWorkingSet,
e_BusyCodes vtBusyCodes,
OCT1 vtFunctionCode
} with { variant "" };
type record WorkingSetMaintenanceBitMask {
boolean initiatingWorkingSetMaintenance,
boolean reserved1 (false),
boolean reserved2 (false),
boolean reserved3 (false),
boolean reserved4 (false),
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_WorkingSetMaintenanceVersionNumber {
reserved0 (0),
reserved1 (1),
reserved2 (2),
compliantWithVTVersion3 (3),
compliantWithVTVersion4 (4),
compliantWithVTVersion5 (5),
compliantWithVTVersion2 (255)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type OCT7 VersionLabel7Char
type record LoadVersionReq
VTfunction vtfunction (209),
VersionLabel7Char versionLabel
} with { variant "" };
type record LoadVersionRes_errorCodesType {
boolean fileSystemErrorOrPoolDataCorruption,
boolean versionLabelIsNotCorrectOrVersionLabeUnknown,
boolean insufficientMemoryAvailable,
boolean anyOtherError,
boolean reserved5,
boolean reserved6,
boolean reserved7,
boolean reserved8
} with {variant ""}
type record LoadVersionRes
VTfunction vtfunction (209),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
LoadVersionRes_errorCodesType errorCodes,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetVersionsReq
VTfunction vtfunction (223),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetVersionsRes
VTfunction vtfunction (223),
INT1 numberOfVersionStrings,
VersionLabel7Char versionStrings
variant (numberOfVersionStrings) "LENGTHTO(versionStrings)";
variant (numberOfVersionStrings) "UNIT(elements)"
type record WorkingSetMaintenanceReq
VTfunction vtfunction (255),
WorkingSetMaintenanceBitMask bitMask,
e_WorkingSetMaintenanceVersionNumber versionNumber,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type union VT2ECU
// put all VT2ECU request messages here
SoftKeyActivationReq softKeyActivationReq,
ButtonActivationReq buttonActivationReq,
PointingEventReq pointingEventReq,
//VTSelectInputObjectReq_v3AndPrior vtSelectInputObjectReq, // for v3 and prior
VTSelectInputObjectReq_v4AndLater vtSelectInputObjectReq, // for v4 and later
VTChangeNumericValueReq vtChangeNumericValueReq,
VTOnUserLayoutHideShowReq vtOnUserLayoutHideShowReq,
VTStatusReq vtStatusReq,
// put all VT2ECU response messages here
HideShowObjectRes hideShowObjectRes,
SelectInputObjectRes selectInputObjectRes,
ControlAudioSignalRes controlAudioSignalRes,
ChangeNumericValueRes changeNumericValueRes,
ChangeActiveMaskRes changeActiveMaskRes,
ChangeSoftKeyMaskRes changeSoftKeyMaskRes,
ChangeAttributeRes changeAttributeRes,
DeleteObjectPoolRes deleteObjectPoolRes,
ChangeStringValueRes changeStringValueRes,
ChangeChildPositionRes changeChildPositionRes,
GetMemoryRes getMemoryRes,
GetNumberOfSoftKeysRes getNumberOfSoftKeysRes,
GetTextFontDataRes getTextFontDataRes,
GetHardwareRes getHardwareRes,
GetSupportedWidecharsRes getSupportedWidecharsRes,
GetWindowMaskDataRes getWindowMaskDataRes,
GetSupportedObjectsRes getSupportedObjectsRes,
LoadVersionRes loadVersionRes,
GetVersionsRes getVersionsRes
with {variant "TAG (
// put all VT2ECU request messages here
softKeyActivationReq, vtfunction = 0;
buttonActivationReq, vtfunction = 1;
pointingEventReq, vtfunction = 2;
vtSelectInputObjectReq, vtfunction = 3;
vtChangeNumericValueReq, vtfunction = 5;
vtOnUserLayoutHideShowReq, vtfunction = 9;
vtStatusReq, vtfunction = 254;
// put all VT2ECU response messages here
hideShowObjectRes, vtfunction = 160;
selectInputObjectRes, vtfunction = 162;
controlAudioSignalRes, vtfunction = 163;
changeNumericValueRes, vtfunction = 168;
changeActiveMaskRes, vtfunction = 173;
changeSoftKeyMaskRes, vtfunction = 174;
changeAttributeRes, vtfunction = 175;
deleteObjectPoolRes, vtfunction = 178;
changeStringValueRes, vtfunction = 179;
changeChildPositionRes, vtfunction = 180;
getMemoryRes, vtfunction = 192;
getNumberOfSoftKeysRes, vtfunction = 194;
getTextFontDataRes, vtfunction = 195;
getHardwareRes, vtfunction = 199;
getSupportedWidecharsRes, vtfunction = 193;
getWindowMaskDataRes, vtfunction = 196;
getSupportedObjectsRes, vtfunction = 197;
loadVersionRes, vtfunction = 209;
getVersionsRes, vtfunction = 223;)"
type union ECU2VT
// put all ECU2VT request messages here
SoftKeyActivationRes softKeyActivationRes,
ButtonActivationRes buttonActivationRes,
PointingEventRes pointingEventRes,
// VTSelectInputObjectRes_v4AndPrior vtSelectInputObjectRes, // for v4 and prior
VTSelectInputObjectRes_v5AndLater vtSelectInputObjectRes, // for v5 and later
VTChangeNumericValueRes vtChangeNumericValueRes,
VTOnUserLayoutHideShowRes vtOnUserLayoutHideShowRes,
AuxiliaryInputType2StatusInd auxiliaryInputType2StatusInd, // Note: ECU2VT may not be the right addressing
HideShowObjectReq hideShowObjectReq,
SelectInputObjectReq selectInputObjectReq,
ControlAudioSignalReq controlAudioSignalReq,
ChangeNumericValueReq changeNumericValueReq,
ChangeActiveMaskReq changeActiveMaskReq,
ChangeSoftKeyMaskReq changeSoftKeyMaskReq,
ChangeAttributeReq changeAttributeReq,
DeleteObjectPoolReq deleteObjectPoolReq,
ChangeStringValueReq changeStringValueReq,
ChangeChildPositionReq changeChildPositionReq,
GetMemoryReq getMemoryReq,
GetNumberOfSoftKeysReq getNumberOfSoftKeysReq,
GetTextFontDataReq getTextFontDataReq,
GetHardwareReq getHardwareReq,
GetSupportedWidecharsReq getSupportedWidecharsReq,
GetWindowMaskDataReq getWindowMaskDataReq,
GetSupportedObjectsReq getSupportedObjectsReq,
LoadVersionReq loadVersionReq,
GetVersionsReq getVersionsReq,
WorkingSetMaintenanceReq workingSetMaintenanceReq
// put all ECU2VT response messages here
//Dummy_ECU2VT_Res dummy_ECU2VT_Res
with {variant "TAG (
// put all ECU2VT request messages here
softKeyActivationRes, vtfunction = 0;
buttonActivationRes, vtfunction = 1;
pointingEventRes, vtfunction = 2;
vtSelectInputObjectRes, vtfunction = 3;
vtChangeNumericValueRes, vtfunction = 5;
vtOnUserLayoutHideShowRes, vtfunction = 9;
auxiliaryInputType2StatusInd, vtfunction = 38;
hideShowObjectReq, vtfunction = 160;
selectInputObjectReq, vtfunction = 162;
controlAudioSignalReq, vtfunction = 163;
changeNumericValueReq, vtfunction = 168;
changeActiveMaskReq, vtfunction = 173;
changeSoftKeyMaskReq, vtfunction = 174;
changeAttributeReq, vtfunction = 175;
deleteObjectPoolReq, vtfunction = 178;
changeStringValueReq, vtfunction = 179;
changeChildPositionReq, vtfunction = 180;
getMemoryReq, vtfunction = 192;
getNumberOfSoftKeysReq, vtfunction = 194;
getTextFontDataReq, vtfunction = 195;
getHardwareReq, vtfunction = 199;
getSupportedWidecharsReq, vtfunction = 193;
getWindowMaskDataReq, vtfunction = 196;
getSupportedObjectsReq, vtfunction = 197;
loadVersionReq, vtfunction = 209;
getVersionsReq, vtfunction = 223;
workingSetMaintenanceReq, vtfunction = 255;
// put all ECU2VT response messages here
//dummy_ECU2VT_Res, vtfunction = 0;
) "
} with { encode "RAW" }