blob: 833cffb5f3d8e06e16841cddf60a579c3621c12d [file] [log] [blame]
== Building
`mvn clean install`
Or, enable jar signing with `-P eclipse-sign`.
There is only one test plugin, and it currently has one failing test. So you will likely want to add the `-DskipTests` flag to avoid that.
An update site and zip will be produced in the `site/target/` folder, which contains features and plugins from both Remote System Explorer (RSE) and Terminal.
== Circular Dependencies
In theory, the RSE and Terminal are independent projects.
In practice, they each depend on each other, which is why we've now merged the RSE ( and Terminal ( repos into a single gerrit repo to resolve this cycle and make building easier.
=== In RSE
* rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.terminals.ui/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
_depends on_
** **
* rse/features/org.eclipse.rse.terminals-feature/feature.xml
_depends on_
** **
=== In Terminal:
* plugins/
_depends on_
** *org.eclipse.rse.core, org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core, org.eclipse.rse.ui*
* features/
_depends on_
** *org.eclipse.rse.core, org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core, org.eclipse.rse.ui*