blob: d25e6540323acde4b0088d977e4e6a53ff42e163 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 École Polytechnique de Montréal
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.filters.core.tests.server;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.List;
import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Color;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.ColorInformation;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Diagnostic;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Position;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.filters.core.server.AutoCompletion;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.filters.core.server.SyntaxHighlighting;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.filters.core.server.FilterValidation;
import org.junit.Test;
* This class tests server-side class using antlr for syntax color, validation
* and autocompletion
* @author Maxime Thibault
* @author David-Alexandre Beaupre
public class ANTLRTest {
* Checks if color information list returned by syntax highlighting module
* has the right colors for the appropriate ranges
public void syntaxColorTests() throws IOException {
String text = "TID";
String op = "==";
String separator = "&&";
String full = text + " " + op + " " + separator;
List<ColorInformation> ci = SyntaxHighlighting.getColorInformationList(full);
ColorInformation ci1 = ci.get(0);
assertEquals(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1), ci1.getColor());
assertEquals(0, ci1.getRange().getStart().getCharacter());
assertEquals(2, ci1.getRange().getEnd().getCharacter());
ColorInformation ci2 = ci.get(1);
assertEquals(new Color(0.3, 0.3, 1, 1), ci2.getColor());
assertEquals(4, ci2.getRange().getStart().getCharacter());
assertEquals(5, ci2.getRange().getEnd().getCharacter());
ColorInformation ci3 = ci.get(2);
assertEquals(new Color(0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 1), ci3.getColor());
assertEquals(7, ci3.getRange().getStart().getCharacter());
assertEquals(8, ci3.getRange().getEnd().getCharacter());
* Checks the MismatchTokemException by making sure the parser finds this
* error when the user enters an invalid operator. Also checks the range of
* the error
public void validationMismatchedTokenException() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
List<Diagnostic> diagnostics = FilterValidation.validate("TID = 123");
int lineStart = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getStart().getLine();
int offsetStart = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getStart().getCharacter();
int lineEnd = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getEnd().getLine();
int offsetEnd = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getEnd().getCharacter();
// We expect antlr to see mismatchedTokenException at range (4, 5)
// because '=' must equals '==' instead
int lineExpected = 0;
int startOffsetExpected = 4;
int endOffsetExpected = 5;
assertEquals(lineExpected, lineStart);
assertEquals(lineExpected, lineEnd);
assertEquals(startOffsetExpected, offsetStart);
assertEquals(endOffsetExpected, offsetEnd);
// Detected by both lexer and parser. It is irrelevant, but client
// should be able to display only one of them
assertEquals(diagnostics.size(), 1);
* This is to verify that an incomplete filter entry, in this case lacking a
* ending value, generates a error. Also checks the range of the error.
public void validationNoViableAltException() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "TID == ";
List<Diagnostic> diagnostics = FilterValidation.validate(str);
int lineStart = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getStart().getLine();
int offsetStart = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getStart().getCharacter();
int lineEnd = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getEnd().getLine();
int offsetEnd = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getEnd().getCharacter();
// We expect antlr to see NoViableAltException at position 6 because
// there is no value after the ==
int lineExpected = 0;
int startOffsetExpected = 0;
int endOffsetExpected = str.length();
assertEquals(lineExpected, lineStart);
assertEquals(lineExpected, lineEnd);
assertEquals(startOffsetExpected, offsetStart);
assertEquals(endOffsetExpected, offsetEnd);
assertEquals(diagnostics.size(), 1);
* Ensures that a simple valid filter expression of the form TEXT OP TEXT
* triggers no error.
public void validationSimpleStringNoErrors() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "PID == 42";
List<Diagnostic> diagnostics = FilterValidation.validate(str);
assertEquals(diagnostics.size(), 0);
* Also verifies that a valid filter expression triggers no error. This time
* with a more complex entry.
public void validationComplexStringNoErrors() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "TID < 12 && (PID == 42 && (Ericsson > 1 || Poly matches 2))";
List<Diagnostic> diagnostics = FilterValidation.validate(str);
assertEquals(diagnostics.size(), 0);
* Verifies that an entry with unbalanced parentheses triggers an error.
* Also checks the range of the error.
public void validationMissingClosingParentheseOneChar() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "(TID == 1";
List<Diagnostic> diagnostics = FilterValidation.validate(str);
int lineStart = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getStart().getLine();
int offsetStart = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getStart().getCharacter();
int lineEnd = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getEnd().getLine();
int offsetEnd = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getEnd().getCharacter();
// We expect antlr to see mismatchedTokenException at range (8, 9)
// because there is no closing parenthese after last character
int lineExpected = 0;
int startOffsetExpected = 8;
int endOffsetExpected = 9;
assertEquals(lineExpected, lineStart);
assertEquals(lineExpected, lineEnd);
assertEquals(startOffsetExpected, offsetStart);
assertEquals(endOffsetExpected, offsetEnd);
assertEquals(diagnostics.size(), 1);
* Also checks for the error triggered when the parentheses are not
* balanced. This time with a multiple-character value.
public void validationMissingClosingParentheseMultipleChars() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "(TID == 123456789";
List<Diagnostic> diagnostics = FilterValidation.validate(str);
int lineStart = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getStart().getLine();
int offsetStart = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getStart().getCharacter();
int lineEnd = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getEnd().getLine();
int offsetEnd = diagnostics.get(0).getRange().getEnd().getCharacter();
// We expect antlr to see mismatchedTokenException at range (8, 17)
// because there is no closing parenthese after last value
int lineExpected = 0;
int startOffsetExpected = 8;
int endOffsetExpected = 17;
assertEquals(lineExpected, lineStart);
assertEquals(lineExpected, lineEnd);
assertEquals(startOffsetExpected, offsetStart);
assertEquals(endOffsetExpected, offsetEnd);
assertEquals(diagnostics.size(), 1);
* Verifies that when the entry is TEXT, there is a list of suggestions of
* size 9 with operators and separators proposed by the completion module.
public void completionOperatorsSeparators() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "TID";
Position cursor = new Position(0, 3);
List<String> suggestions = AutoCompletion.autoCompletion(str, cursor);
int sizeExpected = 9;
assertEquals(sizeExpected, suggestions.size());
* Verifies that after a closing parenthesis, the completion module proposes
* only separators (size 2).
public void completionSeparatorsAfterParentheses() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "(TID == 42)";
Position cursor = new Position(0, 11);
List<String> suggestions = AutoCompletion.autoCompletion(str, cursor);
int sizeExpected = 2;
assertEquals(sizeExpected, suggestions.size());
* Verifies that operators and separators are suggested but with a more
* complex entry.
public void completionLongInputOperatorsSeparators() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "(TID == 42 && PID != 12) || Poly";
Position cursor = new Position(0, 32);
List<String> suggestions = AutoCompletion.autoCompletion(str, cursor);
int sizeExpected = 9;
assertEquals(sizeExpected, suggestions.size());
* Verifies that operators and separators are suggested but with a more
* complex entry. This time the cursor is not at the end of the entry but
* after TID.
public void completionLongInputOperatorsSeparatorsCursorMiddle() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "(TID == 42 && PID != 12) || Poly";
Position cursor = new Position(0, 5);
List<String> suggestions = AutoCompletion.autoCompletion(str, cursor);
int sizeExpected = 9;
assertEquals(sizeExpected, suggestions.size());
* Verifies that no operators and separators are suggested because the
* cursor is right after an operator (==).
public void completionLongInputOperatorsSeparatorsCursorMiddleNoSuggestions() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "(TID == 42 && PID != 12) || Poly";
Position cursor = new Position(0, 7);
List<String> suggestions = AutoCompletion.autoCompletion(str, cursor);
int sizeExpected = 0;
assertEquals(sizeExpected, suggestions.size());
* Verifies that only separators are suggested when the cursor is after a
* complete simple expression (another operator would make no sens here).
public void completionSeparatorsOnly() throws IOException, RecognitionException {
String str = "TID == 42";
Position cursor = new Position(0, 9);
List<String> suggestions = AutoCompletion.autoCompletion(str, cursor);
int sizeExpected = 2;
assertEquals(sizeExpected, suggestions.size());