blob: e40b8b25675f419a1773110e3c560991828537a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 École Polytechnique de Montréal
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.xaf.core.statemachine.backend;
import static org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.NonNullUtils.checkNotNull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.notifier.Notifier;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.kernel.KernelAnalysisModule;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.xaf.ui.Activator;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.xaf.ui.statemachine.StateMachineUtils.TimestampInterval;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.ITmfStateSystem;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.StateSystemUtils;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.AttributeNotFoundException;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.StateSystemDisposedException;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.TimeRangeException;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.interval.ITmfStateInterval;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.statevalue.ITmfStateValue;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.statesystem.ITmfStateProvider;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.statesystem.TmfStateSystemAnalysisModule;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.ITmfTrace;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.TmfTraceUtils;
* TODO: StateMachineBackendAnalysis improvements list
* - wake_up latency (sched_waking -> sched_switch or sched_wakeup -> sched_switch for kernels < 4.3 but less precision)
* - preemptions (DONE)
* - IRQ/NMI preemption (irq_handler_entry / irq_handler_exit)
* - syscalls latency (syscall_entry / syscall_exit)
* - Add a "State" entry for the SS, that allows following what is the state of a process at a given time
* @author Raphaël Beamonte
public class StateMachineBackendAnalysis extends TmfStateSystemAnalysisModule {
* The ID of this analysis module (which is also the ID of the state system)
public static final @NonNull String ID = "org.eclipse.tracecompass.xaf.core.statemachine.backend"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The name of this analysis module
protected static final @NonNull String NAME = "State Machine Backend State System"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Constructor
public StateMachineBackendAnalysis() {
protected ITmfStateProvider createStateProvider() {
return new StateMachineProviderEventTypes(checkNotNull(getTrace()));
protected String getSsFileName() {
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Allows to get the value of a timer for a thread at a
* given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @param timer The name of the timer (from {@link Attributes}
* @return The value of the timer
public Long getTimer(long tid, long ts, String timer) {
ITmfStateSystem ss = checkNotNull(getStateSystem());
int quark;
Long value;
ITmfStateInterval intvl;
long timestamp = ts;
if (getTrace() != null && ts > checkNotNull(getTrace()).getEndTime().toNanos()) {
timestamp = checkNotNull(getTrace()).getEndTime().toNanos();
try {
quark = ss.getQuarkAbsolute(Attributes.TID, Long.toString(tid), timer);
intvl = ss.querySingleState(timestamp, quark);
value = intvl.getStateValue().unboxLong();
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException|TimeRangeException e) {
// If we end up here, it's that we don't have any run, we
// can thus return 0 !
return 0L;
} catch (StateSystemDisposedException e) {
return null;
ITmfStateInterval intvlend;
try {
intvlend = ss.querySingleState(intvl.getEndTime()+1, quark);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException|TimeRangeException e) {
// If we end up here, it's that we don't have any next run
// we thus can return value
return value;
} catch (StateSystemDisposedException e) {
return null;
Long value2 = intvlend.getStateValue().unboxLong();
long nextRunStart = intvlend.getStartTime()-(value2-value);
if (nextRunStart > timestamp) {
return value;
return value + (ts-nextRunStart);
* Allows to get the value evolution of a timer for a thread
* during a given interval
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param start The timestamp of the start of the interval
* @param end The timestamp of the end of the interval
* @param timer The name of the timer (from {@link Attributes}
* @return The value difference of the timer for the interval
public Long getTimerIntvl(long tid, long start, long end, String timer) {
Long valueStart = getTimer(tid, start, timer);
Long valueEnd = getTimer(tid, end, timer);
return valueEnd - valueStart;
* Allows to get the value of a WAIT_BLOCKED timer for a
* thread at a given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @return The value of the timer
public Long getWaitBlocked(long tid, long ts) {
return getTimer(tid, ts, Attributes.TIMER_WAIT_BLOCKED);
* Allows to get the value evolution of a WAIT_BLOCKED timer
* for a thread during a given interval
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param start The timestamp of the start of the interval
* @param end The timestamp of the end of the interval
* @return The value difference of the timer for the interval
public Long getWaitBlockedIntvl(long tid, long start, long end) {
return getTimerIntvl(tid, start, end, Attributes.TIMER_WAIT_BLOCKED);
* Allows to get the value of a WAIT_FOR_CPU timer for a
* thread at a given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @return The value of the timer
public Long getWaitForCPU(long tid, long ts) {
return getTimer(tid, ts, Attributes.TIMER_WAIT_FOR_CPU);
* Allows to get the value evolution of a WAIT_FOR_CPU timer
* for a thread during a given interval
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param start The timestamp of the start of the interval
* @param end The timestamp of the end of the interval
* @return The value difference of the timer for the interval
public Long getWaitForCPUIntvl(long tid, long start, long end) {
return getTimerIntvl(tid, start, end, Attributes.TIMER_WAIT_FOR_CPU);
* Allows to get the value of a CPU_USAGE timer for a
* thread at a given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @return The value of the timer
public Long getCpuUsage(long tid, long ts) {
return getTimer(tid, ts, Attributes.TIMER_CPU_USAGE);
* Allows to get the value evolution of a CPU_USAGE timer
* for a thread during a given interval
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param start The timestamp of the start of the interval
* @param end The timestamp of the end of the interval
* @return The value difference of the timer for the interval
public Long getCpuUsageIntvl(long tid, long start, long end) {
return getTimerIntvl(tid, start, end, Attributes.TIMER_CPU_USAGE);
* Allows to get the value of a SCHED_PI timer for a
* thread at a given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @return The value of the timer
public Long getSchedPi(long tid, long ts) {
return getTimer(tid, ts, Attributes.TIMER_SCHED_PI);
* Allows to get the value evolution of a SCHED_PI timer
* for a thread during a given interval
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param start The timestamp of the start of the interval
* @param end The timestamp of the end of the interval
* @return The value difference of the timer for the interval
public Long getSchedPiIntvl(long tid, long start, long end) {
return getTimerIntvl(tid, start, end, Attributes.TIMER_SCHED_PI);
* Allows to get the stateInterval of an attribute for a thread at a
* given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @param attribute The name of the attribute (from {@link Attributes}
* @return The state interval of the attribute
public ITmfStateInterval getStateInterval(long tid, long ts, String attribute) {
ITmfStateSystem ss = checkNotNull(getStateSystem());
int quark;
ITmfStateInterval intvl;
try {
quark = ss.getQuarkAbsolute(Attributes.TID, Long.toString(tid), attribute);
intvl = ss.querySingleState(ts, quark);
return intvl;
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
return null;
} catch (StateSystemDisposedException|TimeRangeException e) {
return null;
} catch (RuntimeException e) { // For debugging purposes...
return null;
* Allows to get all the stateIntervals of an attribute for a thread between
* two given timestamps
* @param tid
* The thread ID
* @param start
* The start timestamp
* @param end
* The end timestamp
* @param attribute
* The name of the attribute (from {@link Attributes}
* @return The list of state intervals of the attribute
* @throws TimeRangeException
* If timestamp are out of range
public List<ITmfStateInterval> getAllStateIntervalInPeriod(long tid, long start, long end, String attribute) throws TimeRangeException {
return getAllStateIntervalInPeriod(start, end, Attributes.TID, Long.toString(tid), attribute);
* Allows to get all the stateIntervals of an attribute for a thread between
* two given timestamps
* @param start
* The start timestamp
* @param end
* The end timestamp
* @param attributePath
* The path of the attribute (from {@link Attributes}
* @return The list of state intervals of the attribute
* @throws TimeRangeException
* If timestamp are out of range
public List<ITmfStateInterval> getAllStateIntervalInPeriod(long start, long end, String... attributePath) throws TimeRangeException {
// List<ITmfStateInterval> stateIntervalList = new LinkedList<>();
ITmfStateSystem ss = checkNotNull(getStateSystem());
int quark;
// ITmfStateInterval intvl;
try {
quark = ss.getQuarkAbsolute(attributePath);
return StateSystemUtils.queryHistoryRange(ss, quark, Math.max(ss.getStartTime(), start), Math.min(ss.getCurrentEndTime(), end));
// intvl = ss.querySingleState(start, quark);
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException | TimeRangeException e) {
return new LinkedList<>();
// return stateIntervalList;
} catch (StateSystemDisposedException e) {
return new LinkedList<>();
// return stateIntervalList;
} catch (RuntimeException e) { // For debugging purposes...
return new LinkedList<>();
// return stateIntervalList;
* while (intvl != null && intvl.getStartTime() < end) {
* stateIntervalList.add(intvl);
* try { intvl = ss.querySingleState(intvl.getEndTime() + 1, quark); }
* catch (AttributeNotFoundException|TimeRangeException e) { intvl =
* null; } catch (StateSystemDisposedException e) { e.printStackTrace();
* intvl = null; } catch (RuntimeException e) { // For debugging
* purposes... e.printStackTrace(); intvl = null; } }
* return stateIntervalList;
* @param tiCollection
* The collection of time intervals in which to search
* @param quarkPath
* The path to the quark
* @return a list of all the state interval which have a value in at least
* one of the given time interval
public List<ITmfStateInterval> getAllKernelStateIntervalInPeriods(Collection<TimestampInterval> tiCollection, String... quarkPath) {
List<ITmfStateInterval> stateIntervalList = new LinkedList<>();
TimestampInterval largerInterval = TimestampInterval.maxTsInterval(tiCollection);
ITmfTrace kernelTrace = getKernelTrace();
if (kernelTrace == null || kernelTrace.getStartTime().compareTo(largerInterval.getEndTime()) > 0 || kernelTrace.getEndTime().compareTo(largerInterval.getStartTime()) < 0) {
return stateIntervalList;
KernelAnalysisModule kernelAnalysisModule = TmfTraceUtils.getAnalysisModuleOfClass(kernelTrace, KernelAnalysisModule.class, KernelAnalysisModule.ID);
if (kernelAnalysisModule == null) {
return stateIntervalList;
// Just in case it wasn't finished yet
ITmfStateSystem ss = kernelAnalysisModule.getStateSystem();
if (ss == null) {
return stateIntervalList;
try {
Integer attributeQuark = ss.getQuarkAbsolute(quarkPath);
for (TimestampInterval ti : tiCollection) {
stateIntervalList.addAll(StateSystemUtils.queryHistoryRange(ss, attributeQuark, ti.getStartTime().getValue(), ti.getEndTime().getValue()));
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException | StateSystemDisposedException | TimeRangeException e) {
stateIntervalList.sort(new Comparator<ITmfStateInterval>() {
public int compare(ITmfStateInterval itsi1, ITmfStateInterval itsi2) {
int cmp = Long.valueOf(itsi1.getStartTime()).compareTo(itsi2.getStartTime());
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp = Long.valueOf(itsi1.getEndTime()).compareTo(itsi2.getEndTime());
return cmp;
return stateIntervalList;
* @param tiCollection The collection of time intervals in which to search
* @param quarkPath The path to the quark
* @return a unique set of all the state value which have a value in at least one of the given time interval
public Collection<ITmfStateValue> getAllKernelStateValueInPeriods(Collection<TimestampInterval> tiCollection, String... quarkPath) {
Collection<ITmfStateValue> stateValueCollection = new TreeSet<>();
for (ITmfStateInterval itsi : getAllKernelStateIntervalInPeriods(tiCollection, quarkPath)) {
ITmfStateValue itsv = itsi.getStateValue();
if (!itsv.isNull()) {
return stateValueCollection;
* Allows to get the value of a counter for a thread at a
* given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @param counter The name of the counter (from {@link Attributes}
* @return The value of the counter
public Integer getCounter(long tid, long ts, String counter) {
ITmfStateSystem ss = checkNotNull(getStateSystem());
int quark, value;
ITmfStateInterval intvl;
try {
quark = ss.getQuarkAbsolute(Attributes.TID, Long.toString(tid), counter);
intvl = ss.querySingleState(ts, quark);
value = intvl.getStateValue().unboxInt();
return value;
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
return 0;
} catch (StateSystemDisposedException e) {
return null;
} catch (RuntimeException e) { // For debugging purposes...
return null;
long timestamp = ts;
if (getTrace() != null && ts > checkNotNull(getTrace()).getEndTime().toNanos()) {
timestamp = checkNotNull(getTrace()).getEndTime().toNanos();
ITmfStateInterval intvl = getStateInterval(tid, timestamp, counter);
if (intvl == null) {
return 0;
int value = intvl.getStateValue().unboxInt();
return value;
* Allows to get the value evolution of a counter for a thread
* during a given interval
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param start The timestamp of the start of the interval
* @param end The timestamp of the end of the interval
* @param counter The name of the counter (from {@link Attributes}
* @return The value difference of the counter for the interval
public Integer getCounterIntvl(long tid, long start, long end, String counter) {
Integer valueStart = getCounter(tid, start, counter);
Integer valueEnd = getCounter(tid, end, counter);
return valueEnd - valueStart;
* Allows to get the value of a SYSCALLS counter for a
* thread at a given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @return The value of the counter
public Integer getSyscalls(long tid, long ts) {
return getCounter(tid, ts, Attributes.COUNTER_SYSCALLS);
* Allows to get the value evolution of a SYSCALLS counter
* for a thread during a given interval
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param start The timestamp of the start of the interval
* @param end The timestamp of the end of the interval
* @return The value difference of the counter for the interval
public Integer getSyscallsIntvl(long tid, long start, long end) {
return getCounterIntvl(tid, start, end, Attributes.COUNTER_SYSCALLS);
* Allows to get the value of a PREEMPT counter for a
* thread at a given timestamp
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param ts The timestamp
* @return The value of the counter
public Integer getPreempt(long tid, long ts) {
return getCounter(tid, ts, Attributes.COUNTER_PREEMPT);
* Allows to get the value evolution of a PREEMPT counter
* for a thread during a given interval
* @param tid The thread ID
* @param start The timestamp of the start of the interval
* @param end The timestamp of the end of the interval
* @return The value difference of the counter for the interval
public Integer getPreemptIntvl(long tid, long start, long end) {
return getCounterIntvl(tid, start, end, Attributes.COUNTER_PREEMPT);
* To get the kernel trace from the module
* @return The kernel trace on which this module applies
public ITmfTrace getKernelTrace() {
return getTrace();
protected boolean executeAnalysis(@Nullable IProgressMonitor monitor) {
boolean executeAnalysis = super.executeAnalysis(monitor);
if (executeAnalysis) {
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(() -> Notifier.notify(Activator.getImage("icons/xaf@4x.png"), "Analysis Complete", "Coucou") //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return executeAnalysis;