blob: ad390d0704cecedaa72bf1733b5916a7ec863ecc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 École Polytechnique de Montréal
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.fused.handlers;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.trace.IKernelAnalysisEventLayout;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.fused.FusedAttributes;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.virtual.resources.StateValues;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.ITmfStateSystem;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.ITmfStateSystemBuilder;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.ITmfEvent;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.ITmfEventField;
* @author Cédric Biancheri
public class ProcessForkContainerHandler extends VMKernelEventHandler {
* Constructor
* @param layout
* The event layout
* @param sp
* The state provider
public ProcessForkContainerHandler(IKernelAnalysisEventLayout layout, FusedVirtualMachineStateProvider sp) {
super(layout, sp);
public void handleEvent(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ss, ITmfEvent event) {
ITmfEventField content = event.getContent();
ITmfEventField field;
String machineHost = event.getTrace().getHostId();
String childProcessName = (String) content.getField(getLayout().fieldChildComm()).getValue();
long childVTIDs[] = { };
field = content.getField("vtids"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (field != null) {
childVTIDs = (long[]) field.getValue();
Long childNSInum = content.getFieldValue(Long.class, "child_ns_inum"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (childNSInum == null) {
childNSInum = -1L;
} else {
/* Save the namespace id somewhere so it can be reused */
ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.getMachinesNode(ss), machineHost, FusedAttributes.CONTAINERS, Long.toString(childNSInum));
Long parentNSInum = content.getFieldValue(Long.class, "parent_ns_inum"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Integer parentTid = ((Long) content.getField(getLayout().fieldParentTid()).getValue()).intValue();
Integer childTid = ((Long) content.getField(getLayout().fieldChildTid()).getValue()).intValue();
Integer parentTidNode = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.getNodeThreads(ss), machineHost, parentTid.toString());
Integer childTidNode = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.getNodeThreads(ss), machineHost, childTid.toString());
/* Assign the PPID to the new process */
int quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.PPID);
long timestamp = FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.getTimestamp(event);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, parentTid, quark);
/* Set the new process' exec_name */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.EXEC_NAME);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, childProcessName, quark);
/* Set the new process' status */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.STATUS);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, StateValues.PROCESS_STATUS_WAIT_FOR_CPU, quark);
/* Set the process' syscall name, to be the same as the parent's */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(parentTidNode, FusedAttributes.SYSTEM_CALL);
Object syscall = ss.queryOngoing(quark);
if (syscall != null) {
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.SYSTEM_CALL);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, syscall, quark);
Integer level = 0;
Integer maxLevel = childVTIDs.length;
* Set the max level. It is useful if we want to know the depth of the
* hierarchy
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_MAX_LEVEL);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, maxLevel, quark);
for (long vtid : childVTIDs) {
if (vtid == childTid) {
/* Set the namespace level */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_LEVEL);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, level, quark);
/* Set the namespace ID */
quark = ss.optQuarkRelative(parentTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_INUM);
if (quark == ITmfStateSystem.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
Object nsInum = ss.queryOngoing(quark);
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_INUM);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, nsInum, quark);
/* Save the tid */
if (nsInum instanceof Long) {
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.getMachinesNode(ss), machineHost, FusedAttributes.CONTAINERS, String.valueOf((long) nsInum));
quark = FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.saveContainerThreadID(ss, quark, childTid);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, (int) vtid, quark);
/* Nothing else to do at the level 0 */
/* Entering an other level */
if (level != maxLevel - 1 || childNSInum.equals(parentNSInum)) {
* We are not at the last level or we are still in the namespace
* of the parent
/* Create a new level for the current vtid */
childTidNode = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.VTID);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, (int) vtid, childTidNode);
/* Set the VPPID attribute for the child */
parentTidNode = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(parentTidNode, FusedAttributes.VTID);
// When a process is forked but the parent was not state dumped,
// we do not know the vppid
Object parentVtid = ss.queryOngoing(parentTidNode);
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.VPPID);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, parentVtid, quark);
/* Set the ns_inum attribute for the child */
quark = ss.optQuarkRelative(parentTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_INUM);
// We do not have namespace information for the parent, we only
// know the last of the child
if (quark == ITmfStateSystem.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
Object value = null;
if (level == maxLevel - 1) {
value = childNSInum;
/* Save the tid */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.getMachinesNode(ss), machineHost, FusedAttributes.CONTAINERS, Long.toString((long) value));
quark = FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.saveContainerThreadID(ss, quark, childTid);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, (int) vtid, quark);
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_INUM);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, value, quark);
} else {
Object value = ss.queryOngoing(quark);
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_INUM);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, value, quark);
/* Save the tid */
if (value instanceof Long) {
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.getMachinesNode(ss), machineHost, FusedAttributes.CONTAINERS, Long.toString((long) value));
quark = FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.saveContainerThreadID(ss, quark, childTid);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, (int) vtid, quark);
} else {
/* Last level and new namespace */
/* Create a new level for the current vtid */
childTidNode = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.VTID);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, (int) vtid, childTidNode);
/* Set the VPPID attribute for the child */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.VPPID);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, 0, quark);
/* Set the ns_inum attribute for the child */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_INUM);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, childNSInum, quark);
/* Save the tid */
int quarkContainer = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.getMachinesNode(ss), machineHost, FusedAttributes.CONTAINERS, Long.toString(childNSInum));
quark = FusedVMEventHandlerUtils.saveContainerThreadID(ss, quarkContainer, childTid);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, (int) vtid, quark);
/* Save the parent's namespace ID */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(quarkContainer, FusedAttributes.PARENT);
if (ss.queryOngoingState(quark).isNull() && parentNSInum != null) {
ss.modifyAttribute(ss.getStartTime(), parentNSInum, quark);
/* Set the ns_level attribute for the child */
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(childTidNode, FusedAttributes.NS_LEVEL);
ss.modifyAttribute(timestamp, level, quark);