blob: 8b24bbed173c4c7409386cf064137e753035c878 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 Ericsson
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Bernd Hufmann - Initial API and implementation
* Markus Schorn - Bug 448058: Use org.eclipse.remote in favor of RSE
package org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.lttng2.control.stubs.shells;
import static org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.NonNullUtils.checkNotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.tmf.remote.core.stubs.shells.TestCommandShell;
public class LTTngToolsFileShell extends TestCommandShell {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private final static String SCENARIO_KEY = "<SCENARIO>";
private final static String SCENARIO_END_KEY = "</SCENARIO>";
private final static String INPUT_KEY = "<COMMAND_INPUT>";
private final static String INPUT_END_KEY = "</COMMAND_INPUT>";
private final static String RESULT_KEY = "<COMMAND_RESULT>";
private final static String OUTPUT_KEY = "<COMMAND_OUTPUT>";
private final static String OUTPUT_END_KEY = "</COMMAND_OUTPUT>";
private final static String ERROR_OUTPUT_KEY = "<COMMAND_ERROR_OUTPUT>";
private final static String ERROR_OUTPUT_END_KEY = "</COMMAND_ERROR_OUTPUT>";
private final static String COMMENT_KEY = "#.*";
private final static Pattern LTTNG_LIST_SESSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("lttng\\s+list\\s+(.+)");
private final static String LTTNG_LIST_PROVIDER_PATTERN = "lttng\\s+list\\s+(-u|-k|-j|-l|-p).*";
private final static Pattern LTTNG_LIST_SESSION_MI_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("lttng\\s+--mi xml\\s+list\\s+(.+)");
private final static String LTTNG_LIST_PROVIDER_MI_PATTERN = "lttng\\s+--mi xml\\s+list\\s+(-u|-k|-j|-l|-p).*";
private final static String LTTNG_USER_HOME_PATTERN = "\\$\\{userhome\\}";
private final static String LTTNG_WORKSPACE_PATTERN = "\\$\\{workspace\\}";
private final static String SESSION_NAME_PATTERN = "\\$\\{sessionname\\}";
private final static String USER_HOME = System.getProperty("user.home").replaceAll("/*$", "");
private final static String WORKSPACE_HOME;
private final static Pattern LTTNG_SAVE_MI_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("lttng\\s+--mi xml\\s+save\\s+-f");
private final static String PROFILE_PATH_STRING = USER_HOME + '/' + ".lttng" + '/' + "sessions";
static {
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
//get location of workspace (
File workspaceDirectory = workspace.getRoot().getLocation().toFile();
WORKSPACE_HOME = workspaceDirectory.toString();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private String fScenariofile;
private String fScenario;
private String fProfileName = null;
private File fProfileFile = null;
private String fSessionName = null;
private final Map<String, Map<String, ICommandResult>> fScenarioMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, Integer> fSessionNameMap = new HashMap<>();
* Parse a scenario file with the format:
* <pre>
* &lt;SCENARIO&gt;
* ScenarioName
* Command
* &lt;/COMMAND_INPUT&gt;
* CommandResult
* CommandOutput
* CommandErrorOutput
* &lt;/SCENARIO&gt;
* Where: ScenarioName - is the scenario name
* Command - the command line string
* CommandResult - the result integer of the command (0 for success, 1 for failure)
* CommandOutput - the command output string (multi-line possible)
* CommandErrorOutput - the command error output string (multi-line possible)
* Note: 1) There can be many scenarios per file
* 2) There can be many (Command-CommandResult-CommandOutput) triples per scenario
* 3) Lines starting with # will be ignored (comments)
* <pre>
* @param scenariofile - path to scenario file
public synchronized void loadScenarioFile(String scenariofile) {
fScenariofile = scenariofile;
// clean up map
Collection<Map<String, ICommandResult>> values = fScenarioMap.values();
for (Iterator<Map<String, ICommandResult>> iterator = values.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Map<String, ICommandResult> map =;
// load from file
// Open the file
try (FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(fScenariofile);
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));) {
String strLine;
// Read File Line by Line
// Temporary map for generating instance numbers for lttng list
// <session> commands.
// The numbers are per scenario.
Map<String, Integer> tmpSessionNameMap = new HashMap<>();
while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
// Ignore comments
if (isComment(strLine)) {
if (SCENARIO_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
// scenario start
// Ignore comments
strLine = br.readLine();
while (isComment(strLine)) {
strLine = br.readLine();
String scenario = strLine;
Map<String, ICommandResult> commandMap = new HashMap<>();
fScenarioMap.put(scenario, commandMap);
List<String> output = null;
List<String> errorOutput = null;
String input = null;
boolean inOutput = false;
boolean inErrorOutput = false;
int result = 0;
while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
// Ignore comments
if (isComment(strLine)) {
if (SCENARIO_END_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
// Scenario is finished
if (INPUT_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
strLine = br.readLine();
// Ignore comments
while (isComment(strLine)) {
strLine = br.readLine();
// Read command
input = strLine;
// Update userhome
input = input.replaceAll(LTTNG_USER_HOME_PATTERN, Matcher.quoteReplacement(USER_HOME));
// Update workspace
input = input.replaceAll(LTTNG_WORKSPACE_PATTERN, Matcher.quoteReplacement(WORKSPACE_HOME));
// Update session variable
if (fSessionName != null) {
input = input.replaceAll(SESSION_NAME_PATTERN, Matcher.quoteReplacement(fSessionName));
// Handle instances of 'lttng list
// <session"-command
Matcher matcher = LTTNG_LIST_SESSION_PATTERN.matcher(strLine);
Matcher miMatcher = LTTNG_LIST_SESSION_MI_PATTERN.matcher(strLine);
if (matcher.matches() && !input.matches(LTTNG_LIST_PROVIDER_PATTERN)) {
String sessionName =;
input += updateSessionMap(tmpSessionNameMap, input, sessionName);
} else if (miMatcher.matches() && !input.matches(LTTNG_LIST_PROVIDER_MI_PATTERN)) {
String sessionName =;
input += updateSessionMap(tmpSessionNameMap, input, sessionName);
} else if (INPUT_END_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
// Initialize output array
output = new ArrayList<>();
errorOutput = new ArrayList<>();
} else if (RESULT_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
strLine = br.readLine();
// Ignore comments
while (isComment(strLine)) {
strLine = br.readLine();
// Save result value
result = Integer.parseInt(strLine);
} else if (OUTPUT_END_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
// Save output/result in command map
if (output != null && errorOutput != null) {
commandMap.put(input, createCommandResult(result,
output.toArray(new @NonNull String[output.size()]),
errorOutput.toArray(new @NonNull String[errorOutput.size()])));
inOutput = false;
} else if (OUTPUT_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
// first line of output
inOutput = true;
} else if (ERROR_OUTPUT_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
// first line of output
inErrorOutput = true;
} else if (ERROR_OUTPUT_END_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
inErrorOutput = false;
} else if (inOutput) {
while (isComment(strLine)) {
strLine = br.readLine();
// Update userhome
strLine = strLine.replaceAll(LTTNG_USER_HOME_PATTERN, Matcher.quoteReplacement(USER_HOME));
// Update workspace
strLine = strLine.replaceAll(LTTNG_WORKSPACE_PATTERN, Matcher.quoteReplacement(WORKSPACE_HOME));
// Update session variable
if (fSessionName != null) {
strLine = strLine.replaceAll(SESSION_NAME_PATTERN, Matcher.quoteReplacement(fSessionName));
// lines of output/error output
if (errorOutput != null && inErrorOutput) {
} else if (output != null) {
// else {
// if (RESULT_END_KEY.equals(strLine)) {
// nothing to do
// }
} catch (IOException e) {
private static String updateSessionMap(Map<String, Integer> tmpSessionNameMap, String input, String sessionName) {
Integer i = tmpSessionNameMap.get(sessionName);
if (i != null) {
} else {
i = 0;
tmpSessionNameMap.put(sessionName, i);
return String.valueOf(i);
// Set the scenario to consider in executeCommand()
public synchronized void setScenario(String scenario) {
fScenario = scenario;
if (!fScenarioMap.containsKey(fScenario)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public synchronized ICommandResult executeCommand(ICommandInput command, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ExecutionException {
return executeCommand(command, monitor, null);
public synchronized ICommandResult executeCommand(ICommandInput command, IProgressMonitor monitor, ICommandOutputListener listener) throws ExecutionException {
Map<String, ICommandResult> commands = checkNotNull(fScenarioMap.get(fScenario));
String commandLine = command.toString();
String fullCommand = commandLine;
Matcher matcher = LTTNG_LIST_SESSION_PATTERN.matcher(commandLine);
Matcher miMatcher = LTTNG_LIST_SESSION_MI_PATTERN.matcher(commandLine);
if (matcher.matches() && !commandLine.matches(LTTNG_LIST_PROVIDER_PATTERN)) {
String sessionName =;
fullCommand += updateSessionMap(fSessionNameMap, fullCommand, sessionName);
} else if (miMatcher.matches() && !commandLine.matches(LTTNG_LIST_PROVIDER_MI_PATTERN)) {
String sessionName =;
fullCommand += updateSessionMap(fSessionNameMap, fullCommand, sessionName);
if (commands.containsKey(fullCommand)) {
Matcher saveMatcher = LTTNG_SAVE_MI_PATTERN.matcher(fullCommand);
if (fProfileName != null && saveMatcher.matches()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Profile file can't be created", e);
return checkNotNull(commands.get(fullCommand));
@NonNull String[] output = new @NonNull String[1];
output[0] = String.valueOf("Command not found");
ICommandResult result = createCommandResult(1, output, output);
return result;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static boolean isComment(String line) {
if (line == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("line is null");
return line.matches(COMMENT_KEY);
private void createProfileFile() throws IOException {
if (fProfileName != null) {
File path = new File(PROFILE_PATH_STRING);
if (!path.exists()) {
if (!path.mkdirs()) {
throw new RuntimeException();
File profileFile = new File(PROFILE_PATH_STRING + '/' + fProfileName + ".lttng");
if (!profileFile.exists()) {
try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(profileFile)) {
writer.println("This file is created by JUnit test using " + LTTngToolsFileShell.class.getCanonicalName());
writer.println("Can be deleted!");
fProfileFile = profileFile;
public void setProfileName(String profileName) {
fProfileName = profileName;
public void deleteProfileFile() {
if (fProfileFile != null && fProfileFile.exists()) {
public void setSessionName(String sessionName) {
fSessionName = sessionName;