blob: 06568a11ff4dcb2c715466a75e202903e1286fe1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Tamas Borbas, Istvan Rath and Daniel Varro
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Tamas Borbas - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.viatra.modelobfuscator.tests
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile
import org.eclipse.viatra.modelobfuscator.emf.uml.UMLProfileReplacerBuilder
import org.junit.Test
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype
import java.math.BigInteger
class SimpleUMLProfileReplacerTest {
private static final String SEED = "990d6121017dd960315eca3176a73bde"
private static final String MODEL_PATH = "/org.eclipse.viatra.modelobfuscator.tests/model.uml"
private static final String PROFILE_OBFUSCATED_PATH = "/org.eclipse.viatra.modelobfuscator.tests/profile_obfuscated.profile.uml"
private static final String CLASS1_NAME = "ClassWithoutStereotype"
private static final String CLASS2_NAME = "ClassWithStereotype"
private static final String CLASS3_NAME = "ClassWithStereotypeAndModifiedAttributes"
def void invokeUMLProfileReplacer() {
// Initialization
val ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl()
val model = resourceSet.getRootObjectFromResource(MODEL_PATH) as Model
val profileOriginal = model.allAppliedProfiles.head
val profileObfuscated = resourceSet.getRootObjectFromResource(PROFILE_OBFUSCATED_PATH) as Profile
if(model==null) {
fail("Model cannot be loaded")
if(profileObfuscated==null) {
fail("Obfuscated profile cannot be loaded")
if(profileOriginal==null) {
fail("Original profile cannot be loaded")
// Testing
val replacer = UMLProfileReplacerBuilder.create
.setSeed(new BigInteger(SEED,16)).build
val stringObfuscator = replacer.stringObfuscator
val myStereotype = profileOriginal.getMember("MyStereotype") as Stereotype
val oStereotypeName = stringObfuscator.obfuscateData(
// Checking result
assertFalse("Replacer did not unapply old profile", model.allAppliedProfiles.contains(profileOriginal))
assertTrue("Replacer did not apply new profile", model.allAppliedProfiles.contains(profileObfuscated))
for(member : model.ownedMembers) {
if(member instanceof Class) {
switch {
case CLASS1_NAME: {
assertTrue(CLASS1_NAME + " could not contain any stereotype",
case CLASS2_NAME: {
assertFalse(CLASS2_NAME + " need to contain at least one stereotype",
assertFalse(CLASS2_NAME + " need to contain at most one stereotype",
val stereotype = member.appliedStereotypes.get(0)
assertTrue((CLASS2_NAME + "'s stereotype's name should be " + oStereotypeName),
val intAttrName = stringObfuscator.obfuscateData("MyIntegerValue")
assertTrue(CLASS2_NAME + "'s int value should be 0",
member.getValue(stereotype, intAttrName)==0)
val stringAttrName = stringObfuscator.obfuscateData("MyStringValue")
assertTrue(CLASS2_NAME + "'s string value should be 'Default string value.'",
member.getValue(stereotype, stringAttrName)=="Default string value.")
case CLASS3_NAME: {
assertFalse(CLASS3_NAME + " need to contain at least one stereotype",
assertFalse(CLASS3_NAME + " need to contain at most one stereotype",
val stereotype = member.appliedStereotypes.get(0)
assertTrue((CLASS3_NAME + "'s stereotype's name should be " + oStereotypeName),
val intAttrName = stringObfuscator.obfuscateData("MyIntegerValue")
assertTrue(CLASS3_NAME + "'s int value should be 1",
member.getValue(stereotype, intAttrName)==1)
val stringAttrName = stringObfuscator.obfuscateData("MyStringValue")
assertTrue(CLASS3_NAME + "'s string value should be 'Not default string value.'",
member.getValue(stereotype, stringAttrName)=="Not default string value.")
private def EObject getRootObjectFromResource(ResourceSet rs, String path) {
val URI resourceUri = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(path, true)
val Resource selectedResource = rs.getResource(resourceUri, true)
val root = selectedResource.getContents().get(0)
return root