blob: 46ee0e0d22ff8febab13eb798e2ce0bbd14cabf5 [file] [log] [blame]
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= VIATRA 2.5
Release date:: 2020-12-xx (TBD)
More information::
== New and Noteworthy
== Migrating to VIATRA 2.5
=== Updated logging configuration
In order to simplify log output, the default logging configuration was updated to remove unnecessary duplication and ensure everything uses the same configuration.
Old output:
0 [main] DEBUG - Scaffold: patternbody build started for org.example.Range
146 [main] DEBUG - INACTIVE -- CREATE --> CREATED on org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.evm.api.Activation{atom=Match<org.example.Range>{"start"=0, "end"=30}, state=CREATED}
New output:
0 [main] DEBUG org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryEngine.1361289747 - Scaffold: patternbody build started for org.example.Range
272 [main] DEBUG org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.evm.api.Agenda@4567f35d - CREATED -- FIRE --> FIRED on org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.evm.api.Activation{atom=Match<org.example.Range>{"start"=0, "end"=30}, state=FIRED}
The new configuration uses `org.eclipse.viatra` as a common prefix, thus it is possible to turn on all debug messages with a single configuration both for the VIATRA query and transformation runtimes, while it is still possible to do it selectively by using a more specific class names in the configuration. For users who use customized log4j configurations should update them to match the new scheme.