blob: acddf55df742d6a0987bdda18af2e19234b23aa2 [file] [log] [blame]
\markboth{Draft version 0.1}{Draft version 0.1}
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\title{Install Pipeline}
\author{Glyn Normington and Andy Wilkinson}
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This short specification defines the general contract for install pipelines.
This work relates to the JIRA issue \texttt{DMS-598}.
% Type checking hacks
\section{Basic types}
OSGi State instances and installable artefact trees need to be manipulated by pipeline stages.
[State, IATree]
Install pipelines perform logging by creating log entries.
Repositories are collections of artefacts indexed by type, name, and version.
[Artefact, AT, AN, AV]
\section{Install environment}
The install pipeline runs in an environment known as an \textit{install environment} which includes
an OSGi State, a tree of installed artefacts, an install log, and a repository.
state : State \\
iaTree : IATree \\
ilog : \seq LogEntry \\
repo: AT \cross AN \cross AV \pinj Artefact
\section{Pipeline stages}
Pipeline stages have state and operate on installable artefacts.
[PipelineStageState, InstallableArtefact]
ps : PipelineStageState \\
Running a pipeline stage may update the stage's state and the install environment although it may
only append to the install log and may not update the repository.
\Delta PipelineStage \\
\Delta InstallEnv \\
ia?, ia! : InstallableArtefact \\
ilog \subseteq ilog' \\
repo' = repo \\