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<chapter id="developing_with_PDE">
<title>Developing OSGi Bundles using Plug-in Development Environment
This chapter assumes that the user is already familiar with the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE). Should this not be the case
it is recommended to read first the PDE documentation or one of the many tutorials available online.
<section id="pde_dependencies">
<title>Resolving Bundle Dependencies</title>
Starting from release 1.5.0 the Tools support developing OSGi
Bundles using the widely popular Eclipse Plug-in Development
Environment (PDE).
While working with OSGi bundles, one of the most important
aspects is defining the required dependencies in the MANIFEST.MF file.
When used in conjunction with the PDE, the Virgo Tools address this problem
by leveraging on the PDE tooling and in particular on the PDE Target Platform Definition.
A Target Platform Definition defines the bundles which your workspace will be built against.
At runtime however, a PDE Target Platform won't be available and
dependency resolution will always occur against the bundle
repositories configured for the The Tools
try to bridge runtime and development by providing a Server
wizard that creates a new PDE Target Platform Definition that
matches the Server repository configuration,
as defined in
The supports watched, external and remote
repositories. Watched and external repositories correspond to
file system folders, while a remote repository is a remote Virgo
instance that can serve its repository content to other Virgo instances
for the purpose of dependency resolution. The PDE Target Platform allows its content
to be specified only as file system folders or P2 Update sites. As such, when the Tools create a
PDE Target Platform Definition from the runtime repository configuration only watched and
external repositories are considered.
Developers should properly setup a local so that its bundle repositories
contain their application dependencies. Then they should use the Tools to setup a PDE Target Platform
so that their workspace projects are built and resolved against the same bundles that will be available
at runtime.
Note that when using the Tools together with PDE to develop for
Virgo it's not possible to use the MANIFEST.MF headers
(not part of the standard OSGi specification but supported by
and <code>Require-Bundle</code>
(part of the standard OSGi specification but not supported by Virgo).
Developers will have to declare all of their external dependencies
using the
header only.
<section id="runtime-wizard">
<title>Server Runtime Wizard</title>
After installing the Virgo Tools in Eclipse it is possible
to create a new Server.
A Server can be created from the global <emphasis>New</emphasis> dialog, by selecting the
<emphasis>Virgo Runtime</emphasis> item within the <emphasis>EclipseRT</emphasis> category.
Alternatively, users can right click over the <emphasis>Servers</emphasis> view (easily accessible from
the <emphasis>Virgo</emphasis> perspective or via <emphasis>New -> Show View -> Other</emphasis>) and select <emphasis>New</emphasis> to
open the same wizard.
<imagedata fileref="images/new_server_wiz_1.png" format="PNG" />
In both cases the Server wizard will appear and will ask the user
to select a valid Virgo installation from the local file system.
The first time a Server is created in a new workspace the wizard
will create both a Server instance and a Server Runtime.
The former corresponds to the Server where the bundles in the workspace will be deployed,
the latter corresponds to the runtime definition of which the former will be an instance.
While it's in theory possible to create multiple runtimes and different Server instances
associated to them within a single workspace, only one PDE target platform can be active in a workspace at a time.
As such when working with the Virgo Tools and PDE it is recommended to use one dedicated Eclipse workspace
for one Server runtime and one PDE Target Platform.</note>
<imagedata fileref="images/new_server_wiz_2.png" format="PNG" />
To manage bundle dependencies with PDE make sure to select the check-box in the next page of the wizard:
<imagedata fileref="images/new_server_wiz_3.png" format="PNG" />
The wizard will then parse the <code></code> file and show to the
user the folders that will be used for setting up the PDE Target Platform definition.
In this page it's possible to include additional folders before pressing <emphasis>Finish</emphasis>.
The folders visible in the picture above are the default content of an unchanged <code></code> file plus the server <emphasis>plugins</emphasis> folder
contained in the server home directory. In reality the <emphasis>plugins</emphasis> folder is not a bundle repository and is not listed in the <code></code> file.
It contains some core components of the and gets included in the Target Platform definition
because at runtime the contained bundles are made available to the deployed applications for dependencies resolution.
Additional folders can be added (or removed if already present in the <code></code> file). When the <emphasis>Finish</emphasis> button
is pressed the wizard will create a PDE Target Platform definition and will offer to modify <code></code> to reflect any change applied by the user.
The newly created Target Platform will be named after the Server runtime (usually "Virgo Runtime" if not changed by the user in the previous wizard page).
Note that while it's safe to include additional folders, users should not remove the default folders unless they really know what they are doing.
It is possible to double check the content of the newly created PDE Target Platform via the Target Platform preferences page in the
Preferences dialog (<emphasis>Window -> Preferences</emphasis>):
<para><imagedata fileref="images/virgo_target_platform.png" format="PNG" /></para>
The target platform name must match the Server runtime name ("Virgo Runtime" in this example) for the Virgo Tools to be able to correlate
the two.
<note>When a PDE Target platform exists for a Virgo Server instance and is named like the corresponding Virgo Runtime, the Server icon
is decorated in the <emphasis>Servers</emphasis> view with a tiny plug-in icon in the top-left, as depicted below.</note>
<para><imagedata fileref="images/servers_and_editor.png" format="PNG" /></para>
As visible in the above picture, the <emphasis>Server editor</emphasis>, which is easily accessible by double-clicking over the
in the <emphasis>Server</emphasis> view, provides an new section titled <emphasis>Target Platform</emphasis> which allows reloading the
content of the Target Platform definition associated to the current server (useful for example when new bundles are added to the repository)
and allows editing the content of the current Target Platform definition by recalling the same UI of the last page of the server creation wizard.
<section id="pde-projects">
<title>PDE Bundle projects</title>
Now that the has been properly setup in the Eclipse workspace, including the corresponding PDE Target Platform definition,
it's finally possible to create new projects.
<para>The Virgo Tools require PDE Plug-in projects to be augmented with some additional features to be usable. As such, in order to create
a new project it is necessary to use the dedicated wizard named <emphasis>PDE Bundle project</emphasis> located within the <emphasis>Virgo</emphasis>
<para><imagedata fileref="images/pde_bundle_wiz.png" format="PNG" /></para>
The above wizard is the standard PDE <emphasis>Plug-in project</emphasis> wizard with some choices disabled or defaulted.
In addition to the usual pages it includes an extra page where the user can optionally specify a Web context root.
If a context root is specified the new project will be a Web Application bundle (WAB). If the context root is not specified
the new project will be a regular OSGi bundle.
The icon of Plug-in projects created for Virgo using the above wizard will be decorated with a tiny <emphasis>EclipseRT globe</emphasis> in the top left.
<para><imagedata fileref="images/new_pde_bundle.png" format="PNG" /></para>
Once a <emphasis>PDE Bundle project</emphasis> has been created as explained above, the developer can use the standard <emphasis>PDE Plug-in Editor</emphasis>
and related tooling to work with the newly created project. Please refer to the official PDE documentation for further details.</note>
<section id="resource-publishing">
The Virgo Server Editor includes a section to select when publishing to the server runtime should take place.
The section offers three options:
<member>immediate publish on resource change</member>
<member>publish after build</member>
<member>never publish automatically</member>
Immediate publish means that a change to a file in a bundle project deployed on the will be automatically published, triggering in most cases a
re-deploy of the bundle project, as soon as the file is saved.
Publish after build means that a change to one or more files will be automatically published, triggering in most cases a re-deploy, when the containing project
is built, either because workspace auto-build is enabled or because the user requested a workspace or project build.
Never publish automatically means that publishing will take place only on user request, via the "Publish" action on the Servers view.
While automatic publishing reduces the learning curve for beginners, it may also imply longer waits on large workspaces with many bundle projects deployed to a server, because
the re-deploy of a project also implies the re-deploy of all dependent projects.
On large workspaces it's recommend to turn off auto-publish and to manually publish bundles as needed. In fact, when the server is running in debug mode,
if a source file is changed without altering the external "signature" of a class the Java Virtual Machine will be able to push the new byte-code to the server without requiring
a re-deploy of the containing bundle and dependencies. In such case the developer can simply save and build and the Java Virtual Machine will perform the hot-code replace.
When the source code change affects the "signature" of a class (such as a change in the signature of a method, a change in inheritance, the addition/removal of new properties of methods)
the Java Virtual Machine won't be able to perform the hot-code replace and in such case the user can manually invoke the publish action to trigger a re-deploy of the involved bundle.
<section id="pde-migration-actions">
<title>Migration actions</title>
Before the Virgo Tools provided support for PDE, some developers where using an unofficial Eclipse plug-in called
<ulink url="">PDE2Virgo</ulink>.
The Virgo Tools provide a migration action for migrating PDE2Virgo projects into <emphasis>PDE bundle projects</emphasis>.
The migration action is accessible via <emphasis>Virgo</emphasis> context menu and is labeled <emphasis>Migrate PDE2Virgo project</emphasis>.
The action is visible when the selection contains only <emphasis>PDE2Virgo</emphasis> projects and supports multiple selection.
A migration action is also provided for PDE users who want to migrate PDE <emphasis>Plug-in</emphasis> projects to <emphasis>PDE bundle projects</emphasis> to be
able to run their projects on a Virgo test environment integrated in Eclipse.
The migration action is accessible via <emphasis>Virgo</emphasis> context menu and is labeled <emphasis>Migrate Plug-in project</emphasis>.
The action is visible when the selection contains only <emphasis>Plug-in</emphasis> projects and supports multiple selection.
<para><imagedata fileref="images/migrate_plugin.png" format="PNG" /></para>