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<html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Spring DM and Blueprint Concepts</title><meta content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.76.0" name="generator"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Virgo User Guide"><link rel="up" href="ch02.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;2.&nbsp;Concepts"><link rel="prev" href="ch02s02.html" title="OSGi Concepts"><link rel="next" href="ch02s04.html" title="Virgo Concepts"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table summary="Navigation header" width="100%"><tr><td align="left" width="20%"><a accesskey="p" href="ch02s02.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><th align="center" width="60%">&nbsp;</th><td align="right" width="20%">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="ch02s04.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="section" title="Spring DM and Blueprint Concepts"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="concepts.springdm"></a>Spring DM and Blueprint Concepts</h2></div></div></div><p>Spring DM is a project which enables <span class="emphasis"><em>services</em></span> to be published and consumed
using descriptions written in XML.</p><p>The XML descriptions reside in files with extension <code class="literal">.xml</code> in the
bundle&rsquo;s <code class="literal">META-INF/spring</code> sub-directory.</p><p>
To publish a service, an <code class="literal">&lt;osgi:service&gt;</code> tag is used, specifying the
implementation class of the service and the interface class to be used.
Spring DM constructs an instance of the implementation class and
publishes that instance in the OSGi service registry under the interface when the bundle is started.
</p><p>To consume a service, an <code class="literal">&lt;osgi:reference&gt;</code> tag is used and the
service may be passed into other Spring beans using Spring&rsquo;s dependency
injection facilities.</p><p>Spring DM automatically creates proxies for OSGi services so that the actual service
object may come and go at runtime.
If a service disappears, any proxies to the service will wait for the service to re-appear.
This effect is known as <span class="emphasis"><em>damping</em></span>.</p><p>When a bundle is started, Spring DM builds the application contexts
specified by the XML descriptions, creates proxies for the specified services, and publishes
the specified services to the OSGi service registry.</p><p>When a bundle is stopped, Spring DM retracts any services it published on behalf of the bundle
and closes the bundle&rsquo;s application contexts.
Virgo turns off damping of a service proxy while the proxy&rsquo;s application context
is being closed.</p><p>Spring DM was contributed to Eclipse as the <span class="emphasis"><em>Gemini Blueprint</em></span> project.
Virgo has Gemini Blueprint built-in.</p><p>Gemini Blueprint supports both Spring DM and Blueprint programming models.
Blueprint, known formally as the "OSGi Blueprint Container", provides some of the basic facilities of Spring DM,
including all those just mentioned, but in an OSGi standard form.
See <a class="xref" href="apc.html" title="Appendix&nbsp;C.&nbsp; Further Reading">Appendix&nbsp;C.&nbsp;<i>
Further Reading
</i></a> for the Blueprint specification.
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