blob: 2353cfe838961388ec19a25f9955e06436386cac [file] [log] [blame]
#Nano deployer
DE0001I = Installing from '{}'.
DE0002I = Installed bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0003I = Starting bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0004I = Started bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0005I = Stopping bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0006I = Stopped bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0007I = Uninstalling bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0008I = Uninstalled bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0009I = Starting web bundle '{}' version '{}' with context path '{}'.
DE0010I = Started web bundle '{}' version '{}' with context path '{}'.
DE0011E = Failed to install file with path '{}'. See the logs for more information.
DE0012E = Failed to start bundle '{}' version '{}'. See the logs for more information.
DE0013E = Failed to update file with path '{}'. See the logs for more information.
DE0014W = Failed to persist bundle '{}' version '{}' in The bundle is available but will be removed after the next restart. Check the logs for more information.
DE0015I = Updating bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0016I = Updated bundle '{}' version '{}'.
DE0017E = Failed to update bundle '{}' version '{}'. See the logs for more information.
DE0018E = Failed to undeploy bundle '{}' version '{}'. See the logs for more information.
DE0019I = Refreshing bundle hosts of fragment '{}' version '{}'.
DE0020I = Refreshed bundle hosts of fragment '{}' version '{}'.
DE0021E = Failed to refresh bundle hosts of fragment '{}' version '{}'. See the logs for more information.
DE0022E = Can't recognize file type of artifact '{}'. The accepted file types for deployment are {}
DE0023E = The deployed artifact is invalid. Check the logs for more information.
#Hot deployer
HD0001I = Hot deployer processing '{}' event for file '{}'.
HD0002E = Hot deploy failed for file '{}'.
HD0003E = Hot re-deploy failed for file '{}'.
HD0004E = Hot un-deploy failed for file '{}'.
HD0005I = Hot deploy not performed because file '{}' is already deployed.