blob: 4df50c186dbc0b053f797c024076c6a823548637 [file] [log] [blame]
package virgobuild
import static virgobuild.VirgoToolsPlugin.DOWNLOAD_VIRGO_BUILD_TOOLS_TASK_NAME
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ProjectDependency
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
import org.gradle.api.logging.LogLevel
import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPlugin
import eclipsebuild.FeaturePlugin
// Derived from buildship Plugins
class UpdateSitePlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
* Extension class to configure the UpdateSite plugin.
static class Extension {
File siteDescriptor
FileCollection extraResources
// TOOD - remove this hook once all of our features are consolidated are migrated to feature projects
Closure hook
Closure signing
Closure mutateArtifactsXml
// name of the root node in the DSL
static final String DSL_EXTENSION_NAME = 'updateSite'
// buildship task names (in order of execution)
static final String COPY_BUNDLES_TASK_NAME = 'copyBundles'
static final String NORMALIZE_BUNDLES_TASK_NAME = 'normalizeBundles'
static final String SIGN_BUNDLES_TASK_NAME = 'signBundles'
static final String COMPRESS_BUNDLES_TASK_NAME = 'compressBundles'
static final String CREATE_P2_REPOSITORY_TASK_NAME = 'createP2Repository'
// temporary folder names during build
static final String PRE_NORMALIZED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME = 'unconditioned-bundles'
static final String UNSIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME = 'unsigned-bundles'
static final String SIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME = 'signed-bundles'
static final String COMPRESSED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME = 'compressed-bundles'
static final String FEATURES_DIR_NAME = 'features'
static final String PLUGINS_DIR_NAME = 'plugins'
static final String REPOSITORY_DIR_NAME = 'repository'
public void apply(Project project) {
static void configureProject(Project project) {
// apply the Java plugin to have the life-cycle tasks
// create scopes for local and external plugins and features
// add the 'updateSite' extension
project.extensions.create(DSL_EXTENSION_NAME, Extension)
project.updateSite.siteDescriptor = project.file('category.xml')
project.updateSite.extraResources = project.files()
project.updateSite.hook = null
project.updateSite.signing = null
project.updateSite.mutateArtifactsXml = null
// validate the content
static void addTaskCopyBundles(Project project) {
def copyBundlesTask = project.task(COPY_BUNDLES_TASK_NAME) {
dependsOn ''
group = Constants.gradleTaskGroupName
description = 'Collects the bundles that make up the update site.'
outputs.dir new File(project.buildDir, PRE_NORMALIZED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
doLast { copyBundles(project) }
doLast { project.updateSite.hook(project) }
// add inputs for each plugin/feature project once this build script has been evaluated (before that, the dependencies are empty)
project.afterEvaluate {
for (ProjectDependency projectDependency : project.configurations.localPlugin.dependencies.withType(ProjectDependency)) {
// check if the dependent project is a bundle or feature, once its build script has been evaluated
def dependency = projectDependency.dependencyProject
// if (dependency.plugins.hasPlugin(BundlePlugin)) {
copyBundlesTask.inputs.files dependency.tasks.assemble.outputs.files
// } else {
// dependency.afterEvaluate {
// if (dependency.plugins.hasPlugin(BundlePlugin)) {
// copyBundlesTask.inputs.files dependency.tasks.jar.outputs.files
// }
// }
// }
project.afterEvaluate {
for (ProjectDependency projectDependency : project.configurations.localFeature.dependencies.withType(ProjectDependency)) {
// check if the dependent project is a bundle or feature, once its build script has been evaluated
def dependency = projectDependency.dependencyProject
if (dependency.plugins.hasPlugin(FeaturePlugin)) {
copyBundlesTask.inputs.files dependency.tasks.jar.outputs.files
} else {
dependency.afterEvaluate {
if (dependency.plugins.hasPlugin(FeaturePlugin)) {
copyBundlesTask.inputs.files dependency.tasks.jar.outputs.files
static void copyBundles(Project project) {
def rootDir = new File(project.buildDir, PRE_NORMALIZED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
def pluginsDir = new File(rootDir, PLUGINS_DIR_NAME)
def featuresDir = new File(rootDir, FEATURES_DIR_NAME)
// delete old content
if (rootDir.exists()) {"Delete bundles directory '${rootDir.absolutePath}'")
// iterate over all the project dependencies to populate the update site with the plugins and features"Copy features and plugins to bundles directory '${rootDir.absolutePath}'")
for (ProjectDependency projectDependency : project.configurations.localPlugin.dependencies.withType(ProjectDependency)) {
def dependency = projectDependency.dependencyProject
// copy the output jar for each plugin project dependency
// if (dependency.plugins.hasPlugin(BundlePlugin)) {
// project.logger.debug("Copy plugin project '${}' with jar '${dependency.tasks.jar.outputs.files.singleFile.absolutePath}' to '${pluginsDir}'")
project.copy {
from dependency.tasks.jar.outputs.files.singleFile
into pluginsDir
// }
for (ProjectDependency projectDependency : project.configurations.localFeature.dependencies.withType(ProjectDependency)) {
def dependency = projectDependency.dependencyProject
// copy the output jar for each feature project dependency
if (dependency.plugins.hasPlugin(FeaturePlugin)) {
project.logger.debug("Copy feature project '${}' with jar '${dependency.tasks.jar.outputs.files.singleFile.absolutePath}' to '${pluginsDir}'")
project.copy {
from dependency.tasks.jar.outputs.files.singleFile
into featuresDir
// iterate over all external dependencies and add them to the plugins (this includes the transitive dependencies)
project.copy {
from project.configurations.externalPlugin
into pluginsDir
static void addTaskNormalizeBundles(Project project) {
project.task(NORMALIZE_BUNDLES_TASK_NAME, dependsOn: [
]) {
group = Constants.gradleTaskGroupName
description = 'Repacks the bundles that make up the update site using the pack200 tool.'
inputs.dir new File(project.buildDir, PRE_NORMALIZED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
outputs.dir new File(project.buildDir, UNSIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
doLast { normalizeBundles(project) }
static void normalizeBundles(Project project) {
if (['skip.normalize.bundles'] == 'true') {
project.logger.warn("Skipping normalization of bundles!")
project.copy {
from new File(project.buildDir, PRE_NORMALIZED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
into new File(project.buildDir, UNSIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
} else {
project.javaexec {
main = 'org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.jarprocessor.Main'
classpath Config.on(project).jarProcessorJar
args = [
new File(project.buildDir, UNSIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME),
new File(project.buildDir, PRE_NORMALIZED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
static void addTaskSignBundles(Project project) {
group = Constants.gradleTaskGroupName
description = 'Signs the bundles that make up the update site.'
inputs.dir new File(project.buildDir, UNSIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
outputs.dir new File(project.buildDir, SIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
doLast { project.updateSite.signing(new File(project.buildDir, UNSIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME), new File(project.buildDir, SIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)) }
doLast { copyOverAlreadySignedBundles(project) }
onlyIf { project.updateSite.signing != null }
static void copyOverAlreadySignedBundles(Project project) {
project.copy {
from project.configurations.signedExternalPlugin
into new File(project.buildDir, "$SIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME/$PLUGINS_DIR_NAME")
static void addTaskCompressBundles(Project project) {
project.task(COMPRESS_BUNDLES_TASK_NAME, dependsOn: [
]) {
group = Constants.gradleTaskGroupName
description = 'Compresses the bundles that make up the update using the pack200 tool.'
project.afterEvaluate { inputs.dir project.updateSite.signing != null ? new File(project.buildDir, SIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME) : new File(project.buildDir, UNSIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME) }
outputs.dir new File(project.buildDir, COMPRESSED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
doLast { compressBundles(project) }
static void compressBundles(Project project) {
File uncompressedBundles = project.updateSite.signing != null ? new File(project.buildDir, SIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME) : new File(project.buildDir, UNSIGNED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
File compressedBundles = new File(project.buildDir, COMPRESSED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
// copy over all bundles
project.copy {
from uncompressedBundles
into compressedBundles
if (['skip.compress.bundles'] == 'true') {
project.logger.warn("Skipping compression of bundles!")
} else {
// compress and store them in the same folder
project.javaexec {
main = 'org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.jarprocessor.Main'
classpath Config.on(project).jarProcessorJar
args = [
static void addTaskCreateP2Repository(Project project) {
def createP2RepositoryTask = project.task(CREATE_P2_REPOSITORY_TASK_NAME, dependsOn: [
]) {
group = Constants.gradleTaskGroupName
description = 'Generates the P2 repository.'
inputs.file project.updateSite.siteDescriptor
inputs.files project.updateSite.extraResources
inputs.dir new File(project.buildDir, COMPRESSED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
outputs.dir new File(project.buildDir, REPOSITORY_DIR_NAME)
doLast { createP2Repository(project) }
project.tasks.assemble.dependsOn createP2RepositoryTask
static void createP2Repository(Project project) {
def repositoryDir = new File(project.buildDir, REPOSITORY_DIR_NAME)
// delete old content
if (repositoryDir.exists()) {"Delete P2 repository directory '${repositoryDir.absolutePath}'")
// create the P2 update site
publishContentToLocalP2Repository(project, repositoryDir)
// add custom properties to the artifacts.xml file
def mutateArtifactsXml = project.updateSite.mutateArtifactsXml
if (mutateArtifactsXml) {
updateArtifactsXmlFromArchive(project, repositoryDir, mutateArtifactsXml)
static void publishContentToLocalP2Repository(Project project, File repositoryDir) {
def rootDir = new File(project.buildDir, COMPRESSED_BUNDLES_DIR_NAME)
// publish features/plugins to the update site"Publish plugins and features from '${rootDir.absolutePath}' to the update site '${repositoryDir.absolutePath}'")
project.javaexec {
main = 'org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main'
classpath Config.on(project).equinoxLauncherJar
args = [
// publish P2 category defined in the category.xml to the update site"Publish categories defined in '${project.updateSite.siteDescriptor.absolutePath}' to the update site '${repositoryDir.absolutePath}'")
project.javaexec {
main = 'org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main'
classpath Config.on(project).equinoxLauncherJar
args = [
// copy the extra resources to the update site
project.copy {
from project.updateSite.extraResources
into repositoryDir
static void updateArtifactsXmlFromArchive(Project project, File repositoryLocation, Closure mutateArtifactsXml) {
// // get the artifacts.xml file from the artifacts.jar
// def artifactsJarFile = new File(repositoryLocation, "artifacts.jar")
// def artifactsXmlFile = project.zipTree(artifactsJarFile).matching { 'artifacts.xml' }.singleFile
// // parse the xml
// def xml = new XmlParser().parse(artifactsXmlFile)
// // apply artifacts.xml customization (append mirrors url, link to stat servers, etc.)
// mutateArtifactsXml(xml)
// // write the updated artifacts.xml back to its source
// // the artifacts.xml is a temporary file hence it has to be copied back to the archive
// new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(artifactsXmlFile)), " ", "'").print(xml)
// true, filesonly: true, destfile: artifactsJarFile) { fileset(file: artifactsXmlFile) }
static void validateRequiredFilesExist(Project project) {
project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
// make sure the required descriptors exist
assert project.file(project.updateSite.siteDescriptor).exists()