blob: df445f1b8e0b0a8ca9d72e435607a74cb03d71e8 [file] [log] [blame]
== Virgo Server - Form Tags - PAR ==
@author Sam Brannen
@author Colin Yates
@author Christopher Frost
This is a version of the Spring Form Tags showcase application which has been
converted into a PAR with domain and service bundles as well as a Web Module.
- org.eclipse.virgo.samples.formtags.formtags: the build directory for the PAR
- org.eclipse.virgo.samples.formtags.formtags.domain: the domain classes
- org.eclipse.virgo.samples.formtags.formtags.service: the service API and implementation
- org.eclipse.virgo.samples.formtags.formtags.web: the web module
1) $> cd org.eclipse.virgo.samples.formtags.formtags
2) $> ant jar
3) Copy target/artifacts/formtags-par.par to the $SERVER_HOME/pickup directory.
URL: http://localhost:8080/formtags-par