blob: a0f7900f92bedaa5f3229857453a759522513445 [file] [log] [blame]
== Virgo recipe for "Building a RESTful Web Service"
image:["Virgo Homepage"]
== Acknowledgements
This guide is inspired by["Building a RESTful Web Service"] from the[Spring][Guides].
== RESTful Web Service
The original guide uses[Spring Boot] to bootstrap the demo application. This guide shows what needs to be done to get the "RESTful Web Service" up and running on Virgo.
== Shopping list
*[Virgo Server]
*[Sample Applications]
*[Spring Tool Suite™]
NOTE: Only Virgo Server for Apache Tomcat and Virgo Jetty Server are supported by the Virgo Tooling.
== Ingredients
*[Original "Building a RESTful Web Service"]
* Spring configuration
* Web application configuration
* OSGi manifest
== Preparations
Install the Virgo server into some directory - let's say into `VIRGO_HOME`.
Start your Spring Tool Suite™ and add the[Virgo Tooling] to your IDE.
NOTE: For the impatient: This is the[update site] URL:
"Define a new server" within the IDE and choose the directory of the previously installed Virgo server `VIRGO_HOME`.
Clone the code from the Git repository:[Sample Applications].
$ cd ~/MyAwesomeProjectDirectory/
$ git clone git://
$ cd org.eclipse.virgo.samples
Add the necessary dependencies to your Virgo installation in `VIRGO_HOME` with Maven:
$ export VIRGO_HOME=...
$ mvn -f virgo-setup.xml dependency:copy
Now you can `Import (Existing Maven Projects)` the rest guide project into your IDE. The project folder is called `guide-rest-service` and lies directly in the "Sample Applications" folder (`org.eclipse.virgo.samples`).
NOTE: Before you can drag'n'drop the project onto your freshly created Virgo Server you have to `Virgo -> Add OSGi Project Bundle Nature` (via a right click on the project) within your IDE.
== Directions
Virgo has no support for Spring's `@EnableAutoConfiguration`, so you have to be more explicit than in the Spring Boot version of this guide - after all, Virgo is an OSGi runtime and every bundle needs to declare its needs in the `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF`.
Basically, you have to specify necessary dependencies (via `Import-Package` or `Import-Bundle` headers) and the `Web-ContextPath` the REST service application wants to be published on.
You can mix and match the Virgo specific header `Import-Bundle` and OSGi standard header `Import-Package` within the `MANIFEST.MF`. In the sample the fine-tuning of the `MANIFEST.MF` is done within the Maven `pom.xml`.
NOTE: If you intend to run your bundles in different OSGi containers you have to limit yourself to the OSGi standard headers.
Next step is to configure the servlet container via `WEB-INF/web.xml`:
NOTE: The most important parameter is the `contextClass` which is *not* the default from the Spring Framework, but ``.
Finally the Spring web application context.:
Within the `servlet-context.xml` we define a single message converter `jacksonMessageConverter` using Jackson 2:
<message-converters register-defaults="false">
<beans:bean id="jackson2MessageConverter" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter" />
== Let's taste
Start the Virgo server inside the Springsource Tool Suite to appreciate what you build.
With `curl` and the command line simply run the following command within the project's directory:
$ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" 'http://localhost:8080/restservice-guide/greeting?name=test'
You should see an output like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 11:06:50 GMT
{"id":2,"content":"Hello, test!"}%
== Maven Build ==
We use Maven to build the application:
$ mvn package
Instead of running the sample within the Eclipse IDE you can build the application with Maven and drop the artifact `guide-rest-service-0.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar` into the Virgo `pickup` folder. This is all you need to do to run your REST application in a brand-new Virgo installation.