blob: 9f733994f71312e62a0f045922e8a420ddd7b54e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* The Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Bosch Software Innovations GmbH - Please refer to git log
package org.eclipse.vorto.codegen.examples.webdevice.tasks.templates;
import org.eclipse.vorto.functionblock.PrimitiveType;
public class PropertyUtil {
public static String toJavaFieldType(PrimitiveType primitiveType) {
if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.STRING) {
return "String";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.DATETIME) {
return "java.util.Date";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.BASE64_BINARY) {
return "byte[]";
} else {
return primitiveType.getLiteral();
public static String getDefaultValue(PrimitiveType primitiveType) {
if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN) {
return "false";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.STRING) {
return "\"\"";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.SHORT) {
return "0";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.INT) {
return "0";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.LONG) {
return "0";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.FLOAT) {
return "0";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.DOUBLE) {
return "0";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.BYTE) {
return "0";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.BASE64_BINARY) {
return "new byte[]{}";
} else if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.DATETIME) {
return "java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime()";
} else {
return "null";