[288290] NPEs in TLDCMDocumentManager
[289257] [translation] JSPTranslator should handle assignment in JSP expressions
[290966] JSP include directives do not handle non-JSP content types
[285933] SOAPElementSaxHandler to create text nodes results in null return for char size 1
[291075] remove auto build join calls
[291075] remove auto build join calls
[290454] DTD Content Model is missing IDREFS data type name
[289665] [search] Library folders outside the workspace are not being added to the Index
[241794] [validation] Errors when using JSP Expressions inside JavaScript code
[289464] IExecutionDelegate should be using ISafeRunnable
[290966] JSP include directives do not handle non-JSP content types
[288542] StructuredTextEditor validates file buffer changes to documents
[289464] IExecutionDelegate should be using ISafeRunnable
[290322] [reconciling] DirtyRegionProcessor cancels and schedules a Job for every keystroke
[288535] WSDL model cannot resolve import with non-standard WSDL file extension
[288494] Content model validation utility fails to handle large size documents
[287870] [document] changeAttrName not setting old attr mof value to null
[290454] DTD Content Model is missing IDREFS data type name
[288542] StructuredTextEditor validates file buffer changes to documents
8 files changed
tree: fa9baae891060077ac4cebab7526dd3b01ed458e
  1. bundles/