blob: 12fffb78afc5680f9ebb25a6c622635197f16469 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.wsdl.xsd;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.wsdl.Types;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.UnknownExtensibilityElement;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* Plugin validator for the WSDL Validation framework. Validates inline schema found in a WSDL document.
* @author Lawrence Mandel (
public class InlineSchemaValidator
List elements = null;
public Map validate(Object element, List parents, String filename) throws Exception
elements = new Vector();
UnknownExtensibilityElement elem = (UnknownExtensibilityElement) element;
Definition wsdlDefinition = (Definition) parents.get(parents.size() - 1);
// Add in the namespaces defined in the doc already that aren't defined locally in this schema.
// There is no need to check for namespaces other then in the defintions and types elements as
// inline schema can not have any other parents and must have there two parents.
// First take care of the definitions element
// create the inline schema string
Element w3celement = elem.getElement();
Hashtable parentnamespaces = getNamespaceDeclarationsFromParents(wsdlDefinition,w3celement);
String targetNamespace = w3celement.getAttribute(Constants.ATTR_TARGET_NAMESPACE);
// if the targetNamespace hasn't been defined for the schema use the
// targetNamespace of the definitions element
/*if(targetNamespace == null || targetNamespace.equals(""))
targetNamespace = wsdlDefinition.getTargetNamespace();
String xsd = InlineSchemaGenerator.createXSDString(w3celement, elements, filename, parentnamespaces);
// If the namespace given is one of the old schema namespaces produce a warning.
String namespace = w3celement.getNamespaceURI();
if(namespace.equals(Constants.NS_URI_XSD_1999) || namespace.equals(Constants.NS_URI_XSD_2000))
throw new Exception("An old version of the schema namespace is specified.");
// now create and call the validator for the inline schema
XSDValidator schemav = new XSDValidator();
//String fileLocation = new URL(validatormanager.getFilename()).getPath();
InlineXSDResolver inlineEntityResolver =
getEntityResolver(wsdlDefinition, (Types) parents.get(0), filename, targetNamespace);
// add in the external XSD Catalog to resolve schemas offline
XMLEntityResolverChain entityResolverChain = new XMLEntityResolverChain();
entityResolverChain.addEntityResolver(new FileEntityResolver());
schemav.validateInlineSchema(xsd, targetNamespace, filename, entityResolverChain, inlineEntityResolver);
// check if the SOAP Encoding namespace is required but not imported
if (InlineSchemaGenerator.soapEncodingRequiredNotImported(elem.getElement(), filename,parentnamespaces))
throw new Exception("The inline schema uses an element or type from "
+ "the SOAP encoding namespace but the namespace has not been imported. "
+ "The SOAP encoding namespace should be imported with an import "
+ "statement before it is used.");
// If the schema isn't valid
if (!schemav.isValid())
// Gathering all the errors
StringBuffer exception = new StringBuffer();
Iterator i = schemav.getErrors().iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
// throw an exception
throw new Exception(exception.toString());
// if the schema is valid
Map map = new HashMap(1);
map.put(targetNamespace, schemav.getXSModel());
return map;
* Get an entity resolver that will resolve inline schemas. Every inline schema is preregistered with
* the resolver.
* @param wsdlDefinition The WSDL definitions element.
* @param types The types element.
* @param referenceLocation The location of the file that contains this schema.
* @param targetNamespace The targetNamespace of the schema.
* @return An entity resolver that can resolve inline schemas.
protected InlineXSDResolver getEntityResolver(Definition wsdlDefinition, Types types, String referenceLocation, String targetNamespace)
InlineXSDResolver entityResolver = new InlineXSDResolver();
// entityResolver.setReferenceLocation(referenceLocation);
List schemas = types.getExtensibilityElements();
if (schemas != null)
Iterator iSchemas = schemas.iterator();
while (iSchemas.hasNext())
UnknownExtensibilityElement extElem = (UnknownExtensibilityElement);
String thisNamespace = extElem.getElement().getAttribute(Constants.ATTR_TARGET_NAMESPACE);
if (thisNamespace != null && !thisNamespace.equalsIgnoreCase(targetNamespace))
Element element = extElem.getElement();
// create the inline schema string
//Element w3celement = elem.getElement();
Hashtable parentnamespaces = getNamespaceDeclarationsFromParents(wsdlDefinition,element);
String xsd = InlineSchemaGenerator.createXSDString(element, elements, referenceLocation, parentnamespaces);
entityResolver.add(thisNamespace, xsd);
return entityResolver;
* Get the namespace declarations as in the form
* xmlns="somenamespace"
* from the definitions and types elements and add them to the schema element so the schema
* validator will have access to them.
* @param wsdlDefinition The WSDL definitions element.
* @param element The types element.
* @return A hashtable with the namespace elements from the elements provided.
protected Hashtable getNamespaceDeclarationsFromParents(Definition wsdlDefinition, Element element)
Hashtable nss = new Hashtable();
Iterator nameSpaces = wsdlDefinition.getNamespaces().keySet().iterator();
String XMLNS = Constants.ATTR_XMLNS;
String schemaLocation = "";
while (nameSpaces.hasNext())
String nsprefix = XMLNS;
String ns = (String);
if (!ns.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
nsprefix += ":";
if (!element.hasAttribute(nsprefix + ns))
nss.put(nsprefix + ns, wsdlDefinition.getNamespace(ns));
// element.setAttribute(nsprefix + ns, wsdlDefinition.getNamespace(ns));
// Next handle the parent types element
NamedNodeMap atts = element.getParentNode().getAttributes();
int attslength = atts.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < attslength; i++)
Node tempnode = atts.item(i);
String nodename = tempnode.getNodeName();
// if this is a namespace attribute
if (nodename.indexOf(XMLNS) != -1)
nss.put(nodename, tempnode.getNodeValue());
//element.setAttribute(nodename, tempnode.getNodeValue());
return nss;
* Given a line number for the schema returns the element found on that line.
* Useful for obtaining elements from schema Strings.
* @param line The line number for the schema.
* @return The object located at the line or at line 0 if the line is invalid.
public Object getObjectAtLine(int line)
if(line < 0 || line >= elements.size())
line = 0;
return elements.get(line);
* Replace any instance of the 2001 schema namespace in the given message with
* the given namespace.
* @param message The message to replace the namespace in.
* @param namespace The namespace used for replacement.
* @return The message with the 2001 schema namespace replaced by the given namespace.
private String replaceNamespace(String message, String namespace)
String xsd2001 = Constants.NS_URI_XSD_2001;
int start = message.indexOf(xsd2001);
int end = start + xsd2001.length();
if(start < 0)
return message;
String startString = message.substring(0,start);
String endString = message.substring(end,message.length());
return startString + namespace + endString;