blob: 387306178e5e9522148cd328f663c40e87b00efe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* objects of this class represent a recognized return type
public class PrimitiveArrayType extends ArrayType
// Copyright
public static final String copyright = "(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2002.";
public PrimitiveArrayType(String typeName)
super(TypeFactory.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_NAME, typeName);
* This is basically the function that dictates how we want to display this type
* upon receiving it as a return from a proxy method
* @param String the name of the type
* @return String The display string
public String TypeConversion(String name)
String trippleTab = Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + Generator.TAB;
String nonBean = Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + "String temp" + getUniqueName() + " = \"[\";"
+ Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + "for(int i" + getUniqueName() + "=0;i" +getUniqueName() + "< " + name
+ ".length;i" + getUniqueName() + "++){" + StringUtils.NEWLINE
+ trippleTab + "temp"+ getUniqueName() +" = temp"+getUniqueName() + " + " + name + "[i" + getUniqueName()
+ "] + \",\";" + StringUtils.NEWLINE
+ Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + "}" + StringUtils.NEWLINE
+ Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + "int length" + getUniqueName() + " = temp" + getUniqueName() + ".length();"
+ StringUtils.NEWLINE
+ Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + "temp" + getUniqueName() + " = temp"+getUniqueName()+".substring(0,(length"+getUniqueName()+" - 1)) + \"]\";"
+ StringUtils.NEWLINE
+ Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + "%>" + StringUtils.NEWLINE
+ Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + "<%=temp"+ getUniqueName() +"%>" + StringUtils.NEWLINE
+ Generator.DOUBLE_TAB + "<%"+ StringUtils.NEWLINE;
return nonBean;