blob: 1ca1722b726b2088dd3d75d788fa7b8610712507 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.resolver;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
* @author lmandel
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
public class URIResolverTest extends TestCase
private URIResolver uriResolver = null;
* Create a tests suite from this test class.
* @return A test suite containing this test class.
public static Test suite()
return new TestSuite(URIResolverTest.class);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception
uriResolver = new URIResolver();
public void testNormalizeAbsoluteFile()
// System id is absolute and should not be modified.
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "file:/c:/somepath/myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is absolute and should not be modified.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), systemId);
public void testNormalizeRelativeFile()
// System id is relative
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is simple relative and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileStartsWithDotDot()
// System id is relative with ../
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "../myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is relative with ../ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileStartsWithDotDotTwice()
// System id is relative with ../../
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "../../myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is relative with ../../ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileStartsWithDot()
// System id is relative with ./
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "./myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is relative with ./ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileStartsWithDotTwice()
// System id is relative with ././
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "././myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is relative with ././ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileStartsWithSlash()
// System id is relative beginning with /
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "/myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is relative beginning with / and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileDotDotInMiddle()
// System id contains ../ in the middle
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "somepath/../myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is relative and contains ../ in the middle and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileFotInMiddle()
// System id contains ./ in the middle
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "somepath/./myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is relative and contains ./ in the middle and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormlizeRelativeFileDotDotInMiddleOfBase()
// Base location contains ../ in the middle
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/../somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "myfile.txt";
assertEquals("baseLocation contains ../ in the middle and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileDotInMiddleOfBase()
// Base location contains ./ in the middle
String baseLocation = "file:/c:/somepath/./somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "myfile.txt";
assertEquals("baseLocation contains ./ in the middle and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/c:/somepath/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileBaseStartsWithSlashDotDot()
// Base location starts with /../
String baseLocation = "file:/../somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "myfile.txt";
assertEquals("baseLocation starts with ../ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/../somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileBaseStartsWithSlashDot()
// Base location starts with /./
String baseLocation = "file:/./somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "myfile.txt";
assertEquals("baseLocation starts with ./ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileBaseStartsWithDotDot()
// Base location starts with ../
String baseLocation = "file:../somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "myfile.txt";
assertEquals("baseLocation starts with ../ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:../somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileBaseStartsWithDot()
// Base location starts with ./
String baseLocation = "file:./somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "myfile.txt";
assertEquals("baseLocation starts with ./ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:somepath/myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileSomedirDotDot()
// System id contains somedir../ in the middle
String baseLocation = "file:/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "somedir../myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId has somedir../ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/somepath/somedir../myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeRelativeFileSomedirDot()
// System id contains somedir./ in the middle
String baseLocation = "file:/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = "somedir./myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId has somedir./ and is not modified correctly.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/somepath/somedir./myfile.txt");
public void testNormalizeNullSystemId()
// System id is null
String baseLocation = "file:/somepath/file.txt";
String systemId = null;
assertEquals("systemId is null.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), null);
public void testNormalizeNullBaseLocation()
// Base location is null
String baseLocation = null;
String systemId = "somedir./myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is null.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), null);
public void testNormalizeSystemIdAbsoluteNullBaseLocation()
// Base location is null
String baseLocation = "null";
String systemId = "file:/somedir./myfile.txt";
assertEquals("systemId is null.", uriResolver.resolve(baseLocation, null, systemId), "file:/somedir./myfile.txt");