blob: 2c14bda5f0973213b7c124e81aae8b69d05cc070 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.servertarget.IServerTargetConstants;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.servertarget.ServerTargetHelper;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IRuntime;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IServer;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IServerType;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.ServerCore;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.ServerUtil;
public class ServerSelectionUtils
* Returns reasonable defaults for server factory id and instance id based on
* an existing project
* index [0] contains factoryId, index[1] contains instance Id.
* @deprecated
public static String[] getServerInfoFromExistingProject(IProject project, String componentName, String runtimeId, boolean askExtenders)
String[] serverInfo = new String[2]; //serverInfp[0] contains factoryId, serverInfo[1] contains instance Id
// If the project has been added to an existing server, pick that server
//IServer[] configuredServers = ServerUtil.getServersByModule(ResourceUtils.getModule(project), null);
IServer[] configuredServers = ServerUtil.getServersByModule(ServerUtils.getModule(project, componentName), null);
IServer firstSupportedServer = getFirstSupportedServer(configuredServers, runtimeId );
if (firstSupportedServer != null)
serverInfo[0] = firstSupportedServer.getServerType().getId();
serverInfo[1] = firstSupportedServer.getId();
return serverInfo;
//Does the project have a runtime-target?
IRuntime runtimeTarget = getRuntimeTarget(project.getName());
if (runtimeTarget != null)
//Look for an existing server which is compatible with the runtime-target
IServer[] compatibleServers = getCompatibleExistingServers(runtimeTarget);
if (compatibleServers!=null && compatibleServers.length > 0)
IServer firstSupportedCompatServer = getFirstSupportedServer(compatibleServers, runtimeId);
if (firstSupportedCompatServer != null)
serverInfo[0] = firstSupportedCompatServer.getServerType().getId();
serverInfo[1] = firstSupportedCompatServer.getId();
return serverInfo;
//No existing compatible server was found. Choose a compatible server type.
//If the preferred server is compatible with the project's runtime target, use it.
PersistentServerRuntimeContext ctx = WebServiceConsumptionUIPlugin.getInstance().getServerRuntimeContext();
String pFactoryId = ctx.getServerFactoryId();
IServerType serverType = ServerCore.findServerType(pFactoryId);
if (serverType!=null){
String serverRuntimeId = serverType.getRuntimeType().getId();
if (serverRuntimeId.equals(runtimeTarget.getRuntimeType().getId()))
serverInfo[0] = pFactoryId;
return serverInfo;
//The preferred server was not compatible. Pick the first valid compatible server type.
String factoryId = getFirstSupportedServerType(runtimeTarget, runtimeId);
if (factoryId != null) serverInfo[0] = factoryId;
return serverInfo;
if (askExtenders)
ServerInfo recommendedServerInfo = getExtenderRecommendation(project);
if (recommendedServerInfo!=null)
if (recommendedServerInfo.getServerFactoryId()!=null && recommendedServerInfo.getServerFactoryId().length()>0)
serverInfo[0] = recommendedServerInfo.getServerFactoryId();
if (recommendedServerInfo.getServerInstanceId()!=null && recommendedServerInfo.getServerInstanceId().length()>0)
serverInfo[1] = recommendedServerInfo.getServerInstanceId();
return serverInfo;
//Use ServerTargetHelper to get a list of valid runtime-targets and use these to determine a default server type.
String[] projectAttrs = ServerTargetHelper.getProjectTypeAndJ2EELevel(project);
List runtimes = ServerTargetHelper.getServerTargets(projectAttrs[0], projectAttrs[1]);
String[] compatServerInfo = getCompatibleExistingServer(runtimes,runtimeId);
if ( compatServerInfo != null)
return compatServerInfo;
//No existing compatible server, pick a type.
String factoryId = getFirstSupportedServerType(runtimes, runtimeId);
if (factoryId != null) serverInfo[0] = factoryId;
return serverInfo;
* Returns reasonable defaults for server factory id and instance id based on
* an existing project
* index [0] contains factoryId, index[1] contains instance Id.
public static String[] getServerInfoFromExistingProject(IProject project, String runtimeId, boolean askExtenders)
String[] serverInfo = new String[2]; //serverInfp[0] contains factoryId, serverInfo[1] contains instance Id
// If the project has been added to an existing server, pick that server
IServer[] configuredServers = ServerUtil.getServersByModule(ResourceUtils.getModule(project), null);
IServer firstSupportedServer = getFirstSupportedServer(configuredServers, runtimeId );
if (firstSupportedServer != null)
serverInfo[0] = firstSupportedServer.getServerType().getId();
serverInfo[1] = firstSupportedServer.getId();
return serverInfo;
//Does the project have a runtime-target?
IRuntime runtimeTarget = getRuntimeTarget(project.getName());
if (runtimeTarget != null)
//Look for an existing server which is compatible with the runtime-target
IServer[] compatibleServers = getCompatibleExistingServers(runtimeTarget);
if (compatibleServers!=null && compatibleServers.length > 0)
IServer firstSupportedCompatServer = getFirstSupportedServer(compatibleServers, runtimeId);
if (firstSupportedCompatServer != null)
serverInfo[0] = firstSupportedCompatServer.getServerType().getId();
serverInfo[1] = firstSupportedCompatServer.getId();
return serverInfo;
//No existing compatible server was found. Choose a compatible server type.
//If the preferred server is compatible with the project's runtime target, use it.
PersistentServerRuntimeContext ctx = WebServiceConsumptionUIPlugin.getInstance().getServerRuntimeContext();
String pFactoryId = ctx.getServerFactoryId();
IServerType serverType = ServerCore.findServerType(pFactoryId);
if (serverType!=null){
String serverRuntimeId = serverType.getRuntimeType().getId();
if (serverRuntimeId.equals(runtimeTarget.getRuntimeType().getId()))
serverInfo[0] = pFactoryId;
return serverInfo;
//The preferred server was not compatible. Pick the first valid compatible server type.
String factoryId = getFirstSupportedServerType(runtimeTarget, typeId);
if (factoryId != null) serverInfo[0] = factoryId;
return serverInfo;
if (askExtenders)
ServerInfo recommendedServerInfo = getExtenderRecommendation(project);
if (recommendedServerInfo!=null)
if (recommendedServerInfo.getServerFactoryId()!=null && recommendedServerInfo.getServerFactoryId().length()>0)
serverInfo[0] = recommendedServerInfo.getServerFactoryId();
if (recommendedServerInfo.getServerInstanceId()!=null && recommendedServerInfo.getServerInstanceId().length()>0)
serverInfo[1] = recommendedServerInfo.getServerInstanceId();
return serverInfo;
//Use ServerTargetHelper to get a list of valid runtime-targets and use these to determine a default server type.
String[] projectAttrs = ServerTargetHelper.getProjectTypeAndJ2EELevel(project);
List runtimes = ServerTargetHelper.getServerTargets(projectAttrs[0], projectAttrs[1]);
List suppRuntimes = getRuntimeTargetsSupportedByWSRuntime(runtimes, runtimeId);
String[] compatServerInfo = getCompatibleExistingServer(suppRuntimes,typeId);
if ( compatServerInfo != null)
return compatServerInfo;
//No existing compatible server, pick a type.
String factoryId = getFirstSupportedServerType(suppRuntimes, typeId);
if (factoryId != null) serverInfo[0] = factoryId;
return serverInfo;
* Given a list of existing servers, this returns the first one that is supported
* by the given Web service runtime id.
* Returns null of there are no supported servers in the array.
public static IServer getFirstSupportedServer(IServer[] servers, String webServiceRuntimeId)
//WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry wssrtRegistry = WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry.getInstance();
if (servers != null && servers.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++)
String serverFactoryId = servers[i].getServerType().getId();
if (WebServiceRuntimeExtensionUtils.doesRuntimeSupportServer(webServiceRuntimeId, serverFactoryId))
return servers[i];
return null;
* Given a list of existing servers, this returns the first one that is supported
* by the given Web service type id.
* Returns null of there are no supported servers in the array.
* @deprecated
public static IServer getFirstSupportedServer(IServer[] servers, String typeId)
WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry wssrtRegistry = WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry.getInstance();
if (servers != null && servers.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++)
String serverFactoryId = servers[i].getServerType().getId();
if (wssrtRegistry.isServerSupportedForChosenType(typeId, serverFactoryId))
return servers[i];
return null;
* Returns the factory id of a server type compatible with the Web service type and the runtime target.
* Returns null if there are none.
public static String getFirstSupportedServerType(IRuntime runtimeTarget, String webServiceRuntimeId)
String runtimeId = runtimeTarget.getRuntimeType().getId();
//WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry wssrtRegistry = WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry.getInstance();
//String[] serverFactoryIds = wssrtRegistry.getServerFactoryIdsByType(typeId);
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = WebServiceRuntimeExtensionUtils.getWebServiceRuntimeById(webServiceRuntimeId);
String[] serverFactoryIds = wsrt.getServerFactoryIds();
for (int i=0; i<serverFactoryIds.length; i++)
IServerType serverType = ServerCore.findServerType(serverFactoryIds[i]);
if (serverType!=null){
String serverRuntimeId = serverType.getRuntimeType().getId();
if (serverRuntimeId.equals(runtimeId))
return serverFactoryIds[i];
return null;
* Returns the factory id of a server type compatible with the Web service type and the runtime target.
* Returns null if there are none.
* @deprecated
public static String getFirstSupportedServerType(IRuntime runtimeTarget, String typeId)
String runtimeId = runtimeTarget.getRuntimeType().getId();
WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry wssrtRegistry = WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry.getInstance();
String[] serverFactoryIds = wssrtRegistry.getServerFactoryIdsByType(typeId);
for (int i=0; i<serverFactoryIds.length; i++)
IServerType serverType = ServerCore.findServerType(serverFactoryIds[i]);
if (serverType!=null){
String serverRuntimeId = serverType.getRuntimeType().getId();
if (serverRuntimeId.equals(runtimeId))
return serverFactoryIds[i];
return null;
* Return the factory id of the first server type compatible with the runtimeTargets and webServiceRuntimeId.
* Returns null if there are none.
public static String getFirstSupportedServerType(List runtimeTargets, String webServiceRuntimeId)
for (int i=0; i<runtimeTargets.size(); i++ )
IRuntime runtimeTarget = (IRuntime)runtimeTargets.get(i);
String factoryId = getFirstSupportedServerType(runtimeTarget, webServiceRuntimeId);
if (factoryId != null && factoryId.length()>0)
return factoryId;
return null;
* Return the factory id of the first server type compatible with the runtimeTargets and typeId.
* Returns null if there are none.
* @deprecated
public static String getFirstSupportedServerType(List runtimeTargets, String typeId)
for (int i=0; i<runtimeTargets.size(); i++ )
IRuntime runtimeTarget = (IRuntime)runtimeTargets.get(i);
String factoryId = getFirstSupportedServerType(runtimeTarget, typeId);
if (factoryId != null && factoryId.length()>0)
return factoryId;
return null;
public static IRuntime getRuntimeTarget(String projectName)
if( projectName != null && projectName.length() > 0 ){ //$NON-NLS-1$
IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
if( project != null && project.exists() ){
return ServerCore.getProjectProperties(project).getRuntimeTarget();
return null;
public static IServer getFirstExistingServerFromFactoryId(String factoryId)
IServer[] servers = ServerCore.getServers();
if (servers==null || servers.length!=0)
return null;
for (int i=0; i<servers.length; i++)
IServer server = (IServer)servers[i];
if (server.getServerType().getId().equals(factoryId))
return server;
return null;
public static IServer[] getCompatibleExistingServers(IRuntime runtime)
if (runtime == null)
return null;
IServer[] servers = ServerCore.getServers();
if (servers==null || servers.length==0)
return null;
ArrayList compatibleServersList = new ArrayList();
String runtimeId = runtime.getRuntimeType().getId();
for (int i=0; i<servers.length; i++)
IServer server = (IServer)servers[i];
String serverRuntimeId = server.getRuntime().getRuntimeType().getId();
if (serverRuntimeId.equals(runtimeId))
if (compatibleServersList.size()<1)
return null;
Object[] compatibleServersArray = compatibleServersList.toArray();
IServer[] compatibleServers = new IServer[compatibleServersArray.length];
for (int j=0; j<compatibleServersArray.length; j++)
compatibleServers[j] = (IServer)compatibleServersArray[j];
return compatibleServers;
* Returns the factory Id and instance id of the first exiting server compatible
* with the runtime targets and typeId
* Returns null if there are none.
* The item at [0] is the factory id.
* The item at [1] is the instance id.
* @deprecated
public static String[] getCompatibleExistingServer(List runtimeTargets, String webServiceRuntimeId)
String[] serverInfo = new String[2];
for (int i=0; i<runtimeTargets.size(); i++ )
IRuntime runtimeTarget = (IRuntime)runtimeTargets.get(i);
IServer[] existingCompatServers = getCompatibleExistingServers(runtimeTarget);
IServer compatServer = getFirstSupportedServer(existingCompatServers, webServiceRuntimeId);
if (compatServer != null)
serverInfo[0] = compatServer.getServerType().getId();
serverInfo[1] = compatServer.getId();
return serverInfo;
return null;
* Returns the factory Id and instance id of the first exiting server compatible
* with the runtime targets and typeId
* Returns null if there are none.
* The item at [0] is the factory id.
* The item at [1] is the instance id.
* @deprecated
public static String[] getCompatibleExistingServer(List runtimeTargets, String typeId)
String[] serverInfo = new String[2];
for (int i=0; i<runtimeTargets.size(); i++ )
IRuntime runtimeTarget = (IRuntime)runtimeTargets.get(i);
IServer[] existingCompatServers = getCompatibleExistingServers(runtimeTarget);
IServer compatServer = getFirstSupportedServer(existingCompatServers, typeId);
if (compatServer != null)
serverInfo[0] = compatServer.getServerType().getId();
serverInfo[1] = compatServer.getId();
return serverInfo;
return null;
public static ServerInfo getExtenderRecommendation(IProject project)
IExtensionRegistry reg = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
IConfigurationElement[] elements = reg.getConfigurationElementsFor("", "serverDefaulter");
for (int i=0; i<elements.length; i++)
Object serverDefaulterObject = elements[i].createExecutableExtension("class");
if (serverDefaulterObject instanceof IServerDefaulter)
IServerDefaulter serverDefaulter = (IServerDefaulter)serverDefaulterObject;
ServerInfo serverInfo = serverDefaulter.recommendDefaultServer(project);
if (serverInfo != null)
return serverInfo;
} catch (CoreException ce)
return null;
return null;
* @param runtimeTargets
* @param webServiceRuntimeId
* @return
* @deprecated
private static List getRuntimeTargetsSupportedByWSRuntime(List runtimeTargets, String webServiceRuntimeId)
ArrayList suppRuntimeTargets = new ArrayList();
WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry wssrtReg = WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry.getInstance();
for (int i=0; i<runtimeTargets.size(); i++)
IRuntime runtimeTarget = (IRuntime)runtimeTargets.get(i);
String rtId = runtimeTarget.getRuntimeType().getId();
if (wssrtReg.doesRuntimeSupportServerTarget(rtId, webServiceRuntimeId));
return suppRuntimeTargets;
* Use this method to get a server factory id and instance id that is compatible with the given Web
* service runtime.
* @param webServiceRuntimeId
* @param j2eeVersion String representation of the int values in J2EEVersionConstants i.e. "12", "13", "14"
* @return String[] index [0] contains factoryId, index[1] contains instance Id.
public static String[] getServerFromWebServceRuntimeAndJ2EE(String webServiceRuntimeId, String j2eeVersion)
String[] serverInfo = new String[2];
//WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry wssrtReg = WebServiceServerRuntimeTypeRegistry.getInstance();
//Get all possible valid servers. If there are none, we can't default intelligently, return null.
//String[] validServerFactoryIds = wssrtReg.getServerFactoryIDByRuntimeID(webServiceRuntimeId);
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = WebServiceRuntimeExtensionUtils.getWebServiceRuntimeById(webServiceRuntimeId);
String[] validServerFactoryIds = wsrt.getServerFactoryIds();
if (validServerFactoryIds==null || validServerFactoryIds.length<1)
return null;
//Get all existing servers
IServer[] servers = ServerCore.getServers(); //Get all existing servers
//Get the preferred server.
PersistentServerRuntimeContext context = WebServiceConsumptionUIPlugin.getInstance().getServerRuntimeContext();
String prefServerFactoryId = context.getServerFactoryId();
boolean preferredIsValid = containsString(validServerFactoryIds, prefServerFactoryId)
&& isServerValid(prefServerFactoryId, j2eeVersion);
if (preferredIsValid)
for (int i=0; i<servers.length; i++)
IServer server = (IServer)servers[i];
String thisFactoryId = server.getServerType().getId();
if (thisFactoryId.equals(prefServerFactoryId))
serverInfo[0] = prefServerFactoryId;
serverInfo[1] = server.getId();
return serverInfo;
//Either the preferred server was not valid or it was valid but does not exist.
//Check the existing servers for validity
for (int i=0; i<servers.length; i++)
IServer server = (IServer)servers[i];
String thisFactoryId = server.getServerType().getId();
boolean thisServerValid = containsString(validServerFactoryIds, thisFactoryId)
&& isServerValid(thisFactoryId, j2eeVersion);
if (thisServerValid)
serverInfo[0] = thisFactoryId;
serverInfo[1] = server.getId();
return serverInfo;
//None of the existing servers is valid. Pick the preferred one if valid. Otherwise, pick the
//first valid server type.
if (preferredIsValid)
serverInfo[0] = prefServerFactoryId;
return serverInfo;
for (int i=0; i<validServerFactoryIds.length; i++ )
boolean isValid = isServerValid(validServerFactoryIds[i], j2eeVersion);
if (isValid)
serverInfo[0] = validServerFactoryIds[i];
return serverInfo;
//We can't determine a valid server selection. Return null.
return null;
private static boolean isServerValid(String serverFactoryId, String j2eeVersion)
if (serverFactoryId==null || serverFactoryId.length()==0 || j2eeVersion==null || j2eeVersion.length()==0)
return true;
String runtimeTargetId = ServerUtils.getRuntimeTargetIdFromFactoryId(serverFactoryId);
if (runtimeTargetId == null || runtimeTargetId.length()==0)
return false;
String webModuleType = IServerTargetConstants.WEB_TYPE;
boolean isValid = ServerUtils.isTargetValidForProjectType(runtimeTargetId, j2eeVersion, webModuleType);
return isValid;
* Returns true is a contains b, false otherwise.
private static boolean containsString(String[] a, String b)
if (a==null || a.length<0 || b == null || b.length()==0 )
return false;
for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
String s = a[i];
if (s.equals(b))
return true;
return false;