blob: 3c13d8d06fb51d0805714ec255de7027f21fc04e [file] [log] [blame]
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<toc link_to="../" label="wswsdleditort" topic="tasks/timpwsdl.html">
<topic label="Importing a WSDL file" href="tasks/timpwsdl.html"/>
<topic label="Creating a new WSDL file" href="tasks/tcrtwsdl.html"/>
<topic label="Editing WSDL files with the WSDL Editor" href="concepts/cwsdled.html">
<topic label="Editing WSDL files" href="tasks/tedtwsdl.html">
<topic label="Adding a service" href="tasks/taddsrvc.html"/>
<topic label="Adding a port to a service" href="tasks/taddport.html"/>
<topic label="Setting a port type" href="tasks/tsetprtt.html"/>
<topic label="Setting a binding" href="tasks/tsetbind.html"/>
<topic label="Adding an operation" href="tasks/taddoper.html"/>
<topic label="Adding a message" href="tasks/taddmess.html"/>
<topic label="Adding a part to a message" href="tasks/taddpart.html"/>
<topic label="Creating an import statement" href="tasks/tcrtimpt.html"/>
<topic label="Creating a new type for your WSDL file" href="tasks/tcrttype.html"/>
<topic label="Exploring WSDL using the Web Services Explorer" href="../"/>