blob: 455085833e16cab84cc44a254929d08dfe77b1f1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?NLS TYPE=""?>
<!-- /*******************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
*******************************************************************************/ -->
<!-- new v6 preference page-->
<context id="SRPF0001">
<!--server preference on the server runtime preference page-->
<description>Select the default Web server to be used for Web service creation.</description>
<context id="SRPF0002">
<!--runtime preference on the server runtime preference page-->
<description>Select the default server run-time environment to be used for Web service creation.</description>
<context id="SRPF0003">
<!--J2EE version preference on the server runtime preference page-->
<description>Select the default J2EE version to be used for Web service creation.</description>
<!-- new v6 handler wizard-->
<context id="AHDL0001">
<!--Handler config page-->
<description>Use this wizard to add and remove handlers for a Web service. The order in which they are listed represents the order in which the handlers will be acted upon.</description>
<context id="WSIL0001">
<!-- WSIL Import Page-->
<description>Enter the required information to generate a standardized WSDL reference (WSIL) document in your project.</description>
<context id="WSIL0002">
<!-- WSIL Text field-->
<description>Enter the name of the WSIL document being generated, or accept the default.</description>
<context id="WSIL0003">
<!-- WSIL browse button-->
<description>Browse to the location of a WSDL or WSIL file from which the new WSIL document will be generated.</description>
<context id="WSIL0004">
<!-- WSIL table-->
<description>This lists all the WSDL URIs that will be included in the WSIL document.</description>
<context id="PBCL0001">
<!--PBCL0001 for the Bean Selection Page-->
<description>Use this page to select the Java bean or class used to create the Web service.</description>
<context id="PBCL0002">
<!--PBCL0002 for the Bean Selection field of the Bean Selection Page-->
<description>Enter the name of the Java bean to be used to create the Web service. Defaults the selected Java bean. Click <b>Browse classes </b>to view the bean class of the selected Java bean. The bean class is a model or template (an abstract data type) that can be instantiated to create objects with a common definition and therefore, common properties, operations, and behavior. Click <b>Browse files </b>to select a Java bean from the project.</description>
<context id="PBCL0003">
<!--PBCL0003 for the Bean Class Browse button of the Bean Selection Page-->
<description>Click to view the bean class of the selected Java bean.</description>
<context id="PBCL0004">
<!--PBCL0004 for the Bean Resource Browse button of the Bean Selection Page-->
<description>Browse to the correct Java bean to be used to create the Web service.</description>
<context id="PWPR0001">
<!-- Project Page -->
<description>Select the type of Web service you want to generate and any file and folder options for your Web service.</description>
<context id="PWPR0003">
<!--Overwrite files without warning (checkbox)-->
<description>Allows you to overwrite files without receiving a warning message asking for confirmation when overwriting files.</description>
<context id="PWPR0004">
<!--Create folders when necessary (checkbox)-->
<description>Select to create folders and folder structures without receiving a warning message asking for confirmation.</description>
<context id="PWPR0005">
<!-- Generate Proxy check box of the Project Page -->
<description>The generated Java bean proxy provides a remote procedure call interface to the Web service.</description>
<context id="PWPR0006">
<!-- Test Proxy check box of the Project Page -->
<description>Select this check box to test the generated proxy.</description>
<context id="PWPR0009">
<!-- Start Web Project check box check box of the Project Page -->
<description>Click to start the server. If you leave the box unchecked you will have to manually start the server.</description>
<context id="PWPR0010">
<!-- Web Service Type combo box of the Project Page -->
<description>Select the type of Web service you want to build. Your selection will affect the files available for selection.</description>
<context id="PWPR0011">
<!-- Wizard Scenario Service group of the Project Page -->
<description>Select the type of Web service you want to build. Your selection will affect the files available for selection.</description>
<context id="PWPR0011">
<!-- Test service checkbox of the project page -->
<description>Select this check box to launch the Web service in the Web Services Explorer in order to examine it.</description>
<context id="PWPR0012">
<!-- Launch UDDI check box of the Project Page -->
<description>Select this checkbox to launch the Web Services Explorer in order to publish the Web service to a UDDI registry.</description>
<context id="PWPR0013">
<!-- Wizard Scenario Client group of the Project Page -->
<description>The generated Java bean proxy provides a remote procedure call interface to the Web service.</description>
<context id="PWPR0014">
<!-- Web Service Client Type combo box of the Project Page -->
<description>Select the client proxy type. The generated Java bean proxy provides a remote procedure call interface to the Web service.</description>
<context id="PWPR0015">
<!-- Check Out Files check box of the Project Page -->
<description>Select to check out files without receiving a warning message asking for confirmation.</description>
<context id="PEBD0001">
<!-- EAR Projects drop-down box -->
<description>Select from the listed EAR projects.</description>
<context id="PEBD0002">
<!-- Table containing all of the bean names -->
<description>Select from the listed Java beans.</description>
<context id="PBCL0001">
<!--PBCL0001 for the Bean Selection Page-->
<description>Use this page to select the Java bean or class used to create the Web service.</description>
<context id="PBCL0002">
<!--PBCL0002 for the Bean Selection field of the Bean Selection Page-->
<description>Enter the name of the Java bean to be used to create the Web service. Defaults the selected Java bean. Click <b>Browse classes </b>to view the bean class of the selected Java bean. The bean class is a model or template (an abstract data type) that can be instantiated to create objects with a common definition and therefore, common properties, operations, and behavior. Click <b>Browse files </b>to select a Java bean from the project.</description>
<context id="PBCL0003">
<!--PBCL0003 for the Bean Class Browse button of the Bean Selection Page-->
<description>Click to view the bean class of the selected Java bean.</description>
<context id="PBCL0004">
<!--PBCL0004 for the Bean Resource Browse button of the Bean Selection Page-->
<description>Browse to the correct Java bean to be used to create the Web service.</description>
<context id="PCON0001">
<!-- WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Use this page to select the WSDL, WSIL, or HTML document that will be used to create the Web service.</description>
<context id="PCON0002">
<!-- WSDL Document text field of the WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Enter the path to a WSDL, WSIL, or HTML document.</description>
<context id="PCON0003">
<!-- WSDL Resource Browse button of the WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Browse to the location of a WSDL, WSIL, or HTML document.</description>
<context id="PCON0004">
<!-- Generate WSIL button of the WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Select this check box to generate a standardized WSDL reference (WSIL) document in your project.</description>
<context id="PCON0005">
<!-- WSIL Document text field of the WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Enter the path to an existing WSIL document, or select the location where the WSIL document will be created.</description>
<context id="PCON0006">
<!-- WSIL Resource Browse button of the WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Browse to the location of an existing WSIL document</description>
<context id="PWPB0001">
<!-- UDDI Publish Page -->
<description>Select to launch the Web Services Explorer to allow you to publish the Web service.</description>
<context id="PWPB0002">
<!-- UDDI Launch check box of the UDDI Publish Page-->
<description>If selected will launch the Web Services Explorer to allow you to publish the Web service.</description>
<context id="PWRS0001">
<!-- Run-time/servers in the Web Service type-->
<description>Select the scenario configuration for run-time environments, servers, and projects.</description>
<context id="PWRS0004">
<!-- service-side run-time environment selection of the run-time environment selection Page-->
<description>This is the server-side run-time environment which the Web service will use. To change this click Edit.</description>
<context id="PWRS0005">
<!-- service-side server selection of the run-time environment selection Page-->
<description>This is the server-side server on which the Web service will run. To change this click Edit.</description>
<context id="PWRS0006">
<!-- service-side Web project combo box of the run-time environment selection Page-->
<description>Select the Web project or EJB project in which the Web service will be created. The wizard will create the Web project for you if it does not already exist. If you are using an EJB project, it must already exist.</description>
<context id="PWRS0007">
<!--service-side EJB project combo box of the run-time environment selection Page-->
<description>Select the EJB project in which the Web service will be created.</description>
<context id="PWRS0008">
<!-- client-side run-time environment selection of the run-time environment selection Page-->
<description>This is the client-side run-time environment which the Web service will use. To change this click Edit.</description>
<context id="PWRS0009">
<!-- client-side server selection of the run-time environment selection Page-->
<description>This is the client-side server on which the Web service will run. To change this click Edit.</description>
<context id="PWRS0010">
<!-- service-side Web project combo box of the run-time environment selection Page-->
<description>Select the project in which the Web service client will be created. The wizard will generate this project if it does not already exist.</description>
<context id="PWRS0011">
<!-- client type combo box of the server run-time environment selection Page -->
<description>Select from the listed project types the type of project that you want created to contain your Web service client.</description>
<context id="PWRS0012">
<!-- EAR combo box of the server run-time environment selection Page -->
<description>Select from the listed EAR projects. It is recommended that you select different EARs for the client and the service to avoid runtime errors. The wizard will create the EAR for you if it does not already exist.</description>
<context id="PWSM0001">
<!-- Sample Page -->
<description>The sample Web application demonstrates how to code the proxy file.</description>
<context id="PWSM0002">
<!-- Test check box of the Sample Page -->
<description>If selected will launch the sample Web application in the Web browser.</description>
<context id="PWSM0003">
<!-- Test Type Combo box of the Sample Page -->
<description>The sample Web application demonstrates how to code the proxy file.</description>
<context id="PWSM0005">
<!-- Methods tree of the Sample Page -->
<description>The methods that can be invoked on the service object and encoding styles for the method inputs and outputs. Only selected methods will be available for invocation and documented in the WSDL. Select encoding styles for input parameters and output return. The methods list will display supported methods for a selected service object.</description>
<context id="PWSM0006">
<!-- Select All button of the Sample Page -->
<description>Click this button to add all the available methods to the Web service sample proxy.</description>
<context id="PWSM0007">
<!-- Deselect All button of the Sample Page -->
<description>Click this button to remove all the available methods to the Web service sample proxy.</description>
<context id="PWSM0008">
<!-- JSP Folder field of the Sample Page -->
<description>Folder into which your Web service JSPs are deposited.</description>
<context id="PWSM0009">
<!-- JSP Folder Browse button of the Sample Page -->
<description>Click to find the folder into which your Web service JSPs are deposited.</description>
<context id="PWSM0010">
<!-- Project combo box of the Sample Page -->
<description>Select an existing project into which your sample will be generated.</description>
<context id="PWSM0014">
<!-- Folder field of the Sample Page -->
<description>Folder into which the fully qualified proxy is generated. Defaults to the source folder inside of your Web project.Folder into which the fully qualified proxy is generated. Defaults to the source folder inside of your Web project.</description>
<context id="PWSM0015">
<!-- Run test check box of the Sample Page -->
<description>Select this check box to run the sample application on the server.</description>
<context id="PWSM0016">
<!-- EAR combo box of the Sample Page -->
<description>Select the EAR in which you want your Web service sample application created.</description>
<context id="PWWS0001">
<!-- WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Use this page to select the WSDL, WSIL, or HTML document that will be used to create the Web service.</description>
<context id="PWWS0002">
<!-- WSDL Document text field of the WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Enter the path to a WSDL, WSIL, or HTML document.</description>
<context id="PWWS0003">
<!-- WSDL Resource Browse button of the WSDL Selection Page-->
<description>Browse to the location of a WSDL, WSIL, or HTML document.</description>
<context id="DBAS0001">
<!-- HTTP basic authentication user name -->
<description>Enter the user name used for HTTP basic authentication.</description>
<context id="DBAS0002">
<!-- HTTP basic authentication password -->
<description>Enter the password used for HTTP basic authentication.</description>