blob: 7f9097db7a79d4272226b060dda2a958ac2209ff [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002-->
<!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
<task id="tunpub" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Removing a business entity, Web service, or service interface from
a registry</title>
<searchtitle>Removing a business entity, Web service, or service interface
from a registry</searchtitle>
<shortdesc>After you have published a business entity, Web service, or service
interface, you can remove or unpublish it through the Web Services Explorer.</shortdesc>
<li> <xref href="tpubent.dita">Publish a business entity</xref>.</li>
<li> <xref href="tpublish.dita">Publish a Web service</xref>.</li>
<li> <xref href="tpublish.dita">Publish a service interface</xref>.</li>
<li> <xref href="tstrtexp.dita">Launch the<?Pub Caret?> Web Services Explorer</xref>.</li>
<context>To unpublish a business entity, Web service, or service interface
using the Web Services Explorer:</context>
<step><cmd>Navigate through the registry hierarchy to find the business entity,
Web service, or service interface you want to unpublish. Select the business
entity, Web service, or service interface.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the Actions icon bar, click the <uicontrol>Unpublish</uicontrol> icon.</cmd>
<step><cmd>Enter the publish URL, your user ID, and password, if necessary,
then click <uicontrol>Go</uicontrol>.</cmd></step>
<result><p>The business entity, Web service, or service interface is removed
from the registry and the Web Services Explorer is automatically updated with
your change.</p></result>
<linklist><title>Related Concepts</title>
<link href="../../" scope="peer">
<linktext> Tools for Web services development</linktext></link>
<link href="../../" scope="peer">
<linktext>Web services development</linktext></link>
<link href="../concepts/cuddi.dita"></link>
<linklist><title>Related Tasks</title>
<link href="tuddiexp.dita"></link>
<link href="tstrtexp.dita"></link>
<link href="tpubent.dita"></link>
<link href="tpublish.dita"></link>
<link href="tunpub.dita"></link>
<link href="tupdate.dita"></link>
<linklist><title>Related Reference</title>
<link href="../ref/ruddi.dita"></link>
<?Pub *0000002492?>