blob: 9e4b86f81824ed21e4df9b0cc1590b8b1be76f7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.resolver;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.XNIException;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLEntityResolver;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLInputSource;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.util.LazyURLInputStream;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.xml.XMLCatalog;
* This is the main URI resolver that calls out to all of the registered
* external URI resolvers to locate an entity. If none of the external resolvers
* can locate the entity the resolver will ask the internal WSDL validator XML
* catalog to resolve the location.
public class URIResolver implements IExtensibleURIResolver, XMLEntityResolver
private List extURIResolversList = new ArrayList();
* Constructor.
public URIResolver()
* Add an extension URI resolver.
* @param uriResolver
* The extension URI resolver.
public void addURIResolver(IExtensibleURIResolver uriResolver)
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.resolver.IExtensibleURIResolver#resolve(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.resolver.IURIResolutionResult)
public void resolve(String baseLocation, String publicId, String systemId, IURIResolutionResult result)
Iterator resolverIter = extURIResolversList.iterator();
IExtensibleURIResolver resolver = (IExtensibleURIResolver);
if (resolver == null)
resolver.resolve(baseLocation, publicId, systemId, result);
if (result.getLogicalLocation() != null && !result.getPhysicalLocation().equals(systemId))
// If we haven't been able to locate the result yet ask the internal XML
// catalog.
if (result.getLogicalLocation() == null && (publicId != null || systemId != null))
String tempresult = XMLCatalog.getInstance().resolveEntityLocation(publicId, systemId);
if(tempresult != null)
if(result.getLogicalLocation() == null)
result.setLogicalLocation(normalize(baseLocation, systemId));
public IURIResolutionResult resolve(String baseLocation, String publicId, String systemId)
IURIResolutionResult result= new URIResolutionResult();
resolve(baseLocation, publicId, systemId, result);
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLEntityResolver#resolveEntity(org.apache.xerces.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier)
public XMLInputSource resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier) throws XNIException, IOException
String publicId = resourceIdentifier.getPublicId();
String systemId = resourceIdentifier.getLiteralSystemId();
if (publicId == null || publicId.equals(""))
publicId = resourceIdentifier.getNamespace();
IURIResolutionResult result = resolve(resourceIdentifier.getBaseSystemId(), publicId, systemId);
XMLInputSource xmlInputSource = null;
if (result != null)
LazyURLInputStream is = new LazyURLInputStream(result.getPhysicalLocation());
xmlInputSource = new XMLInputSource(publicId, result.getLogicalLocation(), result.getLogicalLocation(), is, null);
return xmlInputSource;
* Normalize the systemId. Make it absolute with respect to the
* baseLocation if necessary.
* @param baseLocation The base location of the file.
* @param systemId The system id of the file.
* @return A normalized version of the system id.
protected String normalize(String baseLocation, String systemId)
if(systemId == null)
return systemId;
// Try to find a scheme in the systemId.
int schemaLoc = systemId.indexOf(':');
if(schemaLoc != -1 && systemId.charAt(schemaLoc+1) == '/')
// A scheme has been found. The systemId is an
// absolute location so return it.
return systemId;
if(baseLocation == null)
return baseLocation;
String result = "";
// Ensure all slashes in the locations are /.
baseLocation = baseLocation.replace('\\','/');
systemId = systemId.replace('\\','/');
// Remove the trailing section of the baseLocation.
int lastSlash = baseLocation.lastIndexOf('/');
String tempresult = baseLocation.substring(0, lastSlash+1);
systemId = systemId.substring(1);
// Join the base location with the systemid
tempresult = tempresult + systemId;
// While the relative location starts with a ../ or ./ change
// the result and the relative location.
int loc;
while((loc = tempresult.lastIndexOf("./")) != -1)
result = tempresult.substring(loc + 2) + result;
if(tempresult.charAt(loc - 1) == '.')
if(tempresult.charAt(loc - 2) == '/')
String temp = tempresult.substring(0, loc - 2);
int loc2 = temp.lastIndexOf('/');
if(loc2 == -1)
// If there is no other / before this the URL must start with scheme:/../
result = "../" + result;
tempresult = tempresult.substring(0, loc - 1);
// Remove the section that comes before this one from tempresult unless it's ../.
tempresult = tempresult.substring(0, loc - 1);
int numSectsToRemove = 1;
int tempreslen = tempresult.length();
if(tempreslen > 2 && tempresult.charAt(tempreslen -3) == '.')
if(tempreslen > 3 && tempresult.charAt(tempreslen - 4) == '/')
tempresult = tempresult.substring(0, tempresult.length() -3);
if(tempresult.charAt(tempresult.length() -2) == '/')
tempresult = tempresult.substring(0, tempresult.length() -2);
// Remove the sections.
for(int i = 0; i < numSectsToRemove; i++)
String temp2 = tempresult.substring(0,tempresult.length()-1);
int loc3 = temp2.lastIndexOf('/');
if(loc3 == -1)
tempresult = tempresult.substring(0, loc3+1);
// The URI is of the form file://somedir../ so copy it as is
String temp = tempresult.substring(0, loc - 1);
int loc2 = temp.lastIndexOf('/');
if(loc2 == -1)
// The URI must look like file:../ or ../ so copy over the whole tempresult.
result = tempresult.substring(0,loc+2) + result;
tempresult = "";
// Copy over the whole somedir../
result = tempresult.substring(loc2 + 1, tempresult.length());
tempresult = tempresult.substring(0, loc2+1);
if(tempresult.charAt(loc -1 ) == '/')
// Result is of the form file://something/./something so remove the ./
tempresult = tempresult.substring(0,loc);
// Result URI is of form file://somedir./ so copy over the whole section.
String temp = tempresult.substring(0, loc - 1);
int loc2 = temp.lastIndexOf('/');
if(loc2 == -1)
// The URI must look like file:./ or ./ so copy over the whole tempresult.
result = tempresult.substring(0, loc) + result;
tempresult = "";
// Copy over the whole somedir./
result = tempresult.substring(loc2 + 1, tempresult.length());
tempresult = tempresult.substring(0, loc2+1);
result = tempresult + result;
return result;