blob: e204e9d062e66ba0d74c882fa58358a1863ecbd5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.internal.impl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPAddress;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPBinding;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPBody;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPFactory;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPFault;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPHeader;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPHeaderBase;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPHeaderFault;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPOperation;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPPackage;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* An implementation of the model <b>Factory</b>.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public class SOAPFactoryImpl extends EFactoryImpl implements SOAPFactory {
* Creates and instance of the factory.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPFactoryImpl()
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public EObject create(EClass eClass)
switch (eClass.getClassifierID())
case SOAPPackage.SOAP_BINDING: return createSOAPBinding();
case SOAPPackage.SOAP_BODY: return createSOAPBody();
case SOAPPackage.SOAP_HEADER_BASE: return createSOAPHeaderBase();
case SOAPPackage.SOAP_FAULT: return createSOAPFault();
case SOAPPackage.SOAP_OPERATION: return createSOAPOperation();
case SOAPPackage.SOAP_ADDRESS: return createSOAPAddress();
case SOAPPackage.SOAP_HEADER_FAULT: return createSOAPHeaderFault();
case SOAPPackage.SOAP_HEADER: return createSOAPHeader();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class '" + eClass.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier");
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public Object createFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue)
switch (eDataType.getClassifierID())
case SOAPPackage.ISTRING:
return createIStringFromString(eDataType, initialValue);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The datatype '" + eDataType.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier");
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public String convertToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue)
switch (eDataType.getClassifierID())
case SOAPPackage.ISTRING:
return convertIStringToString(eDataType, instanceValue);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The datatype '" + eDataType.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier");
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPBinding createSOAPBinding()
SOAPBindingImpl soapBinding = new SOAPBindingImpl();
return soapBinding;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPBody createSOAPBody()
SOAPBodyImpl soapBody = new SOAPBodyImpl();
return soapBody;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPHeaderBase createSOAPHeaderBase()
SOAPHeaderBaseImpl soapHeaderBase = new SOAPHeaderBaseImpl();
return soapHeaderBase;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPFault createSOAPFault()
SOAPFaultImpl soapFault = new SOAPFaultImpl();
return soapFault;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPOperation createSOAPOperation()
SOAPOperationImpl soapOperation = new SOAPOperationImpl();
return soapOperation;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPAddress createSOAPAddress()
SOAPAddressImpl soapAddress = new SOAPAddressImpl();
return soapAddress;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPHeaderFault createSOAPHeaderFault()
SOAPHeaderFaultImpl soapHeaderFault = new SOAPHeaderFaultImpl();
return soapHeaderFault;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPHeader createSOAPHeader()
SOAPHeaderImpl soapHeader = new SOAPHeaderImpl();
return soapHeader;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public String createIStringFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue)
return (String)super.createFromString(eDataType, initialValue);
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public String convertIStringToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue)
return super.convertToString(eDataType, instanceValue);
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public SOAPPackage getSOAPPackage()
return (SOAPPackage)getEPackage();
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @deprecated
* @generated
public static SOAPPackage getPackage()
return SOAPPackage.eINSTANCE;
} //SOAPFactoryImpl