blob: a0755248ffb947beb6c3af053e778fc2a6f25acb [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
<concept id="cwsiover" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Web services interoperability (WS-I)</title>
<shortdesc>WS-I is an organization designed to promote Web service interoperability
across platforms, operating systems, and programming languages.</shortdesc>
<keywords><indexterm>Web services interoperability<indexterm>traffic compliance</indexterm></indexterm>
<indexterm>interoperability<indexterm>Web service traffic compliance</indexterm></indexterm>
<p>For more information on WS-I, refer to their Web site: <xref format="html"
href="" scope="external"></xref>.
This site contains resources such as an overview of Web services interoperability,
usage scenarios, and specifications.</p>
<p>WS-I Basic Profile is a outline of requirements to which WSDL and Web service
protocol (SOAP/HTTP) traffic must comply in order to claim WS-I conformance.
The Web services WS-I validation tools currently support WS-I Simple SOAP
Binding Profile 1.0 (WS-I SSBP) which builds on the WS-I Basic Profile, and
the WS-I Attachments Profile 1.0 (WS-I AP). To view the specifications, refer
to the WS-I Web site, and under <uicontrol>Deliverables</uicontrol> select
<uicontrol>Basic Profile</uicontrol>.</p>
<p>Depending on the type of Web service being created, you may or may not
want your Web service to comply with the WS-I profiles. The default level
of compliance is to generate a warning if a non WS-I SSBP complaint Web service
option is selected and to ignore any non WS-I AP compliant selections. You
can set the level of WS-I compliance at the workspace or project level. The
Web services wizards, the <tm tmclass="ibm" tmowner="IBM Corporation" tmtype="reg"
trademark="WebSphere">WebSphere</tm> run-time environments, the WSDL editor,
and other Web services tools provided support and encourage the development
of WS-I compliance services.</p>
<linklist><title>Related Tasks</title>
<link href="../tasks/twsicomply.dita"></link>