blob: b6458f20348c6f64b7f4226a75dd8bec1722ee8b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.ui.text;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.IValidationMessage;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.IValidationReport;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.ValidationMessageImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.ValidatorRegistry;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.logging.ILogger;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.logging.LoggerFactory;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.logging.StandardLogger;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.tests.internal.BaseTestCase;
public class WSDLValidateTest extends BaseTestCase
WSDLValidateWrapper validate = null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception
validate = new WSDLValidateWrapper();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown()
protected void tearDown() throws Exception
validate = null;
* Test the validateFile method.
* 1. A valid file should report back that it's valid.
* 2. An invalid file should report back that it's invalid.
* 3. A file that can't be found should succeed and report that it's invalid.
public void testValidateFile()
String validFile = FILE_PROTOCOL + PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH + SAMPLES_DIR + "Paths/AngleHat^InPath/AngleHatInPathValid.wsdl";
validFile = "file://" + PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH + SAMPLES_DIR + "Paths/AngleHat^InPath/AngleHatInPathValid.wsdl";
String invalidFile = FILE_PROTOCOL + PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH + SAMPLES_DIR + "Paths/AngleHat^InPath/AngleHatInPathInvalid.wsdl";
invalidFile = "file://" + PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH + SAMPLES_DIR + "Paths/AngleHat^InPath/AngleHatInPathInvalid.wsdl";
String nonexistantFile = "nonexistantfile.wsdl";
// 1. A valid file should report back that it's valid.
IValidationReport report = validate.validateFile(validFile);
assertFalse("Errors were reported for a valid file.", report.hasErrors());
// 2. An invalid file should report back that it's invalid.
IValidationReport report2 = validate.validateFile(invalidFile);
assertTrue("Errors were not reported for an invalid file.", report2.hasErrors());
// 3. A file that can't be found should succeed and report that it's invalid.
IValidationReport report3 = validate.validateFile(nonexistantFile);
assertTrue("Errors were not reported for a nonexistant file.", report3.hasErrors());
* Test the validate method.
* 1. The method should succeed with one file specified.
* 2. The method should succeed and validate 2 files when 2 are specified.
* 3. The method should output verbose information for valid files when verbose is enabled.
public void testValidate()
String validFile = FILE_PROTOCOL + PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH + SAMPLES_DIR + "Paths/AngleHat^InPath/AngleHatInPathValid.wsdl";
validFile = "file://" + PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH + SAMPLES_DIR + "Paths/AngleHat^InPath/AngleHatInPathValid.wsdl";
String validFile2 = FILE_PROTOCOL + PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH + SAMPLES_DIR + "Paths/AngleHatInFilename/AngleHat^InFilenameValid.wsdl";
validFile2 = "file://" + PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE_PATH + SAMPLES_DIR + "Paths/AngleHatInFilename/AngleHat^InFilenameValid.wsdl";
ILogger currentLogger = LoggerFactory.getInstance().getLogger();
WSDLValidateTestLogger logger = new WSDLValidateTestLogger();
// 1. The method should succeed with one file specified.
assertEquals("Validating a single valid file failed.", MessageFormat.format(WSDLValidateTextUIMessages._UI_VALIDATION_SUMMARY, new Object[]{new Integer(1), new Integer(0)}), logger.getInfos().get(0));
// 2. The method should succeed and validate 2 files when 2 are specified.
assertEquals("Validating two valid files failed.", MessageFormat.format(WSDLValidateTextUIMessages._UI_VALIDATION_SUMMARY, new Object[]{new Integer(2), new Integer(0)}), logger.getInfos().get(0));
// 3. The method should output verbose information for valid files when verbose is enabled.
assertEquals("Validating a single valid file failed.", MessageFormat.format(WSDLValidateTextUIMessages._UI_FILE_VALID, new Object[]{validFile}), logger.getVerboses().get(0));
assertEquals("Validating a single valid file failed.", MessageFormat.format(WSDLValidateTextUIMessages._UI_VALIDATION_SUMMARY, new Object[]{new Integer(1), new Integer(0)}), logger.getInfos().get(0));
* Test the getMessages method.
* 1. The method should return a properly formatted string for a single error.
* 2. The method should return a properly formatted string for a single warning.
* 3. The method should return a properly fomatted string for 2 messages.
public void testGetMessages()
IValidationMessage errorMessage = new ValidationMessageImpl("MESSAGE", 1, 2, IValidationMessage.SEV_ERROR, "URI");
IValidationMessage warningMessage = new ValidationMessageImpl("MESSAGE", 1, 2, IValidationMessage.SEV_WARNING, "URI");
// 1. The method should return a properly formatted string for a single error.
IValidationMessage[] errorMessages = new IValidationMessage[]{errorMessage};
String message = validate.getMessages(errorMessages);
assertEquals("The error message was not correct.", WSDLValidateTextUIMessages._UI_ERROR_MARKER + " 1:2 MESSAGE", message);
// 2. The method should return a properly formatted string for a single warning.
IValidationMessage[] warningMessages = new IValidationMessage[]{warningMessage};
String message2 = validate.getMessages(warningMessages);
assertEquals("The warning message was not correct.", WSDLValidateTextUIMessages._UI_WARNING_MARKER + " 1:2 MESSAGE", message2);
// 3. The method should return a properly fomatted string for 2 messages.
IValidationMessage[] twoMessages = new IValidationMessage[]{errorMessage, warningMessage};
String message3 = validate.getMessages(twoMessages);
assertEquals("Two messages was not correct.", WSDLValidateTextUIMessages._UI_ERROR_MARKER + " 1:2 MESSAGE\n" + WSDLValidateTextUIMessages._UI_WARNING_MARKER + " 1:2 MESSAGE", message3);
* Test the parseArguments method.
* 1. -wsdl11v parsing succeeds and registers the validator with the WSDL validator.
* 2. -extv parsing succeeds and registers the validator with the WSDL validator.
* 3. Extension validator parsing where a param is omitted succeeds.
* 4. -logger parsing succeeds and sets the correct logger.
* 5. -D (property) parsing succeeds sets the property on the configuration.
* 6. -v, -verbose parsing succeeds and sets verbose correctly.
* 7. The specified WSDL files are read properly.
* Not currently tested:
* -schema
* -schemaDir
* -uriresolver
public void testParseArguments()
// 1. -wsdl11v parsing succeeds and registers the validator with the WSDL validator.
String[] args1 = new String[]{WSDLValidateWrapper.PARAM_WSDL11VAL, "http://wsdl11validator", "org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.wsdl11.http.HTTPValidator"};
assertTrue("The WSDL 1.1 validator was not registered.", org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.wsdl11.ValidatorRegistry.getInstance().hasRegisteredValidator("http://wsdl11validator"));
// 2. -extv parsing succeeds and registers the validator with the WSDL validator.
String[] args2 = new String[]{WSDLValidateWrapper.PARAM_EXTVAL, "http://extvalidator", "validatorclass"};
assertTrue("The WSDL extension validator was not registered.", ValidatorRegistry.getInstance().hasRegisteredValidator("http://extvalidator", ValidatorRegistry.EXT_VALIDATOR));
// 3. Extension validator parsing where a param is omitted succeeds.
String[] args3 = new String[]{WSDLValidateWrapper.PARAM_EXTVAL, "http://extvalidator2", "-dummyparam"};
assertFalse("The WSDL extension validator was registered without enough information.", ValidatorRegistry.getInstance().hasRegisteredValidator("http://extvalidator2", ValidatorRegistry.EXT_VALIDATOR));
// 4. -logger parsing succeeds and sets the correct logger.
ILogger currentLogger = LoggerFactory.getInstance().getLogger();
String[] args4 = new String[]{WSDLValidateWrapper.PARAM_LOGGER, "org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.logging.StandardLogger"};
assertTrue("The registered logger is not a StandardLogger", LoggerFactory.getInstance().getLogger() instanceof StandardLogger);
assertFalse("The registered logger is the same as originally registered.", currentLogger.equals(LoggerFactory.getInstance().getLogger()));
// 5. -D (property) parsing succeeds sets the property on the configuration.
String[] args5 = new String[]{WSDLValidateWrapper.PARAM_PROPERTY + "SAMPLENAME=SAMPLEVALUE"};
assertEquals("The parameter was not set correctly.", "SAMPLEVALUE", validate.getConfiguration().getProperty("SAMPLENAME"));
// 6. -v, -verbose parsing succeeds and sets verbose correctly.
String[] args6 = new String[]{WSDLValidateWrapper.PARAM_VERBOSE};
assertTrue("Verbose is not set to true.", validate.isVerbose());
String[] args6a = new String[]{WSDLValidateWrapper.PARAM_VERBOSE_SHORT};
assertTrue("Verbose is not set to true.", validate.isVerbose());
// 7. The specified WSDL files are read properly.
String[] args7 = new String[]{"filename1.wsdl", "folder/filename2.wsdl", "folder\filename3.wsdl"};
List wsdlFiles = validate.getWSDLFiles();
assertEquals("There were not 3 WSDL files listed to validate.", 3, wsdlFiles.size());
assertTrue("The WSDL file list did not include filename1.wsdl", wsdlFiles.contains("filename1.wsdl"));
assertTrue("The WSDL file list did not include folder/filename2.wsdl", wsdlFiles.contains("folder/filename2.wsdl"));
assertTrue("The WSDL file list did not include folder\filename3.wsdl", wsdlFiles.contains("folder\filename3.wsdl"));