blob: 25d5f73ea6825988aa3e7c5271a099e0422e9228 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsi.tests.internal;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.WSIPreferences;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.WSITestToolsProperties;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.analyzer.MessageAnalyzer;
public class CoreMessageLogConformanceTest extends CoreConformanceTest
public static final String MESSAGE_LOG_BASE_DIRECTORY =
public static final String MESSAGE_LOG_EXTENSION = ".wsimsg";
public static final String WSDL_BASE_DIRECTORY = "testResources/samples/wsdl";
public static final String WSDL_EXTENSION = ".wsdl";
public CoreMessageLogConformanceTest(String name)
* JUnit test: validate the message log against the specified WS-I Profile.
* @param tad he WS-I Test Assertion Document
* @param testName the name of the test containing the wsdl document
protected void runTest(String category, String testName, String tadID) {
this.tadID = tadID;
assertNotNull("Problems determining base url", pluginURI);
String testDirectory = pluginURI + MESSAGE_LOG_BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" +
category + "/" + testName;
String messageLogFile = "file://" + testDirectory + "/" + testName +
String testcaseFile = testDirectory + "/" + TEST_CASE_FILE;
// validate the message log document
MessageAnalyzer analyzer = validateConformance(messageLogFile, tadID);
assertNotNull("Unknown problems during validation", analyzer);
// retrieve the expected assertion failures
List expectedErrors = getExpectedAssertionFailures(testcaseFile);
assertNotNull("Problems retrieving expected failures", expectedErrors);
// compare the actual errors with the expected errors
analyzeResults(analyzer.getAssertionErrors(), expectedErrors);
* Validate the wsdl document against the specified WS-I Profile.
* @param tad the WS-I Test Assertion Document
* @param filename the wsdl document
* @return the WSDLAnalyzer object containing the validation results
protected MessageAnalyzer validateConformance(String filename, String tadID) {
MessageAnalyzer analyzer = null;
try {
WSIPreferences preferences = new WSIPreferences();
preferences.setComplianceLevel( WSITestToolsProperties.STOP_NON_WSI);
analyzer = new MessageAnalyzer(filename, preferences);
// run the conformance check and add errors and warnings as needed
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return analyzer;
* JUnit test: validate the message log with a WSDL file
* @param wsdlFile URI of the WSDL file
* @param WSData String array containing: elementname, namespace, parentname, type
* @param filename the name of the log and wsdl file (they should be located in the log and wsdl paths respectively)
protected void runTestWithWSDL(String category, String testName, String[] WSData) {
assertNotNull("Problems determining base url", pluginURI);
String testDirectory = pluginURI + MESSAGE_LOG_BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" +
category + "/" + testName;
String messageLogFile = "file://" + testDirectory + "/" + testName +
String testcaseFile = testDirectory + "/" + TEST_CASE_FILE;
String wsdlFile = "file://" + pluginURI + WSDL_BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" + category + "/" + testName + WSDL_EXTENSION;
// validate the message log document
MessageAnalyzer analyzer = validateConformanceWithWSDL(messageLogFile, wsdlFile, WSData);
assertNotNull("Unknown problems during validation", analyzer);
// retrieve the expected assertion failures
List expectedErrors = getExpectedAssertionFailures(testcaseFile);
assertNotNull("Problems retrieving expected failures", expectedErrors);
// compare the actual errors with the expected errors
analyzeResults(analyzer.getAssertionErrors(), expectedErrors);
* Validate log with a WSDL file
* @param wsdlFile URI of the WSDL file
* @param WSData String array containing: elementname, namespace, parentname, type
* @param filename the name of the log and wsdl file (they should be located in the log and wsdl paths respectively)
* @return the WSDLAnalyzer object containing the validation results
protected MessageAnalyzer validateConformanceWithWSDL(String filename, String wsdlFile, String[] WSData) {
MessageAnalyzer analyzer = null;
try {
WSIPreferences preferences = new WSIPreferences();
preferences.setComplianceLevel( WSITestToolsProperties.STOP_NON_WSI);
analyzer = new MessageAnalyzer(filename, wsdlFile, WSData[0], WSData[1], WSData[2], WSData[3], preferences);
// run the conformance check and add errors and warnings as needed
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return analyzer;