blob: 3f6f79018dfacbbdc7ad92d7ec41bd9be91eeec6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2010 IBM Corporation, Parasoft and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
* Parasoft - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.profile.validator.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.wsdl.Binding;
import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation;
import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.wsdl.Message;
import javax.wsdl.Part;
import javax.wsdl.Port;
import javax.wsdl.Service;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEMultipartRelated;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEPart;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBinding;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeader;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPOperation;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.xerces.util.URI;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSConstants;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSModel;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.WSIConstants;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.WSIException;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.WSITag;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.analyzer.AnalyzerContext;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.analyzer.CandidateInfo;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.analyzer.ServiceReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.analyzer.config.AnalyzerConfig;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.document.DocumentFactory;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.log.Log;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.log.LogReader;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.log.MessageEntry;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.log.MessageEntryHandler;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.profile.ProfileArtifact;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.profile.ProfileAssertions;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.profile.TestAssertion;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.profile.validator.EntryContext;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.profile.validator.LogValidator;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.profile.validator.MessageValidator;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.profile.validator.impl.wsdl.WSDLValidatorImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.util.EntryType;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.util.HTTPUtils;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.util.Utils;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.wsdl.WSDLDocument;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.wsdl.WSDLUtils;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.xml.XMLUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* The WSDL validator will verify that the WSDL and associated XML schema definitions
* are in conformance with the profile.
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Peter Brittenham (
* @author Jim Clune
* @author Graham Turrell (
* @author Neil Delima (
public abstract class BaseMessageValidator
extends BaseValidatorImpl
implements LogValidator
* WSDL document.
private WSDLDocument wsdlDocument;
* Log entry.
protected MessageEntry logEntry;
protected Log log;
private boolean testable;
private AnalyzerConfig analyzerConfig;
public void init(AnalyzerContext analyzerContext,
ProfileAssertions assertions,
ReportArtifact reportArtifact,
AnalyzerConfig analyzerConfig,
Reporter reporter)
throws WSIException {
super.init(analyzerContext, assertions.getArtifact(getArtifactType()),
reportArtifact, reporter);
testable = analyzerConfig.getLogLocation() != null;
this.analyzerConfig = analyzerConfig;
this.wsdlDocument = (WSDLDocument) analyzerContext.getWsdlDocument();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.wsi.test.profile.validator.MessageValidator#init(org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.core.analyzer.AnalyzerContext, org.wsi.test.profile.ProfileArtifact,, org.wsi.wsdl.WSDLDocument,
public void init(
AnalyzerContext analyzerContext,
ProfileArtifact profileArtifact,
ReportArtifact reportArtifact,
WSDLDocument wsdlDocument,
Reporter reporter)
throws WSIException
// BaseValidatorImpl
super.init(analyzerContext, profileArtifact, reportArtifact, reporter);
this.analyzerConfig = Utils.getAnalyzerConfig(reporter);
testable = ((analyzerConfig != null) && (analyzerConfig.getLogLocation() != null));
// Save input references
this.wsdlDocument = wsdlDocument;
* Returns wsdlDocument
* @return wsdlDocument
public WSDLDocument getWSDLDocument()
return wsdlDocument;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.wsi.test.profile.validator.MessageValidator#validate(org.wsi.test.profile.validator.EntryContext)
public void validate(EntryContext entryContext) throws WSIException
//Entry entry = null;
// Save log entry to be referenced by other methods
this.logEntry = entryContext.getMessageEntry();
// Get reference to the analyzer config object
AnalyzerConfig analyzerConfig =
/* If Service Description (WSDL/UDDI) NOT supplied in analyzer config OR
* Service Description IS supplied and the current message correlates to it...
if ((!analyzerConfig.isWSDLReferenceSet())
|| messageCorrelatesToService(
// now inner classes moved out from the validator
//String classPrefix = this.getClass().getName() + "$";
String classPrefix = this.getClass().getPackage().getName()+".";
// Process assertions for this artifact against the target context
processAssertions(classPrefix, entryContext);
* Check whether the message correlates to the service under test.
* Use the request part of the request-response pair, from which the correlation of the response is implied.
* Entities from the Service under test are determined once for all.
* @param entryContext an entry context.
* @param correlationType a correlation type.
* @return true if the message correlates to the service under test.
* @throws WSIException if correlation type is not appropriate.
private boolean messageCorrelatesToService(
EntryContext entryContext,
String correlationType)
throws WSIException
URI[] endpoints = null;
boolean correlation = false;
/* TEMP: Get it from analyzer config passed in on init method
CandidateInfo candidate = entryContext
CandidateInfo candidate = analyzerContext.getCandidateInfo();
// Service reference
ServiceReference serviceReference = analyzerContext.getServiceReference();
// Get the definition element
Definition definition = candidate.getWsdlDocument().getDefinitions();
Binding binding = null;
if (serviceReference.getWSDLElement().isPort())
// Get service
Service service =
// Get port
Port port = service.getPort(serviceReference.getWSDLElement().getName());
// Get binding
binding = port.getBinding();
else if (serviceReference.getWSDLElement().isBinding())
// Get binding
binding =
if (binding == null)
return false;
if ((endpoints = hostAndPortCorrelation(entryContext)) != null
&& urlPathCorrelation(entryContext, endpoints))
/* If correlation type is "endpoint", this is all the correlation that can be done.
* (Note - this is incomplete correlation since >1 service could be associated with the endpoint.
* Therefore , if messages for different services on the same endpoint appear in the log file
* and correlation type is "endpoint", all those messages will be analyzed).
if (correlationType
correlation = true;
// always allow GET requests right through if they've passed Endpoint Correlation
String requestType = getHttpRequestType(entryContext);
if ((requestType != null) && requestType.equalsIgnoreCase("GET"))
correlation = true;
// The correlationType is not "endpoint" so continue on to processing for at least
// "namespace" correlation...
// get the operation signature (input & output) from request & response messages...
// and do a quick DOM parse
Document requestMessage = entryContext.getRequestDocument();
// Check if namespace is found in request message only
if (namespaceCorrelation(binding, requestMessage))
// If namespace found and the correlation type is namespace, then process messages
if (correlationType
correlation = true;
// If operation is found and correlation type is operation, then process messages
else if (
(operationCorrelation(binding, requestMessage))
&& (correlationType
correlation = true;
// this should never happen if config schema was followed correctly
throw new WSIException(
"Bad correlation type found in config: " + correlationType);
return correlation;
* Correlation Check 1: Service Description endpoint vs HTTP Header (test 1)
* Check if receiverHostAndPort from request message log matches host & port from WSDL SOAP binding for
* the Service under test.
* If it does not, stop processing this message pair.
* @param entryContext an entry context.
* @return if receiverHostAndPort from request message log matches
* host & port from WSDL SOAP binding for the Service.
* @throws WSIException if problem occurs during correlation check.
private URI[] hostAndPortCorrelation(EntryContext entryContext)
throws WSIException
// get <receiverHostAndPort> from request message
String httpHostAndPort = entryContext.getRequest().getReceiverHostAndPort();
// Search endpoint list for a match with <receiverHostAndPort>
/* TEMP: Get it from analyzer config passed in on init method
return entryContext.getAnalyzerContext()
return analyzerContext.getCandidateInfo().getEndPoints(httpHostAndPort);
* Correlation Check 2: Service Description endpoint vs HTTP Header (test 2)
* Use analyzer config host & port, plus URL path (from request message header HTTP POST)
* to look for the corresponding endpoint in the Service Definition.
* If it does not, stop processing this message pair.
* @param entryContext an entry context.
* @param endpoints an array of endpoints.
* @return true if corresponding endpoints are found in the Service Definition.
* @throws WSIException if problem occurs during correlation check.
private boolean urlPathCorrelation(
EntryContext entryContext,
URI[] endpoints)
throws WSIException
// compares: protocol (must be http for POST), host, port and path.
// get POST URI path from message using Tokenizer
Vector requestLine =
if (requestLine == null)
return false; // an unexpected HTTP request type !
String requestPath = (String) requestLine.get(1);
// Path immediately follows POST
// compare path with those in the previous generated URI list
Vector filteredEndpoints = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < endpoints.length; i++)
if (endpoints[i].toString().endsWith(requestPath))
if (filteredEndpoints.size() == 0)
return false;
// this URI should be unique in the WSDL - there should be at most one match
// but if we have at least one, that's sufficient to accept the message
return true;
* Correlation Check 3: Service Description namespace.
* Determine if the Service Description declares the namespace that appears in the (request?) message soap body.
* Location of relevent namespace :
* Operation type - Message Namespace: (compare with) Service Definition Namespace:
* (from message? endpoint? where?)
* rpc-literal &lt;soap:Body&gt; child namespace. &lt;soapbind:body&gt; namespace.
* doc-literal &lt;soap:Body&gt; child namespace. targetNameSpace of schema that
* defines &lt;soap:body&gt; child.
* If it doesn't match, stop processing this message pair.
* @param binding a binding.
* @param request a request.
* @return true if description declared in the description are the
* same as those that appear in the message soap body.
* @throws WSIException if problem occurs during correlationcheck.
private boolean namespaceCorrelation(Binding binding, Document request)
throws WSIException
boolean namespaceFound = false;
String bindingStyle = WSIConstants.ATTRVAL_SOAP_BIND_STYLE_DOC;
// Get operation namespace from the request soap message
String soapOpNS = getSoapBodyChild(request).getNamespaceURI();
// Get soapbind:binding
SOAPBinding soapBinding = null;
if ((soapBinding = WSDLUtils.getSoapBinding(binding)) != null)
bindingStyle = soapBinding.getStyle();
// Go through each operation in the binding and check for namespace match
Iterator operations = binding.getBindingOperations().iterator();
while (operations.hasNext() && !(namespaceFound))
BindingOperation bindingOperation = (BindingOperation);
// If rpc-literal, then look at namespace attribute on soapbind:body
if (WSDLUtils.isRpcLiteral(bindingStyle, bindingOperation))
// Get soapbind:body element
SOAPBody soapBody = WSDLUtils.getInputSoapBody(bindingOperation);
if ((soapBody.getNamespaceURI() != null)
&& (soapBody.getNamespaceURI().equals(soapOpNS)))
namespaceFound = true;
// If doc-literal, then check namespace
else if (WSDLUtils.isDocLiteral(bindingStyle, bindingOperation))
int partCount;
Iterator partsIterator = null;
// Get first part name from soapbind:body element parts attribute
String partName = getFirstPartName(bindingOperation);
// Get the list of parts from the message
Map partsMap = null;
if ((partsMap =
!= null)
partsIterator = partsMap.values().iterator();
// If the part name wasn't specified on the soapbind:body element, then process just the first one
if (partName == null)
partCount = 1;
partCount = partsMap.size();
for (int i = 0; i < partCount && !namespaceFound; i++)
// Get next part
Part part = (Part);
// If part name matches or there is no part name, then check namespace
if ((partName == null)
|| ((partName != null) && (part.getName().equals(partName))))
if ((part.getElementName().getNamespaceURI() != null)
&& (part.getElementName().getNamespaceURI().equals(soapOpNS)))
namespaceFound = true;
return namespaceFound;
* Correlation Check 4 : Service Description "operation"
* Check if the message content matches any of the candidate operation definitions
* for request and response in the Service Description.
* For both request and response, look for the soap body child element name
* in the list of candidate operation names.
* @param binding a binding.
* @param requestMessage a request message.
* @return true if the message content matches any of the candidate
* operation definitions for request and response in the
* Service Description.
* @throws WSIException if problem occurs during correlationcheck.
private boolean operationCorrelation(
Binding binding,
Document requestMessage)
throws WSIException
boolean operationFound = false;
String bindingStyle = WSIConstants.ATTRVAL_SOAP_BIND_STYLE_DOC;
// Get soapbind:binding
SOAPBinding soapBinding = null;
if ((soapBinding = WSDLUtils.getSoapBinding(binding)) != null)
bindingStyle = soapBinding.getStyle();
// Get the first child element from the soap body
Element soapBodyChild = getSoapBodyChild(requestMessage);
// If there is a child element, then check it
if (soapBodyChild != null)
// Get operation name from the soap:body
String operationName = soapBodyChild.getLocalName();
// Get operation QName
QName operationQName =
new QName(soapBodyChild.getNamespaceURI(), operationName);
// Go through each operation in the binding and check for namespace match
Iterator operations = binding.getBindingOperations().iterator();
while (operations.hasNext() && !(operationFound))
BindingOperation bindingOperation =
// If rpc-literal, then look at namespace attribute on soapbind:body
if (WSDLUtils.isRpcLiteral(bindingStyle, bindingOperation))
// Get soapbind:body element
if (bindingOperation.getName().equals(operationName))
operationFound = true;
// If doc-literal, then check namespace
else if (WSDLUtils.isDocLiteral(bindingStyle, bindingOperation))
int partCount;
Iterator partsIterator = null;
// Get first part name from soapbind:body element parts attribute
String partName = getFirstPartName(bindingOperation);
// Get the list of parts from the message
Map partsMap = null;
if ((partsMap =
!= null)
partsIterator = partsMap.values().iterator();
// If the part name wasn't specified on the soapbind:body element, then process just the first one
if (partName == null)
partCount = 1;
partCount = partsMap.size();
for (int i = 0; i < partCount && !operationFound; i++)
// Get next part
Part part = (Part);
// If part name matches or there is no part name, then check namespace
if ((partName == null)
|| ((partName != null) && (part.getName().equals(partName))))
if ((part.getElementName() != null)
&& (part.getElementName().equals(operationQName)))
operationFound = true;
// Go through each operation to find a match
return operationFound;
* Create failure detail.
* @param message a message.
* @param entryContext an entry context.
* @return failure detail.
public FailureDetail createFailureDetail(
String message,
EntryContext entryContext)
FailureDetail failureDetail = reporter.createFailureDetail();
return failureDetail;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.wsi.test.profile.validator.impl.BaseValidatorImpl#isNotApplicable(org.wsi.test.profile.TestAssertion)
protected boolean isNotApplicable(TestAssertion testAssertion)
boolean notApplicable = false;
// If the additional entry is not available, then set notApplicable
if (testAssertion.getAdditionalEntryTypeList().getWSDLInput() != null
&& !testAssertion.getAdditionalEntryTypeList().getWSDLInput().equals("none")
&& analyzerContext.getServiceReference().getWSDLLocation() == null)
notApplicable = true;
return notApplicable;
* Get POST request.
* @param httpHeader an HTTP
* @return POST request.
public Vector getPostRequest(String httpHeader)
//Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
Vector requestLine = new Vector();
String startLine = null;
StringTokenizer httpMessageTokenizer =
new StringTokenizer(httpHeader, "\n\r\f");
if (httpMessageTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
startLine = httpMessageTokenizer.nextToken();
if (startLine.startsWith("POST"))
StringTokenizer startLineTokenizer =
new StringTokenizer(startLine, "\u0020");
while (startLineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
return requestLine;
* Get HTTP request.
* @param httpHeader an HTTP
* @return HTTP request.
private Vector getHttpRequest(String httpHeader)
//Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
Vector requestLine = new Vector();
String startLine = null;
StringTokenizer httpMessageTokenizer =
new StringTokenizer(httpHeader, "\n\r\f");
if (httpMessageTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
startLine = httpMessageTokenizer.nextToken();
if (startLine.startsWith("POST") || startLine.startsWith("GET"))
StringTokenizer startLineTokenizer =
new StringTokenizer(startLine, "\u0020");
while (startLineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
requestLine = null; // signify not POST or GET
return requestLine;
* Get HTTP request type.
* @param entryContext an entry context.
* @return HTTP request type.
private String getHttpRequestType(EntryContext entryContext)
//Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
String httpHeader = entryContext.getRequest().getHTTPHeaders();
String httpRequestType = null;
String startLine = null;
StringTokenizer httpMessageTokenizer =
new StringTokenizer(httpHeader, "\n\r\f");
if (httpMessageTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
startLine = httpMessageTokenizer.nextToken();
StringTokenizer startLineTokenizer =
new StringTokenizer(startLine, "\u0020");
if (startLineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
httpRequestType = startLineTokenizer.nextToken();
return httpRequestType;
* Determine if the message is a response for a one-way operation.
* @param entryContext an entry context.
* @return true if the message is a response for a one-way operation.
public boolean isOneWayResponse(EntryContext entryContext)
boolean oneway = false;
// TEMP: If this is a response message and there is no content, then set one-way to true
// TEMP: Need to find a way to determine if the response is for a one-way message
if (entryContext
&& entryContext.getMessageEntry().getMessage().length() == 0)
oneway = true;
return oneway;
* messageIsDocLitSchemaValid.
* Validates the doc-lit messages against the schema found in a candidate wsdl document.
* Identify (or be given) a reference in the wsdl to elements (found in &lt;wsdl:types&gt;&lt;schema&gt;...)
* that are immediate children elements in the soap body.
* @param entryContext an entry context.
* @return true if the document literal message is compliant to the
* schema found in a candidate WSDL document.
* @throws WSIException if there is a parsing problem during validation.
public boolean messageIsDocLitSchemaValid(EntryContext entryContext)
throws WSIException
// This method should use a validating parser that is capable of acceppting multiple schema references
// programmatically. Then, every schema in candidate wsdl can be passed in to the validator. This avoids the
// need to pinpoint a particular schema element from all candidate wsdl:types, corresponding to the
// wsdl:operation being used. The pinpointing is an incomplete workaround for parsers not capable
// of accepting arrays of scehma references
// [ i.e. the DOM factory.setAttribute(JAXP_SCHEMA SOURCE, Object[] {...}) ]
// get all xs:schema from all candidate wsdl:types
// add each <schema> to an array and pass this array to the validating parser
// when validating the/each soap body child.
// use the referenced WSDL file and its imported files to find schemas
List schemaWSDLs = new ArrayList();
List inlineSchemas = new ArrayList();
List schemaStrings = new ArrayList();
Definition[] allDefs =
for (int thisDef = 0; thisDef < allDefs.length; thisDef++)
Iterator fileIterator = schemaWSDLs.iterator();
while (fileIterator.hasNext())
// parse file if possible
Document wsdlDoc = null;
String wsdlURI = (String);
wsdlDoc = XMLUtils.parseXMLDocumentURL(wsdlURI, null);
catch (Exception e)
Element root = wsdlDoc.getDocumentElement();
// find the schema
NodeList schemaElements = root.getElementsByTagNameNS(
for (int elem = 0; elem < schemaElements.getLength(); elem++)
Element schema = (Element) schemaElements.item(elem);
// copying all the NS declarations from wsdl:definitions wsdl:types
copyNSDeclarations(root, schema);
copyNSDeclarations((Element) schema.getParentNode(), schema);
// Replacing all relative schemaLocation URIs with absolute ones
replaceRelativeURIs(schema, wsdlURI);
// Note that the Xerces parser ONLY accepts an array
// of schemas with unique namespaces.
if (!duplicateNamespacesDetected(inlineSchemas))
// Serialize the schema elements inside the Types, then use this as
// the schema string for the validation
Iterator i = inlineSchemas.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Element schema = (Element);
String schemaString = DOM2Writer.nodeToString(schema);
NodeList elementList = entryContext.getMessageEntryDocument()
if (elementList == null || elementList.getLength() != 1)
// should only be a single soap body !
return false; // probably an error condition though
NodeList soapBodyChildList = ((Element)elementList.item(0)).getChildNodes();
for (int child = 0; child < soapBodyChildList.getLength(); child++)
Node soapBodyChild = soapBodyChildList.item(child);
if (soapBodyChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
// do all for now
// Write out element tree to String
String messageContent = DOM2Writer.nodeToString(soapBodyChild);
// parse the child element, validating against the schema
XMLUtils.parseXML(messageContent, schemaStrings);
catch (WSIException e)
if (e.getTargetException() instanceof SAXException)
// validation failed
throw new WSIException(e.getTargetException().getMessage());
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
throw new WSIException("Validating Parsing problem", e);
// Bad things have happened
return true;
* Copy the namespace declarations.
* @param parent a message.
* @param child a stripped message.
private void copyNSDeclarations(Element parent, Element child)
NamedNodeMap nodeMap = parent.getAttributes();
for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < nodeMap.getLength(); nodeId++)
Node node = nodeMap.item(nodeId);
if ((node.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
&& (node.getNodeName().startsWith("xmlns:")))
String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
// If an NS being copied is not the same as the child element has, copy it
if (!child.getNodeName().startsWith(
nodeName.substring(nodeName.indexOf(":") + 1) + ":"))
child.setAttribute(nodeName, node.getNodeValue());
* Replaces all relative URIs for schemaLocation attributes.
* @param schema an xsd:schema element.
* @param wsdlURI an URI of WSDL that contains xsd:schema being processed.
private void replaceRelativeURIs(Element schema, String wsdlURI)
// Retrieving all xsd:import elements
NodeList imports = schema.getElementsByTagNameNS(
// Going through the elements
for (int i = 0; i < imports.getLength(); i++)
Element imp = (Element) imports.item(i);
// Getting the schemaLocation attribute
Attr schemaLocation =
// If the attribute is present
if (schemaLocation != null)
// Trying to create an URI object using attribute's value
URI uri = null;
uri = new URI(schemaLocation.getValue());
catch (Exception e) {}
// If the value is not an absolute URI (the URI constructor throws the
// MalformedURIException), creating the absolute URI using wsdlURI
if (uri == null)
String newURI = wsdlURI.substring(0, wsdlURI.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
+ schemaLocation.getValue();
uri = new URI(newURI);
// Setting a new URI as a value for the schemaLocation attribute
catch (Exception e) {}
* Returns binding operation matched for SOAP message.
* @param entryType message entry type.
* @param doc a message.
* @return any binding operation matched, null if it is not found.
public BindingOperation getOperationMatch(EntryType entryType, Document doc)
BindingOperation bindingOperation = null;
// Getting the name of the first SOAP Body child element
QName operation = getOperationFromMessage(doc);
if (operation != null)
// Retrieving all the RPC binding operations from wsdl:binding
BindingOperation[] rpcBindingOps = getMatchingBindingOps(
// Retrieving binding operation by the given operation name
bindingOperation = getOperationMatch(
entryType, operation, rpcBindingOps);
// If no one RPC operation matched
if(bindingOperation == null)
// Retrieving all the document binding operations from wsdl:binding
BindingOperation[] docBindingOperations = getMatchingBindingOps(
// Retrieving binding operation by given element name
BindingOperation[] potentialDocLitOps =
getDocLitOperations(entryType, operation, docBindingOperations);
// If there is exactly one operation matched
if (potentialDocLitOps.length == 1)
bindingOperation = potentialDocLitOps[0];
catch (Exception e) {}
return bindingOperation;
* Match either Input or Output.
* @param messageEntryType message entry type.
* @param soapMessage soap message.
* @param op binding operations.
* @return matched operation.
public BindingOperation getOperationMatch(
EntryType messageEntryType,
Document soapMessage,
BindingOperation[] op)
// Get operation from message
QName operation = getOperationFromMessage(soapMessage);
// list of QNames
return getOperationMatch(messageEntryType, operation, op);
* Match either Input or Output.
* @param messageEntryType message entry type.
* @param operation SOAP operation name.
* @param op binding operations.
* @return matched operation.
public BindingOperation getOperationMatch(
EntryType messageEntryType,
QName operation,
BindingOperation[] op)
QName checkOperation;
// Look for a candidate operation in the wsdl that matches this signature.
for (int k = 0; k < op.length; k++)
String name = null;
List extensibles = null;
BindingOperation bindingOp = op[k];
if (messageEntryType.isType(MessageValidator.TYPE_MESSAGE_REQUEST)
&& (bindingOp.getOperation().getInput() != null))
name = bindingOp.getOperation().getName();
extensibles = bindingOp.getBindingInput().getExtensibilityElements();
else if (
&& (bindingOp.getOperation().getOutput() != null))
name = bindingOp.getOperation().getName() + "Response";
extensibles = bindingOp.getBindingOutput().getExtensibilityElements();
// Get soap:body
SOAPBody soapBody = getSoapBody(extensibles);
if (soapBody == null)
checkOperation = new QName(name);
checkOperation = new QName(soapBody.getNamespaceURI(), name);
if (operation != null && operation.equals(checkOperation))
return (bindingOp);
return null;
* Match either Input or Output.
* @param messageEntryType a message entry type.
* @param soapMessage a soap message.
* @param op binsing operations.
* @return matched operation.
public BindingOperation getOperationPartsMatch(
EntryType messageEntryType,
Document soapMessage,
BindingOperation[] op)
Map parts = getPartListFromMessage(soapMessage); // list of QNames
// Look for a candidate operation in the wsdl that matches this signature.
for (int k = 0; k < op.length; k++)
Message wsdlMessage = null;
List extensibles = null;
BindingOperation bindingOp = op[k];
if (messageEntryType.isType(MessageValidator.TYPE_MESSAGE_REQUEST)
&& (bindingOp.getOperation().getInput() != null))
wsdlMessage = bindingOp.getOperation().getInput().getMessage();
extensibles = bindingOp.getBindingInput().getExtensibilityElements();
else if (
&& (bindingOp.getOperation().getOutput() != null))
wsdlMessage = bindingOp.getOperation().getOutput().getMessage();
extensibles = bindingOp.getBindingOutput().getExtensibilityElements();
//wsdlFaultParts = op[k].getFaults();
// ADD: check for case when response message is a fault
if (sameParts(parts, wsdlMessage, getSoapHeader(extensibles)))
return (bindingOp);
return null;
* BindingOperation getOperationPartsMatch(..).
* Find one or more matching binding operations from the WSDL corresponding to the
* given request-response signature.
* This overloaded version is intended for possible Correlation only (not assertions),
* since it checks for an operation signature on a request-response pair.
* Assertions now check request & response messages independently.
* @param requestMessage a request message.
* @param responseMessage a response message.
* @param op binding operations.
* @return matched operation.
//private BindingOperation getOperationPartsMatch(
// Document requestMessage,
// Document responseMessage,
// BindingOperation[] op)
// Map inParts = getPartListFromMessage(requestMessage); // list of QNames
// Map outParts = getPartListFromMessage(responseMessage);
// // list of QNames
// // Look for a candidate operation in the wsdl that matches this signature.
// for (int k = 0; k < op.length; k++)
// {
// //Map wsdlFaultParts = null;
// Message wsdlInMessage = null;
// Message wsdlOutMessage = null;
// BindingOperation bindingOp = op[k];
// if (bindingOp.getOperation().getInput() != null)
// {
// wsdlInMessage = bindingOp.getOperation().getInput().getMessage();
// }
// if (bindingOp.getOperation().getOutput() != null)
// {
// wsdlOutMessage = bindingOp.getOperation().getOutput().getMessage();
// }
// //wsdlFaultParts = op[k].getFaults();
// // ADD: check for case when response message is a fault
// if (sameParts(inParts,
// wsdlInMessage,
// getSoapHeader(bindingOp.getBindingInput().getExtensibilityElements())))
// {
// // match on the request - now check response if its not a fault
// if (responseMessage != null && isFault(responseMessage))
// {
// return (bindingOp);
// }
// else if (
// sameParts(
// outParts,
// wsdlOutMessage,
// getSoapHeader(
// bindingOp.getBindingOutput().getExtensibilityElements())))
// {
// // It does match so treat this as a relevant message pair.
// // Let the message through for validation.
// //ADD: could pass the operations list back to the entryContext for the message.
// return (bindingOp);
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
* Get the soap:body from a List of extensibility elements.
* @param extElems a list of extensibility elements.
* @return the soap:body from a List of extensibility elements.
private SOAPBody getSoapBody(List extElems)
// Find the soap body
if (extElems != null)
for (int i = 0; i < extElems.size(); i++)
ExtensibilityElement extElem = (ExtensibilityElement) extElems.get(i);
if (extElem.getElementType().equals(WSITag.WSDL_SOAP_BODY))
return (SOAPBody) extElem;
// If the element is mime:multipartRelated
else if (extElem.getElementType().equals(WSITag.WSDL_MIME_MULTIPART))
// Getting the mime:part elements of the mime:multipartRelated
List mimeParts = ((MIMEMultipartRelated) extElem).getMIMEParts();
// Going through all the mime:part elements
for (int j = 0; j < mimeParts.size(); j++)
// Collecting all the mime:content elements of this mime:part
SOAPBody soapBody = getSoapBody(
((MIMEPart) mimeParts.get(j)).getExtensibilityElements());
if (soapBody != null)
return soapBody;
return null;
* Get the SOAPHeader from a List of extensibility elements.
* @param extensibles a list of extensibility elements.
* @return the SOAPHeader from a List of extensibility elements.
private SOAPHeader getSoapHeader(List extensibles)
SOAPHeader soapHeader = null;
// find the soap header
if (extensibles != null)
Iterator i = extensibles.iterator();
while (i.hasNext() && soapHeader == null)
soapHeader = (SOAPHeader);
catch (ClassCastException c)
return soapHeader;
* Get first part name from soapbind:body element.
private String getFirstPartName(BindingOperation bindingOperation)
String partName = null;
List extList = null;
Iterator partsIterator = null;
// Determine if there is a list of parts by finding the soapbind:body element
if ((extList =
!= null)
List partsList = null;
Iterator extIterator = extList.iterator();
while (extIterator.hasNext() && (partName == null))
Object extElement =;
if (extElement instanceof SOAPBody)
if ((partsList = ((SOAPBody) extElement).getParts()) != null)
partsIterator = partsList.iterator();
// Since this is a doc literal binding there should be only one part name
if (partsIterator.hasNext())
partName = (String);
return partName;
public BindingOperation[] getDocLitOperations(
EntryType messageType,
QName partElementQName,
BindingOperation[] wsdlOperations)
if (messageType.isType(EntryType.getEntryType(MessageValidator.TYPE_MESSAGE_REQUEST)))
return getInputDocLitOperations(partElementQName, wsdlOperations);
else if (messageType.isType(EntryType.getEntryType(MessageValidator.TYPE_MESSAGE_RESPONSE)))
return getOutputDocLitOperations(partElementQName, wsdlOperations);
return null; // should be one or the other
private BindingOperation[] getInputDocLitOperations(
QName partElementQName,
BindingOperation[] wsdlOperations)
Vector potentialOps = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < wsdlOperations.length; i++)
if (wsdlOperations[i].getOperation().getInput() != null)
Message message = wsdlOperations[i].getOperation().getInput().getMessage();
// If SOAP Body child element is not present and wsdl:message does not have any wsdl:parts, that is the match
if (partElementQName == null)
if (message.getParts().isEmpty())
Iterator partsIt = message.getParts().values().iterator();
while (partsIt.hasNext())
Part nextPart = (Part);
if (partElementQName.equals(nextPart.getElementName()))
// matching part found (doc-lit) - add to list of possible operation matches
return (BindingOperation[]) potentialOps.toArray(new BindingOperation[0]);
private BindingOperation[] getOutputDocLitOperations(
QName partElementQName,
BindingOperation[] wsdlOperations)
Vector potentialOps = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < wsdlOperations.length; i++)
if (wsdlOperations[i].getOperation().getOutput() != null)
Message message = wsdlOperations[i].getOperation().getOutput().getMessage();
// If SOAP Body child element is not present and wsdl:message does not have any wsdl:parts, that is the match
if (partElementQName == null)
if (message.getParts().isEmpty())
Iterator partsIt = message.getParts().values().iterator();
while (partsIt.hasNext())
Part nextPart = (Part);
if (partElementQName.equals(nextPart.getElementName()))
// matching part found (doc-lit) - add to list of possible operation matches
return (BindingOperation[]) potentialOps.toArray(new BindingOperation[0]);
* Compare soap message element part names with Parts from specified wsdl Operation
//private boolean sameParts(HashSet messageParts, Map wsdlParts)
// // look for the soap-message operation signature
// Iterator i = wsdlParts.values().iterator();
// // build a set of Part names
// HashSet h = new HashSet();
// while (i.hasNext())
// {
// Part p = (Part);
// h.add(p.getName());
// }
// // compare with the parts list from the message (unordered)
// return (h.equals(messageParts));
* Compare soap message element part names with Parts from specified wsdl Operation
private boolean sameParts(
Map messageParts,
Message wsdlMessage,
SOAPHeader soapHeader)
String soapHeaderPart = null;
if (soapHeader != null)
soapHeaderPart = soapHeader.getPart();
// check null conditions
if (messageParts == null && wsdlMessage == null)
return true; // simple equality test
else if (messageParts == null || wsdlMessage == null)
return false;
Vector v = new Vector();
//List wsdlParts = wsdlMessage.getOrderedParts(null);
Map wsdlParts = null;
if (wsdlMessage.getParts() != null)
wsdlParts = wsdlMessage.getParts();
// look for the soap-message operation signature
Iterator i = wsdlParts.values().iterator();
// build a set of Part names
while (i.hasNext())
Part p = (Part);
// do not include the part for the soap:header (if any)
if (!p.getName().equals(soapHeaderPart))
// check that the part is associated with the soap:body
v.add(new QName(p.getName()));
// if one of the parts is associated with a soap:header in the binding
// (by <soap:header part="{partname}">), remove this from the set
// compare with the parts list from the message (ordered)
if (v.isEmpty() && messageParts.isEmpty())
return true;
// PB: Changed to containsAll() since equals() fails when using JRE 1.4
if (v.containsAll(messageParts.keySet())
&& (v.size() == messageParts.size()))
// Check for xsi:type mismatch
Iterator parts = messageParts.keySet().iterator();
QName partName, xsiType;
while (parts.hasNext())
partName = (QName);
// Get xsi:type QName
if ((xsiType = (QName) messageParts.get(partName)) != null
&& wsdlParts != null)
// Get the WSDL part definition
Part part = (Part) wsdlParts.get(partName.getLocalPart());
// If xsiType is NOT derived from the type of the corresponding WSDL part
if (!isDerivedType(xsiType, part.getTypeName()))
// return false
return false;
return true;
return false;
//return (v.equals(messageParts));
* Checks whether one schema type is derived from another.
* @param extType an assumed derived type.
* @param type an assumed base type.
* @return true if extType is derived from type, false otherwise
public boolean isDerivedType(QName extType, QName type)
// If either of types is null, return false
if (extType == null || type == null)
return false;
// If the types are equal, return true
if (extType.equals(type))
return true;
// Going through all schemas
Iterator i = wsdlDocument.getSchemas().values().iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
XSModel xsModel = (XSModel);
// Retrieving the derived type definition
XSTypeDefinition xsType = xsModel.getTypeDefinition(
extType.getLocalPart(), extType.getNamespaceURI());
// If it is found and derived from the base type, return true
if (xsType != null && xsType.derivedFrom(type.getNamespaceURI(),
type.getLocalPart(), XSConstants.DERIVATION_NONE))
return true;
// extType is not derived from type, return false
return false;
* Get a list of QNames of parts from the soap body of the specified message
public Element getSoapBodyChild(Document doc)
Element opElem = null;
if (doc != null)
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
NodeList bodies =
root.getElementsByTagNameNS(WSIConstants.NS_URI_SOAP, "Body");
// Get the list of soap:body child element names from the request message
if (bodies != null && bodies.getLength() > 0)
Element body = (Element) bodies.item(0);
NodeList children = body.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength() && opElem == null; ++i)
Node n = children.item(i);
if (n instanceof Element)
opElem = (Element) n;
return opElem;
/** Check whether this message is a soap fault
public boolean isFault(Document doc)
boolean isFault = false;
if (doc != null)
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
isFault =
.getElementsByTagNameNS(WSIConstants.NS_URI_SOAP, "Fault")
> 0);
return isFault;
* Check whether this message has a soap body with a child element.
public boolean containsSoapBodyWithChild(Document doc)
boolean contains = false;
if (doc != null)
contains = ((getSoapBodyChild(doc) == null) ? false : true);
return contains;
* Get SOAPAction value from the HTTP headers.
* @param headers HTTP headers
* @return SOAPAction value
public String getSoapAction(String headers) throws WSIException
// get SOAPAction
String action = null;
if (headers != null)
action = (String) HTTPUtils.getHttpHeaderTokens(headers, ":").get("SOAPAction".toUpperCase());
return action;
* Get a list of QNames of parts from the soap body of the specified message.
* This method assumes RPC style message content
private QName getOperationFromMessage(Document doc)
QName operation = null;
if (doc != null)
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
NodeList bodies =
root.getElementsByTagNameNS(WSIConstants.NS_URI_SOAP, "Body");
if (bodies != null && bodies.getLength() > 0)
Element body = (Element) bodies.item(0);
NodeList children = body.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); ++i)
Node n = children.item(i);
// If element, then this is the operation name
if (n instanceof Element)
operation = new QName(n.getNamespaceURI(), n.getLocalName());
return operation;
* Get a list of QNames of parts from the soap body of the specified message.
* This method assumes RPC style message content
private Map getPartListFromMessage(Document doc)
Map parts = new HashMap();
if (doc != null)
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
NodeList bodies =
root.getElementsByTagNameNS(WSIConstants.NS_URI_SOAP, "Body");
// Get the list of soap:body grand-child element names from the request message
// (immediate child is the message name)
if (bodies != null && bodies.getLength() > 0)
Element body = (Element) bodies.item(0);
NodeList children = body.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); ++i)
Node n = children.item(i);
if (n instanceof Element)
// this is the operation name. Its children are the parts
NodeList grandChildren = n.getChildNodes();
for (int j = 0; j < grandChildren.getLength(); j++)
Node m = grandChildren.item(j);
if (m instanceof Element)
// Determine if the part has an xsi:type
Attr attr =
(Element) m,
new QName(WSIConstants.NS_URI_XSI, "type"));
QName xsiType = null;
// If there is an xsi:type attribute, then get the value as a QName
if (attr != null)
xsiType =
DOMUtils.getQName(attr.getNodeValue(), (Element) m, wsdlDocument.getDefinitions());
catch (javax.wsdl.WSDLException we)
// add to the child element list
new QName(m.getNamespaceURI(), m.getLocalName()),
return parts;
public BindingOperation[] getMatchingBindingOps(
String bindingStyle,
Binding[] bindings)
throws WSIException
HashSet bindingOperationsSet = new HashSet();
// whizz through the bindings, checking for a bindingOperation matching the message
for (int i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++)
Binding tryBinding = bindings[i];
List bindingOps = tryBinding.getBindingOperations();
if (bindingOps != null)
// search through binding Operations
Iterator bindingOpIt = tryBinding.getBindingOperations().iterator();
while (bindingOpIt.hasNext())
BindingOperation bindingOp = (BindingOperation);
// check depends on which binding style is declared in the wsdl
SOAPOperation soapOp = WSDLValidatorImpl.getSoapOperation(bindingOp);
//GT: move this method to utils
String style;
if ((soapOp == null) || (style = soapOp.getStyle()) == null)
// use the style of the parent bindingOp
SOAPBinding soapBind = WSDLValidatorImpl.getSoapBinding(tryBinding);
//GT: move this method to utils
if ((style = soapBind.getStyle()) == null)
if (style.equals(bindingStyle))
} // current binding has no bindingOperations, ignore
return (BindingOperation[]) bindingOperationsSet.toArray(
new BindingOperation[0]);
* Checks whether soap:body element is literal.
* @param extElements extensibility elements of wsdl:input or wsdl:output
* of a binding
public boolean isLiteral(List extElems)
SOAPBody soapBody = getSOAPBody(extElems);
if (soapBody != null
&& soapBody.getUse().equals(WSIConstants.ATTRVAL_SOAP_BODY_USE_LIT))
return true;
return false;
* Orders wsdl:part names keeping in mind the "parts" attribute of WSDL soap:body
* @param messageParts a list of wsdl:partS
* @param extElems extensibility elements in the binding
* @return the ordered list of part names
public List orderPartNames(List messageParts, List extElems)
List orderedPartNames = new ArrayList();
List bodyParts = null;
SOAPBody soapBody = getSOAPBody(extElems);
if (soapBody != null)
bodyParts = soapBody.getParts();
Iterator i = messageParts.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
String partName = ((Part);
// If the parts attribute is not specified or contains
// the wsdl:part name, then adding part name to the ordered list
if (bodyParts == null || bodyParts.contains(partName))
return orderedPartNames;
* Retrieves the SOAPBody object from a list of extensibility elments in binding
* @param extElems extensibility elements
* @return the SOAPBody element
public SOAPBody getSOAPBody(List extElems)
if (extElems == null)
return null;
for (Iterator i = extElems.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
Object obj =;
if (obj instanceof SOAPBody)
return (SOAPBody) obj;
return null;
public List resolveSameNamespaces(List schemaElements)
List namespaces = new ArrayList();
List result = new ArrayList();
Iterator i = schemaElements.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Element schema = (Element);
String targetNamespace = schema.getAttribute(Constants.ATTR_TARGET_NAMESPACE);
if (!namespaces.contains(targetNamespace))
List schemas = getSchemasWithSameNamespace(schemaElements, targetNamespace);
if (schemas.size() == 1)
// copying all the NS declarations from wsdl:definitions wsdl:types
//copyNSDeclarations(root, schema);
copyNSDeclarations((Element) schema.getParentNode(), schema);
// Replacing all relative schemaLocation URIs with absolute ones
//replaceRelativeURIs(schema, wsdlURI);
// Serialize the schema elements inside the Types, then use this as
// the schema string for the validation
//String schemaString =
// DOM2Writer.nodeToString(schema);
// schemaStrings.add(schemaString);
return null;
public List getSchemasWithSameNamespace(List schemaElements, String targetNamespace)
List result = new ArrayList();
Iterator i = schemaElements.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Element schema = (Element);
String schemaTargetNamespace = schema.getAttribute(Constants.ATTR_TARGET_NAMESPACE);
if (schemaTargetNamespace == null)
schemaTargetNamespace = "";
if (schemaTargetNamespace.equals(targetNamespace))
return result;
public boolean duplicateNamespacesDetected(List schemaElements)
boolean result = false;
List namespaces = new ArrayList();
Iterator i = schemaElements.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Element schema = (Element);
String targetNamespace = schema.getAttribute(Constants.ATTR_TARGET_NAMESPACE);
if (targetNamespace == null)
targetNamespace = "";
if (namespaces.contains(targetNamespace))
result = true;
return result;
* Returns true if these tests should be run (depending on the analyzer
* config)
public boolean runTests() { return testable; }
public void validateArtifact() throws WSIException {
// Get the log file reader
LogReader logReader = DocumentFactory.newInstance().newLogReader();
// Create log reader callback
LogProcessor envelopeProcessor = new LogProcessor(this);
// Start reading the log file
logReader.readLog(analyzerConfig.getLogLocation(), envelopeProcessor);
protected class LogProcessor implements MessageEntryHandler {
LogValidator validator = null;
* Create message processor as a log reader callback function.
LogProcessor(LogValidator validator) {
this.validator = validator;
* Process artifact reference.
public void processArtifactReference(ArtifactReference artifactReference)
throws WSIException {
* Process a single log entry.
public void processLogEntry(EntryContext entryContext) throws WSIException {
public void cleanup() throws WSIException {
wsdlDocument = null;