blob: f2e60b4024eab4d27ffabec2b78244bc5d44e073 [file] [log] [blame]
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<toc link_to="../" label="wsconsumptiont" topic="tasks/tuddiexp.html">
<topic label="Publishing Web services and business entities" href="tasks/tuddiexp.html">
<topic label="Launching the Web Services Explorer" href="tasks/tstrtexp.html"/>
<topic label="Registering with a UDDI registry" href="tasks/treg.html"/>
<topic label="Logging in to a UDDI registry" href="tasks/tlogexp.html"/>
<topic label="Adding a Registry to the Web Services Explorer" href="tasks/taddreg.html"/>
<topic label="Publishing a business entity" href="tasks/tpubent.html"/>
<topic label="Publishing a Web service" href="tasks/tpublish.html">
<topic label="Data structure types (UDDI registry)" href="ref/ruddi.html"/>
<topic label="Updating a business entity, Web service, or service interface" href="tasks/tupdate.html"/>
<topic label="Removing a business entity, Web service, or service interface from a registry" href="tasks/tunpub.html"/>
<topic label="Managing referenced services" href="tasks/tbusproj.html"/>
<topic label="Managing publisher assertions" href="tasks/tassert.html"/>
<topic label="Adding a registry, business entity, business service, service interface, WSIL, or WSDL service to Favorites" href="tasks/tbkmrk.html"/>