blob: e83a0540fdd0674b559fcc016b4a998657a00410 [file] [log] [blame]
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<concept id="cjsr109" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>JSR 109 - Implementing Enterprise Web services</title>
<shortdesc>JSR 109 (Implementing Enterprise Web Services) defines the programming
model and run-time architecture to deploy and look up Web services in the
Java EE environment; more specifically, in the Web, EJB, and Client Application
containers. One of its main goals is to ensure vendors' implementations interoperate.</shortdesc>
<keywords><indexterm>JSR 109 Java specification</indexterm><indexterm>JSR
921 Java specification</indexterm><indexterm>Web services<indexterm>Java specification
<p>JSR 109 builds on top of JAX-RPC to cover the use of JAX-RPC in a Java
EE environment, as well as the implementation and deployment of Web services
to a Java EE application server. JSR 109 defines a set of XML-based deployment
descriptors to standardize Web services and Web service client deployments
in the Java EE environment. JSR 921 was a maintenance revision of JSR 109,
and has since been replaced by the updated version of JSR 109.</p>
<p>For more information, refer to: <xref format="html" href=""
scope="external">JSR 109, "Implementing Enterprise Web Services</xref> and <xref
href="" scope="external">JSR 921: Implementing
Enterprise Web Services 1.1</xref>.</p>
<linklist><title>Related Concepts</title>
<link href="cws.dita"></link>
<link href="cwsinwsa.dita"></link>
<link href="cjaxrpc.dita"></link>
<linklist><title>Related Tasks</title>
<link href="../tasks/toverws.dita" scope="peer"><linktext> Developing Web