blob: 502ffd89fc514819eaaeb1120be800c6403a58eb [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
public class FindDuplicateKeys
public static void main( String[] args )
File startPath = new File( args[0] );
String[] pluginFiles = Utils.readLines( args[1] );
Vector propertyFiles = new Vector();
Hashtable keys = new Hashtable();
PrintWriter writer = null;
Hashtable srcKeys = new Hashtable();
Vector srcFiles = new Vector();
Vector propNames = new Vector();
Vector pluginNames = new Vector();
String[] pluginArray = null;
Hashtable srcPluginMap = new Hashtable();
writer = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( args[2] ));
catch( Exception exc )
for( int index = 0; index < pluginFiles.length; index++ )
File pluginDir = Utils.getFile( startPath, pluginFiles[index] );
Utils.getFiles( pluginDir, propertyFiles, "properties", new String[]{ "bin", "",
} );
Utils.getFiles( pluginDir, srcFiles, "java", new String[0] );
// Loop through each property file
for( int index = 0; index < propertyFiles.size(); index++ )
File propFile = (File)propertyFiles.elementAt(index);
File parent = new File( propFile.getParent() );
// Skip properties files that are in the plugin directory.
if( Utils.stringInArray( parent.getName(), pluginFiles ) )
String propName = propFile.getAbsolutePath();
int srcStart = propName.indexOf( "src" );
if( srcStart != -1 )
int lastSlash = propName.lastIndexOf( '\\' );
int lastDot = propName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
String name = propName.substring( srcStart + 4, lastSlash );
String name2 = propName.substring( srcStart + 4, lastDot );
name = name.replace( '\\', '.' );
name2 = name2.replace( '\\', '.' );
pluginNames.add( name );
pluginNames.add( name2 );
//System.out.println( propName + ">>" + name + ">>" + name2 );
pluginArray = (String[])pluginNames.toArray( new String[0] );
// Find all the java strings.
for( int index = 0; index < srcFiles.size(); index++ )
File srcFile = (File)srcFiles.elementAt(index);
Vector fileSrcKeys = new Vector();
String[] lines = Utils.readLines(srcFile );
for( int srcIndex = 0; srcIndex < lines.length; srcIndex++ )
Utils.findJavaStrings( lines[srcIndex], fileSrcKeys );
for( int keysIndex = 0; keysIndex < fileSrcKeys.size(); keysIndex++ )
String key = (String)fileSrcKeys.elementAt( keysIndex );
HashSet fileSet = (HashSet)srcKeys.get( key );
if( fileSet == null )
fileSet = new HashSet();
srcKeys.put( key, fileSet );
if( Utils.stringInArray( key, pluginArray ) )
HashSet names = (HashSet)srcPluginMap.get( srcFile );
if( names == null )
names = new HashSet();
srcPluginMap.put( srcFile, names );
names.add( key );
fileSet.add( srcFile );
int count = 1;
// Loop through each property file
for( int index = 0; index < propertyFiles.size(); index++ )
File propFile = (File)propertyFiles.elementAt(index);
Vector propKeys = Utils.getPropertyKeys( propFile );
File parent = new File( propFile.getParent() );
// Skip properties files that are in the plugin directory.
if( Utils.stringInArray( parent.getName(), pluginFiles ) )
System.out.println( propFile.getAbsolutePath() );
for( int propIndex = 0; propIndex < propKeys.size(); propIndex++ )
String propKey = (String)propKeys.elementAt( propIndex );
if( keys.containsKey(propKey) && !propKey.startsWith( "PLUGIN" ))
File origFile = (File)keys.get( propKey );
String origName = origFile.getAbsolutePath();
String propName = propFile.getAbsolutePath();
origName = origName.substring( args[0].length(), origName.length() );
propName = propName.substring( args[0].length(), propName.length() );
HashSet fileSet = (HashSet)srcKeys.get( propKey );
if( fileSet != null )
writer.println( count + " Property: " + propKey + " is in both " +
origName + " and " +
propName );
Iterator iter = fileSet.iterator();
while( iter.hasNext() )
File file = (File);
writer.println( " >" + file.getAbsolutePath() );
HashSet names = (HashSet)srcPluginMap.get( file );
Iterator nameIter = names.iterator();
while( nameIter.hasNext() )
writer.println( " >" + );
keys.put( propKey, propFile );
if( writer != null ) writer.close();
catch( Exception exc )