blob: 40790a461509a1a950e34838019a36dc8c29dbcc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.wsdl11.xsd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* Tests for org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.wsdl11.xsd.InlineSchemaGenerator.
public class InlineSchemaGeneratorTest extends TestCase
private InlineSchemaGeneratorWrapper generator;
* Create a tests suite from this test class.
* @return A test suite containing this test class.
public static Test suite()
return new TestSuite(InlineSchemaGeneratorTest.class);
* JUnit setup method.
public void setUp()
generator = new InlineSchemaGeneratorWrapper();
* Test that checkSOAPEncodingRequired method.
public void testCheckSOAPEncodingRequired()
// Test empty list.
assertFalse("The method does not return false when given an empty list.", generator.checkSOAPEncodingRequired(new ArrayList()));
// Test that checkSOAPEncodingRequired returns false
// when given a list without the SOAP encoding namespace.
List list = new ArrayList();
assertFalse("The method does not return false when given a list without the SOAP envelope namespace.", generator.checkSOAPEncodingRequired(list));
// Test that checkSOAPEncodingRequired returns true
// when given a list with the SOAP encoding namespace.
List list2 = new ArrayList();
assertTrue("The method does not return true when given a list with the SOAP encoding namespace.", generator.checkSOAPEncodingRequired(list2));
* TODO: Implement tests for the CreateXSDStringRecursively method.
public void todoCreateXSDStringRecursively()
* TODO: Implement tests for the GetImportNamespace method.
public void todoGetImportNamespaces()
* Test that this method returns the correct namespace
* resolver.
public void testGetNSResolver()
Document doc = new DocumentImpl();
Element rootElem = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "schema");
// Check that the resolver is empty.
Hashtable resolver = generator.getNSResolver(rootElem);
assertTrue("The resolver is not empty.", resolver.isEmpty());
// Check the resolver contains one value.
rootElem.setAttribute("xmlns", SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001);
resolver = generator.getNSResolver(rootElem);
assertTrue("The resolver does not contain the empty namespace.", resolver.containsKey(""));
assertEquals("The resolver does not contain the correct value for the empty namespace.", SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, resolver.get(""));
// Check the resolver contains two values.
rootElem.setAttribute("xmlns:other", "http://othernamespace");
resolver = generator.getNSResolver(rootElem);
assertTrue("The resolver does not contain the other namespace.", resolver.containsKey("other"));
assertEquals("The resolver does not contain the correct value for the other namespace.", "http://othernamespace", resolver.get("other"));
// Check the resolver still contains the empty namespace.
assertTrue("The resolver does not contain the empty namespace after adding a second namespace.", resolver.containsKey(""));
assertEquals("The resolver does not contain the correct value for the empty namespace after adding a second namespace.", SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, resolver.get(""));
// Check the resolver doesn't contain non-xmlns attribute value.
rootElem.setAttribute("type:other2", "other2:type");
resolver = generator.getNSResolver(rootElem);
assertFalse("The resolver contains the other2 namespace.", resolver.containsKey("other2"));
* Test that this method returns the required prefixes.
public void testGetPrefixes()
// Check document that contains no required namespaces and no prefix.
Document doc = new DocumentImpl();
Element rootElem = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "schema");
List reqNSs = generator.getNamespacePrefixes(rootElem);
assertEquals("The required namespace list does not contain one empty string.", 1, reqNSs.size());
assertEquals("The required namespace list does not contain one empty string.", "", reqNSs.get(0));
// Check document that contains no required namespaces and the xsd prefix.
Element rootElem2 = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:schema");
List reqNSs2 = generator.getNamespacePrefixes(rootElem2);
assertEquals("The required namespace list does not contain the one string 'xsd'.", 1, reqNSs2.size());
assertEquals("The required namespace list does not contain the one string 'xsd'.", "xsd", reqNSs2.get(0));
// Check document that contains an element with a required namespace.
Element rootElem4 = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:schema");
Element diffNSElem = doc.createElementNS("http://othernamespace", "other:element");
List reqNSs4 = generator.getNamespacePrefixes(rootElem4);
assertTrue("The required namespace list does not contain the prefix 'other' when the namespace is specified for an element.", reqNSs4.contains("other"));
// Check document that contains a type with a required namespace.
Element rootElem5 = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:schema");
Element otherElem = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:element");
otherElem.setAttribute("type", "other:type");
List reqNSs5 = generator.getNamespacePrefixes(rootElem5);
assertTrue("The required namespace list does not contain 'other' when the namespace is specified for a type.", reqNSs5.contains("other"));
// Check document that contains an import. Import elements should be ignored.
// This is a contrived example as it contains a type attribute for the import element.
Element rootElem6 = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:schema");
Element importElem = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:import");
importElem.setAttribute("type", "other:type");
List reqNSs6 = generator.getNamespacePrefixes(rootElem6);
assertEquals("The required namespace list does not contain the one string 'xsd' when an import element is used.", 1, reqNSs6.size());
assertEquals("The required namespace list does not contain the one string 'xsd' when an import element is used.", "xsd", reqNSs6.get(0));
// Check document that contains an include. Include elements should be ignored.
// This is a contrived example as it contains a type attribute for the include element.
Element rootElem7 = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:schema");
Element includeElem = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:include");
includeElem.setAttribute("type", "other:type");
List reqNSs7 = generator.getNamespacePrefixes(rootElem6);
assertEquals("The required namespace list does not contain the one string 'xsd' when an import element is used.", 1, reqNSs7.size());
assertEquals("The required namespace list does not contain the one string 'xsd' when an import element is used.", "xsd", reqNSs7.get(0));
// Check document that contains attribute with a required namespace.
Element rootElem3 = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:schema");
Element wsdlAttElem = doc.createElementNS(SchemaConstants.NS_URI_XSD_2001, "xsd:element");
wsdlAttElem.setAttributeNS(Constants.NS_URI_WSDL, "wsdl:arrayType", "sometype[]");
List reqNSs3 = generator.getNamespacePrefixes(rootElem3);
assertTrue("The required namespace list does not contain 'wsdl' when the namespace is specified for an attribute.", reqNSs3.contains("wsdl"));
* TODO: Implement tests for the RemoveImports method.
public void todoRemoveImports()
* TODO: Implement tests for the RemoveLocalNamespace method.
public void todoRemoveLocalNamespaces()
* TODO: Implement tests for the ResolveNamespace method.
public void todoResolveNamespaces()
public void testRestrictImports()