blob: 6f15fbfc98c160af39bb70e1f25be19856098449 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Denis Roy (Eclipse Foundation) - initial API and implementation
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation) - Updated first level and added removeCrumb()
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
class Breadcrumb extends Menu {
private $CrumbList = array();
private $protocol = "http://";
private $www_prefix = "";
# static list of first-level URIs with corresponding display-friendly names
# everything outside of this is considered to be in project space
private $FirstLevel = array(
"10years" => "10 years of Eclipse",
"articles" => "Articles",
"artwork" => "Artwork",
"community" => "Community",
"committers" => "Committers",
"contribute" => "Contribute",
"corporate_sponsors" => "Corporate Sponsors",
"donate" => "Donate",
"downloads" => "Downloads",
"eclipse4" => "Eclipse SDK 4.x",
"errors" => "Errors",
"europa" => "Europa",
"friends" => "Friends of Eclipse",
"galileo" => "Galileo",
"ganymede" => "Ganymede",
"go" => "Go",
"home" => "Home",
"ide" => "IDE",
"images" => "Images",
"indigo" => "Indigo",
"juno" => "Juno",
"kepler" => "Kepler",
"legal" => "Legal",
"licenses" => "Licenses",
"luna" => "Luna",
"mail" => "Mailing Lists",
"membership" => "Members",
"mobile" => "Mobile",
"newsgroups" => "Forums",
"org" => "About Us",
"phoenix-test" => "Test",
"projects" => "Projects",
"resources" => "Resources",
"screenshots" => "Screenshots",
"site_login" => "My Account",
"users" => "Getting started",
"" => "", //Homepage
function getCrumbList() {
return $this->CrumbList;
function getProtocol(){
return $this->protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
function getWWW_prefix() {
global $App;
if (!isset($App)) {
$App = new App();
$this->www_prefix = $App->getWWWPrefix();
$http_host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : getenv('HTTP_HOST');
# List of domains where we can't use the value of $App->getWWWPrefix().
$allowed_domain_override = array(
if (in_array($http_host, $allowed_domain_override)) {
$this->www_prefix = $this->protocol . $http_host;
return $this->www_prefix;
function setCrumbList($_List) {
$this->CrumbList = $_List;
# Main constructor
function Breadcrumb() {
# Default: Home
$this->addCrumb("Home", $this->protocol . "", "_self");
if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
# Array ( [0] => [1] => newsgroups [2] => test.php )
$items = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
# Examine Item 1 (first level URL)
if(isset($this->FirstLevel[$items[1]])) {
$this->addCrumb($this->FirstLevel[$items[1]], $this->www_prefix . "/" . $items[1], "_self");
else {
# Not pre-defined Foundation page, must be a project page
# /xtext/file.php => Home > Projects > xtext > $pageTitle
$this->addCrumb("Projects", $this->www_prefix . "/projects/", "_self");
$this->addCrumb($items[1], $this->www_prefix . "/" . $items[1], "_self");
# Add current page
# AT this point, $pageTitle should be set as we are running in header()
global $pageTitle;
$pageTitle = strip_tags($pageTitle);
if (isset($pageTitle)) {
$title = $pageTitle;
# consider truncating $pageTitle if it's too long
if (strlen($title) > 35) {
$title = substr($title, 0, 35) . "...";
# Bug 442449 - Distinguish between page title and breadcrumbs menu
# Remove project name from $title
if($this->getCrumbCount() > 1) {
$pattern = '/^' . $this->getCrumbAt($this->getCrumbCount() -1)->getText() . " /i";
$title = preg_replace($pattern, '', $title);
$this->addCrumb($title, NULL, NULL);
else {
# Add final generic crumb
$this->addCrumb("Document", NULL, NULL);
function addCrumb($_Text, $_URL, $_Target) {
$_Text = strip_tags($_Text);
// We don't need to add a crumb if there is no text for it.
if (!empty($_Text)) {
# Menu Items must be added at position 1
$Crumb = new Link($_Text, $_URL, $_Target, 0);
# Add incoming menuitem
$this->CrumbList[count($this->CrumbList)] = $Crumb;
function getCrumbCount() {
return count($this->CrumbList);
function getCrumbAt($_Pos) {
if ($_Pos < $this->getCrumbCount()) {
return $this->CrumbList[$_Pos];
// If link does not exist, return an empty link object
else {
$Crumb = new Link('', '', '', 0);
return $Crumb;
* Insert breadcrumb at a specific position
* @param unknown $_Pos Position to insert at
* @param unknown $_Text Link text
* @param unknown $_URL Link URL
* @param unknown $_Target Link target
function insertCrumbAt($_Pos, $_Text, $_URL, $_Target) {
if ($_Pos < $this->getCrumbCount() && $_Pos > 0) { # Don't allow inserting before Home
$Crumb = new Link($_Text, $_URL, $_Target, 0);
$tempList = array($Crumb);
$result = array_merge(array_slice($this->CrumbList, 0, $_Pos, true), $tempList, array_slice($this->CrumbList, $_Pos, $this->getCrumbCount(), true));
$this->CrumbList = $result;
else {
$this->addCrumb($_Text, $_URL, $_Target);
* Unset a link from CrumbList
* @param int|array $_Key
private function _removeCrumb($_Key){
if (isset($this->CrumbList[$_Key])) {
* Remove links from CrumbList
* Usage example:
* Remove more than one link with an array.
* $Breadcrumb->removeCrumb(array(0,3));
* Remove only one link.
* $Breadcrumb->removeCrumb(1);
* @param int|array $_Key
function removeCrumb($_Key = NULL) {
if ($_Key === NULL) {
if (is_array($_Key)) {
foreach ($_Key as $k) {
else {
// 'reindex' CrumbList.
$this->CrumbList = array_values($this->CrumbList);
function showBreadcrumbs() {
# for debugging purposes only
echo "Breadcrumbs: ";
foreach ($this->CrumbList as $Crumb) {
# $Crumb is a Link object
echo "<a href='" . $Crumb->getURL() . "'>" . $Crumb->getText() . "</a>";
echo " | " ;