blob: 49ba97bf73cfb999db94b2d8694bbae743a2f8d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation) - initial API and implementation
* Eric Poirier (Eclipse Foundation)
//if name of the file requested is the same as the current file, the script will exit directly.
if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])){exit();}
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../system/eclipseenv.class.php");
class EclipseInstaller extends EclipseEnv {
private $platform = array();
private $total_download_count = 0;
private $json_data = array();
private $layout = "layout_b";
private $download_links = array();
* Constructor
function __construct($release = NULL) {
$this->_addPlaform('Mac OS X');
if (!is_null($release)) {
// Let's load the json feed to get the links for this release.
// Build the array containing all the download links
* Add a link to the Eclipse Installer
* @param string $platform
* @param string $url
* @param string $text
* @return boolean
public function addlink($platform = '', $url = '', $text = '') {
if(!isset($this->platform[$this->_removeSpaces($platform)])) {
return FALSE;
$link_classes = "";
$count = count($this->platform[$this->_removeSpaces($platform)]['links']);
$platform_array = array(
'platform' => $platform,
'count' =>$count,
'link_classes' => "btn btn-warning",
'url' => $url,
'text' => $text,
'text_prefix' => 'Download',
* Output of the Eclipse Installer HTML
* @return string
public function output($version = NULL, $os = NULL) {
$html = "";
$tpl = "";
$layout = $this->getInstallerLayout();
$os_client = $this->_getClientOS();
if (!empty($os)) {
$os_client = $os;
$installer_links = $this->getInstallerArray($version, $os_client);
if (!empty($layout)) {
switch ($layout) {
case 'layout_a':
$tpl = "view/eclipseInstallerLayoutA.php";
case 'layout_b':
$download_count = $this->total_download_count;
$tpl = "view/eclipseInstallerLayoutB.php";
$html = ob_get_clean();
return $html;
* Returns the layout for the Installer
* @return string
public function getInstallerLayout() {
return $this->layout;
* Sets a specified layout for the Installer
* @param string $layout
public function setInstallerLayout($layout = "") {
if (filter_var($layout, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)) {
$this->layout = $layout;
* Returns the download link
* @return array
public function getDownloadLinks() {
return $this->download_links;
* Set the download link
* @param array $links
public function setDownloadLinks() {
$this->download_links = $this->getPlatform();
* Return a platform
* @return array
public function getPlatform() {
return $this->platform;
* Sets a specified platform
* @param array $platform
public function setPlatform($platform = array()) {
$this->platform[$this->_removeSpaces($platform['platform'])]['links'][] = $platform;
* Returns an array of links
* @param string $os
* @param string $version
* @return array
public function getInstallerLinks($version = NULL, $os = NULL) {
$os_client = $this->_getClientOS();
$accepted_os = array('windows','macosx','linux');
if (!empty($os) && in_array($os, $accepted_os)) {
$os_client = $os;
$download_links = $this->getInstallerArray($version, $os_client);
$links = array(
'links' => array(),
if (!empty($download_links)) {
foreach($download_links['links'] as $link) {
$links['links'][] = $link['url'];
return $links;
* Returns the appropriate array based on the Version and OS if specified
* @param string $version
* @param string $os
* @return array
public function getInstallerArray($version = NULL, $os = NULL) {
$download_links = $this->getDownloadLinks();
// Return default array if nothing is specified
if (empty($os) && empty($version)) {
return $download_links;
$accepted_version = array('64bit','32bit');
if (!empty($version) && !in_array($version, $accepted_version)) {
return array();
$accepted_os = array('windows','macosx','linux');
if (!empty($os) && !in_array($os, $accepted_os)) {
return array();
// Build new array if Version or OS has been specified
if (!empty($os) || !empty($version)) {
$links = array(
'links' => array(),
foreach ($download_links as $platform) {
foreach ($platform['links'] as $link) {
$link_label = str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($platform['label']));
$link_text = str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($link['text']));
//If both are specified
if (!empty($os) && !empty($version) && $link_label == $os && $version == $link_text) {
$links['links'][] = $link;
// If only OS is specified
if (!empty($os) && empty($version) && $link_label == $os) {
$links['links'][] = $link;
// If only Version is specified
if (!empty($version) && empty($os) && $version == $link_text) {
$links['links'][] = $link;
return $links;
return array();
* Add links from json data feed.
private function _addLinksFromJson() {
$data = $this->json_data;
$eclipse_env = $this->getEclipseEnv();
if (!empty($data['files']['mac64'])) {
$this->addlink('Mac OS X', str_replace('', $eclipse_env['domain'], $data['files']['mac64']['url']), "64 bit");
if (!empty($data['files']['win32'])) {
$this->addlink('Windows', str_replace('', $eclipse_env['domain'], $data['files']['win32']['url']), '32 bit');
if (!empty($data['files']['win64'])) {
$this->addlink('Windows', str_replace('', $eclipse_env['domain'], $data['files']['win64']['url']), '64 bit');
if (!empty($data['files']['linux32'])) {
$this->addlink('Linux', str_replace('', $eclipse_env['domain'], $data['files']['linux32']['url']), '32 bit');
if (!empty($data['files']['linux64'])) {
$this->addlink('Linux', str_replace('', $eclipse_env['domain'], $data['files']['linux64']['url']), "64 bit");
* Add a platform to the Eclipse Installer
* @param string $label
private function _addPlaform($label = '') {
$safe_label = $this->_removeSpaces($label);
$this->platform[$safe_label] = array(
'label' => $label,
//'icon' => '<img src="/downloads/assets/public/images/icon-' . $safe_label . '.png"/>',
'icon' => '',
'links' => array(),
* Returns the user's OS or the specified OS
* @return $display
private function _getClientOS() {
require_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../system/app.class.php"));
$App = new App();
$client_os = $App->getClientOS();
$os = "windows"; // setting windows as default display
if ($client_os == "linux" || $client_os == "linux-x64") {
$os = "linux";
if ($client_os == "macosx" || $client_os == "cocoa64" || $client_os == "carbon") {
$os = "macosx";
// Check if the OS has been selected manually
if (isset($_GET['osType'])) {
$os = $_GET['osType'];
if ($_GET['osType'] == 'win32') {
$os = "windows";
return $os;
* Remove all spaces from a string.
* @param string $str
private function _removeSpaces($str = '') {
return str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($str));
* Load jSON data from file.
* @param unknown $release
private function _loadJson($release) {
$url = '/home/data/httpd/writable/community/eclipse_installer.json';
$json_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), TRUE);
foreach ($json_data as $data) {
if (strtolower($data['release_title']) == strtolower($release)) {
$this->json_data = $data;
if (!empty($this->json_data['total_download_count'])) {
$this->total_download_count = $this->json_data['total_download_count'];