blob: 65abad38f4b60829c029eb27551e0b9c3a9950d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
* Send out Donation Emails
* @author chrisguindon
class DonationEmails {
* Eclipse App class
* @var stdClass
private $App = NULL;
* Donation Object
* @var stdClass
private $Donation = NULL;
* Stores different types of codes
* to use in FOE emails
* @var array
private $email_code = array();
* The e-mail content
* @var unknown
private $email_content = '';
* Link for the friends of eclipse
* @var unknown
private $email_foe_logo_link = '';
* E-mail headers
* @var unknown
private $email_headers = '';
* Receiving e-mail address
* @var string
private $email_to = '';
* Store the code and url for a
* free eclipse t-shirt
* @var array
private $email_tshirt_code = array();
* Contructor
* @param stdClass $Donation
public function __construct($Donation) {
$this->App = new App();
$this->Donation = $Donation;
$this->_set_email_headers('From: Eclipse Webmaster (automated) <>'. PHP_EOL .'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
$this->_set_email_code('ECLIPSECON', 'FRIEND');
$this->_set_email_code('OREILLY', 'PCBW');
* Send out donation email
* This function will determine if an e-mail can be sent
* and also send out the correct email based of the
* donation amount.
public function send_email() {
$email_to = $this->_get_email_to();
if (empty($email_to)) {
// We dont have an e-mail address from the donation
return FALSE;
$transaction_id = $this->Donation->get_donation_txn_id();
$level = $this->Donation->get_donation_benefit_level();
$EventLog = new EvtLog();
// Bug 519257 - Donations spam
$fields = array(
'PK1' => $this->_get_email_to(),
'uid' => $transaction_id
$evt_log_results = EvtLog::fetchLogRecord($fields);
if (!empty($this->email_to) && !empty($this->email_content)) {
if (empty($evt_log_results)) {
mail($this->_get_email_to(), "Thank You For Becoming A Sponsor", $this->_get_email_content(), $this->_get_email_headers());
else {
else {
// To make browsing the log table easier
return $this->email_content;
* Get email code from $email_code array
* The type could be anything, it's usually set in
* the constructor
* @param string $type
private function _get_email_code($type) {
if (!isset($this->email_code[$type])) {
return '';
return $this->email_code[$type];
* Get the e-mail content message
private function _get_email_content(){
return $this->email_content;
* Get the link for the foe logo page
private function _get_email_foe_logo_link(){
return $this->email_foe_logo_link;
* Get the default email headers
* @return string
private function _get_email_headers(){
return $this->email_headers;
* Get the e-mail adress of the donor
private function _get_email_to(){
return $this->email_to;
* Get the the code or url for a free t-shirt
* @param array $type
* The type is either "code" or "url"
* @return string
private function _get_email_tshirt_code($type) {
// Check for an existing code for this transaction
if (!isset($this->email_tshirt_code[$type])) {
// Try to get a new one
if (!isset($this->email_tshirt_code[$type])) {
// We're out of t-shirt code !!
if (!isset($this->email_tshirt_code[$type])) {
return '';
// We found a t-shirt code! Hip Hip Hurray :)
return $this->email_tshirt_code[$type];
* Email for a donation of all amounts
private function _get_email_donor() {
$email = $this->_get_email_greeting_string();
$email .= "Thank you for becoming a sponsor. Your support is greatly appreciated and your contribution will help make the Eclipse Community even better for millions of developers and users around the world." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$email .= $this->_get_email_footer_string();
$this->email_content = $email;
* Get the email message string for an Eclipse t-shirt
private function _get_email_tshirt_code_message() {
$code = $this->_get_email_tshirt_code('url');
if (!empty($code)) {
return "\t-\tYou get an Eclipse t-shirt! Claim it here: " . $code . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
else {
// Let roxanne know that we are out of t-shirts.
$headers = 'From: Eclipse Webdev (automated) <>' . PHP_EOL . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
$content = 'We are currently out of t-shirt codes. This following user is eligible for a t-shirt. Please contact him manually as soon as possible.';
$content .= ob_get_clean();
mail('', "T-shirt code table is empty", $content, $headers);
return "\t-\tYou get an Eclise t-shirt, but we are currently out of stock. We will contact you once our stock is replenished." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
* Fetch a new t-shirt code
* This function retreive a t-shirt code and
* consume the code in the database to avoid
* sending the same code to more than 1 donor.
private function _get_email_new_tshirt_code() {
$sql = "SELECT code, url FROM tshirts WHERE sent_date IS NULL LIMIT 1";
$code = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->App->eclipse_sql($sql));
if (!empty($code)) {
* Try to find a t-shirt code for a transaction
private function _get_email_existing_tshirt_code() {
$sql = "SELECT code, url FROM tshirts WHERE transaction_id = " .
$this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->Donation->get_donation_txn_id())) .
" ORDER BY sent_date DESC LIMIT 1";
$code = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->App->eclipse_sql($sql));
if (!empty($code)) {
* Get greeting line for donation Emails
private function _get_email_greeting_string() {
$full_name = $this->Donation->Donor->get_donor_full_name();
if (!empty($full_name)) {
return "Dear " . $this->Donation->Donor->get_donor_full_name() . "," . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
return "Hello," . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
private function _get_email_footer_string() {
$email = "The Eclipse Foundation relies upon our users' generosity to make Eclipse a great place for open source software development. On behalf of the entire community, thank you for making it possible." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$domain = $this->App->getEclipseDomain();
$query = array(
'tid' => $this->Donation->get_donation_txn_id(),
'iid' => $this->Donation->get_donation_random_invoice_id(),
$query_string = http_build_query($query);
$email .= "If you would like to link your sponsorship to your Eclipse Foundation account, you can do so with this custom link: https://" . $domain['domain'] . "/sponsor/link-account.php?" . $query_string . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$email .= "If you have any questions about your sponsorship please check out the <a href=''>Sponsorship FAQ</a> or send an email to" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$email .= "Best Regards,\n\nMike Milinkovich\nExecutive Director\nEclipse Foundation" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
return $email;
* Set email code
* @param string $type
* @param string $code
private function _set_email_code($type, $code){
$this->email_code[$type] = $code;
* Set email message
* @param string $content
private function _set_email_content($content){
$this->email_content = $content;
* Set friend of eclipse logo link
* @param string $url
private function _set_email_foe_logo_link($url){
$this->email_foe_logo_link = $url;
* Set default e-mail headers
* @param string $headers
private function _set_email_headers($headers){
$this->email_headers = $headers;
* Set e-mail to
* @param string $email_to
private function _set_email_to($email_to){
$this->email_to = $email_to;
* Set email t-shirt code
* @param unknown $code
private function _set_email_tshirt_code($code){
$this->email_tshirt_code = $code;
* Consume a t-shirt code from the database
private function _update_email_tshirt_consume_code() {
$sql = "UPDATE tshirts SET
sent_date = CURDATE(),
uid = " .$this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->Donation->Donor->get_donor_uid())). ",
transaction_id = " .$this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->Donation->get_donation_txn_id())). ",
bugzilla_id = " .$this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->Donation->Donor->Friend->getBugzillaID()))
. " WHERE code = " . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->_get_email_tshirt_code('code')));